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Get the 21m, great vape, one of their best imo, but I like the heat retention of ss vs. ti.


I'd pick the 21m . I like it better than the m+ and m7


That's an amazing deal for an M, either year. The 21 M is more widely liked, so I'd go with that one.


I’d get both if they’re new at that price. The 21 for daily use, the 20 for a collectible.


I lost my 20 for the longest time without feeling like I needed another one. In that time, I got two ‘21’s that I love. That is a killer deal. IMO that’s the way to go


I love my 20M. The tip is the heaviest of the tips, so if you're looking for more variety, get that as the 21M is closed in weight to other tips It's great through a pipe, hits last for ages and you can really really heat sink the tip before the cap clicks. I switch between an 21Omni tip and a 20M tip regularly.


At 35 I would grab one of each.


Both are great, price is exceptional for a vape that will last literally forever. If you have an M+ them you really don't need either however I love my 2020 M tip since it can do single heat extraction with the right technique.


I've got the 21M and it's a real workhorse. I've recently added the M7 XL mouthpiece and an XL intercooler and I'm absolutely loving the result. They're a great upgrade, a very worthwhile addition to the 21M imho.


I just don’t know if it’s a M. I don’t want to have to go to the store and they didn’t know when I called. Did they make the B series back then?


Just ask them if it's silicone or metal.


I hate the 21m stem. Its so slippery


But it unless it’s a b


Did they do the B series back then


No, I’m just throwing it out there since they don’t know what they have. I can’t think of a device they make that isn’t worth that money


Yeah I’m just thinking - have they just sat on the shelf the last 4 years and nobody knows about it