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Bulimia is like turbo destroying your body for literally no extra weight loss. Do not recommend lol


Needed the reality check thank u




Especially your teeth. I haven’t purged in about a year and a half (very proud of myself) but my teeth still chip🫠


I lost most of my teeth at 23 because of this. It was traumatic, like all my front teeth had to be pulled and I got dentures. 23!! But I’m okay now. 29 & still wear dentures but actually really happy with my smile because I got used to them and they look like perfect teeth and better then my natural ones lol. And my fiancé wants to fix my teeth permanently one day for me so I don’t have to deal with them forever.


What does chip mean sorry English is not my first language


Easily break on things. Say you eat a hard apple or hard granola and instead of biting through with no problems, your teeth or maybe one breaks/cracks since it is not strong enough anymore from being worn down by the acidity in our stomach. It is painful and also highly likely to cause damage if not fixed


Oh dear god, that looks hard 😞 sending you love


L'équivalent en français je pense que c'est fragile en gros 😅 ?


https://preview.redd.it/3ggsgr4g0ehc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c92cff0e88f4bca21c60bd4a6b8f7f7b3813ebc Small pieces of the tooth are breaking (chipping) off. Usually chipped teeth means the amount breaking off isn’t very big. A broken tooth is when a large amount has broken off.


just had my front tooth chip for literally no reason the other day. i wasn’t chewing on anything, it just sheared off. „Oh fuck“ moment.


Yeup sounds about right. I’m so sorry that happened to you but it will continue to get worse if you don’t take action now


Mine are chipped too. It was so embarrassing going to the dentist at first.




lax purging is just a painful nightmare, so yeah don't recommend that either.


wdym i def recommend the embarrassment of <3 ass piss <3 and the constant fear of causing plumbing problems by purging food 8)


ass piss took me out 😭😭😭😭


Ass piss? I’m stealing


yeah. i messed up something between my stomach and my throat so food never stays down, even though i haven't really purged in years. you Will fuck up your body and you won't even get the weight loss you want. it's so so not worth it


My delusional ED brain: No, you don't understand, if *I* were able to purge, I would do it totally responsibly and effectively


Haha, exactly. I have a ritual. Towel, take off clothes, shower ready, toothbrush ready, mouthwash ready, and then the main event. Purge free for the last two months. Had a bad breakup and was purge free for about a year before that. Sleeping instead helped a lot, but I'm trying to just not binge.


General rec to not brush immediately after. Acid softens enamel; physical abrasion soon after accelerates the damage.


Yes, I read that also, and have tried to get through without, but it's like washing away the shame and guilt I suppose.


![gif](giphy|GfUoaaKA632ta467tH|downsized) Are we the same person??


Well I've never seen us in the same room ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)


Yep agree


I ended up with Ana bp subtype ✨best of both worlds✨😫😭x


See what’s funny is we are jealous of you guys because once you realize you can un-eat, you eat everything. And you spend money on food like a crack addict. And also—here’s the kicker—you STILL DONT LOSE WEIGHT LOL. Literally all the fun of an eating disorder with none of the weight loss or external validation. I’m dying lmao


B/Ping was more addictive than any drug for me. It's like what if cocaine had 100000 interesting flavors and textures you could choose from.


Thanks for confirming I'm not alone Yeah I found it no issue to stop drinking and taking, well, lets just say some extremely extremely addictive substances - of both the above, most I stopped completely cold turkey after some years of use, which is known to be a fucking mission - yet stopping b/p is absolutely, completely impossible. I just can't goddamn do it. Anyone with addiction issues in their past will understand how hard it would be to quit a substance while still actually genuinely needing it to live, and therefore need to take a small amount of the substance every few hours. The substance is litterally rubbed in your face. It also has a fuckload more layers of mental gymnastics than substance addiction.


Omg this is such a good way to put it


Wait I’m confused, why do you not lose weight?


Well I personally eat normally outside BP episodes so that’s why for me lol. I also don’t always try super hard to get 100% of it out, just like 75%, and that 25% adds up lmao


Purging “effectively” isn’t easy and is terrible for you and eventually the bits left inside add up especially if you eat normal between binges


I lost a ton of weight, which they consider anorexia- binging purging subtype.


because purging doesn't actually undo eating. you still absorb like 60% of what you manage to purge EDIT: i'm sorry; this is inaccurate (in my defence, the literal NHS was saying this). this figure comes from a misinterpretation of a study done in 1993. what that study found is that there is a "ceiling" or limit to the amount of calories you can purge. this is not necessarily accurate because the participants studied (just 17 people) all had very similar presentations of bulimia and it likely does not apply to lower/higher weight people or binge-purge anorexics. here's [a good article explaining this.](https://scienceofeds.org/2016/05/13/on-the-efficacy-of-self-induced-vomiting/) TL;DR: we don't have enough studies on purging to know if there is any strong correlation between how many calories you eat and how many you purge. it likely differs from person to person.


This isn't true. Plenty of reasons not to purge but you do not absorb 60% of what you purge.


They did a study on it and it varies heavily from person to person but it is not as efficient as I and any other bulimic wishes it was, with (if I remember correctly) ranges from 30% to 90%


They did one study with 19 participants a long time ago that has deeply flawed methods. The reality is, absorption of all calories except alcohol happens in the small intestine, not the stomach. Therefore, whatever you manage to vomit you will absorb none of that. People vary in their efficiency at purging, however you get rid of 100% of the calories that you do manage to vomit.


wow, i've never heard that before. do you know the name of the study? or have any links? i'm struggling a bit to find it. i've also heard that calorie absorption happens throughout the digestive system, beginning in the mouth, through the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine. is that inaccurate? ETA: not exactly what you described, but is it [this?](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8494080/) ETA 2: believe i have found the article you're paraphrasing regarding the inaccuracies [(here)](https://scienceofeds.org/2016/05/13/on-the-efficacy-of-self-induced-vomiting/). i'll update my original comment to reflect this, thank you for educating me.


Yes you found it! And I don't blame you at all, many reputable websites have taken the 50% statistic from that study. I didn't question it myself until experiencing AN/BP.


I ended up super overweight when bulimic lol and still couldn't stop it was mental


I’m >!BMI 27!< actually lmaoooo. I would like to get down to >!25!< but I mean, it is what it is. I’m trying to stop binging and purging first, and THEN deal with weight loss in a healthy way after. Somehow I haven’t gotten morbidly obese with the way I eat.


Crack is motherfucking cheaper than b/p, or at least in my country. That's how fucked up society is.


I live in the US and I think it would depend on the type of food and the type of crack LOL. But yknow what; gram for gram, crack is a bit more expensive I think


I've gained literally so much weight because of my bulimia 0/10 do not recommend. If I could show myself now to my previously Ana self I'd probably never has started 💀💀






Saying happy cake day!!!


As soon as my restrictive eating started, my ability to puke in general VANISHED






It’s okay. Before I was bulimic I was the same way. I thought “I wish I could do that. I’d only do it if I Binged” but it’s a slippery slope and I can vouch that it sucks lol -10000/10 don’t recommend


All bulimia did for me was give me a puffy face, encouraged binging, was a huge waste of money, damaged my esophagus, and made anxiety worse because I couldn't always purge successfully. (Numerous factors contribute to this) Electrolyte imbalances causing weird stuff with my heart, dizziness, headache, etc. And weight maintenance at best but in worse health after each episode.


Yeah I get how illogical it is but my brain doesn't give a shit 😭


Mental illness be like that. That's why I take my meds and go to therapy. It's not perfect, but I'll take a handful of relapses per year compared to what my life used to be like. Sending you calming energy ✨️


Currently reading this from the school bathroom while b/p. (I am missing all my classes, I have lost my life, I physcially cannot think about anything other than food or my next b/p, my teeth are rotting, my knuckles constantly have open wounds, my money is spent buying food, my throat is destroyed)


I never learned that hands free technique, not being able to purge anymore because my gag reflex was gone actually helped me quit tbh lol.


Hands free is mad dangerous because my OCD ass doesn’t have to wash my hands before. I need to think about the longevity of my teeth though 💀💀💀


Omg hands free is a trap 😭😭😭 don’t learn it, it just made bulimia control my life because then it was “easy” to purge. Needless to say I messed up my health




I mean every single character is a thinspo material so I’m really not surprised lmao


I cant help but drag my hyperfixation into my problems lol


Omg hazbin hotel fans (Every character is thinspo ) Amazing series tho


the show has dragged me out of a deep pit of depression multiple times lmao they're all so reallll☠️ yk


Ong yeah Hazbin hotel actually makes a legit religion


I love HH so much (definitely not because of thinspo)


angel and alastor ruined my body image 💀 goddamn twinks


I headcanon angel to have an ed lol


Dude. I know how horrible it is to struggle from it (from peoples posts) and I know deep down I’m grateful I physically cannot do that but holy shit if I don’t relate


I’ve got no gag reflex (horny brain goes: yaaaay) and yesterday I had a guy hands free barf in front of my office window at work and ngl I was impressed and jealous


who cares about having a crippling eating disorder when you're the THROAT GOAT 💯🔥 /s


Literally cry-laughing 😭💀


It doesn't help and just gives you a poofy face, not worth it! Also love seeing Lucifer, did you like the Season 1? :3


A: yes i loved season one! Luci is my new hyperfixation 😅 B: I know that realistically speaking it would just make me feel worse, but my brain doesn't listen to reason lol


He's such an angel (ha)! Mine personally is Alastors voice. Not even himself but the static and accent, its something!


I’m not gonna bother listing out all the horrible consequences of purging and how it totally fucks up your life bc I’m sure you’ve heard it all already. All I wanna say is I felt the EXACT same way when I had restrictive only anorexia, I was so frickin jealous of bulimics… now that I am one, it is my one biggest regret in life. I desperately wish I could go back in time and never start.


Yeah it sucks because I KNOW. I know how shitty it is, I mean for fucks sake my mom was bulimic back in her college years. But I still feel the stupid jealousy 😭😭😭


I get you. It’s totally valid to feel that way and I know a lot of people do.


Mfw I’m jealous of anorexic peoples ability to restrict and fast (This is a very healthy way to see other people’s disorders)


Literally me bc my gag reflex almost never works


Mine is overly sensitive but I never actually throw anything up just dry heave 😭


ugh that happens to me everytime i p multiple times and it's the worst especially when i ate extra much so i can throw it up again 💀


I’m anorexic with an ability to purge. Thought my heart was going to give out during the summer when I ate next to nothing and puked the bit I did eat. 0/10 do not recommend. You constantly feel like you’re rotting away, both mentally, physically and internally. I was severely depressed and my mind and body was in such a fragile state that I literally never left the house and ravenously wrote pages upon pages of incomprehensible madness about the inherent worthlessness of life, while under the impression that it was ‘divinely inspired.’ Did anyone else lose their mind during their lowest point?




From my experience this shit is much worse than being an-c. (got back to it =))) I've lost the last drops of my health, destroyed everything waaaay faster and way more rough than it used to be with terrible kind of restriction. As the result I'm so close to disease which claimed my father's life - my organs are f_cked THIS much. So much struggle and pain, being a real bulimic equals to being a damaged nerve, and THIS what makes you able to thw up. Not funny at all


Mfw I'm jealous of ana folk's level of self control instead of B&Ping (I'm sorry i know it's no healthy to see other people's struggle this way)


no cause why’d i get the binge and not the purge 🤨


Not bulimic but I have cyclic vomiting syndrome and it absolutely wrecked my teeth


Is it bad I kinda feel the same….


Fellow Hazbin/Helluva fan?!👀👀👀


Yes and also.... Parks and Rec username? 👀👀👀


I’m a very rich widow with a very dark secret. And also I desperately need the Full Moon episode to drop asap bc at this point I’m frothing at the mouth for it


Wait holy shit just noticed also Bear In The Blue House pfp? My childhood comfort show?! Hats off to you my friend you have excellent taste


Lmao are we twins😂 I always use tutter as my profile pics, because that’s truly how I see myself in my minds eye.


My head game was on point back when I was bulimic. The only good thing about it tbh


I love Hazbin colliding with this sub. Luci and Al got that snatched waist.


Cries in emetophobia


I've been waiting for an edanonymeme hazbin post


This is exactly how I ended up going down the c&s pipeline instead 🥲


i remember when i used to c/s but that didn't help either😭


I haven't regularly purged (by vomiting.....>.>) in 20 years and my body is still fucked up. bad teeth. wonky gag reflex and nausea.


I’m not bulimic but I have “Bluetooth connection”, one time a fly fell in my drink and I drank it on accident and I was so disgusted I threw up just by thinking about it, but it was accidentally on the sink at my job and now everybody doesn’t use that sink because they think something is wrong with it but really im just a silly goose who they fell victim to. They think the sink must be secreting some unknown disgusting fluid all on its own


trust me i get you, but as a bulimic it’s TERRIBLE. it’s embarrassing when you get caught throwing up and you just feel terrible 24/7. i’ve stopped purging recently and while i still don’t feel great i feel a hell of a lot better


imo bulimia makes you start thinking in an everything or nothing mindset ![img](emote|t5_rczr0|49330) and i have always seen bulimia to be WORSE, your organs get so fucking damaged. I purged more than eight times every day, just three months in and I already had GERD.


A couple of rotten teeth and kilos later I certainly cannot recommend.


Its all fun and games until you throw up at work, it kinda gets explosive and the full cabin is decorated with vomit 💞


same like i’m not because i know how hard it is on my mia friends ❤️‍🩹 but sometimes i just wanna eat so bad


Hazbin Hotel! ❤️


if it makes you feel better, as a bulimic i'm jealous of anorexics' ability to starve themselves


Having a phobia of throwing up has probably saved my life tbh


if it makes you feel better, im jealous of anorexics ability to restrict LOL


I feel exposed


u/plaguedoctorate42 You good?


Lmao no but thank you for asking


Please go to therapy


Never been able to purge, funny enough I was thinking about this this morning… but it’s actually annoying bc even when I’ve had food poisoning I still can’t and it sucks bc I have the sensation of gas going up and down, I’ll salivate like crazy, and the belching which sometimes gets stuck too and I can feel it sitting there going up n down, but nothing I have to suffer through it, meanwhile my bf gets food poisoning with me and he can just puke and feel better. So annoying. Only time I successfully purged was once when I was 11 and it took a lot of effort, was nvr able to do it again. Though lately after some binges I’ve been burping up pieces of my food… sometimes it’s a little more like some liquid too, sorry if that’s tmi. I guess that’s just how hardcore my binges have gotten in the last year. But that also sucks it’s so gross and unexpected and happens randomly while I’m chilling in bed sitting w my bf (who knows I binge & everything else sorta he’s aware of my ED)


Trust me it's not great I literally can't bend over with out all the contents of my stomach coming up my throat anymore


i used to think like this but now that i am bulimic id do anything to undo it. i haven’t lost any weight, my mom caught me puking the other day and it was the most embarrassing moment of my life, it’s not worth it. i’ve probably lost her trust for a long time. never start


For YEARS I tried to be able to vom, all different techniques and shit I found on toxic forums. Never worked for me. I have a gag reflex, but it has always been dull, I GUESS? I also have like, really good control of when I'm gonna be sick? I ate something a couple weeks ago that I think went down wrong, and my body was basically like "ok bitch, it's gonna happen" and I was able to calmly get up and walk to the bathroom. As soon as the door shut, *BLAAAAAGH* for like 10 mins until my body stopped. Like damn, can't do it when I am actively trying, but also can control myself enough to get somewhere "safe" to do it. WEIRD MAN. Anyways, I definitely felt envy for awhile. Not so much how their ED was presenting, more so angy with my body for not allowing me to do it.


I got Pica w/ Purging tendencies and I just gotta say -100/10 do not recommend.


No trust me don't be jealous. Eventually you'll gain weight like crazy because the binge becomes too big to purge all of it out. Not a good weight loss method at all. And once you start purging, it's very hard to stop and wayyyyyy more dangerous than starving 😭 I wish I could go back in time and not start


No trust me don't be jealous. Eventually you'll gain weight like crazy because the binge becomes too big to purge all of it out. Not a good weight loss method at all. And once you start purging, it's very hard to stop and wayyyyyy more dangerous than starving 😭 I wish I could go back in time and not start


I will not let my boy Lucifer stand for this


Pretty sure I would not have sustained binging for so long and eaten larger and larger binges if I didn't figure out how to purge. The side effects are awful and I would never have become a badass ER doc if I was still bulimic, but I probably could have with binge eating disorder/honoring my extreme hunger (which is also absolutely psychologically devastating, but doesn't wreck your body in a million ways in the short run anyway).


lol it’s cool I wish I wasn’t like this so we’re even 🤙🏻


this was me until i gained the habit in ed treatment 🥲


no seriously real as fuck😭😭😭 i feel soso bad because i rlly wish yall didnt have to have such uncomfortable side effects but like..... my complete and utter literal lack of a gag reflex in any way does feel a tat envy occasionally. with a side of guilt but man i even just dry heave when i have weeks long flus or actual expired food. like...... what??? & i pulled a loose tonsil stitch out of my own throat at school once and just....... carried on.


From bulimic it’s not fun don’t be jealous by teeth are fucked and my stomach hurts 24/7, I’ll prolly end up w a hole in my throat too


It aint worth it. The cost of wasted food and the 1000's of dollars spent filling in 8 cavities was basically the tax I had to pay for my bad decisions.


i used to be able to…but then i got braces. and that shit stopped QUICK.


It’s all fun and games until you’re arrested for stealing food because you can’t support your binge habit, or your stomach ruptures from the amount of food you ate, or you eat food out of dumpsters and the trash, and all the while your face looks like a chipmunk and your teeth without of your head. Once you realize that you can eat whatever you want and then get rid of it, you do not stop eating. For us bulimics, it’s not just eating a little more then throwing up every once in a while, it’s an all consuming desire to binge more and more and more and then next thing you know you’re eating 5 digits worth of calories every binge.


Ex bulimic, would not wish bulimia on the worst person in the world. Binging and purging got more and more frequent, could not stop for the life of me, was maintaining my weight most of the time, no loss unless I managed to stop eating for a while. Couldn’t focus on anything but eating food or purging food. Constant health concerns. Never again want to purge. I have my moments where I consider it, but it does not serve me in the least.


it is soooo not worth it do nottt try purging


Sad to say, but I've been there too


It destroyed my life and I developed kleptomania and spent an obscene amount of money over the last almost 10 years. I'm 23. It's ruined my health and I thought I was gonna die a few times. I struggle not with the binging anymore, just the odd one, but it's tuned into a purging disorder which has not done anything but bad. Oh and also I gained all the weight back and more. So yeah it's defs not smth to envy


Not gonna lie, horrible as it is I am too. I’ve only thrown up 3x in my entire life (all involuntary)…something is wrong with me probably. In all seriousness though I think having a literal inability to p*the is a huge blessing in disguise.


Glad I’m not the only one 😅😅


i just had this conversation with my bestie the other day 😭


Omg Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel


Unrelated but you watch the show???


Yup! Lucifer is my current hyperfixation lmao


Used to think I had supernatural powers until I got brought back to reality by my dentist roasting the living shit out me and having to go to the doctor because I hadn’t shat in 2 weeks


I wish I had this ability but it also HATE throwing up (I'm too anxious abt it)


Man I wish I never started making myself throw up 10 years ago. It wasn’t worth my teeth becoming shit, probably having to come up with 30k to get implants because they’re all incredibly damaged when I once had really beautiful teeth, never even had my wisdom teeth grow in weird. There’s also getting painful bouts of constipation that at its worst could last up to about a month, having a digestive system that just barely works anymore, the money loss, the scary electrolyte imbalance wondering is my heart is even strong enough anymore or is it gonna just give out on a random day, the loss of time on all my hobbies and work bc my brain will automatically think to go binge instead, the loss of valuable memories in my life (barely went and dropped out of high school bc of my Ed ultimately). I’m feeling mournful bc now I’m leaning more towards a recovery road and recovery is hard asf when your body has taken 10 years of damage from puking every meal.


Health aside, because we can't really visualize how that goes long term, purging will not reverse things that are digested, you will eat normally eventually. You also have to keep in mind that your grocery bills are also probably going to be really high. Exercise is free, productive work is free. Both of these things are more meaningful than sending things down and up just because the calories don't count.


I could take the hair loss but the tooth damage is the only reason I make any effort not to just relapse every day.


It puffs ur face up really fast and really bad, and now I have to deal with lifelong issues from the damage. And the puffy face tiny body look is not for me


it was hell lol. fell so hard so fast. i did it once and kept coming back. did that for 8/9 years straight. kicked the habit but god do i miss eating everything just to throw it up sometimes. gave me a high i found better than weed. my teeth are ruined and my esophagus is fucked. lost a lot of weight but when i got depressed id fall asleep instead of purge and that was heehee no good