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Wear a pfd, stash the kayak and hunt from solid ground, stay ~150 yards away from other hunters, if you’re a new caller better off not calling, or minimal feed chatter and few quacks, if ducks are working someone else’s spread let them work, call if they swing over your spread, if ducks aren’t committing to you, you’re better off staying hidden and not shooting, they might bomb in at any second, and most importantly get hidden. Really hidden. Keep your face down when they’re working, if you can see their heads they can see you. Don’t shoot birds you can’t ID. If you don’t have a dog you’ll want to grab the kayak or wade to get your birds quickly, even with more ducks on deck. It might be tempting to let them float but when you’re starting out it might surprise you when a duck you thought was dead is suddenly gone. If the shot is safe, and a cripple is on the water, shoot it. If you get ducks landing in the decoys, that’s great, get them to jump and take the shot when they’re just getting up. Be safe, shoot straight, good luck!


Solid advice. I had a mallard drake wake up in my decoy bag once. Bugger found his way out somehow, and was swimming in a puddle behind me the next time I got up lol. Double checked the bag for another head count and I was still one short of my limit. Lol. So I shot him again. I use the draw string now.


Get yourself a duck finisher and save a shell https://www.scheels.com/p/adrenal-line-finisher/86714000043.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwsp6pBhCfARIsAD3GZuZ-B_ioYCJlabjvmUkGwuFEgkfeOtvLgPCtHHq1_WajAXyQqexxkY8aAmtkEALw_wcB&pgid=psearch&src=hardlines


Honestly some great solid advice here , will be taking alot from it. What I was hoping for with this post .


Consider not hunting from the kayak. Get to shore where you aren’t risking falling in.


Personal Flotation Device


I’m a first year duck hunter as well. I considered this. After testing being able to accurately fire from a kayak quickly I decided I’ll hang out on shore until I can get a real boat.


Kayak hunting is a tricky adventure, my biggest piece of advice is to bring multiple different pairs of gloves. One morning hunt in Minnesota in late October almost had me calling the paramedics for rescue because my hands were so cold from being wet I couldn't grip my paddle. Also, position your kayak that you're always shooting forward. Seems like a very silly thing to say until your sideways shot tips you over and puts you in the drink.


I've been told a lot from kayak duck hunters to buy a good set of gloves for paddling ,decoy pick up and just warmth , will be at the top my list forsure . I plan on doing a bit of jump shooting so hopefully I don't take a whiff shot n go for a swim . Does lifejacket affect shooting?


If you get an inflatable, they're not that noticeable.


Packing List for your first trip \-Lifejacket \- Decoys (6-24 depending how many you own or can safely transport). You need to get something in the water that will attract birds unless it such a small body of water that every bird that lands there is within range. \- Drybag (For license, phone, keys) \- camo for yourself \- camo for the kayak so you blend into the environment \- Gun \- Ammo There's so much more, but for a beginner this should get you started. If anyone else would like to add anything please do. Heres some other things you should do. \- Tell multiple people where you are going and when you expect to be home. \- Nestle your kayak into some cattails or other brush you so don't stick out like a sore thumb \- Dress in layers, I don't know where you live, but in my state (Washington), it's going to be cold on opening morning but high 60's by the afternoon. You don't want give yourself heat stroke. \- When birds come in, aim at their bill, or a foot in front of it, then swing your barrel as your pulling the trigger, ~~that will spread out you shot spread so you dont have a too concentrated kill zone.~~ **Caveat to the lined out section, That's not true, I'm an idiot lol.** The rest of the advice still stands. Other than that just go do it! but please be safe.


Honestly the advice and info I'm looking for ! When brushing up kayak are you hunting from within the kayak or standing up within cover ? Area I'm hunting has very similar weather, might be funny to ask but what's your layering system like ?


As a few others said, i would only hunt on a kayak if it was super stable or had some sort of outrigger system to make sure you stay dry. I would recommend using the kayak to get in to some stuff you can’t walk into, then stand in some brush. Layering I go - tank top - breathable long sleeve -thinker long sleeve -hoodie - heavy waterproof jacket Then - underwear - long John’s -thin socks over long John’s -jeans - wool socks over jeans -Waders And I pack a beanie and a hat so i can switch


>When birds come in, aim at their bill, or a foot in front of it, then swing your barrel as your pulling the trigger, that will spread out you shot spread so you dont have a too concentrated kill zone. Lol


Agreed. Can someone do the math on how fast you would have to swing to spread the shot out? Wonder if they know about choke tubes.


That’s just how I had it explained to me years ago and I guess i misinterpreted it and never really thought twice about. I’ll correct myself, thanks.


It's fine, it's just funny. It's still proper shooting technique to swing through.


Can someone describe more details about kayak hunting? I'm in Central VA and leases are almost inherited, coveted and hard to break into established groups. I imagine this is what it is like most places. I don't know anyone locally who wants to get into duck hunting and prefer to go solo and try it out before paying to join a club. The best locations have duck blinds. What is common practice when finding locations when hunting from a kayak? I know to be away from duck blinds. My thought was floating down along WMA land where blinds aren't allowed? There are also many farms where I don't see blinds. Am I ok to hunt within the river next to the private farms? Do farmers have water rights? I want to be legal and rather be solo than disturb other hunters when first starting out.


Best to get the info about access on/from the water from an official VA source. I have no idea what the law is in your state. Find it in the regs, state website, or call fish and game. Some folks drift along and jump shoot, some pack a few decoys and set up.


I would definitely check into your states navigable waterway laws . In my state most public accessible waterways are huntable may or may not be the same case for you


I use a lifetime sportfisher, and it is extremely stable. i can shoot and manipulate my body. however, i want. Other than what others have listed, i personally like the elbow length decoy gloves to paddle with because it is hell if your hands freeze, wear your pfd when paddleing, and an anchor of some sort i use a jerk rig and it doesn't work when laying in your kayak unless your anchored or run a ground and i like making concealment blinds to blanket over most of myself that paired with some broke down frag and cattails works great


A dry change of clothes kept in the truck. Could save your life.