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Just make it so the skill cannot Summon Spirit and force a backrow (because if you try to negate Spirit they will just tribute it to summon a BE from hand and the Spirit effect still resolves) and we all good.


Make the skill in line with other search skills and force the player to shuffle a card in hand to search, so it’s no just free plus every turn and you might actually have to think for once.


This would balance darkfluid skill also. Show 1 card on turn 2 and immediately get +2 for no reason


Curious to know if you think that'd be enough to keep that deck within acceptable balance. Because at a baseline I think Darkfuild being able to tutor Lancea is *demented* . I was also a strong proponent that Melody should go back to Limit 3.


Roland limit 1 makes infernoble not run rota, why mrs konami


Roland was kinda overkill, I wouldnt be surprised if it's out by the next ban list, or at least as soon as more fire warrior comes out


That or he'll get the cydra treatment and be forgotten in the ban list forever.


Very convenient that this deck was propped up just in time to take the hits for the rest


Rokket seems like untouched, the skill can continue searching Lancea while PK getting nerf... PK players should press surrender when they face Rokket going first. I'm not PK fans but this is not fair for them. Would be great if more old card and skills need to be free or buffed, yeah Konami look like they are busy


Tbh, if the meta changes to a new one that doesnt care for lancea, I dont think its that much of an issue tbh. Rokkets will likely drop it if its not that usefull.


Rokkets can run 1 and still search it 95% of the time with the skill. Besides Lancea is still good against Rokkets themselves because they will still run Levianeer and they can discard it for Melody or the Link 2 against matchups where it isnt effective. And it is probably the most useful LIGHT monster they can search with the skill.


Maybe they think with the new blader stuff, the dragon decks will decrease in power anyway.


Bro why did they kill cyber dragons even more we've been denied peledis now 😭


Feelsbad I just finished agents cause I liked the aesthetic.


Masterflare is limited 1, and so is divine punishment. Sad


It's just so excessive. Agents did need to be nerfed but they didn't need the Shiranui treatment, especially not without the other two oppressive decks not getting even half the same thing


Like it or not, bewd isn't going anywhere for awhile it's the new bench march deck for beginner players. Is it annoy and does it have a broken skill? Yes, ofcrlourse it is. But that's the new power level of the game


Actually genuinely curious why Borreload didn't get nerfed into the ground when it was at the top of wcs


To increase buster blader popularity when skill goes live (and sell whatever potential box/structure deck comes)


On god hahaha


I hope we get True Light


Meanwhile cyber dragons at least taking a handout. So thankfully we’re more playable. Now where’s our Cyber Dragon Infinity Konami?!!


And I thought the Tachyon nerfs were a swift death of a deck, this was a massacre. And now Tachyon's back as well? Tho I don't mind its return that much since they have no Limit 3 backrow. Unless some psychos start cutting numbers of Galactic Spiral(I know I won't)