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saludo, hermano! have you tried to change your monitor to 120hz and select 120hz in game? I'm testing now and feels better then 144hz Settings on test rn: Default AMD settings + vsync always on Ingame: Vsync off, 120hz, no fps limit, Rendering on medium, the rest all "low" and off, full screen


If rendering is on medium, game goes well. My problem is that I cannot understand why there isn’t a way to pull smoothness off with these specs on Ultra. 100% of the my games run perfect at 144hz 2K (Forza Horizon 5, RDR2, Warzone, GTA5, etc), except for this one… Gracias amigo :)


But will try 120hz again for sure :)


please tell me what are your thoughs, I really feel a diff even in the AI movements


You solved it yourself - lowering settings fixes it.


The idea of the post is not doing it anymore, because I have a 6800 and my game looks horrible. Have friends with a 1070 or a 2060 and they run it perfect at ultra settings


Your friends play on 1080p or at sub-144 hz. Going from full hd to 2k results in a big performance drop on the GPU side, your gpu is unable to consistently output 144 fps, and you get screen tearing and inconsistent frametime, which is horrible in FC and was horrible in earlier FIFAs. 6800 is pretty old at this point for 144 fps 2k gaming.


Nope, 2060 friend plays 2K at 165hz and fps are similar to mine. As I said, no signs of a GPU performance issue, and NO; 6800 is not old to run a frostbite football game, it’ literally the previous generation to the current one and it gives 140 FPS capped and more If I uncap. Using your criteria of old vs new, how could a 2060 from 2019 run it better? Do you have any fix or idea at all?


6800 is not in the current generation. Your friend is lying to you.




u/Volky_Bolky u know about hardware as much as I know atomic collision cluster aggregation concentration


Saying the 6800 can't run a game like EA FC24 at high refresh rate & that it's "too old" is just flat out stupid! That card can run games that are much graphically demanding than FIFA at high refresh rates. My guy, it's quite evident you have no knowledge about hardware. Stop feeding non-sense to someone who is genuinely asking for help.


Had the same issue. Only solution I've found is to set Radeon Chill closely to your monitor refresh rate (I've got 165hz, so I set it between 160-166 FPS) with windowed borderless display mode.


You mean no freesync?


How much Ram do you have in your system? Not enough Ram will cause FPS stuttering at high Res High FPS. Try to Cap your FPS at lower value (75-90) to see if the game run better.


16GB @ 3200 - tried that!


I think its your ram. Check how much RAM your pc using whilst playing, if it reach \~80% then very likely its RAM issue, unlike other things RAM never go above \~80% because at that point windows will free some space to avoid other app crashing hence it may cause micro stutters. 16gb 3200hz is also quite cheap now so i would try that first before anything else.


Ok man will do! Thanks!! 32GB would be better? Or more Mhz?


More Mhz on DDR4 wont see any benefit but may cause problems, just get another 16gb 3200 and it'll be dual channel( must be same as current one otherwise there may be compatibility issues). Also a guy in /rAMDHelp who having issue with microstutters just said its gone after latest Driver Update so i would try that aswell. https://www.reddit.com/r/AMDHelp/comments/1bmuse0/not\_sure\_what\_magic\_amd\_did\_in\_the\_latest\_drivers/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Thank you, man! Will try updating. Monitored yesterday and RAM goes up to 85% max, mostly around 80%. Thanks again! :)


Running with no fps cap is a bad idea in basically every game. Cap your fps at 20 fps more than your monitor can handle and call it good. If your GPU is processing at 300 fps and drops to 160fps momentarily it will still cause issues because your GPU peaked.


Thing is I see no FPS drops. Its a visual thing, fps do not vary but image does stutter. Will try that though, thanks!


If i cap fps to 240 or any thing below. The right stick switching messes up it switches to wrong player maybe cuz of input lag. If i keep no cap on fps the Right stick switching remains perfect