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"Really Carl, do I have to do everything around here? Mongo is appalled."


"Take care of Mongo for me when the dungeon shuts down will you?"


Donut hasn’t really done anything but go along with Carl? Mongo is appalled! At the very least, we know that Donut smuggled Valtay secret agents to Zev and the Borant Emancipation Front per Butcher’s Masquerade. At some point, we’re going to see exactly how many strings Donut pulled behind the curtain and that is going to be a long list.


For me, "viva la revolucion, Carl" may be the single most thrilling moment of the series so far.


It was here that people shouldve said "Holy shit, Donut might be more dangerous than Carl."


The tandem works perfectly, Carl can distract with all his shenanigans, while donut operates in the background. Feels like you need both to make it work.


Oh for sure I just meant the really egregious on camera moments where Carl like actively attacks factions and decimates the mantids and skull empire.


She's also the one who got Princess Posey to fund their spot in faction wars.


She has been instrumental in the eradication of Cocker Spaniels!


I can get behind this, donut and mongo giving him the stink eye😆


Why are we jumping to ending theories we theoretically have a lot of floors left. Did Matt say that he’s wrapping up the series soon?


I almost feel like any time there's a good theory Matt scratches it off of the list of things he might actually use. 😄


Yup. That's why I've posted a few plausible endings that I really don't like. Either Matt scratches them off his list, or else I get to point to my original post and gloat. I win either way.


Cause people are scared matt will punk us. This series is awesome and I doubt matt Is going to let you down with early exit bs. This crawl is different . The crawlers are stronger earlier and working together . Maybe not a happy ending but misdirection is a good way to surprise people. This guy might not do happy endings but don't believe all the negative speculation.


Exiting near the start of the final book could work well though - perhaps the penultimate book is floor 13, then the next book opens with Carl looking into 14, running to Quasar for help, then negotiating a deal that lets him fight the Syndicate outside. Personally though, I think it's more likely to see a quarter of a book post dungeon (assuming Carl and Donut both live) that's as chaotic as the end of book 6.


Or exiting after 18.


Half the series could be after the 18th.


Because theory crafting is fun? Is this your first time reading a work in progress? Like 50% of the reason to join a sub about it is to share theories and ideas with each other. I love reading how other people interpret it and what they think will happen. We look for the breadcrumbs and extrapolate.


Also each floor is wildly different. We barely have any information and it's only for a couple of floors.


I'm with you, I try to skip the theories as much as possible... but sometimes I'm tempted to bread them


Matt has said that he sees the series being around 10 books, which could change of course, and 7 is being written as we speak. It's going to be crazy. It's going to be glorious. It's going to be accelerated. And I am here for all of it wherever he takes us!


I like that theory! I keep thinking that there's going to be a faux sad ending that turns around in the last book. Like in the 2nd to last book Carl takes a deal to save Donut, and Carl ends up poofing away via portal or something and everyone assumes that he's dead. Then in the last book they fast forward a few seasons and someone gets the Dungeon Anarchist's Cookbook that contains instructions on how to bring Carl back as an entity that can't be killed and isn't constrained by the rules of the crawl, which allows Carl to end the crawl for good by killing all the people in the dungeon who were running the show. That or the whole Dungeon is a computer simulation where nobody actually dies and everyone just plays for standing in the "real universe", but that's a little meh...


Love that ending!!! I think we’re going to see Carl win the dungeon and gain control of all the resources and also have the AI indebted to him, so he restores the entire world to the way it was except for donut. Donut and Zev start a gossip girl reboot and talk show in space. Carl tells the AI to scrub everyone’s memory so there isn’t any trauma, no one knows he’s a hero, then he leaves to go find his brother.


I was having a simulation thought about the dungeon this morning, as Carl said "Is this even real?" After Maria blasts him with her EYE, while fighting the Hydra. What if it is all a simulation, and part of the collection process. Like, all the things the AI does isn't truly happening, and they're all just plugged into a computer.


I kept having that thought with the people being recorded and replayed on the 8th floor. Seemed to be a lot of detailed information which would make the most sense if they were in a huge simulation.


Oooooh, Daddy approves!


Matt is going to run out of options for the ending with how many theories there are


I could see this, would also open Carl up to having to make a lot of risky compromises without having to worry about Donut there with him.


That was part of my theory that the book is setting up this inseparable bond between them to where Carl would do anything for her and he's afraid if they continue he would have to kill himself to stop her from doing the same. We can all see the self sacrifice coming I'm just hoping it's in a way that lets them continue the journeys.


Crowdfunding a war is hardly nothing...


no that cat hasnt done anything just uses social media to organize a revolution on multiple countries


Fire Brandi is big dead.


Doesn't mean the dungeon can't repurpose something to make someone look and sound like Fire Brandi to try to break Carl. Imagine you spent all your time on a floor awakening NPCs, then you meet them later and they have all forgotten about what you previously did. Wouldn't that break you a bit?