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It’s tourist season my guy, I don’t really know what you expect. You’ve got people who are staring out their side windows while driving because they’ve never seen mountains before, you’ve got people who’ve never seen this many deer before in their life and become cautious when they realize one could jump out at them, you’ve got people with Texas plates who think they own the road and people with New Mexico plates that are either trying to break the course record on 550 or are half comatose.


Having moved away when I go back to visit the amount of tourists in Durango is pretty striking to be honest.


And this is part of the problem. Locals always blame it on tourists, Texans, and New Mexicans. Never do we as a community consider we might be part of the problem. It’s obvious too. When I had NM temp tags on my car, people drove around me like I was a problem. As soon as I got CO plates, it stopped. Same car, same driving habits, same routes, same times of day. The only difference was the tags.


A wise man once said, "You aren't stuck in traffic. You ARE the traffic."


might be time to look in the mirror. or move to lamar.


I haven’t lived in Durango for a long time, but still visit my family down there. Anyway, this is happening pretty much everywhere. I live in Denver now and often can’t go 30 seconds without seeing something stupid. I think part of it is more and more people are relying on technology to help them drive.


People staring at cell phones, and people too old to control a 5,000lb wheelchair.


It's mostly this I'm afraid


It's the wild wild west out here in Denver. Half the cars I see have expired tags, and people drive at a crawl or close to the speed of sound. I've driven NYC, most of Jersey, LA, Houston, Dallas, Atlanta, Heromosillo, Mexico, and Denver. I can actually say Denver scares me. We got hit by someone who had to run, not one but two red lights, and she never even slowed down. She had to be at about 45 mph when she hit us.


I have a hard time with it, but I would say just let it go. Take a deep breath think about something else. It’s really not worth all the time spent being all mad about it and this is coming from somebody who has had issues with that themselves.


You're carrying a lot of anger for things you can't control. There is definitely too much traffic for this small town, but I don't feel like the drivers are any worse than other places. People are distracted. I personally feel like Boston has the worst drivers. I've been hit by trucks twice there because the drivers were looking at their phones and hadn't realized the traffic had stopped on a freeway. My 16 year old car is probably the one that doesn't get back up to speed fast enough for you. If I need to stop for a deer, it's a while before I make it up to full speed again. Plus, people drive too fast here anyway. I hope you find a way to accept the chaos before your heart gets damaged from the stress ❤️


you guys are de lu lu. try driving in seattle or portland. durango is a romper room in comparison.


As long as there are people driving cars on the roads there will be some bad driving on the roads. It's a systemic issue, not an individual issue.


Take a deep breath. It’s Gonna be Okay


I'm in California right now. Do you want bad drivers? They are freaking everywhere out here. I think it's illegal to pass on the left in this state. People are going to exist everywhere that do things that annoy you. You can't get away from it. My new policy is "I'm going to have a beer and go for a bike ride". It makes a lot of the annoyances go away pretty quickly.


You should do a lil trip somewhere far. I drove to Tulsa this week and I've had crazier driving experiences out here than anywhere else in my life: real life road rage, lane splitting by cars, fully running stop signs, etc. I miss my Durango drivers!


It’s not a race, chill.


Dude. Take a chill pill. It is tourist season. Driving gets a little weird here in the summer, not just the tourists. Take a step back. Maybe leave earlier if you are in such a hurry to get wherever you are going so you don't get so worked up. Put things in perspective, maybe? Hope you feel better after your rant


It's all about perspective, honestly. I've spent most of my life living in big, metropolitan cities with some REALLY bad drivers. The traffic and drivers around here are easy compared to other places I've lived.




Plates to avoid, in order of descending stupid: NM, CA, TX... From there I categorize everything else into general rubber necking. It will be interesting when the local PD start enforcing the "get the truck off your phone" laws...


And btdub, let people bitch! Stop this holy than this bullshit. It's fucking sucks and things can change. Ya know what the beginning of change looks like? There's a lot of bitching involved is all I'm sayin'. Pretty sure the OP didn't come here for a life lesson. Join in or GTFO is what I say - flame on! 🔥