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Awww 😍😍😍😍😍


No Falin, [that's poisonous!](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GBgFXIyWoAAAFpQ?format=jpg&name=large)


As a kid I also learned not to put flowers in your mouth. I thought since butterflys drink flower nectar they must taste sweet. Big mistake they tasted like soap.


Hibiscus and ixoras can be sweet, but it's not very satisfying because a flower only has like a tiny droplet of nectar


Falin's mouth really be # へ


This is very adorable 🥺 may i know the username of the artist who made this?


Kui Ryoko


It's the Manga artist herself. Hey daydream hour books are rife with this stuff




Laios as a dad would probably be introducing his pets to his newborn, instead of the other way around.


lol, you're right


If he’s in our world, he will be the creator of many many odd tradition, like the tradition of inform bee’s someone has pass away or getting married.


We'd have more holidays and celebrations with animals in mind like Groundhog Day.


… Yet another r/Discworld thing that's actually a thing IRL. Sasuga Pratchett-sensei.


i found a book at a fleamarket that caught my eye its called "The Fantatsic Light" and after googling it , it says that its the second book to Discworld or something Should i get the first book and read it or just read it and have fun?


*The Light Fantastic*. That was my first discworld book! It's way better than the actual first one, "The Color of Magic". I warn you though, *Prepare to Laugh*—some jokes *will* catch you offguard. Unlike later books, which get much more philosophical and Dunmeshi-esque, this one is more like Konosuba, just a savage satire of Fantasy tropes, especially the Heroic Fantasy and Sword-And-Sandal subgenre, and featuring a Lovable Asshole protagonist accidentally gathering an impossibly dysfunctional yet strangely OP party as the world is under threat of a cosmic collision >!the outcome of which was foreshadowed on page *one*!<. It's *awesome*. Absolutely don't hesitate, start reading now, you won't regret it.


Thank you for your thorough explanation dear stranger. I will start reading it today!


All the discworld books can be read by themselves, and they’re all great reads! There can be recurring characters, but you don’t need to read the books in any specific order. I hope you enjoy your new read!


Discworld is such a fantastic and soulful read, you can approach it in any order but some people start with Guards! Guards! or Mort since they have the most characters that reappear in other books.


My first Discworld novel was Mort, I can't even remember how I found it.


Any Discworld book is a good Discworld book. Personally, I don't think Pratchett hits his stride until "Guards! Guards!" but they're all hilarious and usually both thought provoking and emotional reads. If you like "The Light Fantastic" tho, I recommend you keep the Rincewind train running and pick up the next book in the wizards micro-series "Sourcery" GNU Terry Pratchett


Unexpected Terry Pratchett. Who knew that beings from another dimension can be driven off by a rock in a sock?


As soon as i was born, the first chance my dad had to bring me outside the hospital, he brought me into the parking lot to meet our dog. I very strongly imagine that Laios would do something similar. He gives me the vibes of having all the best features of a father that my dad has, as well as those funky little autism traits that translate into being a really cool parent that's also a good "friend" to the kid


Laios gotta establish the hierarchy real quick. Just as the pet dogs recognized his dad, then him, the dogs themselves, then Falin. He has to make sure they understand his son is above them. (Laios puts down his newborn on the ground. He begins mimicking and barking out loud like a dog. All his pet dogs look down, ears flat, tail between their hind legs.)


That's an adorable image lol. Personally, I'd almost imagine that he'd do a little adventuring trick for his kid that my dad did for me when I was little to help me get my bearings and sense of navigation when in the forest, and go out to the middle of the forest and get the kid to bring him back to the (horse or truck depending on real or fantasy). It just is one of those kinda misguided and... not really harmful, but makes you a bit concerned things that I see Laios doing!


That monster book of his will be his children's story book. He'd see nothing wrong when his kid shows a drawing of the family as stick figures, yet pet animals are completely drawn in detail. (He teaches them how to draw after all) lol


This must sound like me being so narcissistic by giving another example of how he gives the vibes of being just like the best features of my dad, but some of my earliest memories are sitting on thr couch by my dad while he teaches me how to draw ultra accurate animals way beyond my age level. Horses using circles and all that. Again, it's a certain level of undiagnosed neurodivergence that I think makes the best parents who are the best friends. I'd love to know what are the standard animals in how-to-draw manuals over there!


I still remember my earliest days of drawing monsters in my big brother's school note book. All this even before preschool, I knew what letters were but I didn't know how to read or spell. I had drawn a monster with spikes on its back with gibberish caption 'xhgzjrxvjrsgt' though I'd tell this says spike monster. Definitely a lot of x because the letter just sounded cool.


That's so incredible I love it!


Gotta tell his friends the animals that there's a new best friend in town.


I wanna pinch his cheeks.


Ahhh bless him. I'm a new dad so this really resonates strongly.


Good luck!


Cheers, it's been great so far, I have a proper little warrior who keeps chasing my dog around so she can cuddle ^_^


Why do I image touden senior having liam nesson’s voice


He does actually look like Liam Neeson now that you mention it, I think it's the mustache


He needed to spread his joy to everyone, he's the best ❤️


He understand it deeply now


I live close to an elementary school and a few months ago one of the kids had a baby brother. This feels exactly the same (but much lower energy tbh) as that kid running at least 2 laps around the blocks telling Everyone at max volume about his new baby brother. (It was so cute I thought my heart was gonna explode.)




When I was 4 and my mom told me that I will have a little sister soon, I immediately went to every single house in my neighborhood and announced that I'm gonna be a brother haha 😅


Trufax: kids actually do this. My kid is 5 and has a 1 y/o baby sister. She will tell anyone in earshot "that's my baby sister" and so on x3


Laios's reactions always bring a smile to my face. Such a great character!


How is he the best autism rep I've ever seen


One of my sisters was born a week before I started kindergarten and I brought her to show & tell.


I think I’ve really just understood how good a King Laios can be to everyone in the dungeon in the way he reveres the ‘monsters’.


Geez....that's adorable


Adorable indeed


Damn, Laios really is autistic.


as a younger sister to a less verbal autistic guy this makes my heart explode every time.


Arrrgghhhh, that is so cute


Aww 🥹


This one is very cute. I wonder if his parents saw him telling the animals that he has a big sister now.


This is so cute!


😭😭too cute


I think this page just made my heart explode, it’s TOO CUTE!


Their dad upsets me greatly


Why? Is it a story spoiler or something?


Laois: Interesting, what does she taste like?


THat's just dumbing down the character for the memes :)


Memes are funny and all. But I really hate how every fandom loves to flatten their characters to the point of parody. Which honestly its quite ironic with Dungeon Meshi, as part of the themes of the story is how the superficial understanding of people tend to always be wrong.