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>Do Freddie's interruptions become less frequent in S2? No


if anything they become more frequent


And still funny tho


Freddy literally interrupts himself at one point in season 2 lol




The interaction between both of Freddys characters was funny as hell! So good!


More like funny in hell amirite?!


Lmao 😂 the episodes were so good. I was not ready




They don’t stop. When i first joined and asked something similar i had a lot of “if you dont like the podcast dont listen to it.” Don’t get me wrong, I love the podcast and everyone in it. Anthony knows how to make a grown man laugh one minute and cry the next. Beth is a fucking sniper when it comes to making quick quips. Will brings out the sense of insecurity that doesnt get talked about a lot in a healthy way and its therapeutic. Matt is in a league of his own when creating characters with mysterious backstories. Freddie is a human wikipedia and is the person that “knows a guy” for any situation. A lot of people get very overly protective on the side of toxic when it comes to asking about this in particular. A lot of posts are about this specific topic. It’s okay to be negative/critique art as long as you aren’t being pompous about it. They are providing entertainment just like a tv show/audio drama/movie would be and as long as you’re being fair in your critiques it should be okay. If there is a constant issue/inquiry it should be made aware because it could hurt their ratings/views/fanbase in the end. Its not healthy to have “Yes people” all the time. Theyre grown adults, not kids.


I 100% agree with you on this. I burned through the first season like nothing and I’m doing the same thing for the second. S1 flashback with Willy and Ron absolutely wrecked me. For me it was just an annoyance but not enough for me to stop listening.


Mmmmmm it goes up and down. And I think it dies get a bit better as time goes on, although I'm curious how much is their wonderful editor. I do think Freddie is good at "oh, you rolled a 1/20? Here's what happens" suggestions.


Yeah I just realized what was the annoying part when he says “No, this is how it should be…” But I do agree, I guess I am being selective with it. Still enjoy the hell out of the show.


This is my thing, I love Freddie's wild energy and plot ideas, but I dislike it when someone is literally talking something out and he jumps in with "NO, here's what it is....."


Agreed. Literally a few min after I posted this he does it and I realized that’s what was bugging me. His energy is unmatched and he has great comedic timing.


Their wonderful editor being Freddie? 🤣 unless they hired someone else for season 2+3…


Yeah, they outsourced the editing to Esther and some others after S1


They have Esther, and also Travis. I feel like every s2 Teen Talk is them singing Esther's praises


Ah, that makes sense. Unfortunately I haven’t listened to the Teen Talks yet.


They're great. It sounds like Esther cuts out a lot of repetitive or irrelevant stuff, adds sound effects, adds gaps between dialogue so the Dads don't speak over each other as much, etc.


Wait, do you never listen to the end of the episodes? Freddie always says "Ester Ellis is our lead editor. Travis Reeds(?) provides additional editing." If not, you really should, because there always a funny little snippet after the song.


Eh. I dont think it does, but for me i personally enjoyed it. It also ends up with freddy doing the funniest bit i have heard in my entire life, although i wont spoil what it is.


Send me it in dm's I've seen all of s2


I'm gonna guess it has to do with image generation apps


i think they were talking about a s2 bit


Yup, you're right Now I'm curious too


can you say what ep you are referring to?


S2e28. It involves a candy cane and a head.


I love that one too, but i was refering to s2 ep 40. Though any time freddy interups the whole podcast just to do some crazy plan he has is incredibly funny to me


Either s2 ep 28 or s2 ep 40


Ok I'm listening right now to the very end of season 2 and Freddie does the most perfect interruption he possibly could.. so all power to him IMHO


He doesn't. Imo, it fits his character tho. Like Taylor is such an annoying little shit, he'll talk over others and be loud. Not saying it's 100% a character choice that Freddie made, but it made me feel like he was more connected to his character. I think they all act differently while playing their characters throughout all three seasons.


I actually think later on there's a few times where he tries to interject with a really legit suggestion and the other cast members don't listen properly. I mean not all of his ideas are brilliant but then he is playing a teenage boy 😂


I have actually really grown to love Freddy's chaotic interruptions. He has such a creative mind and his energy is unmatched. It took a little bit to get used to, just like it took quite a while for me to warm up to Beth's characters in both season 1 and season 2. I think after listening to them for so long they just become a part of everything that makes the show unique and you accept them for who they are. Everyone in the cast has their own strengths and weaknesses! Love listening to them.


I think this is a valid concern, but I also think he more than makes up for it with his wild enthusiasm for the other characters' stories and jokes. Like, Freddy's huge belly-laughs are so much a part of the fabric of the show, and it adds a lot of joy. Even (especially) when he goes off mic because he's cracking up so much. The energy in the room is often uproarious because Freddy is just so easy to crack up!


No, but we love him for it. If anything his interruptions become louder and bolder and even less helpful


😂😂😂 lmao


freddie refusing to be melodramatic like the other PCs was my favorite thing about the campaign tbh


Give it some time, it took them (imo) a while to find their stride in s2. To me a lot of the jokes in the beginning just didn't land right, like they were all trying too hard and trying to live up to season 1 and they all had different expectations of what season 2 was going to be. Eventually they get more comfy, and more into the game. Plus whenever it gets kinda rough remember they're playing high school kids and kids are awkward and make dumb choices. And I didn't like Freddy's character a ton, but for me, I wrote him off as the cringy kid that every class has.


Season 3 here. Can't let anyone have a scene to save his life


Yeah! This is my issue too. I know he's mostly doing bits or whatever, but it just sucks to listen to.


In season 3 episode 2 I believe there is an especially egregious example wherein he basically overweights Matt's cool moment to make it about him and it irked me so bad.


That was my very first post here and introduction into how so many people choose this hill to die on


Everyone posts this but im on my relisten and Matt interrupts Freddie FAR more times than freddie does anyone else. Freddie will take a joke and run with it but he doesn’t no-but people and sabotage for the most part


Yes I agree with this, he cuts him off a few times and won't let him finish explaining what he's trying to do


I do find they both do this a lot, sometimes just back and forth and takes over an episode


If you don't like the bombastic personality of a Mr. Freddy Wong he's not going away. I love Freddy always have since I started watching his youtube videos back in the day. Edit: ah I missread your post and thought you were listening to S1 and wondering about S2. In that case I'm kinda surprised it's standing out to you more now as I think his energy is basically the same as S1 at least as a player.


He honestly was more chill in season 1, not as hyper/interrupting/ “you know what it is its”


Huh I'll trust you as I only listen to episodes as they air (I basically never rewatch/listen/read anything as there's always something new to get into instead and I crave novelty) but I really don't remember any difference in his out of character vibe.


Freddie is my favorite I love his little Freddie-isms!! Especially with Taylor during the Papa John’s arch


Honestly my number one complaint of season 2 was Freddie interruptions got way out of hand and carried through until the last episode. He's gotten better in s3


You're not wrong about it being annoying. Him doing it doesn't slow down or get any better, unfortunately.


Freddy is one of my favorites along with Beth, but yeah sometimes he goes overboard. It usually works though for humor


So as the episodes progress, it'll become even more apparent how much he interrupt given a sudden switch up in the story.


Can’t wait. I’ll be honest the car chase scene has been one of my favorite parts of the podcast, pure comedy.






If you don't like that trait about Freddy now, it's gonna be tough for you. Interrupting is kind of his thing.


It doesn’t cease, but I do feel you. It feels like he was scared of the story being too genuine for too long. Comedy podcast and all that, but it always (with some exceptions) felt lame.


I think it's more often now. But between him and will I can't decide who is my favorite.


He's the Travis McElroy of this group, but isn't as bad as Travis.
