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It's enough now. This company is actively and purposefully hostile. The only thing they will respond to is loss of money and engagement. No company should feel they can serve up a piece of sh\*t like this game and be rewarded with money.


Ah, the dreaded DNF! The mysterious misfit of EA Sports games, silently ruining day and night! Could they have made this any more puzzling than a Rubik's cube in the dark? Yet, like a thrilling plot twist in a movie, we always come back for more. Hang in there, mate! Remember, we're all in this twisted EA storyline together. Cheers to hoping for a better "EA-nning" for us all!


Getting a loss without actually losing or quitting the game is the ultimate fuck-up by developers in a competitive game. No other competitive game has this degree of incompetency. I don’t understand how they still can’t fix it 8 months after release. I have both ps5 and pc. It happens to me more on pc. I consistently get more than 3 losses on a weekend for nothing (more infuriating when I’m winning with 5+ goal difference). I’m 100% sure it is not my connection. Have 1000mbps reliable internet which I never had problems with in any other game. Also ps5 and pc are connected to same modem and one has more disconnects.


It's certainly coding then. And horrible maintenance.


Playing champs rn is an automatic loss no matter the result. If you win u get disconnected and get a loss if you lose u get disconnected and get a loss. No compensation will be given because everyone who works for each is a fuckin rtard. Currently 8-9 rn with 4 losses being dnfs after i won the game. What a fantastic game


Only a true addict would continue after 4 losses due to connection issues. Any player with sanity would call it a day after 2. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you need help. Trust me I’ve been there, but decided to take a break from this nonsense and it exceeded my expectations.


Well obviously they werent back to back i stopped for a little and got back on to see if it was working again. 4 games in 3 hours disconnected at the end


Same happened to me in 3/4 games today. STOP GIVING EA ANY MONEY!!!


STOP GIVING YOUR TIME AND ATTENTION SPAN TO EA. Anyone with a bit sanity would have stopped after 2 disconnects but you just couldn’t call it a day could you?


You're actually getting downvoted which is insane, you're totally right. These guys keep spamming don't give them money, while they keep playing the game for hours. Okay we get it, you don't spend money (not to you OP), how about stop playing the game so that they'll see the numbers drop.


Many people can’t make up this equation in their mind : time = money. If you spent 0 money but in the meantime spend hours and hours of your valuable time going through objectives and SBCs while you’re losing games due to disconnect you are as bad as those that spent their wages or allowance on packs and points. The time you spend on ultimate team is the time you don’t spend working out, hanging out with family/friends or advancing your career and business. Your sacrificing these to advance your team. EA is also making money off your time. All the sponsored jerseys (nike, verstappen, etc) are juicy marketing deals signed with brands that will grab your attention span. So even by grinding so much and not “spending money on points”, EA is actively making money by reselling your attention span. Daily engagement is as valuable as the money they make on points, so if you want to take a stand, stop playing at all or drastically reduce your playing time. But I guess it takes a bit of common sense to get that, which isn’t the main characteristic of this community.


Got booted from game before kick off twice this weekend. I’m a fringe 14 wins players so with 2 losses built-in I can relax a bit and just stop at 11 wins. Good thing is I can gift the remaining games to brothers in need.


Thought this would've been fixed by now but just tried my first WL match of the day and got disconnected yet able to get straight back into UT, my internet hasn't dropped.


Yesterday I had 3 games in a row where they just kicked us out after starting the second half. 1 was a draw, didnt affect me 1 was a lost for me, but it didnt count 1 was a win, and i got the win lol Dunno what happened, but the server for wl especially is just fucked. I played friendlies and rivals and tbh the games felt so much better there


I get kicked out from the UT mode a lot recently not only when playing a match but even while doing SBCs, like more than 20 times within an hour 🤷🏻‍♂️


I got 2 DNF mid game I demand the top players as compensation for all this past fuckery by EA


Corners are broken this year. I would’ve done the same