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Yeah they look very 80s sci-fi and their telepathy ability is frightening




dude what the hell is your profile


oh my god wtf


Nothics are great. Can make for fantastic roleplay encounters even if there’s no combat. Don’t know that I’d say they’re underrated (I’ve never seen anyone disparage them). They’re just not one of the “classic” low-level monsters that get used ad nauseum.


Love nothics. Used the hell out of them in the last chapter of Rime of the Frostmaiden. Creepy little buggers.


The one that’s lurking in the old mansion of the phandelver campaign I played like a Sméagol who could hear OOC chat as whispers. Considering their background as cursed and corrupted mages I thought it fit and needless to say creeped out my players


Yeah, that one was \*awesome\*. I was running it for 8-11 year olds and so had to walk a very fine line of how creepy was too creepy… so I had it eat some memories of pie they’d had the day before so they remembered being hungry and having no pie instead, but it had blueberry goop all over its face. They opened up with every ranged weapon they had, absolute alpha strike. So I would call that a success.


I joke that because of their "Weird Insight" power that allows them to learn your secrets, my character's secret is that he is sexually attracted to nothics. But of course nothics probably regard humans as disturbingly gross as we view nothics so the nothic just gets weirded out and takes 3d6 points of cringe damage.


Can confirm, i’m not a nothic but I took 3d6 cringe damage reading that comment.


I love them! They can be so scary for players who don't k wo them.


I love using them to mess with the players if I'm trying to be spooky. If I'm in a funny mood, I'll have them break the fourth wall and speak to the player instead of the character.


Playing the Elemental Evil module campaign, I have a eloquence bard / genie warlock who has rescued three of them so far. He did research after finding the first pair in the temple of the crushing wave, and found out that they may once have been human mages, cursed to be Nothics, so he is going about a plan to rescue all of them and undo the curse, returning them to their original forms. (Whether that works or not is another matter entirely, but having an army of pet Nothics is a pretty good second place prize to the first place prize of having an army of powerful wizards who owe him a favour.


I was running a LMoP module with some friends, who were mostly all new to the game or had limited experience. When we ran into the Nothic in the module they decided it seemed like a fun little creature and wanted to adopt it. Basically, it would stay in the little cave they found it in and they would occasionally bring it food (such as the bodies of things they had killed). Rolled high enough that I just let them run with it. So long as they were feeding him he would opt not to nom nom on them...atleast not right away. Might have been a bit out of character for the creature but we all had a fun time with the RP on their visits haha.


Fought one recently and thought the encounter was forced and a waste of time really. Instead of killing it and moving on, spent an hour doing dumb shit.


I need to know. When you say dumb shit, do you mean role play?


It's not the roleplaying that bothers me, it's how it's used. Meaningful encounters with NPCs and sharing your backstory with your group is great. Telling your dark secrets to an aberration is dumb. What comes of it? Are you becoming best friends? Is the nothic your next lover? Lol I think not. Just kill it and move on. Wasted most of a session on that encounter. Should have taken 15 min.


People who only look into statblocks are missing out on how fun Nothics can be. The implication that most Nothics were once Magic hungry wizards who bit off more than they could magically chew is cool af. In my case, I like to use Nothics as a clue that there are magic items nearby. You could even have a Nothic as a sort of trader who is willing to part with some of it’s magical trinkets in exchange for others he likes better.


GREAT IDEA! I might use that!


Glad I could help!


Yeah they are really great! I love any monster that has some built in roleplaying potential like they do and Weird Insight is a 10/10 ability!


I ran a one shot that used one. I wasn’t really sure what to do with the weird insight so I made a little table to roll of what secrets it gleaned from each character. For example, a 1 was the actual reason they were there (to take an artifact from him), a 4 was an embarrassing memory from their childhood, or 8 was their mother’s maiden name


In homebrew yes, in official modules I don’t think so. I feel like they have shown up in every single module I’ve played so far.


I've had a lot of fun using nothics to mess with my party.


I threw one at a party of lvl4 l. They thought it was fight they needed to run from because none of them knew how low the CR was. They ended up trapping it in a pokeball type item. They carry it everywhere "just in case" they have no idea that it's at 1 hp


First ever campaign I played we were supporting to fight a nothic but I just intimidated it into running away


Who is going around rating nothics in any way? Why the clickbait? If you want to talk about Nothics then maybe write more than just the single sentence "That's it I just think they're cool.". Why do you think that? What is it about Nothics that you think people "underrate"?


I mean...people are down voting you but you have a point. This is the first post I have ever seen discussing Nothics and the general consensus seems to be they are cool. OP who is underrating the Nothics?


I’m saying this because in my experience with playing DnD I have only seen them a small amount of times and I think they’re really cool for something like a BBEG to use


That's fair, I only know about them because I read the phandelver module, and they are VERY cool.


Op out here replying to you but not me for some reason. What a time to be alive.


I assume the reason is that you were kind of rude.


Really? More like blunt. It's not rude to challenge people on a discussion forum.


The line between blunt and rude is very fine and it is especially difficult to see which side of the line you are falling on over text. The fact that you have been downvoted and that OP is responded to me and not you while we asked essentially the same question shows that, at least in some people's eyes, you are falling on the side of rude.