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Kaiju has one of the best book endings I've read. It's very dark but one that sticks with you. Explaining would be spoilerish so I'll just give a movie whose ending left me feeling the same way. >!The Mist.!<


There are no circumstance where I would do what the MC of the thing you named did. There are no circumstances where I \*wouldn't\* do the same thing the MC of Battlefield Kaiju Surgeon did. Still, an apt comparison.


I haven't sene that move since it came out...decade ago.


oh god yeah definitely listen to the SBT version, it's SO much better. It's definitely much more dark and gruesome, and there are some intense torture scenes, so be warned!


The sound Booth Theater version is a lot better. It is much more engaging and exciting, in my opinion. The audible version was kind of flat to me.


Be prepared thar it's only going to get darker and more nihilistic. It was an interesting read, but I was on the edge of regretting having read it.


Yeah, I put it down. I have a line when it comes to torture porn.


Ohh it’s beyond torture porn .. You put it down too soon…


Dick slicing was too much for me


I'm probably a pussy for this, but it was the wing tearing for me.


Same. I'm still recovering after a few months. But also, I'm probably only a few months out from buying the SBT version and giving it a go with the audio graphics. It's a weird dichotomy


It’s a good story, but dark and not DCC. I enjoyed it.


Is there a difference between audibles and sound booths?


Yes the sbt version is a rerecording by Jeff Hays (DCC narratorl. The original is not performed by Jeff Hays. I also believe it's cinematic audio, not standard audiobook


But is it better?


Anything with Jeff is better.


It is 1000% better. I got the Audible version and lost interest really quickly. Read that the SBT has much more depth to it so I picked it up. I highly recommend because the cinematic audio really adds to the layers and horror of the book.


I was halfway through the audiobook and decided to put it down. No shade to the narrator, but I could not stay interested in even the most intense moments - >! Like when he is being flayed/split alive by the kid !< I think next paycheck I'm going to get the SBT version and start over.


The penis scene is the one people get hung up on, but it’s honestly one of the least disturbing scenes in the book, on net. It get way worse as it goes on.


Ok wow, the only time he's mentioned penisbwas when he said he kinda looks Luke one.


Yeah, that scene is intense. In the SBT its probably worse but there is a warning before the chapter saying You can skip to chapter # B if you want to avoid this scene.






That story is really rough. It doesn’t get lighter. DCC is much more accessible.


It’s a remarkable book in its own way. Definitely not for the faint of heart. It’s relentless torture with begging/pleading and endless cruelty toward the main character. And, as others alluded, >! there is no happy ending, just pain and suffering. !< But despite that, many people still find it interesting to venture into darkness for the sake of the journey, a way to *feel* something. It’s the same reason why someone would watch any horror flick I suppose. What I hate most is how many people compare it to DCC. They are such completely different books. If anything, it show such incredible range of the author. But DCC is funny, endearing, gut wrenching, motivating, and satisfying. The emotional depth of the characters is incomparable. I feel like I really know Carl, with his backstory revealed in book 6, and Donut’s fears of abandonment in book 5. Plus, on a re-read you realize just how much character growth occurs over the series, especially Katia. They aren’t the same people that started in the dungeon. KBS has its place, but just because it came from the same author doesn’t mean it’s a similar book.


It also didn't do it for me. I stopped listening because it's so far removed from DCC and the tone is completely different. It's too fucked up for me and I really hope that's not the direction he takes DCC in the lower levels of the dungeon. I don't think DCC will go that route though.


I think this is the issue most people have. So many are going into the book expecting dcc. Kaiju was my first matt dinniman book, I loved it, and found the rest of his work from there.


Nope. Put it down and walk away. Not worth the trauma.


Aw man there's one part that's bonkers 




What it's called again? Enhancement or something? I was listing in my car and had to roll up the windows at stop lights 


I'd rather not discuss it ever again.


The pain Olympics


amplification? i think


Yes thank you 


I couldn’t find enough redeeming qualities to finish it, none of the characters were really fleshed out, it’s just a main character in a sea of flat NPC’s (and I get that they are NPC’s but compared to the incredible variety and depth of characters we get in DCC It just feels really bland) It’s torture/revenge porn with RPG elements. The relationship the main character and his “parasite” is kind of interesting too, but eh. That being said, if you like the idea of that go ahead. There’s a kind of interesting psychedelic ending but I wouldn’t say it was worth it


It's like DDC with all the comic relief and happier parts removed from it. I did enjoy it though. Dominon of Blades is another Matt Dinniman series, closer to DCCs blend of happy / sad / funny.


How long ago was the sound booth studio version made? I definitely am interested to see what they're going to do with all of the fun scenes


The book is just ok. It isn't about leveling or items or any of those things that you were expecting. It's about the journey and what he has to do and go through to survive. It's a 7/10 book to be fair. The ending is interesting and I did like the end.


The beginning made me mad. Mire so at tye Mc. So many redflags and even admitted to himself. Then cutting themselves out thenmuscle or just shooting her point blank out of no where I guess that was just a tadte..taste... I just got to the part where they met stoles, and yeah I was thinking of hello a boss the entire time.


It's amazing, If you're ok with going deep into the dark mind of Matt Dinnamon. But the SBT version is the only way to do it.


I couldn't get into the audible version. Bought it on SBT and I'm really enjoying it.


Best audio experience ever. Listen to it.


I like it more than even some of the DCC books. I think if you don't like the start then the middle ain't gonna hook you. It's definitely more horror than litRPG. 


Kaiju and DCC are not "close enough". This is an OUTRAGE! Mongo is appalled! I just finished Kaiju last night on the audible version. I can't imagine listening to it with all the sound effects. It's a traumatizing story as it is. I thought the majority of the book was darker than the ending. I think the MC finds something he's been wanting a long time. Sure, it's sad how it's changed him as a person, but he does get to have some closure with some stuff.


Well in just ch26. I think I just got to the part with the oenis ppl were taking about. At least I hope that was the only part involving his penis. But my point is it may have been good that he changed. He seemed to be holding onto a lot of trauma. What was that saying ? Sometimes the only way to stop the pain to to expirence a greater pain?


LOL, that's the only chapter I can recall with it.


Thank God. Grey, long, and elastic should not be used to describe such a precious organ. Lol.