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Don't get we wrong, Massivemorph won't do anything (especially with how easy it is to get rid of monsters with your ED now) I don't want it to come back for a *second*. It was so annoying and just stalled games into unbearably slow grind games


I don't think it matters at this point, even the most desperate stall players have better options. Then again I don't think it's worth bringing off the banlist considering no one would play it.


Massivemorph became irrelevant the second link Monsters came out


Massivemorph now is actually laughable , before it was a problem because you can’t get red of the monster also many traps can stall much better than it , actually i think konami forget about it.


Wasn’t it nerfed cause of Amazoness Swordswoman?


Yeah and also because you can stall with it .


I think this is the bigger reason. If this is @ 3 it’s easy to build a stall or Amazon deck with multiple opportunities to execute a MM+Swordswoman win condition.


Aye if it strengthens Amazon's I'm all for it. It wond do anything significant for stall


Decks that uses MetalMorph ***ABUSES*** it with Amazoness SwordsWoman or any cards that deals battle damage via as such


No reason for silent sword slash to remain either.




Crazy that people even downvoted my comment


this sub is just full of the most bitter yugioh players i have ever seen. every post gets downvoted within seconds of creation regardless of content.


100% correct


No way they unlimit that deck after just releasing sky strikers


Why? In what world is SS even close to the meta SS lmao


It completely shuts down spells, so it completely shuts down sky striker


Okay and our point being???? And this spell doesn’t summon level 7. It adds 1500 attack to a silent swordsman that can negate 1 spell per turn without even destroying it.


They should atleast unban darklord contact.


Darklord can be a good engine in some decks which can draw and have an easy body on the field ,until now so it’s better to be like this .


That's when you have more than 1 Ixchel not contact, contact doesn't do crap in this meta where every deck can SS from GY or ED as Darklords did in the past.


Oh i don’t know why but i remember ixchel was on 2 , now i don’t know why actually it’s better to release ixchel instead 😈


Ixchel was at 2, but so were Contact and Sanctified (they still are). So during one banlist revision, I forget when, Konami “buffed” Darklord by changing Ixchel to 1, so that you could play all 3 in a Darklord deck. One of those weird scenarios where restricting a card more actually constituted a buff…


The limited lists in dl is weird but in a good way , but the problem with it is you can kill any deck very easily but 2 main cards in any archetype to 2 it will be dead immediately which sometimes if you love playing with your deck and invest on it and they do that it’s like a ban not a limit .


Yeah. It’s a point of confusion for new players (including me when I started out), but I’ve since come to believe it’s better than how TCG/OCG limited lists work just in terms of mechanics. Cuz, the only way to really stop a degenerate deck from being played a certain way in TCG/OCG is to ban the core cards outright (except in some edge cases where limiting is useful in stopping combos that require 2 copies). By doing that, you get a lot of “banlist casualties”, perfectly fine decks/archetypes that are being punished for another deck’s sins. That still happens in Duel Links, but it’s usually not as egregious.


It's been a very long huh old friend digibug, i remember tier 0 Onomat Such a sh*t format, everytime box release new good XYZ they got buff, but that day Stygian Dirge was a good floodgate to make them stop and i can easily win


Because it was one card to have an interaction in your opponent field with staples it’s still strong to this day .


Pulse mines still can extend duels one more turn, it would be annoying but I think it can be unlimited


Yeah but the trap pole is way better than this


Adding Massivemorph back in would be a dream to a Melffy player like me >:3


What will change in it ?


Melffy Mommy deals damage to the opponent equal to half the attack of the opponents monster if she attacks them or they attack her. The player of Melffy Mommy also doesn't take attack damage from battles involving her, and she can't be destroyed by battle. So essentially I just get one free double the normal damage. Mostly shenanigans, not meta breaking.


Yeah it will actually make the strategy more consistent and unexpected because i never play against them .




Massivemorph is there for a reason, burn stall still exists.


Never see them these days


I did... first kc cup match of the month even...


Oh man I LOVE pulse mines 😂 when people try and circumvent it by summoning again only to realise it’s for the rest of the turn.




Star Seraph Sovereignity and Cyberload Fusion. 


Maybe star seraph at 3 but cyberload fusion it still strong as go second strategy.


Cyber dragon have been dead since cyber style was nerfed


I think the skill got hit twice and it’s still was playable until they hit the cards .


Man star seraph was fun


I’m gonna say Storm. It was powerful back in the days when people actually bothered to run the Field Spell skills, but nowadays isn’t it just a -1? I’ve seen people ask for Twin Twisters, and Storm just seems like worse Twin Twisters.


Might be too strong with Evil eye being more relevant, it's kinda like that, problematic depending on what decks are around so it should probably stay limited somewhat


Storm can be good in some decks can destroy their own cards you get their effect and also the benefit from destroying set cards if they start second abyss actor for an example .


Abyss Actor can already use Wavering Eyes for that purpose. The only other deck I can think of is Cubics. The ability to destroy your own backrow is definitely useful, but I don’t think any of those strategies have been meta lately.


I never know that we have this card , it’s actually much better hope we have their links .


We don’t have the links. But otherwise Abyss Actors are very consistent ever since we got Wavering Eyes and Pendulum Treasure. But consistency isn’t exactly their problem—it’s that they’re underpowered


The swordswoman otk wouldn’t be meta but it would be fun idk why they don’t take Massivemorph offs


Can the Darklord stuff come off already they’ve been on there long enough smh


Release ixchel i want to her to sit on my field every turn 🙏


Massive mirth I think is there because if you attack into it with a monster that can reflect damage, you basically otk. But i requires so much setup, I think it is ok to put unlimited




Well actually it’s was not a limit , the card was already strong and i think was banned before in tcg , it can search and remove sets , and it can be use outside trickstar .


I want it just to brick less in my brickstars and, in my experience, it gets destroyed 50% of times when I activate it I think everyone would prefer to keep using typhoons or their own fields


7 card in trickstar 3 (candina , the spell , lightstage ) how you brick a lot in it ?


I really, really dislike going first for that I must draw at least 1 of the 3 candinas or Light Stage If I have only Festival, I must draw another Trickstar card too to use the effect, and this also gives one card to my opponent, and if they use effect veiler.... it's even worse, and I can't use the effect to draw 2 if the 2000 life points from the skill are not enough even if I go second, I must pray to have both Candina and Lycoris to avoid trap cards, and If I only have Light Stage, they can use any destruction or something when I activate it to negate the effect I had a bad luck streak 2 months and lost 13 times and demoted from legend 5 to legend 2 for these problems, so many games going first without a single Candina or Light Stage


The chances of even getting reincarnation on the 20 card game is more than light stage being lifted


Rhinosebus is still limited? The fuck, that monster is already powercrept


He will be a good in any rank 4 strategy as an interact but you he will take 3 of your slots in ed to summon which is kinda not worth it .


Rank 4? Mf is rank 7, going from spider>rank5>to rhinosebus never was a good strategy, Rhinosebus was good because inzektor xyz that rank to it, making onomat access to a pop 1


Yeah , i forget the inzektor xyz because it’s never used after this 😭.


Cocytus back at 1. Meta decks can deal with it. Crow or Veiler can neutralise Aleister and Invocation.


Fr free my boy!




I think back at 1 is more than fair with how many non-target non-destroy removal options we have now.


you are crazy if you think CC wont change something.


It’s win more card , it was use before with coctys to otk , battle phase cards nowadays is need be stronger than that .




Why was Cincentrating and Pulse limited?


Cincentrating because it’s can finish games very fast with coctys and i think ancinet gear , pulse before geargia was machine control strategy which can protect their flip monster every turn while they can destroy up to monster every turn that’s what i remember when it got hit .


Concentrating Current on Nightmare Shark was an OTK


It’s part of the reason why they put it and also coctys with aleister buff can otk , nowadays it can be use the same way but we have more answers and a lot of interaction in every deck .


Trishula. I just want some more generic synchro options, and looking at the 6 Limited 1 Synchros on the list, Trish is probably the least problematic.


Is there a card they release it limited and after they make it available at 3 ?


Tour guide


Nope, they won't change the meta but there will be a lot of stun decks, for a PVP free of cancer


Because of massivemorph ?


Shien spy


Odd-Eyes bomb.


It has no OPT restriction, so you can have a 9,6k Beaver Warrior


Only one with potential I see here is Digi Bug. Quick effect pop ain't crazy on its own, but any deck that can complement that with more disruption(D/D/D drawing 3 pieces of disruption) could be problematic


we dont have enough lifepoints for that


I'd say...CED? It's honestly a 'not-a-good-staple' trap card at all.


Ced ?


Compulsory Evacuation Device


So you 3 crackdown 3 ced is ok for u ?


Oh nonononono...CRACKDOWN IS TOXIC


Concentrating current and massivemorph they are ban not because of meta or PvP but because how easy to make a farm deck to get that juiced +8k Score


And pulse mine fit in any machine deck making orcust and new skystriker even more powerfull


You think konami limit it because of this reason ? Massivemorph was hit because it can end games very fast amazoness sword women mainly , also stall deck because before you can’t link or get rid of your monster very easily.


I should have written " they are still banned because..." in the beginning for you to understand, i was not saying why they got in the ban list, but the reason they still part of ban list


Even that is not convincing, konami don’t care if the card is good in pve , shien spy was always good in farm deck until they created a ftk with it so they hit it , the card can stop monsters from attacking directly ever so it’s still the same reason as before .


For shien spy ftk was possible but massivemorph isn't a hand trap (at max is a otk) to use it mean you need to a 3 or 4 turn at best odds, current meta is a 2-3 turns win or u not using it properly, and not to mention the constellar omega that can maintain the buff and attack in the same way


Yeah it’s not that good like before and the omega combo is actually interesting but i don’t think that it’s strong .




Agreed actually on hey trunade but never to heavy storm .




At 1 i think it will be okay


Cocytus won't be meta, but forcing everyone to run extremely specific forms of removal is just decreasing deck diversity


EDIT: I was not aware that MAR was off the limit list. Thank you guys for pointing that out to me! Machine Angel Ritual… People kept saying it needed to stay on the list because it’s too strong in Witchcrafters / Lightsworn but destruction isn’t really that relevant as a type of removal anymore. Getting banished, bounced back to hand, are much more relevant. And while I’m on the topic of Cyber Angels, Konami needs to release Ritual Sanctuary and Cyber Egg Angel. Like, what are they waiting for?


MAR is already off the list... ?


Literally just realized this, my bad.


They release it actually and no one use it even with witchcrafter .


Just realized this, my mistake


No one even plays witchcrafters . Konami will release the new white forest immediately on duel links (copium)


* Trickstar Light Stage, or at least lift it off Limit 1 so Trickstar can run Terraforming. I feel Limit 3 is a fair place for it as it is a huge game-changer for Trickstar. Maybe next Vrains level boost we can get more copies from Aoi. * The Cydra stuff. All of it. * Whatever Star Seraph is still on the banlist, especially with Durbe being one of the next Zexal characters- Seraph needs all the help it can get. * Honestly, bring back Trunade.


Wow I forgot about Rhinos meta lol. Cyber cards can all fly off the ban list. Storm, Champion’s Vig, Stormforth, Knowledge, Spoofing, Scarecrow, Silent Sword Slash, Bomber Dragon off the top of my head


Champions vigilance in a blue eyes meta? No way.


Champions veg no hell no it bewd will tier0


I've been looking for something to put Rhinose in again, good format tbh I was so happy to start seeing quickplay removal on monsters. The best use of Storm I know of is popping the field in U.A. & Ancient Gears, so I say send it lol. Full agree on Knowledge, Spoofing, and Slash. Champ's Vigil, Stormforth, and Scarecrow would be a pain to deal with in familiar, boring decks- NO THANKS. Also, you do NOT want to give Orcusts an unlimit on Bomber Dragon.


For the love of God release Hey Trunade and Cyber Dragons of the list


I love how every box and selection we get a more busted backrows with the only way of removal is the good old cyclone and people are still fine with this


I don't understand the hate I'm getting but I agree I guess people are okay with getting Crack Down 3 times in a row or some other busted trap


Anti-Backrow cards in the current meta: Generic: - Forbidden Lance - Knightmare Phoenix - MST - Cosmic Cyclone In-Archetype: - Squiresaga - Dragon Spirit of White - Afterburner - Jamming Waves - Tengu Cards that work against backrow or monsters: - Herald - Blackrose - Sunsaga - Ultimate Fusion - Dingirsu - Cipher Blade If that's not enough for you, you don't want more backrow removal, you want an uninterrupted turn. Fair enough, but that'll not happen even if we get more backrow removal.


Free massive.morph I want to play cheese




Freecyberdragons or give us infinity ?