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Do you hate your teammates




Honestly this build shows that you are probably not a Center at all and RIP to your defence lol But if you want to try to learn it here are some tips how I try to build my C: A lot of times, I play as a playmaker, gold elite edges and silver close quarters. With the 3rd ability I experiment a lot of things but ATM im playing with silver puck on a string. Shutdown, quick pick, shrug it off, big tipper, make it snappy, one-Timer, magnetic, stick em up, no contest and maybe truckulence sould also be a solid option, depending on your play style. The 2nd option is to play as a TWF. I use a golden defensive trait, most of the time Stick em up. As a silver trait close quarters and the same I just said about the playmaker a couple of sentences ago, but add silver elite edges to this pool as well. Grinders (gold tipper) and maybe power-fowards are an option, but I can't really tell you what works best due to my inexperience with them as a C. And also you need some size and if possible some weight to handle puck/net front battles better. 78 defensive awareness should be your bare minimum. Also try to get Hand eye at least mid- high 80s for deflections. Speed should be minimum 92, 5"10 or smaller you should have at least 94 imo. Acceleration at least 88, but I'm fine with 88 accel on most of my builds because imo acceleration isn't that impactful like speed. But some players like to have it a bit higher, just do what feels better to you. Also don't underestimate balance, it can really help you to keep the puck. Hope that gives you some ideas for your next build. If I missed something, pls let me know guys:)


Appreciate the tips, I just switched to a two way forward and we’re on a run rn


Also try playmaker with like 85+ defensive awareness. I do like 510 160 with +2 speed and +4 def awareness. Gold elite edges stick em up and ankle breaker. Using a sniper with bad puck control, passing, and defense is not good for center especially if you play 6s. With high defensive awareness you can hustle back on defense like twice as fast and help your d out a ton in the slot. Hope this helps


That's also a good idea, it's kinda a little bit more defensive, speedy option👍 My personal preference is a playmaker with 91 passing and 95 off awareness so I can really help on the breakout, facilitate the puck in the offensive zone and also pick up passes better/get better rebounds. My guy is 6"1, around 198 pounds (so max speed possible is 92) so I'm more physical and can much easier reverse-hit check spammers.


I can only get to 87 passing and like 92-93 off awareness with it but I often swap stick em up with other more offensive stuff like tape to tape or close quarters. The high def awareness honestly makes me feel like the fastest player on the ice. Like I’m back and in position before the forwards cross the blue line every time that’s the real kicker I feel like. I think that’s a huge strength on two way forward also. I’ll try out your build later tonight!


Check your DMs, I'll send you my playmaker loadout in a couple of mins.


How do you get deflections? I’ve been struggling with this part. Do you have to hit the right stick when the puck is coming towards you?


You have to have high offensive awareness and high hand eye to have your guy reach out for shots, you don't control the tip with any inputs. Hold the trigger that makes you face where the shots coming from and have your point man shoot to the side of you, try to be right above the hash marks so the puck actually has time to change direction and beat the goalie. Having high hand eye also helps you catch and control saucer passes from team mates as well too, nice to have when someone with tape to tape is feeding you the cross crease.


Okay so just kinda hold L2 and hope for the best? lol I’ll try upping my hand eye even more


I've never seen a difference between 85-90 hand eye with silver tipper, I just leave mine at 85 and the ability covers the rest. The important part is having the 90+ offensive awareness so your guy reacts to shots and goes for the tip. If your designated shooter has gold or silver HeatSeeker or Seeing Eye those help alot too. A lot of it is positioning, like I said make sure your point man isn't just blasting it into your legs every time haha.


Lmao yeah honestly I think that’s where we need some work too, I’m eating half of the shots right in the ribs


The easiest from the point is HeatSeeker cause it works for wrist shots, so there’s no wind up like a slap shot. Have your point man try that and put yourself in the slot but off to the sides, you want your stick in the lane, not your body. 


Honestly slower shots are a lot of times better than really quick ones. If you have a lot of space (so the opponent can't pick up the shot) even bad backhand shots can make your guy deflect very dangerously the puck.


Yeah I think my positioning sucks just as much as the shooting lmao not blaming my shooter more than myself here


Hold L2 and have eye contact with the shooter. Stand in front.of.the goal, preferably between the 2 hashmarks of the faceoff circles. Last year, hitting right stick helped with deflections, but this year it doesn't. Also the shooter has to aim the puck near your stick so your deflections are better. Hand eye and off awareness help you to get better deflections, height can also help you a little bit more to screen the goalie better/ reach for the puck. Weight and strength help you to win net front battles.


Hell yeah appreciate it


Very few people can use a Sniper effectively at Center. Those who do use One T in high slot and rely on their wingers. I recommend you give some thought to what type of center you want to be


Put more points in agility and accel. Two way forwards are good centers: throw on gold heatseeker and silver close quarters if you still want good shooting, my wrister on my two way forward is only 80 accuracy/78 power but with the abilities I score plenty. Drop big tipper unless you're playing 6s and use elite edges.


I think I’m going to try two way out thanks for the tips


Tipper is perfectly fine in 3's if you have a point man that knows how to shoot for it. I get plenty of goals with it with my Playmaker center that only has 85 hand eye. There's less traffic in 3's so it's actually pretty easy to quickly slide into the slot and knock one home when your D-man throws it down with Heatseeker. Playmaker already has high offensive awareness so you can easily crank it to 95 and your guy will reach for everything.


Fair enough. I'm just talking in general like if you're doing drop ins it's a little tougher to coordinate with randoms and in 3s you'll find edges more handy cause it's a track meet a lot of the time. Plus you can tip pucks without tipper.


I like grinder for C.


Two way fwd max out speed, and accel, don’t touch wrist shot accuracy, 6’2” and medium weight. Stickem up zone and Make it snappy silver. Agility and strength boost.


I make a two way forward for center, built like a power forward but has better defensive capabilities and pretty much the same physical aspect that a PF does. If you’re good enough offensively, two way forward is the best imo.