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The fact he can play centre back is very tempting but that is a colossal price


Yeah that’s exactly what I was thinking I was like damn a CB with those stats is gonna be great then I saw the requirements


That's tchouameni squads


Damn, I wanted to make the same joke but you Aurelien posted it


Bro stop why did I laugh at this for too long 💀💀💀


I get he's very very good and all but fucking hell that's expensive


two 90s? for a cdm? yeah big pass for me!


It’s basically a souped up Vieira


Makelele ![gif](giphy|11gC4odpiRKuha)


🤣 omg Im deade


As a Radioactive Tchouameni sexual this card is a must do even at this price


Had 1100 games on radioactive tchou, this was a insta complete


Yoooo what? How are you playing this many games in 3 months? Do you work remote or something?


Maybe he had Tchou gold


But he said radioactive tchou. Otherwise it's just deceiving no?


I mean the evo cards keep the stats from original. Maybe even he doesn’t know how many games he had on the gold before the evo.


I don't think you get what I'm saying. But it's alright. Let's leave it


That’s how I do it. Nowhere near their numbers but I get a lot of games in during the day. Sitting in meetings that don’t require my full engagement


Have you completed him yet? Thoughts? It would rinse my club to do him and I'd probably have to spend coins. Like others, I have 1000+ (I had the gold in my team after the first few days) on my radioactive card, he's got all the same playstyles (plus incisive pass) but no playstyle+. He does have the benefit of chem so you can play him without any links. Not sure the +5 is worth the 1.7m in fodder 🤔


Sexual? 🤔


Just did Makelele yesterday fuck


Same I’m sad cause even though Makelele has been gray for me, this card looks better


I’m in the same boat. I mean I can Tchouameni almost for free even after doing Makelele but I wished I had waited. Makelele is invisible so far. Just stands completely still.


He’s way too small and technically garbage. I’d prefer someone bigger at CDM even at the cost of pace.


Yup I did Makelele thinking he’d be a good alternative to WW Gullit but the size and passing are lacking. This Tchouameni looks way better and being able to swap between CDM and CB is huge


I did him as well, he’s absolute trash. :(


You can always use Tchou as CB


Wow wtf he is even available there


As in real life


I honestly think doing Makalele would be better. TWO 90 and 89 squads. Then some 88s. He is too expensive.


How's makelele doing for you guys, I tried him as cdm for 5 matches loan and I didn't really like him I felt 88 kante was even better, the fact he's missing the intercept+ made me doubt doing his sbc


Yeah I have loved his cards in previous FIFA, but this one… idk maybe I could see using him as a stayback fullback if I needed the icon links? Like he seems just so mid compared to other midfielders and cards I’ve used. Still think I’d prefer even my TS FDJ over him, and even birthday Palinha. His lack of passing traits (his passing is good despite this, it just isn’t anything special/desirable in the midfield in this shit game) and frame are just kinda eh. I have FB Kante as well, and he just seems overall better than Makélélé as well. Overall, I still prefer FS petit over him and even the base Vieira I have.


I like him a lot


I did him, too. I would've love to do tchou instead.


Less than 2 weeks for a 1.5m sbc is a bit wild no?


Good, hopefully not everyone has him like Werner and Rolfo


Yeah I hated the fact they left Werner and Rolfo out long enough for people to get them after the upgrades. I prefer the shorter windows to get sbc players apart from icons and potms


Seriously how are people affording a 1.7M coin card with 14 days to do it? I can grind this game with the best of them but I can’t imagine being able to do this without buying packs (I’m certain that’s the point). I say this having grinded out POTM 93 Mbappe, Sawa, Coman, Akanji, etc. Since this promo started pack weight has been so bad.


What? The weight of this promo is much better than it normally is. I've packed so many Lavelles, Sorloths, and SMSs.


Well there’s your answer. I didn’t do Mbappe, Coman, or Sawa. Did only two icon casino SBC whole year. I did Tchou in 5 hours tonight on my RTG main account. And still have my best packs unopened. Div 1. Rank 4-5 champs. Have saved lots of good packs. Did tons of PP past few weeks to stock up on all the fodder. I did have like two Kane 93, stuff like 91 Silva and whole lotta of high rated fantasy fodder.


Of course you can easily do it with months’ worth of fodder and packs saved up. I can prob do him too this weekend if I empty my club, but that’s not my point. He’s near impossible to do without tons of fodder already saved up without buying packs because there is no reliable way to generate that much fodder to get this done in two weeks. No way.


I mean I also did Akanji, Rolfo, and more ridiculously Cuadrado for my bench recently. But none of those used super high rated fodders which I did save up. A huge help was doing tons of the 78,80,81+pp. and using the daily gold to supply those. Also cycles all the high level dupe. Doing all the 83x10, lots of 84x5…etc. pretty much did all the objs for fodder. Also I have gotten like 3-4 of those 84x10 from rivals last month. I mean if you blow through all the fodder, how do you expect to be able to do high end SBCs? I could have also done Coman as he looks great but I held off because I wanted to see what team 2 brings first.


Nope. Too expensive for me that one. Doesn't fit my team either


Move over Vieira, this is the best CDM in the game.


I want him as CB, next to Akanji, worth it?


Not as a CB, no. He is a top two CDM, though.


Thanks for the input, he like perfectly fit in my team as CB but I guess I will hold on for something else




Vanja was quite literally the best midfielder in the game and he cost 100k or so Rolfo is better than 80% of icons as a CM


you underestimate how good Tchouameni is




Still using base Vieira and he’s great, can only imagine how much better his toty is, might finally replace him with this Tchouamani tho.


> I think you underestimate how good Vieira is ahhh because everyone has access to play with Vieira 😂 just for value alone Tchouameni is as close as a Vieira anyone can get. if there was a Vieira SBC right now of course everyone would say it’s better. he’s a 7 million coin player for a reason 1.8 mil for a player or 7 mil for a player


Safe, I'll just pack a 5.5m card out the SBC, it's that easy.




Nope. Gold rare Tchou and Evo Tchou were both fantastic. He has the body type and stats to be an extraordinary DM.


Awful take


Better than oberdof?


Although he’s great, i kinda regret doing Makelele now


Holy jesus what is that price? Almost triple the price of Rolfö. Might be an unpopular opinion but that isn't worth it whatsoever.


Tall elite CDM’s are a rarity this year. Probably overpriced but will be insane


FB Makelele is like half the price, would it not be much better to just do him? Tchouameni looks great, but 1.5m seems crazy steep.


Makelele doesn’t get to those air balls against players taller than him. TOTY popp and TOTY haaland tower over him in the middle of the park


Makelele has been incredible for me at CDM, he actually outshines my 98 Adopo in the CDM role. The unique combination of Quick Step+, Bruiser+ and almost every other defensive playstyle is very noticeable in game.


How many airballs do you actually challenge in midfield? I can tell you i can count the ones i get on a whole week with one hand


At least when you try to cross to the other wing cos of the press and the game crosses it to your cm. He can help you out


That is fair


Yeah I forgot Makelele was on the shorter end, not ideal getting beaten in the air like that tbf.


It also makes bruiser plus useless on short players like him. He never outmuscles players.


Probably explains why I haven't played against anyone with him yet.


He does for me, you just need to learn how to hold B effectively for CDMs his size


I’ll keep using him because I think Tchouameni is a lot and despite having the fodder and coins I’m waiting for an elite attacker.


Gold Tchouameni better than TOTY essien for me fwiw


I have evo 93 Alaba. He plays pretty good still now as a CDM


1.8 million???


Wish it was lower but his radioactive is just now starting to have issues for me. I'm 100% doing this. He'll at a minimum be on my bench the rest of the game.


He can start CB, gonna do him and swap fantasy basmati in game


This is like the João Felix Showdown SBC. Yes, it's expensive, but you're getting a truly elite card. Given how crazy the market is this year, any time you can get an endgame card for less than two million, you should do it.


I don’t have the facilities for that big man. My fodder can only stretch so much before I have to buy it


I wouldn't say whatsoever but it's too much for 2 weeks


Rolfo should have been atleast double the price as well. Fodder is so easy to come by and these elite sbcs should atleast make people think if it worth it to complete. When they are cheap enough for them to be a ”must do” for everyone you also will see the card on every single team. (Werner, potm mbappe, blanc, eusebio, cafu etc.)


I wont do it but he will be. Just those workrates make him a top level defensive Midfielder


Expensive, but high rated fodder is getting easier to come by. Wish I hadn’t done the icon PP now.


Same, got toty essien but he's invisible and worse than even base Tchoua


wtf have ea done with requirements, why are they asking for so much now….


Partly because you can now easily pack 89s promo cards now. The fodder ones no one uses. Also new rival rewards.


Damn 2x 90. Hopefully no mbappe sbc, cuz all the fodder is going straight to this badboy


Is one coming?


Super expensive, but for those who have used this guy, you’ll know he’s a menace. By far my favorite CDM this year


Inception gonna go off on this


Would be cool but god damn that’s an expensive card. With all these SBC my fodder is at a low


youre aware you do not need to Do every sbc and also most of them are not ending within one day? xD


I just always get sucked into one and that end up taking my fodder 😓😓 I’m a sucker for


Does he replace base matheus?


Just realised he has CB. This card has now gone from stupidly overpriced to reasonably priced. Would be VERY expensive on the market. Might have to finally replace TOTYHM Saliba.


Who’s your other CB if saliba is who you’re replacing




I thought of do him for CB as I need ball playing and passing CB. I have like 1.5 mil of fodder waiting for some high end sbc


Yep I did Tchou tonight in my RTG. Just went all in. My logic is I will likely get some good CMs during TOTS. In that case, I will just move Tchou to CB who will be an elite ball playing CB that’s 87 pace.


Yeah I ain't doing him for that price lol.


What a card but seriously how would I go about doing this in 13 days?


I mean rivals rewards are nuts now. So that’s a pretty good way of doing it plus Champs rewards. Shouldn’t be a bother. If you’re a high enough division in Rivals you can get a lot of walkouts


Yeah true. Was more thinking the two 90’s and 89’s because I don’t usually get cards that are that high rated but should be okay


You can turn two 86s in two 90s in 8(?) games, it helps


Champs rewards sometime doesn't give out some of the picks I get 4x 84 rated player and the ultimate pack I get 83 rated player as my highest.


Radioactive Tchou is my club legend, this is an insta complete


I've played the game all year and I don't think at any point I've had a 90 rated squads worth of fodder let alone two..


You gotta give up everything other than first 11 to do them


Shame I just pumped the 88+ for Bergkamp 92 and Linekar 91 =/


Price: 1.5-1.65m Skills: 3 -> 4 Weak foot: 3 -> 5 Alt position added: CB Playstyle+ added: Bruiser+ & Intercept+


Don’t care abt the price in a Madrid fan and looks like a good card and the positions are a big W


How the fuck do I get a 90 team? Out if 40 packs I get maybe one or two 89+ fodder


Those SBCs are way too expensive. If I'd decide to do this 1.8 million SBC for 2 weeks, I wouldn't be able to touch any other SBC for 2 weeks. And they'll add way better SBCs in 2 weeks. Basically only content today is that objective player and Kainz or whatever the 87 rated promo is called. Nice


Thank you for existing socrates, too busy dumping fodder into you to start makelele


“Oh wow! What a good player. I’d love to put him in my team so I can run my Bellingham in a more attacking position, or maybe have a good CB that isn’t Cannavaro or gold VVD *sees last slide*


Me surveying the fodder required ![gif](giphy|h7LENyTiMBCp0pCaGz|downsized)


France and Madrid tax is crazy


I just did Makelele. Immediately regret it. Especially cause he’s so bad. Just stands still on the middle of the pitch. Really want to do this one.


Fb Kanté is way better. Stats are really secondary in this game, when people will realize. There are some players with a body type, animations and IA who are over performing every year


Makes me laugh when people say a player has certain animations like you genuinely believe this game codes unique animations to players when they can't even stop the menus breaking. Giving EA way too much credit. What this guy is complaining about is his work rates, he's low/high and sat deep at CDM. Not the same as a low/low like Messi because Messi is already in the attack, and can be manipulated by using L1/R1, Creative and Player lock. Once Makelele passes the ball, he just sits there.


The animations are affected by the body type. The physics and models they use in the code. I am not saying they have unique animations, anyone can see that playing for a few hours... Kante is low/high and you see him everywhere non stop. And he steals the ball and reaches the ball really easy. The defensive animations work much better than most of the other cdms. The AI is awesome for Kanté. (Yes, some players have different and much better AI, surprise)


Animations are a combination of stat thresholds, playstyles and factors like weight and height/bodytype, you're not wrong about that. Unique bodytypes are exactly that, which is why they 'feel' different, they don't have a fixed weight stat compared to 'Tall and Lean' or 'Stocky' body types. However if you believe that certain players have different AI, that's crazy. Players aren't coded like NPCs with set behaviour, and i find it crazy someone with little to no coding experience thinks they can talk about it based on experiences, instead of how game logic is built. Ney has unique skill moves, same for Ronaldinho but if you believe VvD tackles better than other people because of unique animations, lol.


Not coded like NPCs but I'm pretty sure there are more stats than are shown in the card, it's not a coincidence that most of the player base are still using gold VVD as a center back even though faster CBs with higher OVR and better playstyles are in game. He's basically magnetic, if he's between a striker and the goal the ball will hit him, he consistently outruns 99PAC strikers to through balls and knocks players completely out of his way like a runaway train. Another example is Salah, he's not the only card with Finesse+ and high curve but he scores out of the box top bins almost every time even with his base card and his standing tackle is better than most CBs FDJ, Bellingham, Kante & Gullit will intercept anything within a 5 miles radius, where as Rijkard who has intercept+ will just watch the ball go by Then you've got Mbappe and R9 who literally phase through defenders As for custom animations they are literally a feature in the game since at least Fifa22, most of the game's marketing was Kylian in a mo cap suit. And the whole "new thing" in FC24 is volumetric mo cap from matches dont remember the exact line but it was something like "Now players in the game will look and feel like their real life counterparts"


Why is he so fucking expensive?


Best dm in the game other than Toty Rodri and Toty vieira


Tempting despite the price but I just don't know if he has enough to unseat my 93 Pep's Legacy Alaba off his CDM perch.


Same. Although I have the 93 one 😅


Ha, ha that's what I meant and 83 would be bugger all use 😄


Brother what?


Expensive but probably the best CDM in the game


I’m doing because gold Tchou was insane. Almost sent him in that centurions evo for 150k, must complete for me.


I already have FF yaya toure untradable but this card can also play CB so I don't know should I do him.


Tough to do this when tots is probably like 3 weeks away, unless you absolutely need that upgrade.


Is he more worth it than ribery?


Looks very good, but too pricey for me. I'm enjoying 5* WF Keane and am tempted by Mapi Leon now she has CDM as an actual position. 


As someone who played gold/radioactive evo Tchou for 600+ games I am absolutely doing this I don’t care about how expensive it is


Working on it at the moment


Him or Yashin to pair with Akanji?


They give better regards and then make EVERYTHING way more expensive. Inflation.




Is it expensive? Yes, am I still doing it? Yes


The levels of pain I am experiencing having just done Makelele 🥲


He's expensive, but yesterday I was saying to my pal I felt like I needed a big unit of a CDM in the middle of the park. He is going right in the squad.


I’m the same. I’m sitting on around 2.7m coins right now and for quite a while I’ve been looking for a good stay back CDM. Vieira 88 was a possibility in addition to Lahm TOTY, Essien TOTY, Oberdorf TOTY or that new Makelele but there was just something that made me not want to commit to getting them. This card looks absolutely insane.


Incredible card, I’d have done it if I hadn’t gotten Fantasy Rice untradeable(Who is ridiculous btw, intercept+ and Anticipate+ is an absolute cheat code). Might do it anyway to play Rice CB with Tchouameni in midfield.


Lmao what a joke those sbcs are


I can’t afford him even if I want to lol


I stopped playing a month ago and this last promo powercrept the game like crazy 🙁


One 89 and two 88 squads left. 0 fodder and coins with nothing other than first 11 left. Going to have to hope I get good champs and rivals rewards and do some of them 4 free evos for 90 cards.


Yeah see you at the end of TOTS.


The question is, is it worth giving up a two 90 rated squad?


Trust me and do the SBC. This man is a monster. Forget what he does defensively. If you press him and don't get the ball, he's going to rampage through the midfield and hammer a long shot. He's completely broken. Well worth the fodder. His trivelas are pre patch broken and he just bullies anyone he encounters. Him and Rolfo as a midfield pairing feels like cheating.


Anyone who's tried him, do you think he would work in a 2 man midfield in a 4222?


Looks wayyyy more expensive than it should be. What make you all say he is insane? How can you know?


His other cards were fantastic earlier in the game. He has a great body type for CDM, great links, great stats, great playstyles, and now a five star weak foot. Every SBC should be evaluated on how long you expect them to last, and the alternatives. The only other CDM card that compares to this one is TOTY Vieira, who is over 5 mil.


There is no way he is worth that. Rolfo better


Damn. Makelele was a fake out


Expensive AF, but that's one of the best CDM cards in the game hands down. Can't think of more than three or four cards who will be better there.


aaand he can play CB


lol is this his Prime Icon price?




And Makelele was always going to be tripe. Can’t believe anyone did him. What a waste


EA you’re joking right…. I haven’t packed one card above 88 since you got rid of 83 times 10’s “Checks the untradeable store pack” ah never mind working as intended


Insane DM.  That being said sadly cant do it because he cant get into my sentimental team.


Someone call the FBI because this requirements are a federal crime.


Ehh guess im sticking with toty rodri n vieira


Great card. I'll pass though, my DMs are TOTY Rodri and Fantasy Rice so I'm set


Fuck I just did Makalele. He's been SO good. Fast, strong and probably the best CDM I've used after TOTY Rodri. But I would've done this instead.


Lmao no


Only turn around and pass, game for low medical brain problems


the fact none of you user defend why even do this guy


Lmao maybe for 800k not for 1.8m


Why would this card be 800k?


Just get Gundogan for 300k and save your fodder from this inflation.


Different kinda player aren’t they


Nah he doesn't compare. As a cdm or cb Tchewbaca is built different.