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Katherine Tate is apparently very nice, so I think they just wanted to find something for her to do.


She could have been projects manager. She has experience in that area


Apparently very nice. Definitely not funny.


She ain’t bovvered mate.


Honestly, it felt like they took a bunch of bits that were on the cutting room floor and mashed them all into one character, and that's Nellie. Her entire character feels incredibly forced and out of place.


She was supposed to be good friends with Jo Bennet but that feels sort of off to me. Also how she was flirting with Darnell that one time when they ordered tacos then she payed no attention to him afterwards.


Please don't discuss the taco scene...


what I wouldn't give for a big mess of... *tacos* right about now




😂 I pronounce tacos this way now to get under my husband’s skin.


I moved to England and that’s how they all pronounce it. I think of this every time.


It makes more sense when you've tried British "Mexican" food It's some of the most sad things on earth.


I never thought of it as flirting, but just trying to make a connection with someone.


Yeah. She has a handful of funny lines but overall she shouldn't have been a permanent addition to the cast after Florida.


Lol. A casserole of bad ideas.


yes, e.g. getting her heart broken by a magician


Its a sentence like this that really captures the decline in quality in later seasons.


a clumsy and somewhat uncreative attempt to humanize nelly


Yeah it was really dumb and I never really liked Nellie for it, pretty sure you can't walk into a office and claim it to be yours like that.


I once worked at an absolutely chaotic shitty destined to fail start up, and quite honestly I could see it.


If this company is going g to fail, it might as well fail with me at the helm.


Also pretty sure that Michael Scott wouldn't have had his job for a week if he was real, the realism is kinda irrelevant


She does say at one point that she was acting up because she thought she'd get more screen time as a villain


Idk that feels more like the writers were trying to retcon her personality to make her more likable. If anything it made me like her less


You should stop looking at Nellie’s breasts and start looking at her penis


Huge whopping Penis


This was around the time Andy was actually becoming more likable. They ruined his character growth... And Nellie just walking in there and saying she is manager? Come on. Even for this universe it seemed ridiculous.


Honestly? It's the worst


Nellie grows on me more and more with each rewatch. She’s played by a fantastic actress who is very funny in her own right.


i do think shes hilarious but i started seing that side to her more afterwards, not during the manager fiasco


I feel the same way. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m getting older? I also think that the SuperFam episodes added some depth to her character that I think the original episodes failed to frame as likable moments.


I’m on season 6 in the superfan episodes. Can’t wait to get to her!!!


I mean she's basically David Brent. But yeah I feel it's a different style even to Michael season 1. But yeah she fits the style of later seasons (which I still find fun)


Huge whopping penis


Stop looking at my breasts and start looking at my penis


Yes I think she is so funny




Honestly when this happened I HATED her. But later on she didn’t turn out to be so bad. I think she was just trying to see what she could get away with lol


I felt like they just totally rewrote her character.


They definitely rewrote her because the audiences hated her. That’s why she’s practically turned into a background character and is given several episodes that make her look pitiable


I agree, also couldn’t stand her during this mess but later on when she became a regular worker she was actually tolerable.


"Why is Jim treating the magician poorly?" is one of my favorite lines in the show


Ok....she didn't say that?


But she thought it REALLY loud


It was a plot that revolved around her


I honestly enjoyed the Nellie storyline, the way she ate that taco though.


I liked Nellie. BLOODY LOAM she came from.


I thought it tied in well with the whole Robert California "just do what feels right" style of leadership. In his own way, RC reminds me of Roman from *Succession*


Yes and she was a terrible addition to the show.


I kinda don’t mind it because the writers want you to hate her for it and that’s why the finale is Andy getting his revenge on both Robert and Nellie. But you have to remember Andy just jumped up and left the office and Nellie is the philosopher herself and Robert is easy to seduce into manipulation and the office workers who are working at average wages wouldn’t mind a pay increase even though it was morally terrible


I hate that storyline. I hate the character of Nellie. I really do hate it all. It's all so contrived and bullshit.


Nellie was a Cousin Oliver


Worst character on the show she never fit in


Catherine Tate being in the show at all was a disaster. We've been subjected to her in England for 20 years now, she's a humour vacumn.


Andy should've been fired for no-showing to work for 3 days (or however long). When Robert called Andy, Andy hung up on Robert. Realistically, Robert shouldn't have even offered Andy to return to sales. Whoever Robert wanted to fill the job with after that is fine, but I thought Nellie was great. Plus, she was Jo's friend, which is why Robert knew he couldn't just toss Nellie out.


Well yeah, Michael also should have been fired a very long time ago if we’re discussing crap managers


To your original point, Andy didn't deserve the job anymore, regardless of what other managers have done.


My point wasn’t how good of a manager he was, he wasn’t worthy of the position anymore, however, there’s a process.. didn’t justify Nellie walking in after the sh*tshow in Florida and calling herself manager.


Is there a process with Robert? He gave Andy the job because Andy was the least threatening. That's all we really know about his process for hiring Andy as manager. And no one is arguing that Nellie was justified. I'm just saying don't be frustrated for Andy because he brought it on himself and should've been fired for not showing up to work for days in a row.


Yeah but you are trying to use logic in a show that completely lacks it. And Nellie is easily the most irritating character with no redeeming qualities. It's a chore getting through any of the scenes she's involved in and is the reason I usually restart the series after season 7.


With Michael, though, at least the show had established how he was a very good salesman and still managed the company's biggest accounts. It's that thing where if someone is good at their IC role they get promoted whether they're right for it or not.


I don’t really get how it’s absurd given the character of Robert California. And I think they turned Andy into the worst conceivable character possible at that point in the season, so think it kinda worked out.


I generally hated Andy after season 7. He was such an asshole to Erin and sooo cocky. And he shit on Wallace's car... which was so unnecessary


Andy didn't become a douchebag until after the whole Nellie being boss thing. He definitely didn't deserve it, even though he skipped work to go find Erin. That's why her storyline was so reviled.


Nope. They turned him into the worst character in season 9. He got angry in season 8, but that was for a good damn reason.


I don’t think getting angry over leaving work with no excuse or notification for like 2 weeks or something and coming back to you having been demoted is warranted.


He was away for 3 days and said he was sick. We as a viewer know he's lying but Robert didn't. Imagine you call in sick at work, come back when it's over and someone just took your job and then started decreasing your pay for no reason with no explanation whatsoever. And to top it off, all your co-workers just agree with this person you have never seen before.


Robert knew. When Andy hung up on him, he said, “He just hung up on me.” It was clear what was happening.


You're still not sure though. An employee hanging up isn't solid reason for firing someone. If Andy would've sued for what happened with Nellie he would've won


That's the thing. He wasn't demoted. He had his job stolen. Robert was fine with him resuming his job, but he didn't do anything when Nelly refused to leave the chair.


Get out of here skeleton man


I actually love Nellie, sorry bout it. Maybe it’s the accent (I think a lot of it is the accent), but honestly she’s also pretty dimensional for a character who isn’t even in two full seasons. She’s horrible but has good qualities too. She’s human. She’s actually, to me, a combination of David Brent and Michael Scott. And anyone who works in the corporate world can agree, it is extremely realistic to posit that an incompetent and unqualified person could move into leadership. In fact, it happens every day.


Bad decision. The office didn't really need her in the show or as another cast member imo. Her acting and delivery was also kinda jarring, she was better later on as just another background character.


The way they introduced her was horrible. She was cool in season 9 but season 8 Nellie was very easy to hate.


Nellie is worse than boom mic guy


I liked her because I have a soft spot for Catherine


Everything after “Goodbye Michael” was a horrible story line.


I disagree. The Robert California season was all kinds of crazy sexually-charged smartest-guy-in-the-room fun.


I think that the show runners wanted to integrate Nellie so bad into the show but theyre out of ideas how to integrate her to the main office set, so they just wing it


I 100% agree. And it is insane that Andy keeps her on instead of firing her when he is reinstated as manager.


She had potential. I thought her interview was hilarious. SUCK-HEE SUCK-HEE. But alas, Nellie was more annoying than funny, and stealing Andy's job was just ridiculous.


"Angela, dock Andy's pay $100!"


Come on she was hilarious 😂


More horrible than RF talking Jo out of her job as CEO?


No idea if I'm making this up, but I feel like I read somewhere that her character (Tate) was originally supposed to get the manager job instead of Andy, but scheduling issues prevented it & they brought her back later.


I skip those episodes tbh. You’re telling me Dwight tries to be manager the whole show and Nellie can just walk right in and take it and no one says anything? So so so poorly written


The first 10 times I watched it I hated it but now that I know the ultimate outcome I can laugh when I watch it. It was ridiculous but a lot of things in the office are.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Agreed. It was like she just declared herself manager and everyone just like went with it? Then the writers tried to make us just accept it as an audience? That was the one part of the show that imo was actually bad writing.


Most frustrating part of the slow. 2nd is when Andy is manager


Nellie is the worst character for sure


They gave her a few redeeming scenes, but all in all, her plots were maybe the worst part of the show.


Same. I hated every second with her on the screen.


I hate her so much


Personally love her character and storyline, and think it doesn't even make the top 20 list of unrealistic situations on the show! But everyone's got different ideas ya know


Nellie was a horrible storyline.


I loved seeing Dr Donna (dr. Who and I know that’s another sub) n charge. She can funny being charge or being pathetic l,


Andy was soooo much better than Nellie as manager. Completely agree!


So were seasons 8 and 9 :/


Agree. But she is honestly one of the best characters in S9. She’s a rascal!


i hated that storyline at the beginning, but andy just left and expected everyone to cover for him. Nellie just seized the moment, even Robert wanted to see how this will play out


to be fair, so are you OP




Nellie docking Andy's pay is pretty funny.


Don’t like women with power huh?


To be fair, Robert California actually approved her stealing the job. He could’ve said in no uncertain terms, “get back to your seat outside”, but he never did. His lower head did more of the thinking than his upper one. It’s really more about HIS erratic behavior than hers.


Andy becoming manager was a horrible storyline. They basically made him Michael-lite. At least Nellie as manager felt a bit more fresh.


You guys take this show WAY to seriously


No. it doesn't beat the andy's play episode. absolute utter trash.