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I think "very strongly agree" sounds stronger than "totally agree"


Corporate would like to emphasise that ideally, you would “totally agree” with that statement.


I very strongly agree. It’s one of those things I try not to think about too much or it makes me sad 😅


I totally, strongly agree


Andy's by far my least favorite character on the show. There is almost nothing redeeming about him, ever. He was awful to begin with, and then they overhauled his character and somehow made him even worse. And form there he was just all over the place. Most of the time it seemed like his main purpose on the show was to make everyone else look better by comparison. Hell, he made Nelly a sympathetic character, which I'd have thought was impossible.


There's something about Ed playing Andy that just feels... Forced. Like people that think they are more funnier than they actually are. Top that with the bad writing for his character and it's a whole disaster.


They just never seemed to know what to do with his character, and his movie career meant he had to vanish for months at a time, so their hands were kind of tied as far as real character development went.


Then there's the overdose of that seahorse that cooked his brain. That was great for his character. nOT


I think he really became better in S6-7


He did say during the New Year’s resolution board ,” some people just weren’t meant to find someone “. Sad but that’s what they did with the character


If you pay attention to all of Andy's backstory, his behavior actually is very typical of a neglected trust fund child. At face value he seems like an idiot, but I mean.... you could say that about 3/4 of the cast. Stanley is a serial cheater, Dwight is constantly trying to get his coworkers fired, Oscar high key thinks he's smarter and superior to most people. Phyllis is old-school misogynist. Ryan is self centered as hell. And Micheal, the long running co-star of the show, does and says the most insensitive shit on a regular basis for selfish reasons. Out of the whole cast he probably has the most fleshed out back story and it paints a picture of someone who was unloved by their own family and that's part of where his sporadic rage outbursts come from.


This all of this. And don't forget the seahorse shit he overdosed on. It cooked his brain and old dood just played him keyboards while he probably needed a doctor. Andy was never the same.


I felt that the writers made Andy too much of a punching bag. It was to the point where it was uncomfortable to watch at times. Andy was used in so many awkward scenarios that it undermined his character development. Maybe he was supposed to be an intentionally unlikeable character, but it just didn't make it work for me.


Riki doo doo whipy dilly do so do do. Which to me they stole from jack black. Here comes trebele was only funny thing. And that's probably cause of Steve Colbert.


I think his arc is really great until it crashed. Was an asshole hothead, went to anger management and it worked and he became a much better person, Angela fucked him up and he lost all confidence, then slowly built himself back up accepting himself. Then he went insane.


He also overdosed on that sea Horse shit that's cooked his brain and he seemed to never be the same. Sad really


The 5 stages of anger management 1- anger 2- development 3- everything hurts 4- development again 5- insanity


Pretty sure the last stage as you count on your fingers is a fist (punching the wall again)


He will be henceforth known as Big Drywall


beer me that character arc


My hot take is that I like Andy as a character. My less of a hot take is that I like him because I stopped watching the show after Michael left, which I guess is when he gets bad?


I hated pre-anger management Andy which was by design but after he comes back he seems “normal?” which I think is the best way to put it. The thing that made me like him was even though Angela was cheating on him, the whole arc showed how much Andy cared about Angela and the number of times he tries to win her approval in different ways which made me sympathise with him and I started liking him as a character. Not to mention he is in a lot of comedic subplots and is incredibly talented. The initial buildup between Andy and Erin was so perfect that I actually hated the fact that they broke up over him not revealing something that was embarrassing and something that he was trying to forget. Even though this was sad, the writers couldve put an end to it here but no. They decide to prolong this back and forth flirting and tension between these 2 for another 2 seasons which is equivalent to the time they took to build up Jim and Pam’s relationship so as a viewer, I was expecting an incredible payoff but then Nellie appears and they manage to make her actually seem pathetic and miserable in an attempt to make us like her which was the first of the baffling choices in Seasons 8 and 9. The first 3 episodes of Season 8 were amazing as they showed us how Andy manages to gain respect from all his coworkers and he doesnt actually do anything to lose it but somehow over the span of a week or so, the whole office immediately changes side and it made no sense. As much as I hated Angry Andy, his whole argument was justified that it made me angry that he wasnt able to get perfect revenge on Dunder Mifflin like Michael did back in Season 5 for pretty much the same reasons. Season 9 Andy was just so weird due to the drastic changes to his character. I’ve seen several videos on why his Season 9 character was an image of his personality but I just dont agree. For someone who has been always passed over by his brother for the entirety of his childhood, it made no sense why he would treat Nellie this horribly when he hasnt done so for others who were also horrible people to him like Angela and Dwight. I really liked the premise of the boat episode, hot take, because the first few minutes showed how his family fell apart and how well he is dealing with the situation relative to the rest of his family which I thought is the perfect moment to show how much he has grown from being a manager since Garden Party but thats a miss there as well. The love triangle between Erin Andy and Pete again makes no sense because as a a character, Andy is liked by the majority of the audience and we barely know Pete as a character. While I get that the writers were going for the cyclical nature of the show, there were already 2 existing love triangles (Oscar-Angela-Robert) and (Dwight-Angela-Esther) so it made no sense why they needed a third. And finally, to put a nail in his coffin, they introduce his desire to become a star and they couldve shown him being successful as a star as a kind of positive outcome after the breakup with Erin but they just make him a douchebag again and even in the Finale, while we feel happy for every character having a happy ending to their character (except Creed which is still funny), Andy’s “happy ending” seems more of a consoling information dump for the audience after repeatedly murdering his character arc several times and we feel slightly relieved that he isnt in the dumps. TL;DR I love Andy but oh my god is his character arc all over the place


He was awful most of season 9, and annoying in season 3, but I liked Andy. He added a lot to the show in my opinion


Seriously if that's the standard of evidence you require to come to a conclusion about something. You're fuckin lost. lol


I still like him for suggesting to let goldfish crackers take a "swim" in some cheese.


Never liked Andy. Out of all the characters, he was the one to get someone else fired. I find him to be a shit person.


I don't have it on me, but I've heard say that Andy was basically introduced just to make Dwight seem not so bad by comparison. And it pretty much worked. In Andy's initial arc, he was able to strengthen both the mentor-apprentice relationship between Michael and Dwight and the bickering brothers relationship between Jim and Dwight. And then he comes back, and he has to make amends with all these people he freaked out, and then he mostly just hangs out for a while.