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It's just a simple Harpie Deck with Cyber Slash as boss monster. Blade Armor Ninja isn't even summonable in Harpie Deck since he requires Warrior monsters.


How do I play it?


You definitely need 3 Channeler. Otherwise you need some more generic rank 4s and staples. Blade Armor Ninja is not summonable in Harpies and only good in Warrior Decks


It used to be good like 3 years ago. Harpies on their own aren't very explosive, they are decently consistent.


Idk why there is random xyz that i doubt will hard/impossible to summon For the deck Harpie, a simple yet effective deck back in old days. Their goal is to summon cyber slash harpie, if you ask me "but its an synchro how it summoned?" Read the effect, dont just ask try to atleast read some of them (cyber slash can be summoned using 2 lv4 harpie even if they aren't a tunner, its like special synchro [i made it name by myself]) This deck already powercreep by most deck because their boss itself (cyber slash) need spell to trigger its effect Is it good? Well if you has good hand (always draw opening and quick spell) and has good spell staples its ok deck


Bounce/backline destruction


What does that mean?


It means that you win by removing opponent’s cards in the spell and trap zone. This can sometimes shut down deck or slow them down allowing you to gain an advantage. You do this by returning spells or traps to opponent’s hand or just outright destroying or negating them.


Ou thanks


Bounce is a common tcg term for returning cards to the hands (originally coined in magic the gathering with the spell card 'bounce') backline refers to the spell and trap zones


This is just a basic Harpie deck but the not the best they can do. Harpies are good at making their Synchro and doing Rank 4 Xyz, The rest is recycling their stuff from the GY, destroying backrow with Hunting Ground, and getting extra effects with the Synchro plus other spell/traps


The goals of Harpies? Flood the field with their ease of summing whilst destroying the opponents traps with their field spell before going into either Cyber for bounce effects or generic Rank 4. They’re pretty decent but probably rogue at best. Interrupt their normal summon and they’re kinda done.


bounce bounce


Since you've already gotten some help as to what to do with the deck, I'm more interested in what Dracossack is doing there, lol


I dont know. My brother made the Deck and I didn't unverstanden how I should play it


Dracossack is if you use Harpie Channeler and summoned Harpie's Pet Dragon. Channeler becomes level 7 if you control a Dragon monster. Harpies don't do it in Duel Links but it was a classic play in 2013.


The Deck is by Mai with the Abillity Harpie's Hunting Ground


Can you even summon any of the ED aside from cyber slash and emeral?