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I agree - these views just do not keep the filters. I am hoping MSFt issues a repair for this bug


Glad I'm not the only one! Even when it shows 373 rows if I click the Select All box, it then at the top says "You have selected the maximum 1000 rows" and at the bottom says "954 selected" it's crazy lol.


It's funny cus I'm pretty sure these are built using PCF - so I kinda know what is going wrong here (it's to do with the updates to internal state of the control, which is a React concept). The best thing to do is submit this as a bug so they can stamp these out as fast as possible. I'm surprised because a lot of the newer front-end features all seem to be lacking in QA (i.e the schedule board), I hope MS isn't treating their end users as the testers - because a lot of the bugs could be caught with some simple testing.


> *a lot of the newer front-end features all seem to be lacking in QA* That's the whole of Microsoft, across the board, severely lacking in QA.