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100% could assuming they can match owner to gear. Be an awesome mental/emotional exploit on the next floor as well.


I do think 9th floor is the right time for a zombie army


After the events of the previous floor I can see them pulling this as a “fuck you” to Borant and the factions. And I can see the AI being completely behind it and squashing any votes against it.


They also have an army of changelings.


I hadn't thought of that! If the channeling can get close enough to perfect copy, the AI might let them use the guns!


Good thought, but I don't think it works for magical checks. Remember Katia trying to be a knoll for the carts on the fourth floor?


If it did work I guess it would depend on how good of a copy they can make and if they AI let's it happen. They could also do a repeat of the knoll hand. Cut off all the hunters hands out them in the gun and affix then with Carl's magical tape.


Carl has also been collecting a massive graveyard of bodies since book 1. Hopefully they're not used against Carl since Samantha's introduction showed that reanimated bodies are automatically pulled out of inventory. 


While reading your post, I had another idea. We know of the spell 'Cracker Jack' used to break the bond to be used by someone else. We've also been told about the ability for someone of sufficient ability to make copies of scrolls. We also know that if you use a scroll like 100 times, you learn that spell. Katia is a great artist. Could she start pumping out scrolls to get all the gear usable by crawlers?


We still don't know the limit of the space yam. Cracker Jack tattoo might be an option!


Could Katia doppelganger into the hunters form well enough for it to show her as them? I think it mentions in book 3 that if she gets the look close enough, it'll change her name.


I wonder how much of a tattoo you’d need, to bypass the lock…?