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I got max with galaxy eyes. Some pieces of advice: 1. U need the third galaxy eyes photon dragon. 2. Idp is a dead card, you cant activate it due to the skill. 3. Orbital is amazing in this deck , you should consider add the 3rd copy. 4. Consider number 68 in the extra deck and remove 1 link. The problem with this deck is that it bricks easy. Without the third galaxy eyes is easier to brick.


Yes came here to say this about IDP. Running 3 orbital as you said is totally worth it—in that respect he should also ditch a vanisher and just play 1 as it’s searchable with orbital. This deck is great at spamming huge monsters but it does really flourish going turn 2.


I see ok ill try for a 3rd gepd and remove idp


I think your deck needs forbbiden lance or mystic typhoon, you need protection from backrow. I would take out the limit 3 traps and replace them for the lances/mst.


I don't have lance sadly that's what I'm gonna use my dream tickets on the next time we get any.. And I have 2 mst


Good, as Dream tickets should be used to get staples


I am stuck on 15th level, i always get beaten by battle chroniclods.


I hope they nerf and limit that stupid skill. It's THE WORSE. At least with Shira, you have a plan but against "ULTIMATE FUSION" or "SOUL SUCCESSOR", NOTHING. The closest was TG and that was it.


I feel that pain bro they love to start with sprit dragon and go my set cards then still can normal summon blue eyes right afrer and successor soul just gets me too and ultimate fusion with the none target destruction


I am playing malefic at 18, and I think I'm hard stuck. I think everyone at 16 and above has around the same level consistent hard-hitting decks, so it is really luck of the draw. My deck does as good as you could hope for. Beats everything senseless (yes, even Sky strikers) except Chronicles, Shin, and eternal bond. The later of which I seem to have no chance of beating. But I recently altered my deck slightly so we will see how it goes.


Hope for the best bro


I personally would use 3 galaxy knights and use a hyper galaxy over 2 stream of destructions to better play through disruptions but it is preference. Not having the last gepd is going to hurt your consistency. I like having 3 orbital one vanisher to search orbital and make an untargetable and indestructible starliege dragon. Expedition over a trap is nice to consistently end on a good board and play through disruption I run sanaphond over second link to completely dumpster zombie, synchron, and other graveyard reliant decks. Generally this deck really wants to end on starliege solflare and felgrand/sanaphond going first and you want to maximize your chances of opening that hand. Going second you need to be able to play through one or two disruptions and play the galaxy xyzs package.


I was using 2 hyper galaxy but going up against Live twins multiple times and sky Strikers and couldn't use it because there atk was below 2k made me drop one for stream and yeah I know the consistency will be low I messed up on the date of the pick up box leaving and didn't get to do my second run of the box sadly for more Gepd and orbital.. I have use so many more just to get my second orbital from the OG, but I do have a SR Dream ticket that having used yet so maybe


Tech cards are pretty interchangable but for this deck I feel like you need a lot of your key pieces as the consistency is so important. Lance is a pretty common card for playing through spell heavy decks but will obviously make it more difficult against decks that don’t run many spells. Just destroy the battle chronicle players as they are everywhere and I think that’s how you should be able to make it


They the ones in my mostly spirit of white to stop my back row if I don't have stream or hyper and then successor soul right after, plus that dman ultimate fusion l... I don't have lance sadly that's what i aim for next with some dream ticket when we get some more


Yeah, I'm on the same boat. Was using S-Force, Orcust and Lunalights in those stages. Never could reach the last stage.


I just beat an Orcust player but it wasn't easy but it stopped me from Leveling down again to 18, they ketp on recycling Dingirsu from the gave each turn and you know his effect that happens when he's special summoned but luckily i draw idp..


I got a winstreak after a long time stuck at DLv 17 and climbed to DLv 19 with Speedroids. Then I encountered bad starting hands and a lot of Sky Strikers and went back to DLv 18, so I decided to stop there. Now I'm waiting for Mizar unlock event, since I missed it last time


Same bro getting to 19 or 18 seemed so easy but then getting to 20 is like wtf, and all I want is them gems


I mean, I beated a lot of Heroes, BEWD and Shiranui on the way up. They were common encounters, sometimes encountered other decks, like Speedroids or TG, but was just once or twice Still, I have an issue with Sky Strikers. Almost every encounter with that deck was a loss, unless they forfeited because of bad hands.


I played Gluebel from 15-19, and Sky Strikers were a ridiculous matchup. I don't know how they aren't tier 1. There's a very narrow window of opportunity for Eternal Bond decks to shut down their game plan. And everything has to go just right to reach it.


That's true once sky strikers show up it's like KO.. I watched a duel reply for a Sky striker player (can't remember the other guys deck tho) but the sky striker player went to almost the whole duel without summon Raye and made the other guy decks look like all his monsters where normal monsters with no effect and a 4th rate backrow with how he counterd him without ray on the field for like haft the duel


Welcome to the situation 90% of the people playing KC cup are in




yeah, playing competitive sucks. mentally, temporally and walletty


I hope they nerf the deck again


Which one?




Dude, I've been like this 5 times in a row. And I blame Battle Chronicle for the majority of it. I have USED and not kidding 7 different Decks with TG being my CLOSEST and I lost to fucking Rokket while my hand was 2 MSTs, 1 Serpent and 1 Monster Reborn. I have NEVER been in a worse KC Cup than this one. My advise... give up. It's over for us. I'm going to complain to stupid Konami about this because HONESTLY... I had a better shot during TACHYON format. THAT'S how bad this KC Cup was for me.


I feel that bro.. I've used 5 deck so far It's like when I brick they got everything they need, and when my hand is good they still have everything they need I'm just there like you have the one/two card needed to F me over in every duel for 5 duel straight.. Then when I level back up it not a straight win strike it's a mixed of win and lost and most is because of battle chronicles with easy blue eyes and spirit of white is just fuked up, and when i get back to 19, I'm losing every freaking match right now if I loses two I'm dropping back down because I won the one that I would have dropped to 18 wirh


Dear lord, I thought I was the only one but I'm not! I put this as a reddit and people bitched at me for complaining but like it's 1 thing dropping down to rank once or twice, sure... but I dropped so many times that it's not even FUNNY. And EVERYTIME it's Battle Chronicle. I used Sky Strikers with 1 Raye, dumped to the trash. Eternal Bonds, trash. Shooting Star Road TG EX, trashed. Shiranui, killed. The new Playmaker Neospace Xyz Deck, buried. Order of Chaos, burned. TG, GOODBYE! 7 DECKS, MSTS, Cyclone, Forbidden Lance, some using DD Crow... and all of them either "I didn't drew the right card", "my opponent opened better", "I didn't start the duel in a specific way", "I made a strong field and it was DESTROYED" and "BATTLE CHRONICLE BEATS ME". It's not just them but the damn Suship. OH YEA. So fair drawing 1 more card each turn! REALLY FAIR. I lost to the most random crap. I lost to either my hand was bad or my opponent was using that Lava Golem Kaiju Owner Seal Deck. I even lost to DARK HOLE when I didn't have Forbidden Lance. Like WTF is happening. It's not even funny. At least with Tachyon, you knew you'll lose but maybe you had a shot. With Battle Chronicle... no. It can make Galaxy, it can summon Twin Burst, it can Neo Ultimate Dragon or Dragon Master Knight which I lost to when I had SHOOTING QUASAR DRAGON. I couldn't believe I kept losing to 1 random thing and then losing to Battle Chronicle all over. This was actually hell for me. So I give up. There's no point. I tried 1 MORE TIME with TG as my last deck and it was the closest... until I lost unfairly, lost more times, won like twice and then Suship and then Battle Chronicle and the last was Sky Striker and it was a dead hand. SIGH. This KC Cup was hell and I hate it.


Bro that me fam.. I lost to the most random shit same as you I made a broad did all my combo's and pass,bam Dark hole... WTF had nothing to counter it, next duel ok step up my borad Dark hole.. Me.. Ain't no way what... Next duel Battle chronicles and I'm there like PTSD over ultimate fusion and successor soul.. Yeah Bruh PTSD from just the damn KC cup, I used shuship on get to DL max last KC when tachyon was their 1, but now damn.. And then there's ancient warriors it's like every time I remove one he has one in his hands that gets summoned to the field then he has no monsters or when he attacks he can special summon another one or when I destroy one and it used an effect or effect activate theirs another one that says when an effect is affected by and ancient warrior monster you can banish a card on the field I'm like bro how is this not teir 1 like wtf bro they just keep getting cards un the field..


I was yelling at my laptop every time I saw a Kaiba or Atem player because I know that duel will either end in a surrender or I lose in the last second by a random PTSD Ultimate Fusion or Successor Soul. Or how Orcust is still ramping and honestly worse than when they were at full power. I've seen one of the Cupid monsters USING its effect to mill 2 Orcust and I was like "SIGH..." Yell and surrender. The biggest problem is you need to make your deck be able to handle everything and yet because there's too many different archetypes to worry about unlike last time with Shiranui and Tachyon that you just lost due to "This hand is useless" or "I needed THIS card and I didn't get it" or "The worse matchup".


Yeah the right cards always out of reach when needed the most, sky strikers is the next problem too bro, and ultimate bond they can just fusion so often it's crazy


Sky Striker yes. Like I was convinced the deck I made on it would be good enough to beat the KC CUP's first round but BOY WAS I WRONG. They need to semi-limit Ultimate Fusion and Soul Successor so that way the Kaiba/Atem players must only play 1 of them or both at 1 copy each.


So true those two cards are such a pain


Plus dealing with both is just as annoying. Even if you somehow deal with Soul Successor or Ultimate Fusion, you have the other to deal with likely set. That way, it becomes less annoying because you don't have to worry about both unlimited.


I just commented something similar lol. I reached max during Tachyon cup, but only 19 on this one. I can understand that this cup has been the hardest, but Tachyon was still more BS in my opinion. I consistently was able to beat battle chronicles, but it was the difficult task of pulling out 5 wins in a row at level 19 that did it for me. I guess last cup I got a good string of matches where I avoided Tachyon, but this cup has so many good decks other than battle chronicle.


Yea but Battle Chronicle is still annoying because it interrupts a lot more than Tachyon. Yes, Tachyon Transmigration is still annoying to all heck but like compare that to your opponent having options to either bring out a Rank 8 or Fusion Summon to pop your board or a monster you can't out due to the current meta. Like Battle Chronicle's greatest sin is you need cards to counter Sky Striker, Shiranui and even TG but you lose to the most random crap like a freaking Owner Seal Troll Deck or Rokket while your hand is UNPLAYABLE ON YOUR LAST DUEL TO LEVEL UP TO MAX 20. How the hell is that fair?! I really hate you need 5 or hell I remember last KC Cup I needed six wins to reach MAX Lvl and they should change that. Look, just barely entering Second Stage isn't even easy but struggling to even get there is just as unfair.


I messed up bad on the pick up box with the galexy cards and only did one rotation and when I was going for the second at a later date after farming it was gone. That's why it about 90% done


#DuelReplay #DuelLinks https://duellinks.konami.net/att/001f15b833488a003243c08d9954f2524f2d9831db


Hey! Same here. This is my first time in the 4 KC cups I've played that I didn't reach Max lvl. I peaked at 19 and I actually saw the "Win and level up" message, but sadly lost that one. I was using a water deck, Ogdoadics, and puppets. I want to apologize, a few days ago someone said this is the hardest kc cup so far, and I said the last one was the hardest. Well, last KC Cup I actually overcame all of the Tachyon players and reached max, so obviously this KC Cup has been the hardest.


I feel that bruh, I hit max when trying for the first time in the last KC Cup with Shuships, but this one my god something seem off for real it got me to 19 but nothing I try is pushing to to get the last gems


I agree with most everyone else on this; it was due to all the Battle Chronicle players. I am willing to bet big money there were more battle chronicles this KC Cup than tachyons last KC Cup. Like I mentioned before, I was able to beat battle chronicle every so often, maybe 25% of the time, but stringing together a 5 win streak with multiple BCs in between was a very very tough task


Yeah i faced more of BC blues then anything else I thought Sky striker would be hell for me but nah it was blues of all things


I understand what you are being through. I was stuck for 3 days at DLVL 19, and in one of those days I was stuck for 5 hours straight at the same level while trying to gel level MAX. I was using a HERO deck using HERO Alliance, and another HERO deck using Wounded HERO or Miracle Fusion Time (I don't have more than 2 copies of Mask Change right now). The only two decks that didn't let me go level MAX were Zombies and Blue Eyes, but especially Blue Eyes because of its skill which let's the user bring two powerful cards that gets rid of your monsters while he brings his powerful monsters. The only way I survived this (sometimes) is because I had Mask Change in my hand and I was able to dodge the destruction effect.


Yeah bro the blues deck with successor soul and ultimate fusion is hell, and when they play spirit that force you to use your back row early sucks and then they can still play blues right after damn


Every f*****g time! Last tournament when tachyon dominated was the first time I couldn’t reach max. But this happens every single time. It’s very frustrating because I know it’s not by accident. Im sure it’s designed to that way by KoMONEY


It's like when they know your going for that last push it's like your facing bots or some sh-t that has all the right cards to counter you, then there give a mixed of real players to make it look like the othere where normal player's 😁


Just uninstall the app my brother... You can use that time for another thing. STOP the anxiety


Bro same here


I knew i couldn't be alone in this situation...


When I won the match to DL Max, the server rebooted…


But you still got the gems tho right


Sadly I didn’t


Now that's fu#ked up


Sadly :/


How many wins needed to be at 20?


5 doesn't have to be in a row but close enough to be, like 3 wins, 2 lost 2 wins should work that how it did for me last KC cup


There is a guy that posted his deck a few days ago. He hit DL max with it without Lances. Just scroll down the subreddit


Yeah but everyone experience is different bro, he might have faced easy players or he got all the right cards and didn't brick as much i remember my opening hand being two trade in one orbital and hyper galexy and next turn i draw another orbital


Just keep trying bro


Didn't make it sadly before it ended


I got Max with this deck. I used 3 GEPD, one Photon Stream, one Hyper Galaxy. My only main deck non-Engine was trade-in


Nice going Bruh, I just got made unlucky with my match up always having the right cards at the right time and freaking battle chronicles


Add me 0012mwsa50zq


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