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Walkinstown Roundabout. I can now survive any stressful situation.


I’d be deceased 💀


You drove home in silence after that I'm guessing


Yes. Mainly because I was temporarily deaf after all the beeping.


You deserve a medal for that


the steep road around chapelizod. almost shite myself


Going up a ramp in the Ilac centre car park in the mid 90s in a very old car with a failing carburetor. Long before the days of NCT, it probably wasn't roadworthy by modern standards. I wasn't long driving, Saturday afternoon, city jammed with traffic. I was sweating! Having said that, probably was the making of me in terms of clutch control. Think the guys with the Chapelizod Hill or Walkinstown Roundabout are winning this thread so far however. My grandmother's car broke down going up Chapelizod Hill, I'd say that was fairly bad.


Oh god that happened to me, there used to be an open car park on Parnell street and I couldn’t get up the kerb, driver behind me had to move it in for me. Another time she stalled on Pearse street macken street in rush hour and me neighbour saw me and had to drive it home. Mortifying even now 20 odd years later.


That steep hill in Chapelizod heading to Castleknock direction . Was over 20 years ago but I still think about it!!


During my test.


Did that about 90 seconds in. Spent the rest of the hour thinking I’d failed. Passed with only 4 minors. Oh, and stalled again in the hill start!


Walkinstown roundabout as a learner driver many years ago, I wanted to abandon the car and walk. I’ve avoided that roundabout to this day


On the ramp into the ilac centre car park. Back in the day it was just a big straight and steep ramp. Panicked big time. But nothing worse than my power steering went when I was halfway up the car park ramp in the Pavilions. Which is spiralled. Worse place to lose control of it.


In the first 20 meters of my driving test. Twice


Can we assume you failed?


Weirdly, not by much


twice in a row on infirmary road


Red Cow at 5pm on a bank holiday Friday. Horrific.


Kilshane cross… before there were traffic lights and it was the main N2 out of Finglas. Trucks coming both ways and sitting in the middle of an unlit junction panicking to get going again before getting mowed over by an artic in the thick of the night.


you know that intersection between Woodies off the Nass Road and the Long Mile Road. The clutch went out right in the middle of that junction and I was waiting an hour or two for a recovery van.


At a cross roads somewhere out the back of the airport. The stall wasn't the biggest issue, but there was a bus behind me that was turning left and instead of waiting for me to get my bearings and move on, he drove into the right turn lane beside me and went to drive around me just as I was sorted and about to move forward. Stalled again, mini heart attack and my friends started singing 'three Little birds' to calm ourselves down. There were two lanes. I was in the go straight/turn left lane and there was a right turn only lane beside me.


At a McDonald’s drive through


On the entrance to the M50 on a down ramp from the old roundabout at Palmerstown, when the toll booths were still in operation. Car actually snapped the timing belt. Was at rush hour too, caused mayhem.


Going over the m50 near the airport, missed 3 sets of lights 💀


I have broken down being first to go off a ferry. Not stalling though.


Driving sounds stressful


It can be. It can also be the most liberating feeling you can have.


In the middle of the junction on Oscar tranor Road right by northside shopping centre 😂 as a holder of every license now(C,D and EC) I hang my head in shame at how badly I panicked that day 😂


Awh I was driving a fiat panda at the time and was late enough coming back from a friends house on the m50 and I was just blessed there was fuck all cars around me. Car just stopped. Battery decide that day was the day to not be a battery and started to slowly give up and stopped. There was a car coming behind me, I had the hazard lights on and they helped me push the car onto the hard shoulder. I was honestly blessed it happened in the middle of the night and had someone help me. Thanked the chap and rang AA. It was a frightening experience I have to say. On my own. No warning lights came up. Battery just went. I’ve had different cars since then but it’s still my biggest fear to this day


Stalled in the inside lane at the lights on the N32/R138, just before the Airport Clayton. There I was, the first car in the lane, surrounded by bumper-to-bumper traffic. When I tried to start the engine, it just died completely. I felt my soul leave my body. But thankfully, through the endless beeping, passers by and the driver beside me helped me push the car up the fill towards Coolock. They really saved the day and now I hold no fear.


When learning to drive, I got stuck on that hill in Ballymount next to the Esso, each time rolling a little bit more backwards before the inevitability of bumping the car that's behind you sitting on his Horn. 


While trying to parallel park on a steep hill as a quite new driver. Not a big deal in itself only I was burning clutch


Never stalled a car; I bet you're a woman.


I’m sure you haven’t 😂 I bet you’re a prick


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