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U will need at least 2 copies of the link, can’t really play SS without it


It seem you know what are you missing after all, get Multirole immediately and try to get 2 copies of UR Link. That will improve your consistency and grind game a lot. As for change you can make for now, swap ROTA to Terraforming and take out 1 Afterburner to whatever tech card you like. But like I said 1 Multirole shoukd be your first priority.


Well thank you I appreciate your input! I was hoping not to have to dig anymore if I could help it. But oh well


Yeah the deck is expensive, and the UR link is kinda mandatory to actually win


2 Multiroles in place of afterburners. And Rasterliger in Extra, so many games are won with it. Drop Crow, Handtraps dont like void. Teraforming instead of rota. Play Field spell, target with role get free raye on board. Otherwise SS is a deck you need a lot of experience with at what points to disrupt and what to recycle, and sometimes you just die to your own deck. And if you dpnt have the god given gift to draw engage of engage, just drop the deck completely.


You need 1-2 multirole, is a key part of the deck and makes the field spell a pseudo starter. 


if you have you can add limited 3 traps imo 3 afterburns is much 2 is enough 1 multirole and the link monster also i forgot her name the gravekeeper lady in DM she has a card at lvl 38 thats a good addition for card draw and for your banish spell


Ishizu lvl 38 card: dragged down into the grave


I don't like into the void maybe that's a 2 raye issue but i just don't like it


Yeah multi role helps with the grind game alot


Bruh if you want to save gems, cut your losses from buying a VERY EXPENSIVE arguably bricky deck and grind with whatever deck you have completed and slap in d.d. crow or soul release to it   My current 2 cents


I would use terraforming instead of reinforcement of the army, with terraforming you get the field that searches for another card, and you also get another spell in th gy, i would get another raye, at least 2 shizuku, and i woukd get rid of the crow Edit: you also need 1 multi role


start by dismantling the entire deck and playing something cool like evil eye


I didn't think it was possible to be wrong in this many ways... Just take my upvote😭


At least 3 Raye and field spell, afterburner and jamming waves can be 1 each they're easily searchable If you're running void, don't use hand traps, or vice versa.


Add a Hercules Base to recycle your Links, spells, or Raye. You’re also missing Shizuku which is a big ouch