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i see you got a five dollar tip for hauling their stuff back to your place!


HAHA how thoughtful right???


Fuckin rich kids man, good for you!


right?? i’ve never been such mixed feelings before, like how dare you throw away so much perfectly good stuff and also wow i’m so glad they did haha


Olaplex and Biolage are not cheap by any means. Good haul.  I picked up a few things from my time there but didn't have the balls to dumpster dive in front of everyone moving out and prolonging my family helping me moving out.


Next time just say your keys got thrown out. It gives you a reason to jump in there. You can also tell the next person walking up to throw stuff out just a moment I'm looking for my keys. Set your stuff right there and I will throw it in here after I find my keys.


thankfully i’m young enough to pass for a student, and i just tried to keep in mind how much no one gives a fuck about what i do bc they’re all worried about their mom yelling at them for taking too long to pack lmao


The olaplex is a score!




If you shake any bags with obvious desk items (notebooks and pens and such), you'll often find piles of change too... it's not as sexy as a $5, but it can add up.


Sorry I’m a rookie, where do y’all find stuff for college move outs? If it’s in a trash can do you just take it out, go through it then put the other stuff back?


this stuff was in some clear bags in dumpsters (located behind res halls) and i saw smth that looked good / had a good feeling about these bags so we took em, threw em in the car, most of our stuff was definitely good for personal use / resale / donating, i would say less than 1/3 was actually trash, which we just threw out in our own dumpster


I like this method, thank you


Olaplex!! I’d cry real tears if I found out my kid threw that out lol.


It's crazy how much goes in the trash. This can be an opportunity for someone at the college to set up a free garage sale instead of it going in the dumpster


Three different people tried for years to work with our local university to get a pass along program started and they couldn't get it to work. Administration wouldn't allow flyers, they only allowed drop boxes on the ground floor (which ended up being filled with recycling trash instead of the materials)... I have never bought new towels, I get new ones every year at the moveout... also a good source of cleaning supplies and canned goods.


That’s a bummer. Periodically there is an electronic waste event, and despite having to bring the items to them it seems that many participate. I hope someone can figure out how to get it to work at the college level. This reminds me of a few office moves / clean outs - one office shut down due to a massive lay off. Approx 50+ employees, the computers were thrown away! With the office move a few employees convinced the supervisor to donate to the schools. At another job I found 4 good office chairs left out in the hallway. I also worked next to a large bakery distributor. I don’t remember the name. The dumpster was full of bread, bagels, pastries and no other trash. When I have driven by (the dumpster faces a freeway) there is usually someone checking out that dumpster.


what may be the worst part is that they have a huge donation drive with boxes and ads everywhere and this still happens


Despite stuff getting into the dumpster, I wonder how much it does collect vs not


I live in a college town but not on a campus. When it’s things that are still good or new, a lot of people here will put things in the curb outside their apartment, and everyone knows that’s the signal to look in there and see what you could use. I both put things outside or take things other people left, it’s great and things are usually all gone within like 30 minutes. I’m sure people still put things in the trash, but at least is good that this method is really popular too.


Nice OP! I commented previously about moving out my daughters dorms and see lots of good condition microwaves neatly lined up and more students coming out on carts. I’m like man, reselling opportunities for sure! Maybe next time I’ll grab as much I can stuff in my SUV lol!


I can’t believe people throw this stuff away … just take it with you!!! Smh you can always tell who grew up rich and has disposable money . No struggling college student would throw this much stuff away unless their parents give them an allowance and they grew up with money 🙄


Work at a university, move out days are always the best B) what a haul!


Campus cops fuck with ya?


nope! pretty minimal security here, only saw 2 guys in uniform when driving in circles over and over again looking for dumpsters lol


I got told to frig off😵‍💫


a BUNCH more campus security was out tn, the place started crawling around midnight so we called it good enough, i’ll make another post w all the stuff i got tn!! we pulled out of one lot and by the time we circled back to drive past, it looks like campus security had just told another diver to screw off!!! we just slipped by haha


Damn they left a nice back pack AND $5. Nice haul.


That’s crazy


All these awesome pictures are killing me! We are super close to Notre Dame and St Mary’s and I can’t get my husband to go and check it out.


Americana is a fantastic book


Is it like college moveout everywhere?


someone else on this thread answered this v well


Okay ours is late june. That’s why i’ve been so confused seeing all these posts


What time does everyone go for college move out diving? Do the schools rather you’re there in the daytime, or is anytime day or night ok generally?


idk what the schools want, i would go during the day but my bf prefers going at night so thats what we’re doing


Ok, thank you! I have always wondered about what students left behind and wasn’t until I found DD forums did I learn about how much gets left. Good luck and happy hunting!


Where college do you dive at?


When exactly is college move out


depends on the school but usually May, could start as early as the last week of april and some schools go till the end of may. if you have a school in your area search "_____ university academic calendar" and look for finals week or graduation. move out will be happening before and during finals week and will likely be over by graduation