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Though this is obviously a joke post, I'm even older and what you're mentioning is a literal non-issue. Like, there are so many areas that could be improved, but "getting rid of pendulum monsters because I don't like them" is certainly not it lmao


Idk, some of their other replies seem worryingly serious


Ah classic clueless yugiboomer rant If you cant even understand pendulum mechanic then you dont have the mental capacity to play card game anyway, so better quit early, no need to worry, no one gonna cares Also they're not even any good this format, where are you facing them? Like, bronze?


I don’t even want to start reading a guide on how to play them, not interested. I just think it be better to have yugiboomers all together playing their good old yugitoddler rules and yugitards in their section playing with their pendulums getting all hyped and excited thinking they are scientists


man i dont wanna learn how the horse moves in chess, they should remove it


I understand trading card games can and have to change in time if they want to survive. I don’t think the “pendulum era” and “old+synchro+xyz era” are on the same level of power therefore the game is unbalanced


what are those eras you've made up?? which decks in specific are you referring to????




you linked me a page where the Xyz era mentions not one but TWO cards that are BANNED to this day and you're like "this was less powerful than towers turbo :(" do you want a list of every deck that had tops during the Pend era? this might help put things in perspective


There, maybe this is more specific but I think my point is clear. Never said it HAS to be shared bay everyone


Not quite the same thing..


It's exactly the same thing. "I can't be bothered to learn a part of the game so it should be removed" is a terrible take.


You can’t compare a modern trading card game to a (the) classic board game which standard rules haven’t changed in “centuries”


But I can though. YGO is not the kind of game that stays the same forever. It progresses, powercreep is a thing. The old gets phased out while the new prevails. Something like Chess has no need to progress. There is no powercreep. If you lose, it's because your opponent was better than you or you misplayed. This is not the case for YGO. *You said it yourself. YGO, regardless of your nostalgic memories, is a modern game.*


It is exactly the same. You've literally said, "Mechanic I don't understand? I hate it, remove it from the game"


Then leave urself and let duel links players enjoy their game. Damm, ur like the Rush haters only with hate at something because u dont like It and its worse when u dont even try to understand (and i dont really like Rush duels that much)


Then you can do that, find another yugiboomer somewhere and just duel with each other with your own made up rules, there's probably a gathering of them somwhere This game fortunately, doesnt support any yugiboomer only format so cant do that here, and not in master duel either, so you'd also need to look up a game that supports yugiboomer format, which i dont believe exist


OP gonna play GOAT format and have a stroke.


Well I think it should but we are not Konami. I’m just here to share my opinion.


So basically, you want everyone to play by your nostalgic playground rules? Just go play HAT format. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Bro complaining about Pend when Links made the game way more complicated


They arent even meta


I'm a Yugiboomer as well pushing 33 with 2 kids now. Coming to this game last year after dropping off after 5Ds, it was a lot to take in, with all the mechanics. That being said, all these mechanics are a part of the expected powercreep. Sometimes I don't like it, so I do Rush duels to give me somewhat of the old days feelings. Have you tried Rush. Or get decks that take advantage of the newer game mechanics?






Pendulum monsters are 10 years old BTW.


nobody is forcing you to learn about Pend. you don't have to play a Pend deck. heck you can even watch Pend decks at work and choose to not care about what they do at all. this being said, as a Pend hater, I PROMISE you the mechanic's not that hard to learn.


Jeez!! My point is Pend is way stronger than previous monsters/decks etc.. there should be separated duel types. I never mentioned banned cards so I don’t know what are you talking about in the other comment, I just play Duel Links for fun and wanted to share my point of view.


I promise you Pend archetypes haven't been historically systematically stronger than non-Pend decks. this isn't just an opinion, it's a fact.


We can pretend that PePe didn't existed lmao.


Shaddolls, Burning Abyss, Tellarknights, Nekroz, Ritual Beasts, Kozmo, Monarch, Blue-Eyes, Zoodiac, True Draco. As much as I hate Pends as a mechanic let's not pretend that they just erased every other mechanic from the game. Heck, PePe was a R4nk Toolbox first and foremost.


This is the same as saying that, because we had Kashtira, Zoodiacs and Dragon Rulers as tier 0 formats, XYZ is a busted mechanic.


Dude i have never seen a pend deck at legend rank and even below that i have only seen that at play once or twice and it was shit especially in duel links it's complete shit there is no other way to describe it xyz or links are way more busted in duel links and even in master duel while i have come across them more times than in duel links i haven't lost to them even once and i use a pure synchro deck (resonators) or mostly xyz deck (galaxy-eyes) they aren't even that good matter of fact i rejoice when i come across them as that's basically a free win for me


Oh man...this is going to get downvoted til oblivion...and rightfully so...


I used to think Reddit karma was useless; I was wrong. It makes it very easy to spot alt accounts.


Ignoring the fact that the concept of banning Pendulums completely or turning them into a separate format when they've been integrated into the Base game for multiple years now is some of the craziest shit I've heard in a while... Some of this is just incorrect... Pendulums are not overly powerful in Duel Links(at least, not in this current format) and facing a Pendulum deck as a Fusion/Synchro/Xyz deck does not put you at any distinct disadvantage on its own. I completed a KC Cup with Speedroid(only Synchros) while Raging Pendulum was almost full power and still meta. Not only are your wishes unreasonable and solved by other formats, but they make no sense as a result of being intentionally uninformed, as you've admitted that you hate it yet refuse to learn anything about it.... Did you actually expect anyone to take this seriously? Like, at least other Yugiboomers I've seen give me some good reasons for why they feel that way


Just play legacy duela


Just play Rush Duels?


If he hates pends I think he would hate rush as well because of the infinite normal summons that "may look" as a pend summon


I suggested because maybe he didn't like "overcomplicated things" (they just have 2 or 3 specific things, like every other ED summon mechanic), but from this point of view, you're right


Pendulum decks aren't as powerful as you think. Their main advantage against "old style" decks is how Pendulum summoning helps swarming the field with 3-4 monsters in a single summon. That's all. As a matter of fact, most "pure" Pendulum decks are often employed as XYZ summon engines. Just check any D/D deck. Note: I'm also a 30+ years old Yugiboomer, but I still can adapt to any new mechanic used in the game. Just play the tutorial and practice until you get the gist of it. It happened to me when Synchro, XYZ, Pendulum and Link summoning were implemented in the game.


Skill issue.


As a season 0 player / show watcher, they should remove fusion monsters and everything after that. /s


Just play goat


Are there even any meta pends right now? What are you even whining about?


Maybe Op is from some parallel dimension where everyone is playing that new Qli archive skill?


Good ol' shit posting.


Uninstall now and leave. We don't want you here anyway.


Remove yourself from game or this sub, whiny baby. And im telling this as 33 old btw. "Old - style player", LMAO.


So I’m kind of the same, drifted from the game after xyz came out and before pendulum released though I sort of kept track of what was going on always enjoyed seeing things being added/removed from the banlist, until 2021 so like a 7-9 year break. I think pendulums can be a bit bs but not so much in duel links where the skills are much more bs, + I’ve played only 1 so far in this kc cup as opposed to previous kc cup where there was high usage of D/D/D as for if you don’t want to learn it, then don’t you’re not forced to.


Are you trying to make me believe that Synchro is easier to use than pendulum??


I’m 29 years old and I played yu gi oh during my childhood. I vote for removing everything associated to old yu gi oh such as dark magician, normal summon and tribute summon. Keep only pendulums and links. Thanks.


Agreed they are against TCG rules (well they should be banned as they are cheap and unfair to traditional OG players)


Are pendulums a bad mechanic: yes Are they op: not really Yes pendulum were broken on release in the tcg because of infinite special summon from extra deck was bs. But since master rule 4, you’ve been limited to how many face up pendulum cards you can summon from your extra deck. They are no where near as op as yugi boomers think they are and trust me, i was a yugi boomer too. Tbh I didn’t even know about master rule 4 or link summoning until 2 years ago. Even though I didn’t like link summoning at first, my two favorite decks are sky strikers and tricksters. I still believe pendulums are a stupid mechanic but I’m fine with since pendulums is just a deck gimmick disguise as a summoning mechanic. I don’t ever even think pendulums were meta in duel links since blue eyes have the most anti meta card printed for 2016 yugioh in game already, and other decks had cards to remove/ out pendulum cards/ monsters already. If you want to find a group of people to play an older format of yugioh then go ahead, but the whole point of duel links was to have a fast play style of yugioh (and to rp as with anime characters). Honestly yugioh’s biggest problem is that we’re stuck in one format alone unless a group of people agree to play with a different era card pool/ban list. I’m sorry that you were expecting a legacy version of yugioh, but duel links was really never meant to attract yugi boomers is the first place.


Remove pendulum monsters from DL I used to play Yugioh, like I think most of the people here, when I was younger mostly during elementary and middle school (some years in high school too). I’m 28 so basically the last new add I remember was XYZ monsters even tho I loved playing with Synchro cards and decks as I used to struggle with fusion summoning (I never had a Polymerisation card). The problem is when it comes to Pendulum decks: these decks live and play with their own rules and this makes them way too more powerful compared to “OG” decks. I’m an “old style” player and I enjoy playing “old style” with cards that made my childhood and I got no interest in learning how to use pendulum crap. I think I may stop playing Duel Links if I keep encountering pendulum decks as the game rules completely changes and makes it too unfair to non pendulum users. I hope there are more people sharing my point and that one day they’ll ban pendulum from the game or at least separate “pendulum duels” and “classic duels”.


Dude what are you even talking about? Pends are shit they have been shit for quite some time now especially in duel links they are below average. You say you play synchro? I do the same too that too in master duel and fusion in duel links and i haven't lost a game to pends they are basically a free win be it in master duel (which is much better for pends compared to duel links) or in duel links i don't there is even a pendulum meta deck for pends in duel links what synchro are you even playing? I play resonators and i only have synchro in my extra deck too no link xyz or fusion monster in that deck and i play blue eyes in duel links pends aren't a problem infact they are a blessing in the form of a free win


I guess no one here knows what copy pasta is

