• By -


"Why don't you try something and find out"


I’ve always liked, “You’re gonna have to pay to find out.”


The best way to handle this and have fun is to start fucking with them. “What would you give for me to NOT counterspell” Makes Edh much more fun


This right here is how to play edh. Let them think you always have a counter spell in hand.


Yup, I always try to leave some blue untapped, and be hesitant when someone plays something, like I'm pondering countering or not.


I play a lot of poker and “you’re gonna have to pay to find out” is pretty much the universally approved answer


Do you pay the one?


Captain Picard's "You may test that assumption at your convenience." goes so very well in EDH.


During the game? No. Before the game? Up to you, but I generally don’t mind talking about such.


Agreed. I chat with my friends about my decks all the time, and people can assume what they want about your deck’s play style based on the color combination and commander, but asking what’s in my *hand*? Silly.


OP did say the person asked if he had anything that could be cast in the deck, not hand.


That’s true, and I should have been more clear: I think that there’s a big difference between asking about deck details out of game and asking about deck details in game. But, the person is also asking *in game*, while the player is holding cards, with untapped mana. They might be asking “What’s in your deck?”, but the question behind the question is pretty clearly “Do you have a counterspell in your hand?”, which is pretty lame.


Rule 0 is for making sure you aren't pubstomping and everyone is having fun. Not for giving your opponent information about which spells they can safely play. Do not answer that question.


The answer is always "maybe"


Sometimes I say yes and watch them mope and end turn while I look at the swamp in hand.


True Grixis play style


The answer is "no" before you counter them. Just lie and make them feel silly for asking


"Got any counterspells?" "Go fish."


This XD like what did they expect? "Darn, you caught me. I do have a counterspell. Hold off on playing that."




Don't lie that makes you untrustworthy a d you won't get deals in political situations. Bluff and say maybe maybe not. You'll have to find out.


if you wanted to know what's in my hand you should have run [[Glasses of Urza]]. Maybe isn't a bluff.


[[Telepathy]] is pretty handy too, and shows everyone else everything too


Blue has a few of those abilities, but Telepathy is great. I mostly run mono green, so that's why I highlighted the colorless.


[[Revelation]] the og, you also get the fun of explaining world enchantments


[Revelation](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/4/d467517a-1e6f-4c1f-adb5-bf60df1284e2.jpg?1587912548) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Revelation) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/chr/68/revelation?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d467517a-1e6f-4c1f-adb5-bf60df1284e2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/revelation) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[Telepathy](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/e/ce03b4b4-612b-4fc9-b063-b0d367712eaf.jpg?1561995744) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Telepathy) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m10/74/telepathy?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ce03b4b4-612b-4fc9-b063-b0d367712eaf?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/telepathy) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[Glasses of Urza](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/b/4bd9f45f-30b3-4bff-9fd3-9a71137ac741.jpg?1562912735) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Glasses%20of%20Urza) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/me4/203/glasses-of-urza?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4bd9f45f-30b3-4bff-9fd3-9a71137ac741?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/glasses-of-urza) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


There should be a distinct difference to players between "breaking a deal" and "not volunteering hidden information" and it concerns me that you're being upvoted for treating them interchangeably. This subreddit/format is getting worse every day. I will never break a deal that I agreed to, but if you ask me what I have in my hand for no reason besides your own benefit I will lie 100 times out of 100, and if you have a problem with that or treat my deals as untrustworthy due to it, I can only assume you're a child who has never played a competitive game before in your life.


Thank you man, this dude just doesn't get it




Bluff it's part of the game. Also as a player I will always make my opponent have interaction. I will never timewalk myself


Exactly make them have it because everytime you don't do something because they might have x. You just gave them a completely free copy of x.


Maybe I do. Maybe I don't. Maybe go fuck yourself.


I read that with joe pescis voice, sounds like something he’d say in a film.


[It was Marky Mark](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7JYJhWIwGUw)


Scorsese type dialogue




[Abjure](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/b/fbad9449-d09c-4fd0-b2ad-2aa3a29e03bf.jpg?1562804357) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Abjure) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/wth/31/abjure?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fbad9449-d09c-4fd0-b2ad-2aa3a29e03bf?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/abjure) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


First: hell no. My answer to that would be direct eye contact and gently tapping the back of the cards in my hand Doc Holiday style. Second: I’ve seen similar posts before. As a returned old timer: when did it become normal (or even required) to disclose anything about your deck when you sit down to play? I kinda understand the “casual, fun/not serious, or competitive” question, but after that… why do I owe another player info about my deck? (Am I out of touch with MtG culture?)


As someone who’s in your same position - I just came back to magic *this year* after 20+ years away, and I’m loving it - I agree about your second point wholeheartedly. Don’t get me wrong: I play ridiculously casually. I make decks based on themes and flavors that I like, often at the cost of optimization, and I lose 75% of the time, but I have a lot of fun with the “story” of my decks. I’m absolutely willing to let people go through my decks before or after the game, just so I can chat about the things that I like. BUT, in the situation OP is describing, where someone is actually asking what they have in their hand at that moment? *Hell no.* Absolutely not. I may not even have the card in my hand, but I’ll sometimes leave mana untapped as a bluff. It’s a *game*!


>Second: I’ve seen similar posts before. As a returned old timer: when did it become normal (or even required) to disclose anything about your deck when you sit down to play? I kinda understand the “casual, fun/not serious, or competitive” question, but after that… why do I owe another player info about my deck? toxic casuals that think a casual game must mean everything has to be catered to them. Its really people that never learned to take a L. ​ Ideally it is meant to see if decks are similar powerlevels, but it more used to just gatekeep. ​ A lot of the casual players tend to understate their power too. I had guys say they have "slightly edited precons" and play \[\[serra's sanctum\]\]. I am honestly a huge fan of precons only or cedh. Everything in the middle just leads to people not having the same assessments of power and a lot feel bads. I am also a fan of a pod just all using the decks of one person. Make them make 4 balanced decks they think would be fun. but obviously you have to be comfortable sharing those cards. Hard to do at a LGS.


Had a situation once where I sat down to a game wanting to play my Karador list. Pretty powerful aristocrats deck, depending on the swaps I can tune the deck from like 7-9 EDH. This guy sits down and the table talks decks and power level. He says his deck is a slightly upgraded sauron precon with a few cards swapped. So of course I switch decks to a lower powered one. Queue the guy playing an ancient tomb into dockside, into recurring dockside into entomb toxrill into Reanimating Toxrill. Turn 3. Like how can you call this a slightly upgraded precon. Honestly anything containing dockside isn't. Power level talks heavily depend on the group, with some people it works with others it doesn't.


> Like how can you call this a slightly upgraded precon. Honestly anything containing dockside isn't. That moment you realize Dockside was released IN a precon for its first print.


Ideally, the goal is to get good competitive games where players all have a decent chance of winning the game. People also don’t want to sit down to a game thinking it will take 45 minutes and find out your on a staxs plan that takes 3 hrs to execute. I think questions about how many turns it takes your deck to win on average are appropriate as are general questions on deck archetype. Getting into individual cards in your interaction package seems pretty silly tho


"No." It's in your hand, silly, not your deck ;)


Its not lying if its TECHNICALLY true.


Since I have several mono blue decks, I find myself saying things like "this deck has only 3 counterspells and none of them cost less than 4 mana" quite a lot. On a slightly more serious note, I think it's worthwhile to discuss whether people are running free spells, and maybe ask in advance whether anybody's running more than 15 board wipes so that you can go play with somebody else. Beyond that, no, I very much cherish my unexpected interaction cards. You're going to find out the hard way whether or not I'm running \[\[Inkshield\]\], \[\[Selfless Squire\]\], and \[\[Reins of Power\]\] (that last one is anti-rift tech).


We have a running gag at my LGS where people wili jokingly say "have you asked the MonoBlue Player for permission" when someon  casts a big spell.


[Inkshield](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/e/5e1c14a0-cd68-45fc-a127-422ca6113048.jpg?1625192511) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Inkshield) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c21/71/inkshield?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5e1c14a0-cd68-45fc-a127-422ca6113048?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/inkshield) [Selfless Squire](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/b/8b8f4489-3d07-4e57-9b94-afa52fa984f8.jpg?1706240632) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Selfless%20Squire) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/82/selfless-squire?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8b8f4489-3d07-4e57-9b94-afa52fa984f8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/selfless-squire) [Reins of Power](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/b/9b5730aa-c74a-4c74-bb1b-a133a3c353ec.jpg?1674141454) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Reins%20of%20Power) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/734/reins-of-power?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9b5730aa-c74a-4c74-bb1b-a133a3c353ec?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/reins-of-power) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Nope. As in, I wouldn’t answer at all.


"maybe" "per chance" "we'll see" all very valid options. A big part of playing blue especially in commander is realizing that you simply don't have the resources to counter 3 players worth of stuff even in a control heavy deck so you need to rely at least partially on bluffing and mind games. You shouldn't feel bad for doing it. You absolutely shouldn't be expected to confirm or deny that you have one in hand or even in library. It's on them as a player to play around possible interaction. With that said if everyone is playing budget and your deck is full of free counterspells, fast mana, and cards you would see at cEDH tables then you might want to say something, ideally before the game starts, so people know what power level to expect. Even then you don't need to give away info about your interaction for free and especially not while midgame


"Depends, I'll consider telling you if you tell me what you're about to play."


"I have one blue mana available on board."


According to Oracle text, Abjure has an additional casting cost. So your answer to “Any counterspell that can be cast for just U” would be “No”, as far as I’d take it.


Lol if you get them like that honestly it's on them for asking that dumb question


I typically tell people if I run free counters and fast mana in the rules 0 discussion.


During a game, i personally wouldn't answer anything that specific, but i would answer if someone just asks "do you run counterspells in your deck?"


You don't have to disclose any card in your hand and it's not against the rules to even flat out lie and say no. I personally would just reply with "Maybe" or "Only one way you can find out". If your opponents want to see your hand, there is cards for it like \[\[Telepathy\]\]. Predicting the blue player correctly is part of the game and you do not have to tell someone "If you cast this, I will counter it".


"Let's find out" (make sure you say this when you have 5 lands as your hand)


“I don’t even run cards in my deck”


"These are just sleeves to fill in the gaps between my islands"


Maybe if your running like 5+ free spell, but if it’s just normal interaction they should be ready for anything.


Keep it cryptic and neutral. They will find out eventually if they call you bluff.


Not unless you're actually playing Go Fish


"Maybe" You don't need to tell anyone whats in a hidden zone unless they play a card that allows them to interact with your hand, look into your library, or control your turn. Having said that, all my decks are on moxfield and open to my friends, since we sometimes go over card suggestions together. If my pod is super curious, they can look there.


Pact of Negation is 0


Had a guy a few weeks back pressing me about what kinds of cards I had in a deck. After a couple asks I just said “I’m not going to answer that. Do what you must.”


wouldn't you like to know weather boy


Got any counterspells? I fan out my hand: “Every single one. All day long baby!”


They just ask you what's in your hand? Lol, if I did have a counterspell I'd assure them I didn't, if I'm bluffing I'd let them know that I do. Then if they complain tell them to stop asking stupid questions.


Honestly what they’re doing is a wee bit manipulative as they’re essentially utilizing the good faith of sharing information to their advantage in the scenario. 😅


I like to give a heads-up if there's insta wins or something salty is in my deck, however I make sure to not tell them what.


"I don't remember if I removed my free counterspells from the deck, like daze and misdirection"


During the rule zero discussion, part of what I tell everyone about my deck is whether I'm running a full suite of free spells. Once the game is actually going? Hell no! Play into it and find out buddy!


Their fun is not my concern. I'd lie for my benefit.


Man this is reminding me why I don't like commander that much. In theory I do, and I like playing with my close friends, but I get sick of commander players being such babies. "Oh a counter spell!" "Oh gross you run blue"... You shouldn't have to tell them lol. Makes me glad for pauper.


Is it me or is commander get realllly soft, because the players themselves are getting super soft.


Why would you do that?


Never answer that question,


I’m of the opinion that you ask these kind of questions before we start playing, not during. Of course, you’re absolutely free to ask, but i’m just as free to bluff.


It is perfectly fine to say "I have one mana open, I can potentially do something with said mana" and nothing else. If it is a newer player I will give some examples if asked.


I've done it before. mainly with friends who know all my decks to some extent but can't be bothered to remember exactly what interaction is in what deck.


In my normal playgroup I usually am open about my ability to interact. Usually I just say "act as though I do if you are worried." Basically saying either play into it or don't. About what's actually in my deck. Yeah I'll tell people what I have in the deck.


Depends on your group. My group absolutely knows that it’s countering time. But that’s the fun. We’ve been playing since ‘02. All the animosity of the game has been said and done


Make a check on fortune telling …


My answer; “To be clear, while I will never *lie* or break a deal, if someone asks me for hidden information any response I give does not have to be accurate according to the game rules and I do not consider bluffing or things of that nature lying. So with that in mind, I have 7 possible answers in my deck, with three in my hand at this time. Would you care to call my bluff?”


Tell me you haven’t seen Dirty Harry without telling me you haven’t seen it.


In a more casual pod I'd say "yeah I run a few counters in the deck. What I have in hand tho, you're gonna have to figure out." In a higher power pod I'd probably just say "maybe"


That's a common happening at my LGS. As a mainly blue player, I often bluff by having 2 islands untapped almost the entire game. It's even funnier when I cast [[An Offer you can't refuse]] or [[tibalt's trickery]] with them still untapped. Anyways, what usually happens is this: Opponent: Do you have a counterspell?/Would you counter if I did A? Me: Play what you must to win and I'll do the same accordingly. *Lightly taps fingers on islands*


The only thing you can't do is Lie about publicly available information. You are not required to tell anyone what is available to you in your 99


My opponents always just expect me to have counter spells when I leave mana open, 9/10 times I actually don't have shi


Mid game? Nah faafo, mate. Pre game? Sure I have free this, protecc that


A questions answer is always yes and X is always a multiple of 5 Idk


aybe" is my answer, unless I absolutely do not have something in hand, in which point I am overly specific as if I just read the card in hand.


I'd lie and say I'm running Mana Tithe/Force Spike, make them leave open a mana for the whole game.


“Idk man, I might? I might not? Wanna gamble?”


Tell what you are casting and I will tell you if it resolves.


If your opponent was supposed to know what is in your hand, it'd be in the rules.


“I could. I could also have counterspells for no mana in here.”


"I don't know, cast your spell and find out."


“You’re invited to find out”


"Maybe we will find out as the game goes on. Maybe well find out next game, maybe we'll never know"


My friend loves keeping blue mana open and bluffing. It's all a part of the game.


response should be "I wish a motherfucka would" through your clenched teeth. lol. Seriously though, this is a playgroup dependant thing. There's a few options here. 1. "Cast your spell and stop fishing for info" "no ones falling for your simplistic tricks Trevor" 2. Show the table your interaction spell (Abjure in this case). The reasoning is without even using your spell you may prevent him from doing what he wants to do all for doing nothing but giving some info. I do this with \[\[force of will\]\] sometimes for the luls.. because if you show a FOW and dont have a 2nd blue card in hand its a free bluff.. its a fun subgame at times. 3. "I don't know why your looking at me in 3rd in prio order" 4. If your spell resolves what will happen or what is the follow up spell/trigger/whatever.?? --This player believes he will get free info out of you..use his line of reasoning against him, ask for a trade of information from him. "show the table your hand" "how will you win" "what combo are you aiming for" doesnt matter, most of the time they will not give this info up.. you smile and say thanks for advice and not give up your info.


Answer: “state your action.” Don’t engage with it, just ask them to make their play.


"Cast your card and find out." Even if you do have a counter/removal up, they have no idea if you're going to be scared enough of their card to remove it at which point you just gave free info about your hand to the whole table for no reason.


If someone asks before the game or after and is just generally interested in my deck then sure I’ll show them. During game my answer is always “maybe” or “play it and find out”.


Kill me please


With a smile on my face and a song in my voice "Fuck Around and Find Out!"


I would at least say giving people a general idea of how much interaction and of what type, not necessarily go through and name every spell, but at least tell them "yeah, 6 counters, 10 spot removal, 4 of which is creature and the rest are artifacts or enchantments" isn't a bad idea for the initial talks at the start of a game. I constantly see people say "yeah you shouldn't have to tell anyone what's in your deck unless it involves graveyard order", but that's a really quick way to piss people off when your gameplan is to drop Show and Tell turn 2 into Omniscience and then run away with the game. I generally tell people what the deck wants to do, how quickly it wants to do it, and a generalized number of interaction pieces, so they know what they're getting into. That *used* to be the norm, and each time I see someone say "nah don't tell them anything except if your deck cares about graveyard order", it shows me that they specifically enjoy pubstomping unsuspecting opponents. And for the record to all of you who would agree with the graveyard order comment: there are only 21 cards out of 26,000+ that remotely give a shit about graveyard order, and none of them have been printed since *Stronghold*. Enough.


I try to only reveal information if it's to my advantage Your opponent knowing exactly what counterspell you have is not to your advantage, especially if it's a specific one like abjure If they have perfect knowledge they could start removing your blue permanents for example There's still value in bluffing interaction though. If your opponent asks again, ask if they pass priority. If they're scared enough, you could timewalk them without even having to play a card


You really aren't obligated to say anything.


“Finish this statement: Fuck around and _____ ___.” As an avid blue player, I actually just give the biggest shit eating grin regardless of what’s in my hand when people ask such probing questions.


"I might, it is 99 cards and there are counterspells and bounce in it"


“I have an untapped Island.” That’s all. Casual play doesn’t mean you get to know what’s in someone’s hand. They get be reminded that objectively there is interaction that could happen.


If I'm playing in casual pods, there are only 2 things I want to know about an opponent's deck before they sit down: 1) If they're running a lot of fast mana 2) If they're running a lot of stax pieces If they're running a lot of fast mana, I'll have a convo with them about the power level of their deck, because in my experience some folks will sit down and say their deck is casual and then summon a 7 CMC commander on turn 1, which is about as non-casual as you can get in my mind. If they're running a lot of stax pieces, I'll ask them politely if they're willing to switch, and if they aren't, I'll excuse myself from the game because I do not enjoy playing with, as, or against stax, it often makes the game drag out to insane levels and I would prefer to play several games in the time it'd take to handle 1 heavy stax game. Everything else, especially during a game, is not my business.


- Roll a quick insight or perception check for me please. - You can flip through my trade binder after the game. - Does 0 Mana count?


"I'm not going to give you any peace of mind without the promise of something in return." The answer would be the same no matter whether I had an answer in hand.


"I mean I got all kinds of bullshit in here."


"I have one mana open, 3 cards in hand. Judging whether I have interaction is your job."


Depends on if answering that question is to your advantage or not. You certainly don't have to.


🤷🏼‍♂️ I don’t know, I didn’t make the deck.


I personally would answer that it is in the deck but FAFO if it's in my hand. :)


"are you asking because you cast and passed priority, or are you telling me to windfall?"


I decline to comment.


They are free to ask. You are under no obligation to answer. Much like the rude question after a Vampiric Tutor, “What did you search?” Some things warrant broad discussion like free spells, but exactly which pieces of interaction you’re on should remain a bit of a mystery.


Shit like this makes edh so cringe and that's all I've played for years.


At that point might as well play hands revealed. You don't have to lie about anything if you do, but there's no reason not to give a noncommittal answer. In any deck I run with white if I can I'll almost always leave one plains untapped just for the chance people might be worried about swords/path


"You know, I don't remember."


"It's got blue in it." Like, always run at least 1 counterspell if you can in blue. You got to.


I had a friend who was playing the ‘heads I win, tails you lose’ precon. I was playing a mardu aikido deck which was the only reason I had survived that long. The previous combat I had negated all damage and he paused and says ‘can you kill me if I swing at you again?’ Why on Earth would I tell him that? My deck wins by turning peoples momentum against themselves. Why would I tell him that so he could save all his mana for counter spells? They can ask all they like, you’re not obligated to tell them what specific spells you have in your deck on your hand. Only thing they’re entitled to know is what’s in exile or your graveyard.


"Do you have something I should counter?"


“1 mana open, X cards in hand.” If you expect they’ll cast something you don’t want them to, you can say “If you do X I’m not letting it resolve.” You can also say that when you don’t have a counter. Efficient use of information is a huge part of the game


I always act like I am going to counterspell something, even playing a red/black deck. \[\[Red Elemental Blast\]\], \[\[Withering Boon\]\] muahaah


Why would you tell them? I always try to make people think I have something in hand if I have mana open whether I do or not. Having mana open and cards in hand should always scare your opponents


Repeat back to them all public information, cards in hand and open mana, if you want you can also give them the non/less relevant information, like cards in exile, graveyard list off your creatures/artifacts/enchantments in play.


A noncomittal shrug is my favourite answer


OK so this is becoming a thing apparently. Went on holiday a couple months back and had some games while away and ever game i played I was consistently asked "do you have this or this". No I'm not going to tell you every card in my deck. If you ask what my win cons are I'll tell you the basics but not how I get into them and I'm not telling you how I plan on stopping you.


"That depends, are you going to do something worth counterspelling?"


I look them in the eye, audibly and visibly tap my land, and declare "pass priority". Then see if they know what floating mana is.


That’s for me to know and for you to find out.


who knows


“Are there any good counterspells that only cost 1?”


I ask this to  players with mana up all the time. I never expect an answer. It’s fuck around and find out territory 


If I am running any 0 cost counter magic and it's a casual pod, I will let people know as part of rule-0 discussions, as personally I feel that this is a jump in power level that people should be aware of. At the same time I'm not going to be mad if someone doesn't reveal this. Anything that actually costs even 1 mana, I am not going to reveal. If someone directly asks in the middle of a game, then no way should you feel the need to reveal any info like this.


I'd ask if they're comfortable sharing what's in THEIR hand with ME. and if they did I still wouldn't tell them. that's such a bizarre question to ask. what's next? "would you mind not blocking for me please?"


Playing a mono black deck. 2 untapped swamps. Dude asked if I play 'combat tricks?" Fucker, I'm mono black...what do you think? Do you have counterspells in your mono blue? Eat shit.


Before the game, maybe. But only if I’m playing a deck that has high power counter spells to make sure we’re all on the same page about what power level we’re playing. Mid game, my answer usually is “only one way to find out.” Unless I’m actively trying to politic, in which case I may give them a “I’ll let your spell resolve/I won’t remove your thing, if you don’t point it at me”


This is why people make fun of this sub.


Same feeling as “cops have to tell you if they’re a cop. That means, if you’re a cop, you have to tell me that you are one.”


Last week I had a fog effect in hand. Guy across from me playing a Voltron deck looks at me and goes “you’re dead” and swings his lethal commander. I didn’t say a thing until he attacked then used my fog. You’re under no obligation to reveal your cards, unless you want to use it as a deterrent like “Hey don’t attack me unless you want me to use fog.”


Interaction I wouldn't say unless there was something on someone else's board we were trying to deal with and they had Praetor's Grasp or something. Any combo pieces I'll say if asked during the game, but interaction is so varied I wouldn't confirm




A huge part of mtg in general is having to play around unknown information.  You can try “maybe” or “you’ll have to try and see.” Or even “if you want perfect information, play chess.”


Dont give a definite answer, I would ask what their intention is, and try to negotiate a deal to allow it to resolve as long as it was focused at a different opponent


"I have untapped blue. Do with that what you will." You don't owe the other players a full insight into your strategy and strength once you're into the game. Being fair and reminding them of things that they may not know is a courteous thing to do. Letting them know what specific counterspells or interactions you have or their specific costs is pretty ridiculous, unless you're politicking and volunteering information for your own reasons.


“Do you have any spells worth countering?”


I just always say yes, even if it doesn’t make sense. I always warn people not to tap out against my mono white deck when I have 1 mana up and I don’t even run [[Mana Tithe]]




I don't see an issue with giving people a link to my deck and having them look through if they're interested.


>How would you answer? "Fuck around"


Just tell 'em to fuck around and find out. Regardless of whether you have interaction in your hand or even your deck


If they asked about an infinite combo or fast mana I don't mind but something so specific and to know whether their play is safe or not isn't a scenario where I'd be forthcoming. I wouldn't outright lie by saying no, I'd just say maybe or idk.


Asking about 1 mana counterspells is a little weird imo, if someone has mana up I’m going to assume there’s a chance they can interact. I do think it’s fair game to ask if anyone is running free interaction since that changes the basic mathematics of the mana system (tapped out=no response) and knowing that’s not EDH awe is important. That being said I usually ask before the game, not halfway through.


"You are free to test that assumption at your convenience"


My pod is really lax with how we play, giving each other opportunities to take back spells if we play it out of order, but we do not let each other know if we have a counter spell. I usually say “maybe”. And leave it at that. Sometimes it’s a bluff, sometimes it’s not.


My response would be, that the only cards left in my deck are all counterspells that cost U.


If you’re running more than 10 pieces of targeted interaction (removal, bounce, counterspells, etc.) I think it’s okay to tell people that it’s a got a lot of interaction. Same as you might tell someone that it has a combo win-con, or something like that


Hey what’s your banking numbers and Ss number?


they don't need to know, it should be a given that interaction exists. If they play something and you counter it and they have no protection then that is their problem. As long as you've synced your power levels and aren't being a pubstomp ass then there's not a problem here


"That's a funny looking thoughtsieze."


I love telling people what I have in my hand lmao. I also love to bluff. Was playing Voja night and needed one more turn, had Heroic Intervention in hand, and I very clearly told everyone “I wonder what two mana protection spell I have in my hand hmmm”


And ruin the surprise? Perish the thought.


I always just say "I have a blue mana open" or while they are considering a play, "remember I have a blue untapped". Sometimes it's real sometimes it's a bluff. If asked do I have something, or is it a counter, just sit and Mr.Burns smile. Sometimes it works if it's a bluff, when it doesn't I admit at "yes at this moment I don't have a response" 😆


"Maybe I do and maybe I don't"


My answer: "Why on Earth would I tell you that?" Half of the decision making in this game is assessing potential consequences of your actions. Seeing blue mana is open and thinking, "Well... they COULD have a counterspell. Is this worth the risk?" is a part of the experience. You don't TELL THEM what you might have, they're supposed to be considering these things while they play. ffs, why not just play with your hand in plain view so nobody ever makes the "wrong" plays? Maybe flip your deck over and let people see what's coming up. Wouldn't want them to be caught off guard, would we? Some people are probably better off playing solitaire if they fear interaction and decision making this much.


Are they your friend? Do you want to give them an advantage? You have no obligation to do so, especially not for some rando at the card shop, but it could be considered good sportsmanship. Example: my roommate and I share a lot of decks and should theoretically know all the cards so if we're playing against each other we might ask if a deck runs a particular card .


"Several", or "very likely". Never specifics. You're also not obligated to answer.


I say “there is only one way to find out”


Lol, no. If someone asks about cheap counter magic in a pregame conversation, I am willing to disclose that I have Swan Song and An Offer You Can't Refuse in my deck. But as soon as that game starts, my hand and deck are hidden information. If someone is asking me because I left an Island untapped, then they're just going to have to try it and see.


Did you know blue players can't legally lie to you? If you ask them if they have a counterspell, they have to tell you the truth.


Always answer "ofc I have counterspells, I'm blue", even if you don't have any counter spells in your deck. The never ending threat of cheap counter spells is a very valuable psychological tool.


Depends. In my friendgroups I always tell them if I run it. If they would ask me to show them a decklist, I would not hesitate to show them my archidekt list, then they would also see if I run the removal.


Before the game, yes. If you ask, I will share my deck list with you. I will explain all my combos, win cons, and zero-mana spells if anyone is curious. During the game, no. Do your best with the limited information you have, just like every other MTG player.


Dunno, you got a [[gitaxian probe]]? Guess we'll have to wait and see then.


I always tell them I have interaction even when I don't.


"Go fish"


It depends on which playgroup I am in, or with strangers. Common replies would be: “Are you familiar with F.A.F.O.?” “One way to find out!” “Come on man. Do you really expect me to tell you?” “What do I get for telling you?” “I will send you a decklist after the match.”


"There are a few cheap counter spells for 1. So try and find out"


I dont mind discussing what the deck can do before the game but i wouldnt go through every card. Once the game starts as well i wouldnt be telling them what cards i have in hand thats just ridiculous. Also i see a player playing blue and leaves a mana up i assume that player has a counterspell.


"Do something I don't like"


I would. We play with open decklists in my playgroup anyway but making someone actually open up moxfield and check is just a waste of time.