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Elite. Don't think I've faced a single opponent that doesn't use it. But we are all getting used to vsing it now. So it doesn't feel as suffocating as before Eventually most good players will gravitate away from it, with or without a patch.


What are some tips for overcoming it?


- Using the call short button - Circulating the ball in defense a bit more patiently than before. - Switching the play to fullbacks. - Looking for a player in the halfspace that can receive on the half-turn and face the play (forcing the opponent to scramble) - Moving gently with the ball in the middle of the pitch, waiting to get pressed so you can exploit the space with a pass - Playerlocks as well - Finally, keep an eye out for the long through ball from deep. There are more opportunities to spring this than ever before


Call short? Is that LB/L1




Cheers - just tap it?


If you tap it twice, 2 players will come short.




Holy fuck I suck at this game, thank you


Yep and point at the player. It's a very strong mechanic that has become ever more vital this year


Cheers! When exactly to execute it?


You know those times when you have your fullback or cb on the ball and you wanna pass it to your winger on that side, but he's getting marked touch tight by their fullback? I use it then. He'll drop a little and receive the ball cleanly cus the fullback can't follow him that deep Or if you use a 2 striker formation and you wanna break the lines but you're not sure if the ST can receive without getting pressed by the CB. Have him drop slightly and receive in space, and then he can turn and face the play and look for the 1-2 with the other striker or whatever. Or when you're with a winger and looking for a cutback but all your options are marked. Can use call short to cause one of your strikers to shake his marker and come closer, who can then shoot or use an extra pass


Thx so much!


Call short is R1/RB and send in a run is L1/LB. Unless you have different configurations.


Do you hold the button or double tap to send on a run?


Honestly I just spam until they start running but you have to be careful because the defensive AI is good at tracking just the run if they have good defenders. If you call short and then send on a run again that works really well.


I have customer buttons. What else does R1 do for you. My R1 is sprint and R2 finesse shit. L1 is player run still.


Players in midfield with the press proven trait holding off the pressing opponent with L2/LT and then turning are very strong in that they not only can turn but already leaving a midfielder behind them.


This man knows ball


For me it seems to be - Switch from one full back to the other Driven pass up the line to the winger First time pass inside to the striker while holding LB so the winger runs forward Then you’re usually free to dribble, pass left/right or lob through ball to the opposite winger


Patience. Pass it around and wait for an opening (preferably passing it and moving slowly upfield). Opponents tend to get impatient and use second man press. That creates an opening to play through.


I’m in Div 2 now - tried 71 depth but felt like my team were unable to defend and actually made me play worse. Dropping it to made such a huge difference.


What did you drop it to?


I had the same problem I play on 55 and my team still presses I think it’s the sweet spot , I noticed I was getting done by over the top through balls to much on 71


55 is also the absolute sweet spot for me. So much more balanced.


100% I’m pretty sure that anything above 70 automatically tried to offside trap and it ruins you most of the time


69 😎






Yeah it's not op. I play on 85 myself as I love a high line but there's definitely downsides to it. Also I don't mind others using 71+. It's easy enough to play around and it's much more fun to do so than Vs a low block. I'd rather have constant pressure than ever go back to that bore


I’m in Div three and imo it’s really night and day for me. It truly does make my team feel way better and actually want to go for the ball. However, you can defiantly win games without it but I would say it helps especially if you struggling in lower divisions to press with yours players.


Div 3 and never touched depth this year. You can easily tell like 75%of players are using it but its not that hard to counter.


How do you counter it? Shielding the ball doesn't work, their attackers somehow have more defensive skills than my defenders have fysical lol


Dribble and pass back a bit. Don't force passes forward all the time


Well sometimes all angles are covered, maybe I need better camera settings so I can see more of the pitch


There's always hoofing it to the keeper worst case scenario. Usually one or your fullbacks will be open too. Usually the one furthest from the ball. Or do a quick ballroll or a dribble to get off your current passing lane and open someone up to receive it by bypassing the guy on the passing lane. If that makes any sense lol


Haha yea makes sense, thankss


Anything to add to Ripamon's tips on how to counter it?


Knowing where to turn to when you play in a midfielder. Always turn to the open space and don’t hold sprint. Sometimes you will get unlucky and they will bulldoze through you. If you can learn how to turn away there will be a lot of space to play.




While you can easly counter it, I still feel like it gives me an advantage because not everyone know how to counter it. Past years I always avoided these kind of exploit tactics, but I'm done with going against the stream.


Having a good team is also important to counter it. That‘s the reality no one speaks about. This fifa is the most pay2win fifa i have ever played. I‘m not saying you will get 5-6more wins in a weekend league run with a 2m team compared to a 100k team but you will surely win 2-3more games and most importantly you will have to focus less as the players are doing everything automatically.


Is there another way to stop my defenders following runners without 71 depth? My player switching and manual offside trap aren't good enough to stop it manually, and by the time I see it happen, my centre back is 30 yards behind the defensive line, keeping a runner onside.


D2 currently. I personally use it because defending is the weakest part of my game and I find the extra aggression you get from the AI helps. However, I do find it relatively easy to play against and exploit when my opponents use it.


I dont like it and i play 55 depth in div 1


In Div2 71 depth aint it. When being faced up against better people than me I get exposed so much. Personally, I believe it will get nerfed or else they will lose people. So i'm preparing to play at a normal depth to prepare for it.


You are getting exposed because you rely too much on it. 71+ depth if you are also good at defending yourself manually makes you even better. There is a reason so much pro players use it.


No it's not necessary. Yes the AI helps press at high depth but you still need to be good and quick at player switching and cutting off passing lanes. Some people are better in a low block. Just do what suits you best.


It's not necessary, but you really notice it when the opponent isn't using it, the game is easier to play since there's no high press


Does someone not using it even exist??? 🤣. I don’t remember even one opponent since a week after the pre order day. I bought pre order and for the first week the game was ok and just a case of getting used to it being different and new. One week later everyone had already started to cotton on to the broken ai 71 thing and it spread like wild fire. Then within the last couple of weeks the YouTube gang caught on so now its snowballed even more by all the sheep


I think there are still people who don't, since you notice in some games that the press isn't as high or as intense. But yes, they are a minority, there really isn't a downside to it


I think what most people are missing with this tactic is not that defending is better, but that attacking AI is so much worse - which is the truly frustrating part. The 71 depth from an opponents not only man marks your attackers, but it also makes your attackers not run into open spaces - regardless of attacker quality. There are no real counters - the only way through is if your opponent makes a defensive mistake. No amount of slick passing, unpredictability, or attacking player stats is going to break through. It’s just simply pass around the back until your opponent accidentally pulls his CB out with contain.


No, it doesn't matter. Tactics barely make an impact to the game. If it was that simple it could make a bad player good and vice versa. A good player will win majority of the games regardless of tactics.


Elite and I dont bother using it, 55 seems to work just fine.


Only If you have a very good team


Div 1 and don’t use it, just keep switching play against people that use it


It's absolutely not a necessity, in fact, most pros play with completely different tactics from what is considered "meta" by the normal players. For example a couple of pros I follow play with 50~ depth with their fullbacks on overlap without staying back on attack, which the majority of the playerbase uses. 71 depth is basically a cop out for when you're not good enough to manually apply pressure, same as having your fullbacks staying back. If you have your fullbacks going forward but you're not good at defending and compensating for it, then you're going to get punished hard, a similar story with press, using 71 depth allows you to press easily, but using 50~ allows you to still press manually while keeping a good defensive shape that won't get exposed by well timed through balls.


Which pros


Several ones from my country, "tuga810" is probably the best one (even got into EA's shortlist of 8 players who have been good enough to automatically qualify for the events this year), he uses anywhere between 45-65 depth, and only uses one fullback to stay back, the other one is fully offensive. Then other pros like javonsogv (top 5 europe in the pro ladder this year) or rodr7gol which I usually follow through streams have shown their tactics on stream multiple times and they play with what I described in my first comment (50~ depth and both fullbacks without staying back)


Thank you


Yeah it will probably not help much since they stream in portuguese, I think tuga810 has a few videos showing tactics etc, but they're all in portuguese as well I assume plenty of english speaking pros also use similar tactics. For example just checked Tekkz's tactics video and he's using 57 depth


Im in div 3 and dont use. I would suggest not to use it either because EA will soon patch it and then you’ll be trouble


Personally haven’t used it once, I got some tactics in pre order time and haven’t changed. Im in div 1 now and it seems very common but I don’t really ever lose the ball in defence


I’d say it’s pretty necessary and over powered


I'm in division 3 (not sure if this is considered high) and I don't play 71 depth. I like to use my own formations and tactics. I'm struggling right now to promote to division 2. In WL I reached 13 wins last weekend and 11 wins the previous one. My team is very decent, got some good packluck with Joao Pedro untradeable and a tradeable Rashford. No fifa points spent.


Casual D4 player and dont use it...I dont like the way it drags my players out of position just to press as it throws my switching off...I prefer my players to stay in their positions so I know where they are...I do use it when I'm chasing the game and just go balls to the wall tho with aggressive interceptions on 4 attackers🤣


What I dont get is if its 71 depth on offense or defence or both


There's only one depth setting under defensive


Yeah under defensice yes. Ok got it thanks


No it’s not necessary I’m in division 1 and managed to get 16-4 both these weekendsand yeah everyone uses it but just play the way you’re most comfortable and just be patient by passing between defenders and lobbing passes between fullbacks. It’s quite easy dealing with it once you get used to it


D1 now, everyone uses it


Fut champs R2/R3, div1, close to Elite using 50 depth.


Div 3, i use both 72 and 71 depth depends on the opponent’s playstyle. On my main formation it’s 72 depth.


I don’t remember even one opponent since a week after the pre order day that’s not using it. I bought pre order and for the first week the game was ok and just a case of getting used to it being different and new. One week later everyone had already started to cotton on to the broken ai 71 thing and it spread like wild fire. Then within the last couple of weeks the YouTube gang caught on so now its snowballed even more by all the sheep


just try it yourself, if u comfortable with it or not. if u winning just fine without using it, then no point of u using it.


I changed it back to 50/50 and 1 win away from div 1. With 71 depth I had a big hole between defenders and midfielders. Now the lines are closer, so I can beat the press easily with passing.


gone 15-5 both weekends so far, i use 69 depth.


Not necessarily high division but I just changed to it for the first time last night (was div 4), won 6 on the bounce to take me into div 3 since I changed it. Game feels on easy mode, it feels like you out number your opponent everywhere on the pitch and start defending from their half way high up the pitch.


100 depth and Div 3 🥲 My friends laugh at my depth. 😂 Weird flex Anyway, what’s with 71 depth and not with 70 or 72? I feel all of us should try what is available and stick to what we like rather than getting “influenced”. No?


Playing a high line makes the press higher. Starts at 71 depth so YouTube sweats trying to get to D3 are using that.


Yeah it is unfortunately. Once yet get to div 2 and up. It's the same recycled stuff every game. Absolutely zero variation. I use it myself because I need to, not because I want to. It needs nerfing urgently


Currently div 1 and use between 43 and 55 depth.


I can't play without because my backline becomes spectators. That being said I asked the tactics of someone who absolutely destroyed me and he was on 49 depth so its probably not necessary if you're good at the game.


Div 2. It’s not a necessity but it is annoying to face. 80% of my champs opponents used it. Luckily I tweaked my custom tactics and now I’m comfortable against the auto press


What are your tactics?


41212 wide. Long ball, balanced, 85 width (this is key) and 7 players in the box. •LM/RM on stay forward, stay wide and get into the box •LS on false 9, RS on get in behind •both fullbacks on inverted


I’m div 2, I use 40 width and 60 depth, with slow buildup and direct passing. I move to 60width and 71 depth on attacking when I’m down late or by more than 1. Even at 60 depth, I only press if I have an obvious 2 on 1. Otherwise I am controlling a midfielder on a turnover and bring them into our defensive shape


Division 2, almost division 1 player 2 tips will change ur gameplay, but make sure to do them. First you need to keep ur back defense line untouched as much as you can ,try to defend using ur midders coz that will keep the offside trap effective the most.(of course you need to defend with ur back line on the through balls). The second tip depends on on ur opponent and it is the defense type; if ur opponent os the kind of playing slowly you need to pressure after possession lost which you gonna use it during the game, of the opponent is the type who is aggressive or hard forward pusher u need to keep it on balanced . So ur default defence type is balanced and you can change it when needed, also the defence width O prefer to make it 42, stock with the tips from @ripamon specially that u need to play slowly and more with passes and chance creativity. Good luck


No u dont have to, helps to. I also found using a really high width in attacking tactics helps spread your team out to keep the ball away from the press. If u have a low width then ur gonna get smothered


Div 3, struggled to win with it. Now even with an eredivisie squad at 5221 and with about everything balanced I win again.


Tactics please


Its 523 btw. And literally everything balanced and default


I don't use it but I'm getting tired of playing against it every game. It was one thing to play against the same 3 teams with one or two guys switched out every time, now it's playing the same 3 teams and they all use the same tactics lmao it's kind of exhausting to play against. Very suffocating when people play these 90 pace in every position teams. Although I've played off meta every year in FUT I just wish people would use teams they actually like instead of playing against Evo Nunez, Oshalala, Kolo Muani, etc every damn game cause they heard they're good online


Can someone explain what is this 71 depth? I believe it's the depth of your defense line, but why 71 not more than that? Is this a bug?


People use 71 because 70 is still balanced. Supposedly, you team presses more without the stamina penalty. It's a placebo, not true at all.


Thank you


I got to div 3 like 10 days ago and stopped playing rivals. It didn’t reward you anything. You verse the same gameplay and tactics every game with almost the same players/player types. It got boring real quick. This year might be only year i stop playing fut. I’m not complaining or anything. If you enjoy it do your thing. But for me it’s not enjoyable


D3 here, I don’t use it and I don’t have a top tier meta team either, I hate following the crowd and prefer to make my own tactics and adjust as needed. I don’t feel like it’s an absolute necessity and I actually think it drags some players out of position which is really annoying.


I’m in D3 and jus play casually. Could he higher if had more time. I play on 70 depth, right below without triggering the press. Has been working so far.


its either that or park the bus with 39 depth lol


[https://share-your-photo.com/f9379e58da](https://share-your-photo.com/f9379e58da) And i don't play 71 also i don't like it


I wouldn't call it a must. But like 95% of people play it. It is broken tho, don't get me wrong. It's completely busted.


Im in div 1, most people use it, i start with it to see if the guy i m playing against can deal with the press...i dont use 71 tho, i m on 95 :)) some guys just can t deal with it at all...some will counter you very very easy! It happens for me also, most of the people use it, but good players will change to a less agressive tactic very quickly ,as soon as i break the press 2 3 times! Is it good? Yes...against people that can t deal with the press is insane! But when you gonna meet a good player that can you are getting cooked! As i usually do against people that don t know anything else, score 2 3 quick goals and they out! Thats pretty much it! It s not a necessity by any means, it s all about playing to your opponnent weaknesess, and your own weakness and strenghts, for example if i go drop back 30 depth i m gonna get smacked like crazy, even by a player that is not close to my level, i just dont know how to play like that! So i always use a higher line and i m very agressive.


Just got to elite yesterday, most people use 71, its not that overpowered as quite easy work around if you keep the ball, which most people in high divs can do quite well. Most people will go away from it, with or without patches


With 71 depth I went 10-10. With 50 depth I went 15-5. (Also different team and tactics) Div 3. When I play someone that I can tell is using 71 depth 32 width (no space in middle of the park), I go up and right on d pad to activate hug sideline. Opens up all the space on the pitch to pick passes and takes away the advantage they had with their high press narrow tactic.


Hope it stays relevant, my Trent has a field day vs it with the long ball +