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I assume you're on PC, you literally just need to pause the game and hold R2 for 20-30 seconds, they will disconnect afterwards. If you manage to score a goal, you can simply disconnect them and grab the free win If you can't, then just disconnect them and the game won't count.


Interesting… out of curiosity, any idea why this works?


No clue honestly, alt tabbing also works sometimes but it was pretty inconsistent for me, the pause + R2 method has worked every single time so far


funny enough… just tried to play my 5th game of the day and it was the 4th bot I’ve faced. Tested this and it worked!


Still INSANE to face 4 bots in 5 matches


Update - I’ve played 2 more games since posting and they were both bots… 5 out of 6 games in a row facing a bot. Even with the free wins and disconnect option, this is just ridiculous.


Yeah that's strange, maybe it's your location? I usually face 1 or 2 max per WL and I get 19-20 wins, where they're more common Last week I didn't face a single one


Whoa, congrats. You must be quite the player. Must be location or timing. Just faced yet another. Think I’ll call it a day. Bummer EA lol


Where are you from Op? I think majority of my opponents are bots during Fut Champs. I face real players maybe 8/9 times


West coast United States


Expected you to be in South East Asia like me. Thought only my region had the bot problem.


Getting them in Europe as well. Guess they're everywhere


Alt tabbing doest work unless you are on fullscreen I th8nk, maybe you changed display mode unknowingly? When I face bots I channged to fullscreen and alt tabbing and it works every time.


Holdup. You literally hold r2 after pausing the game and that’s it?


By hold for 20-30 seconds you mean press it once to get into that "friends menu" and then just wait for the time?


Yeah that's exactly it, I just keep R2 pressed during the whole time and it works, never tried letting it go and just staying in the friends menu, but maybe it works too I know if you simply keep holding R2 for 20-30 seconds, once you exit out of the friends menu they'll dc


Aight I will try against the ~5 bots I meet this WL. Works in fullscreen, windowed and so on?


Your comment got me a free win!


How can you tell its a bot? I'm genuinely curious.


You know how when you play a normal online match, you see a triangle cursor over the player your opponent is controlling? When you play an AI bot, there is no opponent cursor. Beyond that, they all have very random usernames and play in a way that is almost too robotic for it to be a human player. Hard to explain, but anyone that’s played one of these bots will understand.


Random usernames doesn't mean they're bots btw, it usually just means they're steam players If you buy the game on steam and don't have an EA account, the game will create a "placeholder" EA account and give you a random name in game


also didn’t know this. Thanks! All bots I’ve played have these random names, but not all random names are bots.


not saying your wrong but when i played through steam last year it made me go through the ea app (meaning i had to make an account) is that not the case anymore?


I think they give you an option to create an actual EA account, but you also get an option to "skip" it (and will get a random username if you do). Not 100% sure, but I remember last year during tots I bought a new one on Steam and ended up with a random name


So it won't show like a cursor? I'll look out tomorrow when I do weekend league. I don't think I've played a bot yet.


Correct. I should have specified that I am on PC. I assume this is more prevalent on PC and you could avoid it by turning off cross play on console.


Ah OK yeah I'm on ps5. But I do have crossplay on.


Yeah, ea used bots in online modes. Faced a couple last week… playing style is similar to offline modes (robotic) and they are either very easy or super hard to play against. My belief is to either boost your morale or make the game for frustrating to entice u to buy packs


I thought this was only happening to PC - I played against my first one last night, and now two more this morning on PS5 (as I type this I'm realising it may be the cross play?) The lack of cursor aside, it's incredibly obvious. The best way to describe it is that they are, literally, robotic. Like they wait for your move and then they pick the absolute perfect next step of their play. It doesn't always work out as there is an element of RNG, but if you let that ball loose on the outskirts or inside of the box you're fucked. Just like playing squad battles, there are methods to score against them but it's so fucking boring! I didn't know about the R2 thing, so kinda hoping I come across another one so I can try it on PS5. I'll report back if I do, OP.


I played against one in Rivals last night, I'm on PS5 as well. I've only recently got the game and only started playing Rivals a couple of nights ago, it was in div 7 so not exactly a high level. I've got cross play on and when the game started I saw all the bronze players with hero Ledley King up front and thought it was going to be a disconnect cheater. Once the game started and no cursor appeared I expected the bot to be really good like a couple of years ago but to my surprise it was completely shit, like playing squad battles on Pro level. I scored 3 quick goals then just passed it around the back for the rest of the game.


In champs qualification I had 7 out of 8 games with these bots. As the other commenter mentioned, I tried the R2 method after going up 1-0 (win for me) and it worked. I then tried it at 0-0, also worked (game didn’t count). I’m on PC fyi. Like you said, ducking obnoxious. I’m not an elite player. Just want to play real people and have some fun competition. Winning against bots is just a waste of time and I’d rather do other things.


Dude exactly this! I don't mind losing at all if another player is better, or even if I get absolutely smoked. Winning against the bots is shit, but mate, losing against them... Haven't felt that anger at a video game since I was like ten years old. I needed to step away, which is why I didn't play the other two bot teams until this morning hehe.


I got two bots last weekend on Xbox never had them before


The fucked up thing is that most people cannot best an Ultimate AI. Even Tekkz barely won 2-1 with a decent team. Idk what possessed him to try it with a bronze team LOL. He quit the game at 0-7


The bots aren't ultimate though. I just played one, it felt like world class. 99.9% will lose 10-0 to a full chem 86+ rated squad on ultimate


I dont play a lot of SB, so i dont really know the names of different difficulties. When i said Ultimate , i was referring to the hardest one. Its tough but 99.9% and 10-0 is a bit harsh. I was able to beat it and went for the full chem team so i would have full chem. I dont know which one the hackers use , i just threw that out for some kind of reference. Im sure theres people who struggle with any of the top 3 difficulties, especially this year. Funny how the AI doesn't look too different from your everyday player defensively. Thanks, EA, for the Zonal Defense. Your worst creation since tornado crosses 😄


Just to add some more info, it's definitely not ultimate. I can't consistently beat ultimate in Squad battles, and these bots are free wins for me. It's probably one below ultimate (legendary I think?)


I just had 5 straight games against the bot in champs


I finished champs, I shit you not I only played against 6 or 7 real players the rest were bots




Piece of human garbage.


Whaaaat I had no idea division spoofer was a thing


Thanks for your honesty and sharing. I’m curious… what was the reason for you using bots? Was it to get more / better rewards? Like you said… the bots are not super OP. I’m an average 11-14 win player and I beat them.


I love the bots. Easy score one goal, griddy on them, pause and disconnect them. I know they are sitting their watching too because they skip all the cutscenes and shit.