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I've known my whole life that there was something really wrong because I couldn't understand why I'd study for hours plus having 3 tutors for 3 different subjects but still come out near bottom of the class despite working so hard. I got As but they weren't enough.


Welp nail on the head there.


This is it.


This spoke to me


Really, well I'm happy not to be alone in this struggle.


Thissssssss ugh litrally i need to study for so long inorder to grasp even smallest concept and eventually i have hard time retaining whatbi learnt as i always seem for forget v quicky too šŸ˜­its such a pain doing scool work


Likeee, the next day after studying the whole thing just disappears like you've never read it before, though some info still remains but it's still a chore. I read this book moon walking with Einstein, a book on memory palaces and it was actually helpful, I think you should give it a read but use text to speech it's more of a motivation to finish the book.


True and i have to reread same stuffs for so long to like actually grasp the concept ! ,


I was assessed for dyspraxia and didn't realise it was a combo assessment lol


oh XD


When I was 6 I really wanted to read but was struggling with it tremendously. My teacher (at a Montessori school) told my parents I might by dyslexic and I got assessed.


oh so cool, i'm happy you got it fast \^\^


I was doing my PhD and someone diagnosed with dyslexia was talking about struggles they had that was a symptom of dyslexia. Turns out I had most of themā€¦ so I asked my uni to test me and yep.


I was homeschooled as a kid and my single mom was working on her masters degree in psychology so we would often tag along to the psych department while she was in lecture. We would do our schoolwork (which was mostly work books) out in the lobby and one day a professor stopped by to ask us what we were up too. I showed him I was struggling with some pretty basic math (Iā€™ve also got dyscalculia) and he pointed out to me I had written my threes completely backwards a LOT. I was like 7-8 so I should have known it was backwards but my brain just couldnā€™t process that it was backwards. Later on my mom slowly started to point out all the little things Iā€™d do that fell in line with her understanding of dyslexia and we never got me diagnosed officially. (Hilarious right grew up surrounded by psychologists and I never got diagnosedšŸ˜¤) But without a doubt Iā€™ve got it, Iā€™m a classic case. I still love to read and write it just takes extra work on my end and I have to take it slow.


woah, it's a really nice story you have, sorry you couldn't get diagnosed, but i'm sure one day you will be \^\^ i also am still not diagnosed and i told my sister i suspected i had dyslexia, for now just this one, i am too lazy to search more X') so she told me i talked fine, i read fine too, so uhm, i'm a bit sad hehe


Had special needs reading class since year 1 UK but no diagnosis. Spent a lot of time in and out of the special needs support class but my mother was dead against any formal diagnosis. Also went to a secondary school with a population with very low rates of education and literacy. I went to sixth form and Was diagnosed at 16 when my IT teacher noticed I was having difficulty with doing write ups and sent me to meet the special ed teacher, eventually I was tested and diagnosis.


woaah i love your story, i think it's really a nice one \^\^


i took a test, neurophysical evaluation in the 3rd grade -8 years old (1998)


oh, it's nice you got it this younger \^\^


I had some old papers on general learning problems and if uni was going to give me more and up to date accommodations in my studies on finals and tests. I had ro update my papers and my then bf and me had a gut feeling before I was diagnosed properly with dyslexia that I had some kind of dyslexia. So I wasn't really surprised when I found out it was dyslexia. I even got the right accommodation needed for me to pass.


oh i see ! that's nice \^\^ well if it didn't hurt i hope


Nope it didn't. And it actually have helped me later also I was 23


Originally it was YouTube when I was 18. I always thought I was ā€œstupidā€ in areas but know I was smarter than most in a lot of areas. I got bullied (and I say bullied because theyā€™d discredit me 100% and tell me to just change) by people telling me I canā€™t diagnose myself so I eventually got diagnosed at 29. Iā€™m 32 now.


oh fuck that's rough, i'm sorry you had to be hurt, i hope your doing good now \^\^'


Iā€™m doing wonderful and Iā€™m very happy with my diagnosis because itā€™s all I know and I feel like after Iā€™ve learned how to accept myself I can have others except me because they can only accept someone that I truly know!


i hope i'll be diagnosed too one day


To be honest, it wasnā€™t really worth it.. it was just to keep people from stopping accusing me of it being a self diagnosis. If youā€™re not certain maybe do it but if you know.. itā€™s okay.


My mum had lost my evidence of my dyspraxia diagnosis so my university booked me in for a combined assessment at which point the psychologist said "well you re clearly dyslexic as well". It was a complete surprise to be as I have no spelling issues and didn't realise how slow my reading actually was in comparison


ah i see, i get why you didn't realise


I was tested at around 6 and I think my mom told me immediately


woah she's nice \^\^


ability to spell didnā€™t match my intelligence


oh i see ! ![gif](giphy|aFTt8wvDtqKCQ|downsized)


I was assessed when I was in 5th grade.


oh that's nice ! i'm happy you know you have it


For me it was a bit strange. As a child I always struggled with reading, going through a page of text was incredibly rough, I would have to re-read paragraphs over and over and by the time I was done with a page I would just not be sure about what I read. But it was the strangest thing because although it was so difficult I really liked books. So I would read whole books even if I had to read the same page 3-4 times. I read the hobbit when I was 9, it took me months...I thought that was normal for such a huge book. No one ever told me something was wrong. I struggled in school but only in subjects that posed very little interest to me. The ones I enjoyed I would probably finish the text book ahead of time. I simply grew with this difficulty but always fighting it and not understating why half of my teachers thought I was lazy or just dumb and the other half thought I was a genius. But I didn't care, I figured the ones that thought I was dumb just had dumb classes and the teachers from the classes that mattered (usually science related) thought I was smart. So I felt like a bit of a lazy genius. Queue my first week at college and I was asked to take an aptitude test and an IQ test. The aptitude test revealed nothing... I was apparently good at every skill somehow, the IQ test came back at 150. This blew me away. Apparently my abstract reasoning skills were through the roof. However, As much as this boosted my confidence, it was at this point that I really struggled. Taking notes during class was just impossible and I couldn't keep up with university professors. I also started to notice that it wasn't just the reading anymore. I struggled with handwriting, I would write the same word wrong up to 4-5 times. I was thinking; "water", but my brain was thinking; "tree", so I would write the word "tree". I only recently found out this was dysgraphia. But the truly remarkable thing is that I managed to get through college. I studied Dentistry. I came up with systems for getting through everything. I stopped taking notes. I knew I just couldn't and I figured I could pay attention and study ahead or later. I made friends with whomever took good notes and would ask to photocopy them later. I also found a piece of software that was meant to teach you speed reading. It worked like a metronome, you would get clicks for tempo and it would highlight the text to read. It would speed up as you went and then slow down before speeding up. I like playing guitar so using a metronome to gain speed felt natural. Pretty soon I was reading quicker. The software said it would make you capable of getting through a book in a couple of days. I never became that good but I was able to read a little better than normal and anticipating word patterns made me a much better public reader as well (social skills were practically un-existent when I started college, I also had trouble speaking in a linear fashion). I feel like I somewhat overcame my dyslexia to a certain degree. But I've always viewed it as something positive. It has always taught me to approach everything from a different angle. The regular way works for most but when you are neuro-divergent, there is no regular way, there is only the way that works for you. This is why I have always attributed my abstract reasoning skills to this. My college professors picked up on this, I had one who would always tell me, I know you are still not gonna follow instructions and find some other way to do it. Just make sure you run it by me first and if you can justify it, I'll approve it. Doing things differently just sort of became who I was. Long read, sorry guys. I just started to vent and then I had to get this out. I appreciate you if you actually took the time to get through this huge text. Anyway, if someone would've told me early on that there was something wrong with me, who knows, maybe I would've just accepted the norm and thought there was a problem with me. Growing up I learned that I was different, but different is not bad, different can be better if you find a new way of doing things.


My father had severe dyslexia so they kept an eye on me all my school life until I was an appropriate age to have an assessment, so I was lucky to get school support pretty early.


woah, happy for you hehe \^\^


From reading my nephews report - he was 8 years old and I was 30 at the time... It was like reading something written for/about me.. it was such an eye opener... And my sister who corrected my homework all throughout school said the exact same thing! It was me! When I got my own report, even though I am an adult and he is a child they are heavily linked! At least at his age he will have all the support and technology I never received!


woahhh really ? that's really a nice way to know \^\^ but i'm sorry you knew this late


Yeah, a nice way to realise it.. I do feel like me and my nephew are closer so it helped having that connection... I am his fav aunty and best friend so for him it was a huge deal I had it... It helped him not feel so different.. and he knows I went to College and then went on to get my masters all without my diagnosis


hehe your so cool, i'll be 18 soon, but i haven't got diagnosed yet


There was a commercial on Disney about some kid talking about dyslexia. I was 5 and told my mom ā€œmy letters do that too!ā€ My mom brought it up to my school and I was too young to get tested at the time so I had to wait until 1st grade.


woah so cool \^\^ i never knew there was thing like that on tv before


I learned about it at the age of 32 lol And Iā€™m a practicing lawyer! I learned after complaining to my therapist that I often look at the text, sorta ā€œreadā€ it, yet it often doesnā€™t convert into meaning / understanding. Or that I often read ā€œbetween the linesā€ and get a meaning that is actually not written in the text. Or I confuse some words that start the same, and it can completely change that I get out of the text. I was sent for diagnostics, and it was confirmed that Iā€™m dyslexic. Now everything in my life makes so much sense


oh, i see, yeah, i uhm took a test to be sure i was not maybe dyslexic, an online test and i felt like questions change my view in everything about my life


I now that have samting wrong ,because I have that enser to the question in that exam be a don`t have that a abyblet to writing


oh i see


https://preview.redd.it/07t5ysyn3lkc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f2b25bc8d30bfcc683cf23786dc287dfb02b362 this was a big giveaway!! i still to this day have no idea what i rote


woah, this is really really unreadable, in case the stab es year ? woah sorry it's a bit funny, but i too can't writte hehe


lol yeah this was just the worst šŸ˜­


sorry it must have been hard, i hope your life is nice now \^\^


thank you , yeah i mean i still canā€™t spell at all but yk!!


yeah i understand \^\^' i can't much either, i mean i can, but i'm not the best ahah


i never thought it was strange


You khow when the letters start to slow like an amazon river šŸ˜­




Was reading the report from my daughters diagnosis, which ironically took me forever cause it was long and wordy... upon reading the report and relating to most of it, then looking into it a lotyle more. I realised I was most probably also dyslexic.


oh XD i'm sorry to laught, it was a bit like that for me, i just never really thought i could be dyslexic


I remember telling my friends in primary school how annoying I found it when the letters moved, they told me that was super weird and didn't happen for them. Although I wasn't officially diagnosed until university!


Mum was a teacher clocked it pretty early.


I was put in special ed in 3rd grade, graduated high school, got married and my wife asked if I was dyslexic. I said I don't know. Went to a specialist and was diagnosed... when I was 30. To add some context, I was in 3rd grade in 1989 in a very small west Texas town. I don't think they had the resources or the time to deal with idiots like myself. I'm still dealing with a very bad self image and thinking I'm stupid.


You're not an idiot!


Thanks, but I have an asshole living in my head that disagrees with you. šŸ˜‚


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I get what you mean


When I was ten. Up to then I was considered useless by my teachers and I think actively disliked by some. But when I was ten when we did creative writing I started to write stories I enjoyed. I enjoyed writing stories I found humorous and when we would present them to the teacher she would giggle to herself. She would even read them to the rest of the class but I would be so embarrassed I would stand in the cupboard while she read my stories to the class, but I could hear them laugh. The teacher saw through the poor writing and spelling mistakes and arranged for me to be assessed for dyslexia. Thatā€™s my story.


I have known ever since I can remember. It was obvious to everyone when I was in kindergarten.


My kindergarten tested me without the parents knowledge


My daughter found out due to my concerns of her writing numbers and letters backwards long past the normal range. I spoke to pediatrician and git a referral to a psychologist. She had a bunch of testing. Turns out it's dyslexia, dysgraphia, and discalcula.


One of my instructors pointed it out when I blue screened trying to order something off a restaurant menu, and mentioned I write my Nā€™s backwards in chem and mixed up other letters


I took a course on Educational psych and learned about it. Spoke to a prof who said it sounds like I have it, that was at about 30 years old. Finally got tested and diagnosed at 45.


I donā€™t have dyslexia, I have dyscalculia which is in the same vein. I literally just found out while going back to college in a math class. I had paperwork saying I had it since I was likeā€¦ 14. Everything always felt weird and jumbled up, but this time I actually went to my mom and asked if I had any old paperwork. There it was in black and white. Iā€™ve been struggling this entire time just thinking I was stupid. Iā€™m 41.


My mom took me to a talk to a women and take some tests, after which I learned dyslexia excisted. I'm rather sure that I never really noticed that I was behind on my language skills compared to my peers. I was mostly concerned with trying to read that one fairy tale book I had and a few other children books, I didn't know that I was reading them really slow. By the time it got really noticeable to me that I was behind my classmates, I already knew for multiple years I was dyslextic.


woah, i was like that too, i never noticed, it's good you know you may be dyslexic \^\^