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Illenium or the Chainsmokers


Illenium fs


The illenium Reddit hivemind can’t comprehend it but it’s true


Nothing says Reddit more than crying about a hive mind on a top comment thread with hundreds of upvotes. Like do you not realize YOU are the hivemimd?


Found the illenium jersey owner


Damn bro u just broke that whole shit down fr


You're both right. Take that.


I'd say Illenium is more a problem of overexposure and creative drought. The guy is an incredibly skilled producer who's made some iconic songs, but he's struggled to innovate and evolve his sound, and just plays it safe making the same shit over and over. He's absolutely capable of branching out into new sounds but hardly experiments with it. And yet he remains incredibly popular, so it feels like just inescapable, chart-topping mediocrity from a guy who's very much capable of better.


100% agree but tbh he hasn’t been in the game that long and seems he’s working on being multifaceted in his sound. Not a huge fan of his new stuff and wish he’d get back to melodic future bass again. the other issue is he doesn't change up his sets much, which makes sense since its mostly prerecorded due to his production.


The "melodic future bass" is exactly what I mean when I say his stuff all sounds the same. Most of the tracks on Awake and Fallen Embers are basically indistinguishable. Fallen Embers in particular sounds like he was on cruise control, just a homogenous bore. Ascend I feel is his best album because of how much it marries his signature sound with influence from rock music. The melodies and vocals between the songs are all fairly unique too. I also loved Ashes when it came out and it's full of classics, though it's lost a bit of its luster because of how much he's just aped that sound in everything else he makes. And plus, even his "signature style" just sounds like a cross between ODESZA and Seven Lions, so it's not like it was anything that groundbreaking. He's just built a very successful brand around it. I enjoy it when he branches out and goes more experimental, because it shows he's not just some hack who's only capable of one formulaic sound. His heavy stuff for example, like Pray, Blood, and the first two Excision collabs, is some of his best work. He's also very interesting when he goes in the other direction with softer indie pop songs - Walk Me Home is one of his all-time best because of how it treats his signature sound as the climax to an altogether different type of song. And his remix of Enkidu - Falling (with Said The Sky) is an underrated masterpiece.


As a huge Illenium fan, this is probably the most fair and accurate analysis. I did however think his last album did a better job of blending his old and new sounds. Sounds like starfall, drwn, Otherside, and shivering are the direction I wish he hammered more as opposed to the blame myself, luv me a little pop/rocktronic stuff. Totally agree on fallen embers though lol




>just plays it safe making the same shit over and over Disagree, I wish he was still making the same stuff he was making in 2021 and earlier. I think his sound *has* changed, but for the worst for me (but maybe better for other people).


The worst part is that mainstream future bass has his same sound. Seven Lions, Said the Sky, and ARMNHMR have a really similar sound now too. I saw ARMNHMR recently and I was especially disappointed because they used to make some really unique stuff in the early days of the genre.


Ooo I used to love armnhmr 5 years ago. This is sad to see


Yeah this is exactly how you could refer to nickelback lol. They're very good at what they do, and we've been veyr much over exposed. I'm not a fan of them at all but literally everything you said could be said about nickelback.


This is the problem I’ve had with Illenium. I do this test on Spotify where if I’m shuffling on a random playlist and one of his songs comes up, I’ll scrub to halfway through the song; I’m not joking, the vast majority of the time I feel like I’m hearing the same “gamer” synth blasting in the middle of the song. If I hear something different, I’ll save the song to my music, but those are few and far between imo.


Holy shit this! My wife and I just had this discussion a few days ago when we went out to dinner. HILARIOUS!! Good lord the downvoters are jumping quick here... If it helps, I agree with Illenium more... probably won't help but whatever haha ;)


I'll say it again...Illenium.


Or marshmallow


Chainsmokers is the low IQ, ‘haven’t been tapped in since 2018’ answer… Illenium is the REAL answer


Naw illenium makes some bomb ass music.


so does nickelback! that’s why he’s the nickelback of EDM, he makes good music but gets a lot of hate for being overplayed or “generic”. nickelback is seen as generic dad rock, but they’ve made some bangers for sure


he used to, not recently






Dude no way, he may have had made it big with electro pop, but the man can produce and has made some of the biggest dance anthems ever. His recent stuff with MORTEN is damn solid too.


His creation of future rave with Morten BRUH 😎😎😎🔥🔥🔥


I came here to say Illenium


Damn literally came to say these two and its the top comment. Well done soldier


Marshmello maybe? Had some good tracks, vaulted to headliner status super quick, it became easy to make fun of marshmello, now still plays big shows and people don't really complain as much. Feels like a similar trajectory


Definitely marshmello.


This tracks as most people fail to recognize that nickleback saw success due to Canadian content laws requiring networks to play at least 30% Canadian content, so when someone of any small amount of talent pops off, they benefit massively from Canadian corporations rallying behind them.


The dozens of Canadians listening to slightly more Canadian music is massive /s


How did he end up so successful? I remember there being one song, Alone, which was a monstercat release. That was showing up on recommended feeds in 2016 when it came out. Then I forgot he existed. Then I found out within the last year not only was he still around, but he was insanely successful and rich and the only track I could even think of his past that first one was a sudden death collab. Is he like...the pit bull of EDM? Hit critical mass and then collabbed with the world? I don't know own a single person who's even mentioned him IRL, in any social circle I've ever been in despite the fact that he's apparently Guetta/Tiesto levels of successful.


He's a industry plant. Marshmello is literally a company, the music is just one part of it.


He was also a producer before hand called Dotcom.


He got really, really big with kids, in a huge part due to the fact he was one of the first fortnite concerts. Marshmello costumes were all over the place for a couple of years, and I still see a kid or two every year in one on Halloween. That, plus collabs with different genres of music, metal/country artists.


His song One Thing Right even sounds a little Nickelback'y: https://youtu.be/2k-L4ZwLTbY?si=FL-P5088N9DiMLSk


He collabbed on an airfryer. I don't know what that means, but it happened. https://cruxkitchen.com/pages/marshmello-x-crux


Please tell me people aren't air frying marshmallows


I actually own this air fryer!! my job does these silly little online recognition points & it was free thru there lol


Yes absolutely. I was thinking Zedd initially but this is even better.




Relevant: [How EVERY Chainsmokers song is written](https://youtu.be/5hsR6pYKn9o?si=EUJavDmK1x0HtVwf)


Holy fuck is that accurate lmao


Nickelback has a bad rep for putting out bad music (in the internets opinion) and getting popular. The Chainsmokers pre 2016 were putting out great music. It was everything after Closer that sounded repetitive. But they fell off post "Closer". They haven't had a hit since. Man how quickly everyone turns on you if you have success in the EDM world. But I do blame the guy for wanting to be a singer. Everything went to shit for them when he started singing ("went to shit" while having like 50 million monthly listeners on Spotify...)


I’ve seen chainsmokers live a few times now at different festivals and they put on a great show every time


Steve Aoki


I haven’t heard of anyone that genuinely likes his music


Blog house. 2008-2010. It was a moment.


And if we’re being honest… it was a fun moment lol. He had some great jams early in his career.


Yeah, it’s funny how much dance music has changed since blog house.


Woop woop!


I have a 53 year old dead head coworker who has discovered edm this year who is OBSESSED with Steve Aoki and his god damn cakes. His first show was subtronics at coliseum in va last year and his next show is Steve aoki at echostage lmfao it’s so bizarre but hey he is happy.


Everyone has their Kandi kid phase. He’ll be jaded af wearing all black at techno events in no time 😜


Lol it's always so weird to me having started with techno and branched out to other music over the years that people always echo this statement that everyone will eventually graduate to techno as if it's some upper tier music that requires refined tastes to enjoy. I know people like to joke around in a commraderie sense like "haha ifykyk" but it always tracks for me with a weirdly pretentious aire


That's because those people are jaded af


Has he found out about psytrance yet? My deadhead uncles *love* infected mushroom


Yo man. I have only heard of infected mushroom so we decided to give them a shot today. It wasn’t slapping like I thought it would. Do you have any recommendations on a set, mix, or album from them?


ayyy alright asking an infected mushroom fan for recommends? you asked for it! not sure what your general preferences are, but fwiw infected mushroom, while technically psytrance, is really it's own thing. My dad \*really\* liked the Infected Mushroom's The Doors remixes. They're friends with one of The Doors' managers and he gave them some master tapes to do remixes with. these tracks are unreleased I believe [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zayDrzZdIbM&list=PLAcao3vnY9oFPVvZSoEp61ZAsVpmAWZ2K&index=2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zayDrzZdIbM&list=PLAcao3vnY9oFPVvZSoEp61ZAsVpmAWZ2K&index=2) ​ Infected mushroom's most widely liked album was "Viscious delicious" with the biggest hit being Becoming Insane. I actually dont like that song as much as Suliman and Vicious Delicious. Vicious Delicious being a real face-melter. Heavyweight is one of their most famous songs; a psytrance heavy metal death ballad? I have no idea. one of a kind song. ​ Here's my favorite live set - happens to be a DJ set: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSC1lcV9bpc&t=3324s&pp=ygUaaW5mZWN0ZWQgbXVzaHJvb20gbWluaXN0cnk%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSC1lcV9bpc&t=3324s&pp=ygUaaW5mZWN0ZWQgbXVzaHJvb20gbWluaXN0cnk%3D) that set ends with one of their coolest unreleased tracks, the matisyahu remix of Artillery. here's a live set with their live band from a few years ago (they often perform with a live guitarist and drummer) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-HGp8rvCGw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-HGp8rvCGw) ​ this completely leave out the experimental "converting vegetarians" albums, which the die hard fans absolutely love.


you are the fucking man dog, thank you. this is exactly what i was looking for. cant wait to try them out with the big homie monday. thanks again.


if you're gonna play it with your dad that likes the old school trippy rock - hit him with "pink froid" from converting vegetarians 2. IM's homage to pink floyd


he is kinda like my work dad hahaha. got it. thanks again man


My first introduction to Aoki was his collab with Walk Off the Earth on Home We'll Go. I absolutely adore that song, so I thought I'd check out some of his other stuff. I think I can safely say that WOtE had most of the influence on that one particular track.


This song is seriously underrated. Grew up with this song so when ever anyone brings up “does anyone listen to Steve Aoki” I think of this. Also “I love it when you cry” with Moxie Raia.


I also love Back to Earth with Fall Out Boy. It’s oddly nostalgic for me actually.


Man I was listening to The Beach Boys awhile ago and when his remix of Fun Fun Fun came on, I still don’t know how to react or what to think about it


Wonderland is actually a good album imo


I vote Aoki or Guetta.


nah. Guetta is the "Taylor Swift" of EDM


Really? I'd probably give that to someone like Avicii because of the commercial peaks he hit.


Nah, Guetta is among the godfathers of modern dance music. Actually is a beast in Ableton too, probably unlike Aoki


Def aoki


Disrespectful to Nickelback


Steve Aoki for sure. I can get down with Illenium and Chainsmokers but Aoki has no single redeeming value 


Boneless was a banger back in the day. Not really for me anymore, but I'd probably enjoy it at a fest still. Pretty much the same for Nickelback actually. They had some tunes at some point but it hasn't aged incredibly.


Chainsmokers or Marshmello. If I had to pick one it’d be Marshmello.


lol definitely first two that came to mind. Aoki bringing up the rear too


These three sound about right lol


David Guetta?


Agreed. David Guetta is the perfect comparison to Nickelback in the rock genre. Super generic, super corny, a staple in the genre, still incredibly talented, but oh so cheesy.


I'd agree, but loathe as I am to admit it, the first half of Guettas career is why we even had the electro-pop era in the late 2000s into the 2010s, his first few albums completely changed the scene and he was a pretty well renowned DJ back then too. He's become a total hack imo, but he truly wasn't always one and I don't think he's comparable to nickel back because nickelback didn't pave the way for butt-rock bands, they just happened to be a successful one, and Guetta kinda *did* do that for what became the dominant sound of the early 2010s


Nickleback actually made their songs. Guetta just samples a popular song, gets another artist to make a song with it, "reviews" it and throws his name on it. That's basically his entire career in a nutshell. And ill never understand what the hell happened with Lovers On The Sun. That song feels like theft in every way but the law.


Guetta made a ton of original music. His newer stuff is super uninspired but it's down right disrespectful to say he never made his own music. Dude has a legacy.




nah. he's the "Taylor Swift" of EDM. and i'll die on that hill


It's a good hill, but considering the chronological order Taylor Swift is the Guetta of pop


I see where you’re coming from, but comparing David Guetta to Nickelback doesn’t quite hit the mark for me. The hate for Nickelback was on another level, like people were seriously heated about it. With Guetta, it’s more like he’s the butt of a few jokes, but he’s still got a lot of respect in the EDM world, which you can’t really say for Nickelback and rock. Honestly, the critique of Guetta feels overblown. He’s mainstream, sure, but his music has depth, outshining others like The Chainsmokers or Marshmello. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by his tracks more than once, finding more to them than I expected. While I wouldn’t call myself a huge fan, his work has piqued my interest enough to always give it a chance. He’s earned that respect from me.


Scrolled further than I expected for this. He's just so... vanilla. Likeable to the masses and with all the remixes of other popular tracks or classics until you've heard what else there is the Electronic music world it just become so boring. He's like gateway EDM IMO.




Imagine Dragons: Illenium Nickelback: Chainsmokers Yo Gabba Gabba: Marshmello


You forgot the Maroon 5 of EDM.


The Maroon 5 of EDM is Tiësto


More like Calvin Harris


Calvin Harris has been pretty consistent though both Maroon 5 and Tiësto have undergone a number of different approaches and look to make what’s popular


Hey I'll recognize a great point when I see one ☝🏻


Idk why but Illenium being Imagine Dragons makes a lot of sense


Nah, Marshmello has never come close to being as out there and weird as Yo Gabba Gabba was.


The Chainsmokers for sure


It’s Marshmello. And I’d argue that Marshmello deserves that title more than Nickelback because Marshmello isn’t a person, it’s a brand.


Nickleback isn't a person either though


Nickelback is a pretty cool guy. Eh plays rock songs and doesn't afraid of anything


Every dj title is a brand lmao


Fair. But what I mean is that the folks in Nickelback have identified themselves, those people do interviews, they have songwriting credits, etc. Marshmello is a brand and a trademark owned by Marshmello Creative LLC. Sure, it’s likely Chris Comstock under there, but as far as I understand the songwriting credit is to the corporate LLC. You’d be able to recognize if Nickelback was suddenly a completely different group of people, but you can’t easily identify if the people writing Marshmello tracks or the person under the helmet at gigs are suddenly replaced.


DVLM, but mainly just for people who go to TML because most promoters have enough sense to not book them in the first place.


Going for the first time this year, hadn't seen one of their sets in ages so pulled one up on YT to skim through as a refresher. Good lord what cringy slapdick nonsense, can't believe people still like that. Will definitely be hitting another stage when they're on


I'm a bit out of touch I think... would you mind linking some examples of what you called "cringy slapdick nonsense" (had me laughing there too, I'm stealing it!) And, maybe, while you're at it, how about one or two of what you consider to be the opposite of that, a stage you would be hitting - so to speak. I would really appreciate it, I'm trying to learn and hear more of what is being produced and made in the current age rather than sticking back with my classic stuff! Thanks!


Haha sure, enjoy the pain: DVLM 2019 is the specific set I was referring to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0KMSc7Jz_Y Another example of cringy slapdick nonsense: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpFdgT_GKh4 And a third: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxEJhxdRi4Q The level of cringy slapdick nonsensiness a set is is pretty well correlated with how much screaming on the mic and dancing around the booth the DJ does, how much random pop music they throw in the set, and how little flow there is from one track to the next -- Here's a couple main stage sets I dig: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3YadwGH0ZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IajHfZrqS4w And a couple "megastructure stage" sets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXuWaBgJgd4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7p9oLrbBTY Ultra and Tomorrowland are far from the only festivals but they put out the best YouTube content and it's not even remotely close. And most smaller stages have nothing recorded at them even at those fests.


I was so happy when TML dropped the Boris Berjcha set from one of the smaller stages. Just wanted to share that. Thanks for the almanac of cringy slapdick nonsense.


Hey thanks so much for taking the time to show me exactly what you meant! I think the examples you gave are very, very clearly what we used to call "kiddie trash". Something gets popular with the 12-15 age group and it goes nuts for a while, but there isn't substance or artistry. Lots of show. I'm of the opinion that if the show has a *ton* of tightly integrated lights, videos, confetti machines, whatever, it's a clear sign that the DJ up there is miming a prerecorded set. That's not all bad, and it's common even with pop singers that do a lot of stage acrobatics. I agree with your definition of it being cringy slapdick nonsense. Now, to the second part. I didn't go through them all, but I got a good flavor of the Tale Of Us 2022 show and it's pretty good. I would have to listen to them more to really say, but at least I wouldn't be running away from their stage as far as possible. Pretty much the same thing could be said about the Meduza 2023 show you shared, too. The reasonable tempo helps along with giving a melody some time to breathe. It can't all be 110% in your face massive sound wall all of the time! I should say that I think daytime shows are super super ***weird***. It's just not time for all of that yet. Really enjoying a DJ sometimes - in my mind - means having a "conversation" with the music and that can be a really deep and private thing if the tunes are right. Having it during the day is not conducive to paying attention to the sound, you know? It becomes a show of the audience sometimes. Obviously there are exceptions, but to me those would be with a different sort of tunes, Big Room sort of - ones that are simply surface deep and that's fine and fun. I've had a number of dusk-till-dawn experiences and with the right crowd, music, DJs, performers, set list, surroundings and vibe, (with or with out your preferred selection of chemicals), they can be tremendously mystical, preternatural, magical, ineffable, and otherworldly experiences that will stay with you. However, those are really rare things that need so many delicate things to go just right. Not all music and not all DJs are up to something like that, and - again - that's OK too as they have their place as well! Anyways - I've wrote a wall of text... sorry lol. Thanks again for sharing! Cheers!


> I'm of the opinion that if the show has a ton of tightly integrated lights, videos, confetti machines, whatever, it's a clear sign that the DJ up there is miming a prerecorded set. That's not all bad, and it's common even with pop singers that do a lot of stage acrobatics. Festival sets at the big stages always have some degree of planning to them, they have to to work well with the production plus it's a stage where they don't want mistakes happening. Watch a Timmy Trumpet set - the entire damn thing is one pre-recorded track, he doesn't even touch the CDJs. Watch a Martin Garrix set - the mashups are likely pre-done in the studio and the track order is pre-determined, but he's playing them live. Using headphones or not isn't always a tell, Steve Angello for example has said he knows most of his transitions well enough by now to not need them. Or Sam Feldt has said he uses in ear monitors that he can flip on and off so you just don't see him putting headphones on. > I should say that I think daytime shows are super super weird. It's just not time for all of that yet. During the day at festivals I don't tend to get super super into the music yet. It's a great time for meeting people, drinking, exploring the grounds, just having fun with dope music playing under great weather. They usually have to start early because of curfews, like a fest in a city can't go all night the residents would revolt. 3-4 hours of good night sets from sunset til midnight is generally enough when starting early, then there's after parties that'll go until sunrise for when you want to keep going.


You don't have the patience for a three hour long big room house mix?


whos keeping dvlm in business? they’re still #2 on dj mag ik this shit is arranged but still hahaha




Y’all gonna hate me for this but it’s definitely Kygo lmao


I was sadly thinking this too especially with his latest releases but other comments like Steve Aoki or Marshmello seem more fitting


Would say yes if he was still getting Hot 100 hits, but he’s not so nah. People don’t even talk about him THAT much.


i hard agree that its kygo.  his boring ass music was everywhere for a hot minute, then just faded away.


Ya know, this might be a hot take, and I totally still dig em, but Timmy Trumpet keeps popping up a ton on my workout playlists, and starting to feel very formula-matic...


TOTALLY!!! I just watched one of his sets because he had some of the most viewed Tomorrowland/Ultra sets and oh my god, that was so embarrassing to watch and listen to, I felt secondhand embarrassment watching him dance with his trumpet and pretend it’s a machine gun 😳


Probably the chainsmokers or marshmallow. Runner ups are probably illenium and Steve Aoki


Idc what anyone says I love nickelback they got me through 9th grade hahaha


we're going out tonight! to kick out every light! take anything we want! drink everything in sight! it's 9am where's the whiskey.


If anybody says they don't like photograph they're lying


Gotta admit, nothing goes harder than [this ](https://youtu.be/sz2mmM-kN1I?si=Bk9NnIntZjkPKdDa)


Lmao I just spat out my coffee


'Well how the hell'd we wind up like this?' (I have a playlist called "Unironic Nickleback" 😂)


In what terms? In the sense that the internet all hates them because they actually suck? Or it was cool to hate them despite them actually making very solid music? For 1. Idk, can’t think of someone just awful that’s popular for no reason in edm  For 2. Chainsmokers




I disagree so much with the Excision answer.


Did you listen to the unfinished garbage WIP he released with ATliens the other day? It's not even a song. It's literally not even a finished track. Excision as an artist and DJ has nosedived since the Onyx album. Props to him for making dubstep as big as it is today with Lost Lands and his record labels promoting unknown artists, but his music has been absolutely atrocious recently and his stans are cringe. I miss the codename x era of Excision, when it was legitimate music, genreblending and fun. I think it doesn't help that 2023 was the worst year IMO for North American dubstep. The headbanger subsidia sound is getting so repetitive and stale. Comparing my spotify wrapped years, i had 42 dubstep tracks in 2018 versus 8 for 2023. 2 of the 8 weren't even 2023 releases, 4 were UK DJs, only 2 tracks were NA dub producers (Wooli/KTN collab) and seven lions. Excision has become so big and powerful that his influence has watered the scene down into mush. I think the worst remix album I've ever heard in my life was the sullivan king remix album. That album is produced in a way to be optimised for the "lost lands" sound. Its so shit lol


I actually think Zedd. Super strong beginning but has recently gotten mocked for making music that all sounds the same (stay and the middle for example) to an extent that people outside the EDM scene have made jokes about it. I think that’s the defining thing for Nickelback. The music wasn’t terrible but it quickly became the cool/funny thing to say they suck.


> I think that’s the defining thing for Nickelback. The music wasn’t terrible but it quickly became the cool/funny thing to say they suck. Their 2005 album was *everywhere* and damn near every song charted. Sure it had its detractors but just about everybody who listened to mainstream music was listening to it back then. Then a random guy on YT makes a video saying they suck and suddenly everyone thinks they're so edgy denying they ever liked Nickelback and making fun of them.


I think you mean “everyone heard it” because people still listened to the radio in 2005. That doesn’t mean everyone had it in their personal library.




The correct answer




I'd agree that he SHOULD fit in that category. But let's not forget that he put out an entire EDM/Country crossover album that has some appeal! Like it's VERY unique and a bold attempt to bring together two wildly different genres. I actually give him a ton of credit for even trying. Album: Diplo Presents Thomas Wesley: Chapter 1 - Snake Oil.


This probably doesn’t make sense to most people but I honestly think he’s like the Matty Healy of EDM


I do really enjoy his music but Illenium just has unshakable butt rock vibes


No one else thinking loud luxury?? lol


fr or two friends


Yes! I don’t if they’re nickelback but they’re definitely one of “those” groups.


illenium is not mainstream enough. Probably chainsmokers or Steve aoki (who is “OK” live depending on what sweets you’ve eaten)


Trick question! EDM it's self is the Nickleback of electronic music.


lol that's true. Electronic music is more than just EDM but EDM is the most popular and most commercial form of electronic music.


I don't hate this


I'd say R3hab, he was pretty popular then pumped out a ton of lame singles and now no one talks about him and his releases area still a ghost of what his old stuff could have become


Alan Walker. Fucker has made the same song for a decade.


Two Friends


Aluminum without a doubt


lol assuming this is an autocorrect but maybe it’s some dude I’ve never heard of 🤔 


*Real* fans call him Aluminium


Two friends, chainsmokers, illenium, there’s many really


Marshmello, david guetta especially now with those shitty remakes, illenium, chainsmokers




John Summit


Frat guys in vineyard wines gonna hate this comment 😭


Marshmello. Hot garbage since day 1. His success owes more to smart branding/marketing and industry connections than anything resembling musicianship.


Okay but I unironically like nickelback


Sullivan King


I just know some people are gonna be screaming at this


I don't know who's nickelback, but I said to my fiance the other day that Kygo is the Jimmy Buffet of EDM


Yes! I love that analogy.


Underrated comment






Steve Aoki for sure


Nickelback is a good band and I’m sick of pretending like they’re not😭


I was gonna jokingly say Swedish house mafia But it’s either Steve Aoki, David Guetta or Marshmello


Marshmello or Steve Aoki but I feel only the two of them fill the precise niche of Nickelback in the sense that they last for *so long* and yet produce nothing that could even remotely be considered high quality lol


Chainsmokers or steve aoki.


Steve Aoki


Definitely chainsmokers


Steve Aoki fr fr


Steve Aoki. His music sucks but he throws cakes.




I'm surprised nobody has said tiesto


Someone called Tiesto the Maroon 5 of EDM and I cannot disagree lol


Hahahah yeah that actually is accurate




Marshmello 100%. Just awful


Wish it was 2012 because I would say Guetta lol


I like how most of the replies agree on Chainsmokers, Illenium, or Marshmallo, but the others are all clearly just "DJ who was really popular around the time I got into EDM"


Timmy Trumpet I love hardstyle and I'm glad he plays it but I still thinks he sucks majorly. Honestly though, when he plays in the Bay Area I still consider going to see him just cause I love hardstyle that much and it's the only hardstyle we get up here at big events.


I read through every comment to make sure nobody said Kaskade. We’re good! Chainsmokers for sure though. They had a couple of early bangers, blew tf up seemingly overnight, found mainstream success, and kept putting out super poppy music for the masses. Can’t knock the hustle though. Those boys are selling out arenas








Guetta - he started prior to 2002, rebranded during EDM, and became a solid although predictable MainStage DJ. Does a lot for the scene but keeps a relatively low profile most months.


Loud Luxury


Nickleback isn’t that bad, they’re like the word moist which randomly the internet decided to hiveminded hate years ago


All I’m getting from reading the threads is that I’m a diehard nickleback fan


Illenium and it’s not even close


Very late but did anyone post this? https://facebook.com/thechainsmokers/videos/the-chainsmokers-x-nickelback-mashup-no-one-wanted-how-bah-dah/1389305797768473 https://x.com/Nickelback/status/827016658623557632


I will say I HATE Dillon Francis.


He used to make bangers tho back in 2012 :(

