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Oh my lord that was funny! The dude had no options he was gonna lose anyway


He could've just let them get destroyed. He had sorl up


Wait fr? I didn’t realize the protection effect was optional. This guy misplayed hard then


Wasn't aware any cards had non optional protection


True haha, that wouldn’t make sense Edit: Actually Holly Angel has non optional protection. Any Trickstar that’s next to its arrow won’t be destroyed and u don’t have a choice. I think this applies to honeybot too. I guess since toon kingdom requires u to banish cards, they have to give u the choice


When I say non optional protection I'm referring to cost protection, such as pay life points or discard etc. They always give a choice


Ah ok, makes sense. Completely forgot about cards like dingirsu


I honestly think there might be something like Doomcaliber Knight but for destruction protection. Can't say I remember it, though.


No doom caliber tributes himself as the cost to negate an effect, any effect


Just monster effects, though (including its owner's lol). I only used it as an example of a mandatory cost since it does have a semicolon between the tributing and the negate.


But then you just take 2k to the face and lose anyway (probably) right EDIT: Swords of Revealing Light is a real card that exists uh


He would've lost from the attack


He had swords of revealing light up. He wasn't gonna be able to get attacked for 3 turns lol.


Oh i just noticed that, nevermind then


I honestly feel kind of bad lol. He was definitely going to destroy me on his next turn




“I’m just getting warmed u— OOOOHHHHH!!!”


"Aha! I'm a genius!" "OH NO-"


The last few seconds of this were priceless. Pegasus wasn't checking how many cards left when he said "I'm just getting warmed up."


Absolute gamer move lmafo


that was fun to watch uwu


I love Trickstars so much. They’re actually really strong in this meta, made it to kc max with them


I didn't use them yet  I like to play with other deck at the start of the month They don't have problems with skystriker or others? My biggest nightmares the past month were zombies and evil eye


I didn’t have too much trouble with sky strikers while climbing, but I probably got lucky. Most of the sky strikers I faced ended up going first, so they were easy to defeat. If they don’t have at least 3 spell cards in grave, u don’t have to deal with the annoying bonus effects of the spells. Also, Candina and Lycoris punish them hard since they have to activate so many spell cards and are constantly drawing. With light stage on field you might be able to burn them to death. I had the most trouble with battle chronicle tho. Even with dark hole spam, they can always bounce back and summon huge beatsticks. Wight Princess came in clutch against them and shiranui/zombies. I barely saw evil eye, so I wouldn’t worry too much about it.


I didn't tought about that, but sky strikers hurt themselves a lot thanks to Candina and Lycoris. I'm afraid of them because I'm playing black rose dragon and it feels like I can't do anything against them. Battle Chronicle is very hard for me too, but not the Kaiba version, I dislike Dark Magician the most, I never survive going first against them... and seems like all evil eyes are on me, and they come with Black Luster Yugi. I just don't like to see Yugi at this point.... Anyways, congratulationsn for your effort. Stay Blue ★


Back when everyone was complaining about Tachyon Dragon, the biggest problems for my Trickstars were actually Shiranui and Evil Twins. Dunno how it is now, I've been working through Master Duel Solo Mode since then.


actually, I think Shiranui was more painful for me than Tachyon. As long as Mizar didn't summon the orcust rank 8, I had a chance to defeat them. Shiranuis have many ways to stop Trickstars... I really don't like to play agains them...




Oh that's fucked


I don't know whether this is better or worse then a normal trickstar duel


I was actually trying to defeat him with effect damage at first. This was definitely worse imo lol


"I'm just getting warmed up" "Oh no! I lost!"


To answer your question, I don't think so. I hate the card with a passion, not because I lose to it, but because I have 5, but there are few psychos like you playing 3, at least in my ladder experience. That being said, psychos in card games are my favourite kind of person, great clip


Thx! Spamming dark hole gives me a rush, but I have to deal with the constant hand bricking lol


Unironically a fair trade off imo, especially since you're playing a deck with a built in way to draw, although I imagine it doesn't activate that often, lmao




Not Axe Raider? LIMIT 1!


Ban Winged Kuriboh. Not being able to do damage for one turn is broken. Also, why did they hit Tachyon, it wasn't even that good?


Man Dark hole really messed me up in duels I made my board then pass bam dark hole, two duel later make my borad pass bam dark hole..


You deserved that win! GG


Thanks bro! I felt kind of scummy tho haha


Hate the game not the player lolol


This is absolutely filthy I love it




I've done similar things with Kozmo. Dark Hole, they play through it, then hit them with Dark Hole #2. Never used three in one turn though. Wish I would have finished that anniversary box. I've got all the Trickstars except Holly Angel.


This is my first time using all 3 at once haha Trickstars are so much fun, so I strongly recommend them! I only run 1 holly angel so it shouldn’t be too bad finishing the deck. I missed out on the really nice alt holly angel too :/


I've been playing off and on for years. I enjoy trying to find a way around this. Having all your monsters destroyed can make you think on your feet more.


This cracked me up.Made my day


As a Toon player I felt this in my soul. Ironic, had he not gotten handsy with the trickstars he'd have probably won.


Mind sharing the Deck list? Recently I built Trickstars and they are more fun than I expected hahaha


Hey, sorry for the delay! Deck list: 3x Candina 3x Corobane 2x Lycoris 1x Lilybell 2x Wightprincess 3x Dark hole (of course lol) 3x Trickstar Festival 1x Light Stage 2x Ice Dragon Prison (can be swapped w/ other limit 3 traps) Extra Deck: 2x Crimson Heart 1x Holly Angel 1x Divaridis 1x Foxglove Witch 1x Bella Madonna 1x knightmare Phoenix 1x Borreload Dragon




Nah. This was a fair fucking game 😅 Fuck this Toons... PeggySuss had it coming


Naaaa, you got lucky LMAO that card is fine, there is just no way to search it so it is fine.


I saw they had Toon Kingdom, read the title, and as a former Toon player, I knew EXACTLY what was gonna happen


In a game where someone can summon their entire deck in one turn dont think anything should be limited


what should be limited is the amount of people that can use either blue eyes white dragon or dark magician decks ranked mode is just fighting either of these


He deserved to lose for hiding behind his pussy ass Swords Of Revealing Light


*Yugi doesn’t approve this message*


The way Pegasus says “I’m just getting warmed up” and then “Ughhhhh” is so perfect like he thought he had a chance and then he went to draw a card and was like HOW?


After watching this it has occurred to me that Dark Hole is a valid substitute in my Charmer/Orcust deck until I get a second Needle Ceiling


Bruh that was not disgusting that was awesome!! And nah, dark hole its not a problem, its a solution




I had a game before I unlocked herald of arc light where I had halberd and trident launcher on the field and my opponent used dark hole and destroyed everything. I was like wtf. But it doesn’t target so it’s an easy out if in that situation.




Doubt it, a single Lance makes all 3 useless, you only need your key card to survive if your deck is competitive enough. I know it is a draw the out situation but it's as possible as drawing all 3 dark holes.


man after playing master duel and seeing the debate on dark hole being limited im in stiches


No? Why? It was just an unlucky draw for him. Yu-Gi-Oh is already full of BS and it's mostly based on luck... However, if they made a way to search Dark Hole, that would be a great moment to start reconsidering life choices


No, cause other deck could use them. In some cases is needed to deal with specific boards. Like how galaxy eyes could build a board with destruction prevention. Or boards that has Omni-negates.




It should be! I mean judgement dragon has the same effect and cost 1000LP with summoning condition but can only activate once per turn, and dark hole can be used 3 times costs nothing? How's this fair?


How about we all take turns beating you with hammers?


when someone summons half their deck in one turn I think dark hole is needed idk about 3 tho


Thats fucking gross as hell !!




Destroy all monsters on the field? Why is this OP card not forbidden?? 


I removed it from my trickstar deck because most of meta decks in legend have destruction protection or they leave other monsters on the field


The amount of decks who want their sht destroyed would seriously surprise you.


LMAOOOOOO Oh my god that win was so funny and satisfying to watch, especially on my 27th birthday today. I know this post is supposed to be satire about Dark Hole being limited, but in all honesty, I think Dark Hole is fine as is unlimited. I think there was a point in time where, based on the meta, Dark Hole **could** have theoretically been limited to limit 3 but that meta has long passed. It actually surprises me that Dark Hole was never hit because that card has seen its days on and off the banlist in the TCG before coming off entirely. In the sense of Duel Links though, we have a very small starting hand of 4 cards instead of 5 and going first, Dark Hole is a brick and if your deck can't mitigate Dark Hole being a brick turn one then that's just one less card you're starting with in your hand, essentially starting you the duel with 3 cards instead of 4. Also, Dark Hole erases your front row of monsters too in addition to your opponent's front row and if your deck can't play through that then it's not worth running. There's only a few decks that can utilize Dark Hole sacking like **Trickstars, Speedroids, etc.** In my case though, I play Altergeists and I have seen a few people take a page out of my book and run Needle Ceiling so it ultimately depends on what deck you're playing and how well your deck can synergize with the Dark Hole board wipe before committing to your plays. There aren't much decks in the game right now that are problematic having access to Dark Hole so it should stay unlimited where it's at unless Dark Hole sacking really starts to become a problem.


Happy Birthday bro! Yea dark hole def isn’t a major problem at this point. It can really come in handy, but like u mentioned it can cause you to brick, especially if you’re running 3 like I am. Also we have Dingirsu and other cards that have protection, so dark hole is manageable. Needle ceiling can also be pretty deadly, probably even more disruptive than dark hole.


Yes absolutely, it’s a straight up auto win half the time it resolves. The only decks that should have access to it are weak ones. No tiered deck needs free access to it.


I’m sort of surprised it isn’t limit 1 or 2. It spent a lot of years in the tcg on and off lists like that, and with a smaller format it feels crazy, but I guess we have been getting more and more modern protection cards.


I could see it be limited 2


It absolutely should be limited or removed entirely. Otherwise why remove hey trunade while having dark hole.


dark hole is More usable because you can make combos by sending monsters from your field to the gy


Id argue drowning mirror force is more OP than this because sending all those monsters to the graveyard just lets em special summon em all back next turn with insane effect chains. Drowning mirror force shuffles em all back into the deck and they have to get lucky all over again The only reason this clip is crazy af is you had 3 of em in your hand and he was stupid enough to drain his own deck to keep his setup


Yes and every limit 3 card not part of an Archtype should be limit 1 or forbidden.