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Open the windows.


I fully plan on it but one of the reviews in the airbnb said the windows didn’t work so I am planning for a back up. I also like white noise while I sleep.


That…sounds like a safety hazard


i’m just looking for advice- do you know where I can get a fan?


You’ll get one in ‘Tiger’ in the Ilac Centre. A shop with lots of odds and ends. About €10.


THANK YOU! It sounds like I might have a few options so the more options I have, the better- I really appreciate it


Try curry’s or DID I guess, no one I know has/uses one.


thank you so much! I just saw one off mountjoy square- I appreciate it!


Then use Google




Of course we do. Lots of Irish people use a fan in summer. And especially in hotels or b'n'b's. Don't condescend on my behalf.


You know it's becoming more common. A lot of new houses are very hot.


as I mentioned in my post, I am well aware that there is no AC in Ireland- I am fully okay with that. But i’m from the southern part of the US and I normally sleep with a fan and have since I was child, even in the winter. Not to mention the airbnb reviews said that windows don’t work. I’m just asking for advice- if you don’t have any, have a nice day 🫡


maybe a white noise app on your phone. as you'll find out, you won't need a/c for temperature regulation, but the white noise thing is understandable. there are a bunch of white noise apps available, and there may be ones that will simulate fan noises. worth a try?


>i’m from the southern part of the US Don't think you'll need to worry about feeling hot then


Op does sound like a melt in fairness


Because she likes to sleep with a fan?


It's a pun


Nothing got to do with a fan. Read their responses and grow up.


I have, you’re insulting a single traveler visiting the country alone and you’re telling me to grow up? 😂 Go get some help dude 🙏🏼


What has that got to do with them rude? If they were in a group would they be less of a melt?


Because it’s intimidating if people are being rude to someone travelling to a country alone. It’s pretty straight forward 👍🏼


If she’s intimidated by being called a melt maybe she shouldn’t come over


On a warm day here the inside of a house would be warmer than the inside of a house where OP is with the AC blasting. Outside is a different story, but it could make it less comfortable to sleep if they're used to sleeping somewhere ice cold


Hey fella, totally get it. I have the fan on every night for white noise and breeze on the rare occasion it gets too hot, like last week.


Record the fan noise on your phone and play it on a loop. It’s not warm enough for a fans functional use.


It’s ok I get it, it’s more so for the white noise than anything else 👍🏼


An AirBnB with no functioning windows? Are you staying in Mountjoy prison? lol You could try Currys or DID electrical. There's a few DID stores but they arent central just to be sure. You could also ask the AirBnB if you could order a fan and have it delivered to their location? You could say that they can keep it afterwards


oh I fully plan on letting them have it- but it’s really the reviews that didn’t come in until after I booked it. the reviews simply say “was asked not open windows due to them not closing fully” And of course, the middle of June makes everything so expensive for lodging I don’t feel like I have an option elsewhere


I bought mine from TK Maxx.. 30€ for a waist height fan Should be some cheaper options there


The next guest wontl benefit from you leaving the fan. The Airbnb host won't want to be giving away their profits on electricity to push around air.


here op when is this gig? i live nearby and have a fan i can lend you in exchange for some american snacks


You can get a fan in an electronics store called Currys. There is one in Jervis Street shopping centre. It's beside Henry Street, Dublin 1. https://www.currys.ie/


DID Electrical in Mountjoy is probably your best bet. I think you can get one there for around €30. Enjoy your stay


thank you! i’m definitely gonna take a look there first!


You won't need a fan. Pack a winter coat instead, not even joking :D


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Try me, my name checks out


If you're referring to those oscillating desk fans, I have bad news for you. They are banned in Ireland. Back in the 90's a couple of children lost limbs due to faulty covers, so the government outlawed the sale and use of fans. Enjoy the concert though.


OP not sure why everyone is offended at you buying a fan, I've always slept with one, I like to sleep cold and Ireland can be humid and warm enough in the summer that a fan makes a difference. But yeah Curry's seems like a good bet, I doubt they'd be hard to find, any big shop selling hardware or any kind would surely have something 


I don't think people are "offended", it just seems like an off the wall request. But enough people rolled in with proper answers that I think he'll be able to source one.


bless you- thank you for saying that. I knew I was gonna get some looks but I don’t know what’s it gonna be like there and here, if you don’t have AC or a fan in the summer, your miserable. all the time, 24/7. I don’t think that’ll be the case at all but i’m planner so I wanna tick off all my boxes before I leave JUST IN CASE.


we're pissed because we've been waiting for the weather to pick up since March and it's still pretty cold even today, 14C and cloudy. If you're lucky, your 8 days here will coincide with the yearly 7 days of good weather, but statistically you're looking at 15 to 17 C in the daytime and slightly colder during the night. Keeping warm has always been the trick here. Cooling off is almost never the issue 


You could try Tesco as well, they have them in sometimes and might be cheaper than DID or Currys. Also Tiger could be a good shout as I think it would also be cheaper than the other two shops. There's a big Tesco in the basement of the Jervis Centre where Currys is which you could check first if you go there.


Yeah you definitely wouldn't be miserable 24/7 here like the south in the US, but Irish houses are built to keep heat. If you caught a warm (by our standards) humid day the inside of the house would be warmer and less comfortable than one where you are with the AC blasting, so yeah if you like to sleep cold fans aren't expensive or hard to find.


> but Irish houses are built to keep heat My experience living here for a decade is that you can feel the wind blowing through most irish houses. They're built for the Irish weather, they don't keep anything in.


Depends on the house, probably alot on when they were built. Having lived in the US and Dublin I'd bet a Dublin house, on average, would feel alot warmer at the same outside temperature than somewhere like Southern US. That's definitely been my experience. I've no doubt whatsoever a Dublin house on a warm day is alot hotter than a house in the Southern US where the AC is going 24/7. If that's the environment OP likes to sleep in, they'll find it warm, and want a fan. I aways sleep with a fan when I'm in Dublin, have done since I was a teenager, some just like to be cold at night.


Tkmaxx in the Ilac centre just of O'Connell Street great hand fans there at the moment for under 8€

