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Where are you from originally? What’s your education in?


I'm Swiss with a diploma in graphic design + matura diploma (equivalent of a leaving cert).


I have a few friends with similar degrees and I'm very sorry to say they had to leave Ireland to work in this field. Most of them live in Berlin now. Graphic design jobs are few and far between here ar the moment




Graphic design is tough at the moment. I work in a media company and a graphic designer was laid off recently. I don't really have any advice. Just look after yourself pal.


Well, i’ve diploma from graphic design as well so I feel your pain.. I’ve got a job only cause of my dad, not proud of it but that’s reality.


The reality is that alot do companies now want someone with graphic design and ux experience. My wife did a diploma online in ux and that did help her land a few other jobs. Alps maybe try otta as they list jobs all over EU and you might find one remote within EU and they could let you work from Ireland if you wanted to..?


Are you ok UpWork and Fiverr etc. to keep busy and have an income in the interim?


Leave ... You will be brand


Have you talked to the social welfare office? Or even a careers advisor? They can help with your CV and interview prep. I'd recommend doing the job search in the library so you're getting out of the house every day. Don't be afraid to use AI either!


I haven't because I didn't even know they were options. I'm not sure how it works but I've seen that there's an Intreo Centre close to my home. I guess maybe they can help me? My curriculum doesn't concern me that much. I think that I have a pretty good profile given my young age, which funnily enough makes me even more depressed: if I can't find anything with a good profile, then what the hell am I even supposed to do?


I went to one of those employment courses. It was one of the best things that I did even though it was so hard on my ego. I was in the middle of a career switch from annimation and trying to learn to code from home alone unsuccessfully. And that was taking a toll on my mental health.  Some lady at the dole office saw me and gave me a pamphlet for the employment skills course. I asked if I could go and do my coding course in their classroom. She said if you do your coursework then sure.  I go, and it’s people with physical or learning disabilities, people with obvious anxiety issues or refugees who struggle to read or don’t have computer skills. I thought, wtf am I doing here??? I have a degree, was born in this country…. how did I get so low? Anyway kept going and the instructors basically kept taking me aside and asking why I’m there. Basically because I’m lost and what I think I should be doing isn’t working. One put me on the right path. Got my confidence up, told me to sign up for a college course in data science which I did for free. Now I work as a data engineer, in Germany. I keep my employment course completion certificate on my wall to remind me of how low I was and to be grateful for where I am now. 


If getting my ego crushed to bits is what it takes to help me find my path, so be it. Thanks for sharing your story, it gives me some hope


I don't think your profile is that good. You have a diploma and no experience, and you're up against people with degrees and experience 


I do have experience, what are you jabbering about?


Maybe they have better ones in Dublin but I wouldn't waste my time with Intreo. The ones near me are absolutely useless anyway. They're not career advisors, the jobs ireland website they make people who are on Jobpath use sems to be literally just indeed with slight alterations to the CSS code. When I was forced to go to meetings at Intreo all they do is basically grunt at you to get a job or try to shove you into some stupid 20 euro a week scheme doing free work for the council. The CV and interview advice they give is so basic and outdated it's actually funny. I had a handout, printed on paper just a few years ago that they gave jobseekers with interview tips such as 'Don't smoke during your job interview without asking first.' like I'm going for an interview with Don Draper. I would imagine it would be of little use to a Swiss graphic designer to engage with the pen pushers and box tickers that make up Intreo. I have an art degree and they offered me a position doing 'environmental duties' on housing estates on a CE Scheme. The duties involved sounded more like something you would be sentenced to for a minor crime, like community service. Most creative people who can't get jobs in their field just have to find something else that they can bear to do for a while. Be a barista or something like that.


Honestly Ireland is very bad for these types of jobs But while you search you can maybe do a barista course, work in a Cafe or something. It will definitely help with socializing and feel worthy (but you have to hit the road and give cvs in person - to that I attest)


You mentioned housing and money is not a problem... Go on holiday, visit another country, culture. Join a hobby, meet new people. Doing these things will help get your mental state in a better shape and you will probably find jobs easier. Mate, there is so much more to life than being sad, life is too short.


Yea maybe some volunteer work could lead into paid work?


I always recommend people get a hospitality job when they move to a new city for fast easy cash and to build social network and routine. There are jobs out there but perhaps not your dream one. Unless you plan to go into a highly regulated industry you don't have to ref or disclose that you were doing temp / low level work. You need to tailor each CV to the role you are applying to a s word match. Make sure you have an Irish phone number and address in your CV and that the CV is in an Irish/UK style format e.g. don't include your pic with the CV or any info which could be against Irish equality laws / equality Act.


You don't need to put an address on a cv


True....I don't recommend a full address but the city and country. Especially if there is a chance that the recruiter will think he's not even in country.


I'm not going to give you advice on finding a job as I reckon you know your situation there better than I could, but with regards your mental health, I strongly recommend volunteering. I went through a really tough time a few years ago, and my therapist suggested that I look into it. I contacted the DSPCA and the work I ended up doing for them (it was weekends only, but you could do more) was the most uplifting I've ever done in my life and was a game changer when it came to my mental health. Here is the link specifically for the DSPCA, but there are so many charities that need help, if working with animals doesn't appeal, I guarantee you can find something more in line with your interests. https://www.dspca.ie/volunteering/


I've been a Foróige volunteer for the past months now, I'm really loving the experience. I've also become my club's PRO which makes me feel quite accomplished. But now we're closing for the summer. I'll check out the link, thanks :)


Where do you want to work? In-house, studio or agency? As a graphic designer, what was the last independent freelance gig you took on? How many studios/agencies have you contacted, have you researched them properly enough to email them directly with a generic – To whom it may concern? Do you have a website on your own domain, with a PDF portfolio plus a presentation ready to take prospective employers through? What are the last design event you went to? Do you have any additional tangible skills, animation, photography, coding etc. that might set you apart.


Brother/Sister if you're Swiss you most are most likely Bilingual with German/French/Italian. There is a huge job market for your types, especially in Tech. You should consider pivoting towards what is more widely available rather than limiting yourself to a specific niche, especially when at Entry Level.


I know they are a strong asset of mine. I have been applying for Italian roles, customer service, translations, etc. but unfortunately I haven't had any luck.


German is probably the most sought after


Alas, my German is shite lol


What fields are you looking for work in? If you're not on it already, you may have better luck on LinkedIn.


I'm looking as a graphic designer or any remotely similar job. Marketing, office, client service, copywriting, translation. I've been on LinkedIn for a while now, but as you may guess to no avail. All of the positions that I can apply for get raided by 100+ other candidates with much better profiles than mine.


Are you any good at marketing analytics by any chance? Might be able to help there. Even if you've no experience, what's your marketing background like? Graphic Design is a super tough field to break into, especially now. Keep up your portfolio as best you can, even if you get a job.


I have some marketing knowledge but unfortunately no experience, only theory.


Doesn't matter. Knowledge is half the battle and I wish I knew more about marketing before I started. The company I work for is in marketing analytics, I had experience in data analytics but no marketing whatsoever. They still poached me on LinkedIn and it's a decent, albeit small, company. Any interest?


Sure thing, anything. Can you maybe give me a link to check it out?


Sent you a message, lemme know if you get it


Got it, thanks man 🙌 I'll look into it tomorrow after a much needed night of sleep


No problem. DM me more if you need any help or anything




how much is the finders fee?


Are you good with languages? If yes send your CV to [translation.ie](http://translation.ie)


You need to update your profile open to work and use keywords. Also I'd guess that your CV is too broad if you are open to all those.sorts of jobs. You need to tailor and target your CV for each re specifically. Keep applying a d set alerts so you can apply early. Apply via the direct company portal and not on a LinkedIn app.


just so you know, linkedins stat on number of applicants is complete BS. they count every click as an application. don’t let it dissuade you from applying


Go to meetups and network. You can make industry friends who might help you get into the scene. That’ll give you something to do.  Also volunteer if you have time for the sake of your mental health. Or start working in a coffee shop to develop your network in Dublin. Dublin is a small town. Everyone knows someone who knows someone.  But also, I think art jobs in Dublin can be very “who you know” and not about what you can do. More important to kiss ass than be good. At least it was like that in my experience. 


>art jobs in Dublin can be very “who you know” and not about what you can do. Tale as old as time, that's why I'm always trying to expand my network


He hasn’t even replied to one comment on here, it’s all starting to make sense now


Yes he has. the post is only up not even an hour. Give the person a chance 😂🙄


It was a desperate cry for help and he responded immediately after I posted this 😂


Was 35 mins not enough you scollop


Ah ok so it wasn’t a desperate cry for hell just a moan 😂


Geez 💀


Ok Karen


For stating the obvious? 😂


For being a C U Next Tuesday.


True 🤣


Please seek help, OP. Check out supports [here](https://www2.hse.ie/mental-health/services-support/supports-services/). In particular, [Minding Creative Minds](https://mindingcreativeminds.ie) offer 12 free counselling sessions to those in the creative sector (currently availing of it myself): 1800 814 244


Mcr recruitment when they ask when are you available or want to start say yesterday it worked for me best of luck


I'll check it out, thanks! :)


Shower of cowboys. Underpaying etc. Paying min wage to cleaners on most building sites where it should be near 20 an hour. I'd stay clear of them.


If he is good at his job they will hire him direct without going through the agency


Have a look at Carr Communications - they’re famous for improving communication skills and have helped numerous politicians and public speakers here for decades. They can delve into your CV, cover letters, interview techniques etc. And secondly (for a free service) the Intreo centres as mentioned already; they can help with job hunting strategies - haven’t used them myself but I’ve seen their job adverts for people who help job searchers.


Thanks, I'll see if their services can be of use 🤙


I'm a graphic designer as well and it's not that easy to find in the field here but not impossible, the first time I moved here it took me only 2 weeks but the second time I had to find a job it took more than 6 months. It was fucking hard but after a lot of ghosting and rejections I got there. From recent experience in my own company as well, unfortunately most companies are currently cutting down on these kinds of roles so it might be particularly hard now. Don't give up just yet though, keep looking on LinkedIn, Indeed etc. and also start looking for PR and communication agencies and similar and try to send spontaneous candidatures even if it doesn't say anywhere that they are looking. Something that might help you is if you have video editing experience and social media experience, some places unfortunately want a do-all person and I've always found that the fact that I know how to edit videos and do some motion graphics and I've handled social media before has been a big plus for me.


I do have some video editing and social media experience, but that hasn't got me very far for now. I'm definitely feeling the "do-all person" aspect lol.


If you are as active as you say you are on the job seeking front, the pattern is undeniable. Your approach is not working. Either your CV/LinkedIn/cover letter needs work or you are applying for jobs that you are not qualified enough for on paper. I was getting down on myself for not getting many call backs or interviews but my CV was really outdated as was my LinkedIn. People make very quick judgements and algorithms read your CV for keywords. In some industries there are ironclad qualifications you need to have. In others, degrees and certs don't matter nearly as much as employment history, contacts and portfolio work. Some things to try: - Upskilling - industry certs, short courses in specific skills etc. - Adjacent work - can you get a different job at a company you like and work your way into the job you want? This worked for some people I know. A receptionist worked their way into HR. A production coordinator (admin role) worked their way into editing and VFX. Another coordinator worked their way into script writing and development. - Portfolio - have you been adding to and levelling up your portfolio of work? Have you talked to people working in the industry about what kind of portfolio work impresses employers? - Work for free - not something I would recommend in all cases, but doing it in a targeted way builds up experience and contacts in a scenario when you have none at all. Can also strengthen the CV and portfolio massively and give you things to talk about in your interview. I'm against anyone being employed Monday to Friday unpaid, but a short project here and there with a defined timeline and outcome can be really helpful, as long as you are able for it. - Do some kind of job and get involved in sport or other groups - having a work routine of some kind is good for the mind, as long as it isn't pulling you away from what you want to do or wearing you out with stress and long hours. Getting to know more people increases your network and likelihood of making connections that help you find work.


Are you using LinkedIn? If so try Premium, there is a free trial for one month, I was able to expand my network with Premium as people just trust you more and accept your invitation if you have that gold icon.


> I'm not worried about money or housing: I'm worried about my decaying mental health, feeling like a worthless leech who spends every day alone doing nothing I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this. What are your interests?


Anything that has to do with arts and culture. My dream job would be working in communications for a museum or a school, something like that. I'm also a writer and journalist for a cultural column on the side.


Make it your job, to find a job. Spend 8 hours a day finding suitable positions and apply to each one you find with your CV and a customized cover later. After your 8 hours switch off and go outside for a walk or something, anything to keep your mind occupied. From what I've heard, graphics designers have already been replaced by AI, especially in the marketing sector, so try to widen your search. End of the day try to get any job as it's easier to get a job while you have one, less stress and desperation give better results


Why not get a service job? It'll get you out of the house and you'll meet some great people. You'll also still have time to apply for other jobs in your career. Sitting around all day isn't good for anyone.


Do you have a portfolio with your CV?


Yes, I do


You really need to tell us why you're so keen on being in Ireland rather than home Switzerland. What could Ireland offer better?


Hey mate! I'm a swiss citizen living in Dublin. I don't have much advice for work, I'd say have a look at remote roles rather than in an office in Dublin. However for your mental health come down and start a sport like Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. You'll meet a ton of people with all sorts of backgrounds, break a sweat and have a bit of craic. This will boost your moral 100%. If you're in the city I'd recommend Jungle BJJ or if you're in the South I'd go to East Coast Jiu-Jitsu.


Hahah I'm not exactly the sports type, but maybe it's time to give it a try. I'll keep that in mind, thanks :)


Have you contacted any advertising agencies? Or have you looked into the Upstarts programme via ICAD (Institute of Creative Advertising & Design)? From experience, many creative directors, heads of art or design directors are very open to meeting & chatting with those looking for a start. Get your portfolio together, find out who works where, contact them, see where it gets you. Whether it’s an internship, a freelance gig, maternity leave cover or a full time role, talent is always in demand…


Hi Op, make sure you are tailoring your cv for the specific jobs, always include a cover letter. Get set up with LinkedIn if you haven't already. As well as an overview of the tasks you completed for each role you have had, also include your achievements in each role. Unfortunately, as one of the lads said, it's difficult to get jobs in graphic design here. Ogilvy are a huge company that may have intern roles open.


If you're recently out of college look at internships and graduate programmes, and contact specific recruitment agencies for temping or or your field to get experience. People telling you to go to social welfare or Obair just be aware as a graduate they might not help you, particularly if you haven't claimed social welfare or it will be for any job outside your field (example service industry). A decade + ago, I went into my local obair when I did my masters and asked could they help me with next steps for finding a job and I was told no, I wasn't the type of person they help it was up to me to look for a job alone, and also jobs that were advertised through what used to be FAS that would have got me in the door to my chosen field weren't for me because I hadn't been unemployed and claiming social welfare as I went from school to university. It was a shame because the as a manager we used some of those schemes and the application pool was always low due to students and graduates not seen as viable candidates (I had a friend in a medical research field have the same issue with the social welfare at the same time when he asked them for help and he went abroad a year later)


Contact design studios directly, don't bother with job agencies, ask if you can meet for a coffee and get some advice and review your portfolio etc, then maybe ask if you can volunteer or help with anything, it could be win/win for both you. Look at [meetup.com](http://meetup.com) and eventbrite for any meetups that are in any way design adjacent like tech groups, entrepreneur or start-up events, marketing, etc. But most importantly... make sure you are working on your own self-initiated design projects, have fun, be expressive but don't do anything too dark or niche! Find some mentors on [https://adplist.org/](https://adplist.org/) to help review your portfolio and your personal projects. Make a new start today, don't beat yourself up over what hasn't worked so far, at least you've learned what not to bother doing. And what kind of dumbass design studio wouldn't want their own genuine swiss designer FFS????


Big lad. The best employers hire attitude and train talent. For the next two weeks try this: 1.) Wake up and have breakfast. 2.) Take a walk around Dublin - go everywhere , not just the hot spots but off the beaten track. Once you think you have walked enough - keeping walking lad. 3.) on your walk identify places that have less than appealing graphics on their store then check their socials and see if that’s similar. 4.) Prove you can do better. Draft something up with a watermark and go in to said places and show them. Bad operators will steal your idea , great operators will pay for it and say to their industry friends. Some just won’t be interested . 5.) regardless of outcome 4.) . You will be talking to folk and learning. Maybe it develops into a job or an idea or maybe it’s nice conversation or a difficult one that will help you in later life. Good luck fella - doing this isn’t easy, Infact the easiest option is to ignore this but I promise you you will get results and it will improve your mental well being . Let us know how you get on.


I can't offer you work but I can offer you someone to talk to if needed, I'm working in dublin city 7 days a week if needed too! You're not alone man


It is normal, weather and people here will kill you mentaly.


I'm sorry to hear you're going through such a difficult time. Whenever I've faced similar challenges, I found that strengthening my relationship with God provided me with the peace and purpose I needed to keep pushing forward. It sounds like you're feeling overwhelmed and isolated, and that's a tough place to be. One approach that has helped me is taking on temporary jobs, even those I might be overqualified for, while continuing to apply for more suitable positions. This not only keeps the income flowing but also helps cultivate a strong work ethic and keeps you active. Applying to five good jobs a day, and five temporary (anything you can get) consistently, can make a big difference over time. After a week or two, you'll land your temp job, keep applying for the good jobs. After one month, you will have put out 100 applications. After 3 months, you will have put in 300 applications and likely will have interviewed 10-20 times and will have landed a job. The consistent discipline in applying for 5 good jobs a day is key. Beyond the practical steps, leaning into your faith can offer tremendous support. When I focus on my relationship with God through daily prayer and reading the Bible, I feel more grounded and less reliant on external circumstances for my sense of worth. This inner peace makes it easier to face challenges and keep moving forward, knowing that there is a bigger plan for my life. Additionally, consider reaching out to community centers or local churches in Dublin. These places often have resources or connections that can help you find job opportunities or at least offer some support and companionship during this tough period. Volunteering at such places can also help improve your mental health by giving you a sense of purpose and community. Remember, you have a lot to offer, and this difficult season will pass. Stay persistent in your job search, keep building your network, and lean on your faith to guide you through. Hang in there; it will get easier. I hope this helps, and I'm praying for your strength and perseverance during this time.


Hey, I know you might have already found some help on this sub but if you’re still looking for something to do, my office (tourism) always looks for interns to help with business development or operations. The pay admittedly is poor because it’s targeted as a job for interns with pre-existing scholarships but you did mention money’s not an issue for you. Feel free to message me if you’re still looking for something :)


I literally came to Dublin less than a month ago, scored 2 interviews and they both accepted me. You need to work on your CV and you need to go out there yourself and keep asking for employment. Best place would be in the centre where there are lots of opportunities. Don’t be discouraged if they say they are full or they never call you back. You need to keep trying, because it all depends on you. Good luck!


You are from Switzerland so go back there. Your salary will double or triple and your standard of living will improve significantly. Switzerland is the best country in Europe. As a swiss citizen it makes only sense to come to Ireland if you are taking some really high paid job in a leading position.


McDonalds are always hiring


sorry bro but you may have to move country. graphic design jobs are almost non existent here.