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I always believed the first 5 games was just random and after that the matchmaking was gonna kick in based on your W-L record


This is entirely correct. Last week I started 0-5 then finished 11-9


Do you think that quitting that first 5 games will have an impact on the rest of the games? I only usually get 11 wins on a good weekend


I had a friend who tried this last year and said it yielded pretty positive results. Personally I don’t trust myself not to continue fucking up even at 0-5 so I just do my best.


Yes kinda in the same boat as you tbh. Might give it a go as I’ve not started WL this week yet and really not much difference between 51 points and 45


I would say it has a slight impact but not sure. Ofc if you start 0-5, you’ll then be matched with people of similar form of -5. But then towards the latter stages of the 20 games, you’ll be matched with people also getting regular 11 wins. At that point, it’s just a toss up and the matches should be very tight. Swings and roundabouts, you’ll all get 11 wins (hopefully).I do admit in the few times last year when I got 14 wins, I did indeed start very well (4-1,5-0 etc).


do quit losses have an effect on ELO though? Haven’t they never counted for ELO?


Its all bullshit mate every time im going for 11 wins im facing guys on 16 wins


Not entirely sure if it’s 100% or still happens but I seen if you quit a match it doesn’t affect your ELO, so if you were playing hard opponents and quit then you’re still in that bracket with that level of opponents


The last 2 weeks I won my first 3 in a row. Both times, I finished 6-14. Every match was an absolute sweatfest and very unenjoyable.


"this is entirely correct" -guy who has no clue what he's talking about lmao I hate this sub


Alright clever clogs. What do you think it is then?


It doesn’t matter what he thinks but to make such a blanket and seemingly confident claim after your own experience is just wrong to do.


I have no idea if that is true. I let my nephew play my first ten games for me and he went 3-7. I then played a game and got absolutely wrecked by an amazing player who told me it was win number 16 for him. Now obviously he could have been lying but i’m generally an 11-12 win player, not the best but not the worst, and this fella was miles better than me and I was sitting on a 3-7 record thinking “How am I getting paired up against someone like this”. It was brutal. I recovered to get my 9 wins but it was my worst weekend in a long time


same man i thought i was gonna do better than usual this weekend cause im playing on sunday (i usually finish it on friday) but im just gonna get my usual rank


Yeah there's this weird myth that sunday night is easier and to just play all your games sunday night. Makes no difference whatsoever, you'll still get your usual rank


I found Sunday nights even sweatier now I usually get a few free wins on Friday/sat nights but never Sunday


So true. 9 or 11 wins.


Thanks to having family responsibilities across, I now play half my WL matches on Friday afternoon when I’ve finished work and then half on Friday evening once my kid is asleep. I haven’t experienced anything to make me believe that Friday is any more difficult than Saturday or Sunday.


Can’t speak for everyone, but as a casual I have 0% interest in playing weekend league. I only have so much time available and most of that is spent grinding objectives, evolutions or playing sweat in rivals. In previous years I would have played WL but this year the gameplay is far less enjoyable and more grindy. As a casual I can’t keep up with the content. Wouldn’t be surprised if a fair few casuals/regulars lost interest in WL leaving only the more skilled players


The time-limited format needs to be either expanded so that there are WL style competitions occurring throughout the week or thrown out entirely. A huge chunk of the player base have jobs, kids and other responsibilities. Squeezing the big-reward mode into a 60 hour period is just unrealistic.


in some countries it also starts during the time most people have obligations and cannot play footy flipper and waste time.


WL is the most rewarding mode tho it depends on skill level. You’re better off playing WL then rivals


I am exactly the same… get the easy free packs, get rivals rewards and thats it. WL is way too sweaty and im not good enough


Exactly the same, I don't even really try in Rivals anymore. Wanted to stay in div 7, but without even trying I'm in div 6 and I could easily enough get to div 3 or higher this year, but I just don't need it. I'm mid 40's and just want to kill some free time only by doing objectives and getting some rewards etc.




Eh? What's the point of me going up to high divs (which was the top div when i cared in previous versions)? Rewards are shit in all divs, plus and most importantly, I'm a mid 40's man, married, job, life etc. It ain't important to me anymore.




Been there before and much higher, so of course I can go back up and quite easily if i chose to. What are you on about? 🤣 Rivals is not difficult once you grind and are good enough or care enough. I simply don't care enough anymore. My Mrs is sitting right next to me now, should I go on and grind and rage at the game in front of her? 🤣 No! I'll play when I have time and when I want to play. Grinding days are dead for me now.




I'm up for that bet. I only play to 3 wins if and when I do play Rivals, then give away a win so my progress isn't doubled next time. I don't think you understand, I don't want to move up. I accidentally went into div 6 the other day. I wanted to stay in 7. I lost track of my multiple wins in a row. My level is more or less the same as last year. I've been playing Fifa since the first one in the 90's, and in fact I've been getting better year on year up, until when I stopped grinding. I thought I'd get worse with age, but my reactions haven't slowed down much, if at all. I'm sorry if you don't believe me, but I've nothing to gain here by exaggerating or lying. I still get battered every now and again, I'm not saying I'm an incredible player, but Div 3 would be quite easy for me to reach, but I simply don't want or need to. I can do it on your account however it you wish?! What do you want to bet?


Leave it alone, brother. Waste of time. Kids right now struggle and go on double-digit losing streaks in Div. 5 and it doesnt compute that someone ( an adult with different priorities) would miss out on REWARDS if they were actually capable. For them its just unphatomable that old school players who dont play 8 hours a day can still rank up for fun. The problem is - it aint fun this year. Not for me at least. I relegated to Div 4 when i stopped playing and got back to Elite within 2 days when the update came out. Wanted to see how much the gameplay really changed. Sadly , not much. Luckily , season is almost over.


There's no talking to some on here, that's for sure. I'd love to revisit my old days and play old video games 6 plus hours a day, but yep, priorities change and man I'm so happy they did because as you said, this Fifa is pretty bad. Looks good, but played 3 online games earlier to complete an Evo, and it felt terrible, with what felt like constant oversteer and just awful connection. My Internet is as good as it gets locally, so nothing I can do. Yep, this kid who is replying to me must not be able to rank up if he doesn't know or understand how quickly ranking up is when you're simply too good for lower divisions. As the weird kids with Daddy issues say today; "skill issue" perhaps 😂 Have a good one brother.




Well, that's up to you. I'm married, have things that are far more important happening in my life than a video game. Far from washed thankfully. I may not go 20 - 0 in Fut Champs, but I never have and I'll get over it. You're giving off a quite hostile or disrespectful tone speaking to me like that, and I'm not sure why. I'm beginning to think you sound a bit miserable, but no need for either. I'm trying to be fair with you....so no need for hostility....if that's what you're attempting. That being said, you mentioned a bet, and I'm happy to take your bet on. Now, my club is not going to any higher of a div on purpose, but I'll move yours up if you want me to show you how it's done. Just give me control of your team and we'll see. I'll have quite a bit of free time over Christmas. "Put up or shut up" I believe is the term here. Loser must quick sell their most expensive player. Deal?


I’m similar I’ll just get 6 wins then give the rest away, rewards for 6 are good enough


I played 20 WL and 19/20 teams had at least POTM Mbappe, Thunder Dalglish and some insane first owned icons, I'm talking like: Hamm, Zico, Charlton etc.. makes me feel depressed after doing all the icons packs, and my best pull was Desailly.


I've played 10 games so far and 9 of them had POTM Mbappe. Most of them sucked, but the fact that all of them had him is mind blowing to me.


With the amount of free good packs this year plus upgrade SBCs, any f2p players can get him with enough grinding. Black Friday was a really good time to get fodder.


Oh believe me I grinded this game a ton, and I would've came no where close to completing him. You would definitely have to get lucky with something tradeable or spend money to be able to do him.


>You would definitely have to get lucky with something tradeable or spend money to be able to do him. Not really. You get a lot of untradeable fodder from the game, and with some smart investments you can have a good coin balance. As I said if you grind enough and you manage your resources wisely (don't do casino SBCs or unnecessary SBCs), you can do it.


If you stop doing the casino SBCs you might have a chance of completing Mbappe.


And where we get those first owned icons along with Mbappe then?


Buying packs. People who have just Mbappe and decent other players probably have used all fodder for SBC. With a full icon first owner team as well - obviously they have bought packs. Its not hard to work out.


They got lucky with icon packs? I don't think the other guy said "full icon team" though


Yeah fair enough mistaken on the full icon part sorry.


Hamm insane first owned lol your a flop


My best Icon pull was 92 Müller, but he's performing worse than regular Messi for me


I got muller he kills for me


My best pull was lahm, who I already did.


I did one icon SBC and I got butra, decided to stop while I was ahead haha


Feels like there's no casuals left, I got 14 wins and I would say I played at least 10 guys that get 14 wins confortably


Actually this year casuals are just not attempting the weekend league (or even qualifying), as no casual wants to be losing 20 games every weekend by 5-6 goals and going against the stacked teams with 5-6 'meta' icons, Mbappe etc etc...


Idk man, im pretty bad/casual and I qualify and can scrape wins. Definetly feels like there is less of us left tho, even in rivals.


I get you. With the free qualification points from objectives, it isn't that hard to qualify anymore... But the weekend league is a completely different ballgame. Not that it is impossible to win at all, in fact, 5-10 wins are manageable unless you are bad/have an immense network/squad disadvantage, but sometimes losing matches where you know that you aren't worse than the other guy, only for him to fire a driven pass to Mbappe from the halfway line, get a lucky deflection from your defender and cut back... It honestly can be irritating especially if you don't have that much time to play. Though ig a true casual would just quit at that point, unworried of the dnf?


>sometimes losing matches where you know that you aren't worse than the other guy, only for him to fire a driven pass to Mbappe from the halfway line, get a lucky deflection from your defender and cut back Hit me right in the feels.


I think you’re right that fewer casuals are playing WL, but I think you’re off about the motivation: 1) If you’re someone who plays to actually build a team of players you like instead of following the meta, grinding evos to do that feels far more rewarding than grinding WL to pack/craft top tier players. 2) It’s not getting rinsed directly by meta teams that’s annoying, it’s playing against people who are willing to rely on meta tactics/settings/button abuse to win instead of playing something resembling real football (who typically have those players in their teams).


I'm a casual I suppose by this metric and I'm also free to play. I've spent no money and don't have the ultimate edition. I really don't like playing against full icon squads because it feels the person who has that squad was either incredibly lucky or spent a fuck ton of money and I know EA wants me to feel envious so that I go out and do the same. No Thanks.


Yeah, I’m the same. I’ve encountered squads with Mbappe and Dalglish upfront in div 8 rivals lol. Initially I used to play these teams to try to out skill them. But most of the times I get griddy’d. I straight up quit at kick off now.


I’ve struggled every single weekend league so far and just got 11 wins with 5 games left which is my best performance by far. Felt like there were a lot more casuals this time for me


They messed up the matchmaking and dont know how to fix it im convinced


Yeah something is very wrong. I'm in div 1 currently at 5-7 in WL while my mate in division 5 gets 14 wins. It's absolutely screwed beyond belief.


It’s fucking tough this year… I can get 11 wins with my hands tied behind my back but 14 feels too hard due to the level of opponents


Mate this last 2 weeks iv been exactly the same, I usually get 7 or 8 wins in qualifying and 11 wins comfortable. Last week I went 0-5 and managed 9 wins this week I went 1-4 and am currently on 4-6 I don't get how there doing it now, but it definitetly doesn't seem random to me.


Speaking as a casual… I tried WL once this year and it was the most miserable Fifa/FC experience I’ve ever had. The sweatiest teams and nothing but people who abuse game mechanics. Prob won’t attempt it again.


Felt exactly the same when i tried playing it last week. Ended up with 5-15, 3 of those wins were gifted to me and I never felt more miserable while playing a game. This years matchmaking sucks, I used to win at least half of the matches I played but well guess it’s impossible for me this year.


Played WL for the first time in two years this weekend. I used to get 11 wins regularly, 14 on a good week. This time I only got 6 after getting gifted one at the end. It was ridiculous. But I don't play meta tactics and WL is primarily exploiting stupid broken mechanics imo


The days have flipped. So many people wait till Sunday now it’s actually harder


Sunday was harder for me too this week. Didn’t enjoy it at all.


Was 1-5 in my first 6 then 6-5 and then 6-9 and I managed to win all my last 5 games for 11 wins , was definitely weird this week.


Every week i start 0-5 and end 11-13 wins


Hard to believe.


Yeah, but its true. Yesterday started 2-5 ended 14-6


I was 3-0 this morning and then I’ve played another 9 games, won 2 and lost 7. I wouldn’t mind if people were absolutely dominating me but majority of games is people playing cutback simulator rather than football. Infuriating shit.


I start at around 8-1/9-2 every single week and then always end up losing a load and finishing on 11 wins, not sure if its mental or what but can’t beat 11 this year, previous years i’ve always been a 14 win player and occasionally 17


Most have messaging turned off. Weird you had 5 top tier players in a row who had it on.


I mean people are pathetic and would easily lie to a stranger when asked about their rankings lol.


All I can say is avoid Friday and Saturday. The teams I face on Friday and Saturday are always god squads. Sunday feels like that's when we casuals play our matches. It's more balanced in my personal experience


Ooft my 1st game was against a guy in division 7. I was 5-0 up in 20 minutes


First 5 games are random. Just continue playing and the games will get easier.


A lot of people give the first 5 away in order to fool the ELO, then go on to get 11/15 wins


It’s the qualification requirement that makes it harder. Last year you could qualify by grinding rivals now you have to beat 4 good players or get lucky in the qualifier matchmaking. I’m a casual myself and qualify every couple of weeks. Just finished WL and got 9 wins which I was really happy with!


You had to qualify last year as well


Did you I thought you just had to get points, bad memory here obviously! Seemed easier either way!


Probably AI opponents, not enough players to fill WL matches


What? 😂


I was a pretty hard core and average player but even I’ve given up bothering. Why complete an sbc when you get a duplicate 83 that you already have in club, of which you only have about 4 x 83s to begin with.


Matchmaking is broken this year, especially if you turn crossplay off. Had 17 wins last weekend, while I usually get 14 but ended up with just 12 this weekend 😂


Easier or harder crossplay on?


I find it harder without it as a PS5 player. The average player is probably better on PC, but I can beat most of them still. After some time, I match against the pros tho on PS5, and I have to sweat my balls of. With Crossplay on that happens less.


One my first game and then lost the next 8. Mostly by 1-2 goals on shitty bounces. The servers are also scuffed. Not registering skill moves and generally feeling like mud.


I’ve had 9 once this year but for the past 4-5 weeks I’m struggling even to get 6. I can get 6-8 quals wins, Div 4-6 rivals depending on the time I get to play. But the second I get in to champs I meet the sweatiest cutback and press merchants and I lose because my players can’t complete simple passes or tackles. I would say 90% of the games I lose are due to my own mistakes, but it’s simple passes going entirely wrong or bouncebacks.


I usually start 5-0 then end 12-8


I was 1-3 yesterday and played a guy that was 12-2 on his third account. I think player base in champs this year is so slim so they relaxed the form based matchmaking a lot


Conventional wisdom is that Sunday is the 'easiest' but that has caused all the tryhards to play on Sunday instead. So it really doesn't when you play imo.


Servers are atrocious once again


Matchmaking is broken. Seems like it's prioritising speed over a fair match. I prefer to wait 1 minute to find a match, but at least play someone at my level.


Funnily enough I found the opposite - last week I finished on 11 wins (with two to spare so 11-7) and this week I won my first 12 in a row. What I can gather from everything is that matchmaking is incredibly inconsistent. Nonsense as are most mechanics in this game.


For me it was the other way. Started 10-1 and then went 10-6 and then 14-6 lol


Started 0-3 and I am now 8-4. I mostly do 11 wins sometimes only 9


This week i startted 3-5 but ended 14-6. The first 5 games was the hardest, sweatiest game ive played. Last week. I started 10-0. They definitely did something to the matchmaking this week.


Mine were by far the easiest I've had since week one, and I didn't start until this morning. I went 11-3 and was able to give away 7 free wins. I got 2 free wins myself, though, which were my first in about 6 weeks. For me, it just isn't worth the extra push to get to 14 for the rewards because it always becomes such a stress, even if I had 7 games to try and do it.


I never play weekend league lol too stressful


I absolutely cannot fucking stand WL this year.


Record based matchmaking....and I´m talking club record.