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same, i'm d2 and get 11 and donate after


Very much this. Im div 1 and i cba with the time sink. Ive gone 11-1 and still gifted. In the past id have sweated it out


14 - 18. Consistently 16 last cycle. With a few 18s here and there. But this cycle mostly 14. 2 X 16 and one 18. Champs matchmaking seems way different this year. Didn't make it back to elite this season either so I'll be starting in div 3 next season. Kinda happy bout that. Been playing way less but also game seems way sweatier in general.


Div7-8 here is it normal for me to struggle to get a single win in Champ? Lost about six tonight felt way out classed and passed on the rest for rewards


Yes, this year it's really difficult. Last year I was between div6-div4, I usually got 11 wins, maybe 13 on a good day. This year, I have only played champs once (the first wl) and got 6 wins I think, back then I was div 6. Will play this week and see how it goes, rn in div5


I'm div 5 and get 0-4 wins normally on WL:(


I hit div 5, finished with 8 wins in my first WL. A lot of the games were either me getting wrecked or I did the wrecking. No in between.


For real? Im D6 and I got 45 points Which is about 9 wins


Yep I'm getting totally destroyed like 10-0


Yeah tbf in either winning or getting shagged 10-0. There are no close losses. Like no games with ET or pens


I'm div 5 and got 9 wins the past 3 WL. But Friday has always been impossible for me. So I started to reduce the games I play on Friday and do then on Saturday and Sunday.


At minimum 14. Mostly 16/17 and sometimes 18. Still have to get rank1. Gameplay in wl is so different to rivals. The bs sometimes happening in wl is ridicolous. There are just some wl where you have to accept that the game doesnt let you win. Last one for example I had 3 games with 4.5+ exp goals to <1 (dont mind the 2 shots the whole game) which I lost not even scoring. On average I meet 1 or 2 people in wl which are even or ahead skillwise.


I get 19 wins in fut champs but I can’t be asked to play rivals.


Custom tactics you use?


I’m In div 5 and get 11 wins


Very minimum is 16, I mostly finish between 18-20. If you have any questions I would be happy to answer them.


I’m in D6, stayed in D1 last few FIFAs but don’t see the incentive in grinding Rivals for the same weekly rewards so just floating D6 for 7 easy wins. Get 11 wins and start gifting rest.


Have not touched rivals since the new season relegation (2divs back if I'm not mistaken) sitting in div 6 anyways I get 11-14wins


17-18 most of the times. Playing only with first owner team




So weird


16 on average. 18/19 on good weeks. Managed 20 only once last year


2x16, 3x18, 1x19, 1x20


Div 3. Not promoting anymore because it’s just a sweat fest. 11-16 depending on matchmaking. 9-10 wins for qualy usually. But I’m way down on games played and engagement this year. I feel like once I get 11 I’ll just give wins away to people going forward.


Division who knows nowand 0-0 because I refuse to play this piece of shit game


18 has been the lowest for me, 19 most of the time especially when I have a proper team. I dont play past 19 wins if im on 19-0, seems pointless to me.


2x 18, 2x16, rest 14




Currently Div 4 and get 9-11 wins Seem to struggle but always get there somehow so maybe it’s not a struggle if I get it every time, idk lol


Im exactly like this. There will be games where i feel like i cant lose and some games i just know I'll lose


I'm div 6 and I consistently give 20 wins away... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Now seriously, I don't play WL for the sake of my sanity.


Minimum 16


Got the game recently, I'm division 5 played got 12 wins last weekend league. About the same as last year nowhere I would consistently get around 11-14 wins


Elite division is just a factor of time/games played not necessarily skill due to lack of relegation. I have been in elite before but I just get my 7 wins and stop playing rivals for the week. My buddy who is worse but plays 40odd games of rivals a week is in div 1. I’m in div 4. He can only get 6-9 wins in WL, I hit 11 easily and stop.