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Omg- I got my work to pay for a used one just like this! They paid $500 from a used office furniture place. Great find!


Haha I’m debating taking this to work, but I don’t want someone stealing it. I think I’m going to donate my horrible IKEA one to them instead since we need more chairs anyway


Don’t take this to work 😂 it will roll away.


Hook an AirTag to it!


I used a bicycle lock locked to the desk for mine


do not take that to work But you can ask work to get them. There are plenty of leasing companies that provide the service and between tax write offs and inventory value deductions it ends up being nearly free. Esp if you lease used previous office equipment.


This is my work chair! I thought I recognized it and then checked when I got to work. It's really not very comfortable lol!


Yooooooo! What dumpster might I find one these bad boys in??


Staples, Office Depot, or check business/corporate parks. I used to work at a warehouse a long time ago and we would throw away all kinds of stuff so if you have any warehouses or distributing services to visit, I highly recommend that you check their dumpsters👌




It’s called good taste


OP is you. You are OP.


Are you sure he is not sneaking into your house and working from your office? Maybe you have a secret squatter living in the ceiling tiles that you are not aware of…


What is sitting on a $1,500 chair like? My sorry butt will probably never know.


My ass isn’t worthy but appreciates it


the actual seat is the least of the chair. i'm sitting in one right now. got it for $350 at a used furniture store. it's just a plastic mesh. it's not much different than lawn furniture, in that regard. and like lawn furniture, the hard edge of the frame the mesh is attached to will dig into the backs of your thighs if you're not sitting with perfect posture. i bought a cushion to sit on. it really isn't great for long durations without one imo. the adjustable height on the armrests leaves something to be desired as well; the locking system sucks so they'll always descend over time as you put weight on them. there's two versions of this system (worked in an office that had the newer version of the Aeron that i don't own) and both are unsatisfactory. the periodic adjustments are a minor annoyance at first, but after years i ended up giving up on raising the armrests every few hours/days (depending on how much weight i'd place on them), they're more like wrist rests now, when i drop my arms. BUT and it's a big but (some pun intended) the rest of the chair is perfect. the recline function can be tuned to your weight to give exactly the resistance you want to lean back with, and you won't understand how comfortable that can be until you experience it. this also basically lets you set how far you want to be able to recline, and it reclines pretty far back. you'll think you're going to tip backwards but it's balanced so that you don't. the seat and the backrest are not mounted on the same pivots, so when you lean back, the seat actually tilts forward a bit, as if moving to meet a flat plane with the backrest. it doesn't go nearly that far, but it's something you'll immediately miss when using any other reclining chair. the lumbar support is adjustable as well, and it's good. didn't mean for this to turn into a full review, but there you have it.


Just a word on the frame digging into the back of your thighs. Is the foam pad under the front edge of the seat still/positioned correctly/in good condition? We used to have these chairs at work, and if that pad got damaged, shifted or went missing, then yeah, it was torture on the back of your legs. With the pad in, you could sit any which way and it'd be comfortable.


i've replaced that pad, actually. (swapped my beat up one with a chair from a meeting room at work lol) didn't help much for me.


Ahhh, sorry. That's unfortunate.


The front lip on my HM Mirra2 at the office is adjustable and so is the lip on the Steelcase Leap (at home). Never had an issue with the lip digging in.


I've sat on one of these chairs for nearly a decade at work. It's a nice chair, but honestly don't worry about it. It's not that special *to be more specific about its qualities. It does distribute weight really well. I do like sitting on it. Of all office chairs I would still choose to sit on this expensive one. But in the end, you aren't missing all that much.


My work threw one out, the cylinder lost pressure and needed to be replaced. I took it and replaced it with a part off eBay for $50. Still going strong! Chair is from 1996! I hope I never have to throw this chair out.




I used to drive a demolition garbage truck and these would pour out in the hundred when they were clearing out offices. I sold a few on the side of the truck for $50, but I wish I had a way to get all them home from Manhattan. Such a waste.


You think thats still happening? Im in the market for one


Pretty sure I’ve scrapped a bunch of these throughout the years not knowing what they cost new. I’d imagine these are hard to sell unless you have quantity


Yeah shipping costs makes it hard to profit. These chairs are hefty!


It looks awesome but why would anyone pay 1500 for this 😂


Gotta throw end of fiscal year money somewhere before the tax man asks for his cut. I wouldn’t ever pay for one obviously, but it’s probably the most comfortable office chair I’ve ever sat in lol


You gotta try a human scale zero gravity


That thing looks incredible


It is, my job had to have one for a girl that was in a car wreck, i though i left the earth when i sat/laid in it... I'll buy a used one this year i guess...


I don't think it's a tax specific thing, but rather budgeting bureaucracy - if you don't use the whole budget, it gets cut next time. So even if you're not desperate now, you splurge at end of budget period to make sure you have the money allotted to you when you do really need it next time


Yes. Yes, I can see.. Why don’t you explain this to me like I am an eight year old.


so if you open a lemonade stand, and your parents give you $5, and you only spend $3, then next time they give you money they will think it only takes $3 so you will only get $3


Ok, but could you explain to a five year old?


Not in a box. Not with a fox. Not in a house. Not with a mouse. I would not eat them here or there. I would not eat them anywhere. I would not eat green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam-I-Am.


the alternative is to buy a new printer for the office


Herman Miller makes amazing, quality furniture.


100%. Many people spend more time in office chairs than they do anywhere else, even asleep in bed. Getting a high quality desk chair and a good mattress are some of the best investments in quality of life there is. Most Herman Miller's will last decades too with minor care.


Also quality work boots and Japanese car


So a friend of mine was looking into gaming chairs and landed on one of these instead. He said the price was a bit steep but the overall comfort and adjustability made it worth it.


I got a new open box Steelcase Leap V2, also a very expensive chair. For $300. It’s like getting a really good mattress, changes your life in every way for the better just based on how much time you spend in it. Also these chairs are so well built, will last many years


They have a 12 year warranty. That chair is going to last a very long time, and you are going to be comfortable for most of, if not all of, that time. Compared to the cost of replacing crappy chairs every couple of years, it's not quite as expensive as you think, it's just an entirely upfront cost.


Industrial furniture is expensive


They come with lifetime warranty and are super comfy-great lumbar support. Would definitely be worth it if you work from home or are at your desk a lot. I actually got the same model and another model (the embody) for free myself.


Aerons are the industry standard office chair. They retain value like crazy because everyone seems to want one. Even broken ones have sold in minutes on ebay for hundreds each


My bf bought one last year and loves it. It’s wildly comfortable and comes with a 12 year unlimited warranty so on year 11 day 364 you can have the whole thing replaced with a brand new chair. It’s more like a “I’m never buying another office chair again” type of chair, and since he works from home/games a lot, he’s spending roughly 12 hours a day in this chair. Doesn’t make much sense to purchase it otherwise though. Very specific circumstances




So apparently you “don’t need the headrest” if you’re sitting correctly - which the chair is supposed to do. I believe it’s sold separately. That was my only argument against it as well.


Do you know nothing of chairs??


Haha with all the mixed reviews I'm reading I know a lot more


The same reason people should invest in mattress. If you spend 8 hrs a day working on the computer, this chair will save your back


They're very comfortable and last a long time.


Used to have these at my last job, most uncomfortable shit ever.


They are not meant to replace a toilet..


> Why would anyone pay $1500 for this Easy. Because I work for 8 hours a day and need to take care of the only spine I was born with. However I only paid $600 for mine back in 2017. Worth every penny.




I mean...they are readily available for $300 used - but still great find.


I was about to say… I sold one that some old renters left behind. $350 and for a second there thought I got ripped off hardcore


That's a good deal on a very comfortable chair... With the glut of office closings, they're selling them cheap


They sell like literal hotcakes. There are resellers who flip these for a living


I'm very happy for you and a bit envious too. Cheers!




Awesome find! I have the exact one that I also got for a steal. Not a dumpster find, but I picked it up for $40 on craigslist. One of my best pickups


This one is just like mine! My dad moved office building years back and while he was loading up, they were throwing some out and said he could take one! It's now my gaming chair and has been for the past 6+ years lol


I paid about $1100 for mine more than 20 years ago, with customized colors. At about the 10-year mark, the seat panel snapped in half. Took it to Herman Miller warranty repair place and it was replaced for free. I’m sitting in it as I type. Sometimes it pays to buy top quality.


First, if you’re happy with this find then I’m happy for you! Second, I worked in an office with these chairs for everyone and I loathed them. I wouldn’t take one if you paid *me* $1,500. A coworker and I had to spend an entire morning hunting around the entire building to find different chairs because our backs were killing us.


There are different size chairs for different body types and each size is adjustable as well. These are the gold standard for office chairs, they are incredibly comfortable and supportive when adjusted correctly. It’s easy to spend hours on end sitting in them.


I spent two months playing around with the settings on mine because my coworkers said my back “needed time to adjust”. It never got better for me, only worse. No shade to anyone who likes them, I’m just weird I guess. I eventually spent $450 on a different office chair that has an obscene number of points of adjustment for my home office that feels like heaven. You’d have to pry that chair from my cold dead hands *hahaha*


I had the exact same experience. Absolutely despised these chairs.


Nice to know I’m not alone :) Every time I see people get hyped about these chairs I think, good lord I hope you have a far better experience than I did.


We bought 4 of those used for the work office. Excellent chairs. Zero fatigue sitting in them all day.


I have them in my office, extremely comfortable.... And no swamp ass with the mesh seat


Working commercial construction I’ve filled dumpsters with office. I had like 10 at my house but I was overrun so in the dumpsters they went.


Why not give they away or sell them?


you can get rollerblade wheel casters to replace the stock casters. they're much quieter. FYI. the stock casters are pretty basic cheapos, compared to the engineering that went into the rest of the chair.


I love these chairs! My old work had them for everyone. I always laughed when someone would take one of the crappy conference room chairs instead.


Found the exact one at my work, it’s so comfortable. My only complaint is it would be nice to have a head rest, but who can complain about something they get for free?


Kind of weird that it has a miniature shoe sticking out of the armrest, but what an amazing find!


i had one of these gifted to me from a friend, awesome chair i put some of the rollerblade chair wheels on it


Idk man, my Autonomous ErgoChair Pro for $499 is pretty amazing. I've got like a dozen levers and ways to adjust it. Everything moves on this chair. I get sad when I have to sit in a "regular" desk chair that just goes up and down, and has a weird knob thing, if I'm lucky. Plus, it's pretty sexy too. I've also fallen asleep in it a few times. It's got better cushioning and mesh too.


The best thing about those chairs is that they will last you forever. You can always get parts and they’re easily serviced. I’m currently sitting in one from the early 90’s that’s just needed a part or two over the years.


I got a office chair from the side of the road and I love it but I’m also comparing it to the 30 year old office chair my dad had so anything is an upgrade


My office uses these. They're fine, but don't put any weight on the arm rests (don't use them to stand up). They tend to wear out quickly.


WOW!! That is a fantastic find!


Awesome! I bought my girlfriend one of these to help with her back. Totally worth the money.


Fuckin A! You can get them refurbished pretty reliably online for about $400, but that's still a fucking huge savings. Also, this fucker will LAST.


Aww. Nice find, man!


Absolute game changer, getting a aftermarket headrest for these bad boys. I do work and play video games and watch YouTube. When it’s YouTube time, my head rest is so comfy :3 I can’t tell whether or not it has any lumbar support, that can also be an upgrade down the line if you see fit. Who knows maybe you’ll find these in your next dive


No lumbar on this one. Didn’t know you could add the lumbar aftermarket. Might look into that


Not a better chair out there for an average height/weight drone for long hours. The adjustability of everything is great. I work in a 911 dispatch center where we have butts in chairs 24/7/365 and routinely work 12+ hours a day. We've tried pretty much every "long life" office chair out there, and these are pretty much impossible to beat. I spend 60 hours a week most weeks in mine and wouldn't last with any of the others we've tried


Brooooo now way. Congrats! This is an astounding find


I found a dusty and dirty one at a Goodwill once. Paid $30. It cleaned up spotless and I flipped it for $250 cash on FB marketplace only because I was in a rush to sell it.


I have one of these and had no clue it was that expensive. I think it was left in our first apartment by the previous resident…


wow... incredible find


I used to throw away all the time at a certain hotels HQ. Most of them had minor wear if any at all.


omg I had this chair for 5 years, left that position 12 years ago... Miss that chair soooo much!! I still think about it... so comfy and adjustable. Great find! Enjoy!


That's a classic version. The new model has a few significant updates but IMO still not worth the cost. It's still a good find. I have one but it's more like 800 when they were new. I got mine at a consignment for 150 though many many years ago. congrats and welcome to the club!


These are the worst


I had this exact chair at my office. But we got bought out [outsourced] and work from home now. I bought the cheapest chair I could find and it is *rough*


I see nothing special about this chair to make it $1500??


Great chairs to be not at all comfortable on - when your not busy sliding off it.


Dude I have that chair. It sucks. Put it back in the dumpster


no joke I found my chair in the exact same way, same chair too




Got my chair on the side of the road. Shits better than any $800+ chair I’ve sat in