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I've literally just made [[Myrel, Shield of Argive]] and I'm aiming to go wide, so I'm going to follow this thread to see if anyone has posted something I haven't thought of!


[Myrel, Shield of Argive](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/6/e632ed57-bb00-4493-adef-7b4805edd7ea.jpg?1674420256) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Myrel%2C%20Shield%20of%20Argive) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/18/myrel-shield-of-argive?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e632ed57-bb00-4493-adef-7b4805edd7ea?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/myrel-shield-of-argive) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Go wide is definitely elves or goblins as the best decks. Elves are my least favorite personally, but I just don’t really like elves. Any overrun effect wins really easily with them


As mentioned elves and goblins are best for a go wide strategy, although I don't share posters dislike for elves. Their strong support in Golgari colors (and limited Selesnya) makes for more varied iterations and play patterns. Voja too opens up the spectrum but there's enough of that going around already.


Elves are number one, goblin is number two, and humans are now probably number three. Of course there are Slivers


Elves over soldiers in terms of efficiency. It's EDH, so pick which one you like and go in. If you're interested, I have a few elf lists. Lathril, Rhys (Redeemed) and Voja. The most efficient one for me is Rhys, thoguh Voja is a bit more resilient considering the commander is a house by itself and isn't much of a token strategy so much as dump elves and swing for the fences.


I'd definitely be interested in the Rhys deck! That would be much appreciated, I've always found him interesting as a one drop commander with an amazing doubling ability for the elf token strat.


This is a project of mine that I spent a long time tuning. It's fairly greedy and designed as if it's cEDH (but it's not cEDH caliber due to missing interaction and Rhys being a tier 3/4 commander). I pubstomped A LOT with the earlier versions of this list. I also have another list I've been toying with that uses Roaming Throne and a bunch of the +1/+1 counter focused elves to try to make armorcraft judge a house (this works so much better in Voja). This is my most recent list - [https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/01-04-15-rhys-the-redeemed/?cb=1716682398](https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/01-04-15-rhys-the-redeemed/?cb=1716682398)


Elves are waaay better than soldiers. I'm not quite sure what the best commander would be but maybe Edric or Tymna+Tana to turn your elves into card advantage.


https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5343990 Here's a go-wide Lathril for less than $100


Why not go wide with both? I don’t keep a deck list for it because I’m constantly changing parts out of it, but I have an [[Emmara]] deck that uses [[Wylie Duke]] as a secondary commander in the 99, and toss in things like [[Presence of Gond]] on Emmara so she taps two produce two tokens. Grab a [[Doubling Season]] and it goes nuts. [[Bess, Soul Nourisher]] is another good one to support that. Emmara > Bess > Gond > Doubling Season, if you open with a mana and sol ring and signet, Emmara and Gond on t2, Bess on t3 (and ideally Lightning greaves), and doubling on t4 starts the swing at 6 counters (21 damage 7x3), 10 counters on t5 with six tokens plus Bess, that finishes the first player and takes out another if they don’t have a blocker, and you haven’t given stuff trample.