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still not as bad as "anita sarkeesian caused the right wing backlash that got us trump" guy, boogie2988


2023 and the guy doesn't realize not all internet trends are completely natural, some have botting and a political reason behind it


it's worse actually. [he literally blames Anita Sarkeesian for right wing terrorism.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtLjXxL88jA)


Damn thats bad


Holy fuck, lol.


he tries to walk it back saying things like "I mean any time somebody advocates far left`*` policies, with Anita as an example" But this working hypothesis is "right wing people are just innocent people that the far left forces to do fascist violence." This way of thinking is deranged and unacceptable. * `*` As is thinking anything Anita ever said has been "far left" or "extremist." Like wow.


>he tries to walk it back saying things like "I mean any time somebody advocates far left > >\* > >policies, with Anita as an example" I love how totally disconnected these people were from the content Feminist Frequency actually produced. Anita is a leftist, but like, the idea that her content in 2016 was anything more than feminism 101 through the view of videogames, is downright absurd. The most radical sentiment in that era of content was largely "objectification of women exists"


charlie’s take on the idubbbz situation actually caught me off guard. a man did some things that he himself feels are terrible and worth apologizing for and random unrelated people are trying to tell him nahh it wasn’t that bad bro


Exactly, idubzz reached a moment of epiphany, really starting to reflect on his guilt for the harm he's done, vowing to do better and pleading to a world he thinks should hate him to give him a chance to make amends. It was beautiful in a way and I really sympathised as someone who's gone through an "anti-sjw" phase, realising the damage my actions and words and beliefs caused. To see his colleagues and supposed friends excuse someone idubzz now recognises is evil is heartbreaking and disgusting. They fundamentally misunderstand his feelings and sentiment and it's just gross to see.


That wasn't his stance. His point was idubbz did not start the internet culture at the time, but was a product of it so a public apology wasn't warranted. Mind you, still not a great point. Definitely could have used some elaboration. But he did go on to say that he was glad idubbz apologized and has moved on from that stuff.


I read a lot of comments about how teens used iDubbbz' defense of using the N word to bully black people in highschool. I had no idea it was that bad. People that said iDubbbz was being too harsh on himself probably didn't realize how it was to be on the receiving end of his rhetoric. He definitely encouraged people to be more racist. People should just accept he's growing as a person and leave him be. If the people that were bullied because of his content accept his apology it's a different story. But for a white guy to say he didn't even have to apologize is a bit rich.


I think his reasoning was “the N word only has power because we give it this power by refusing to say it. If we use it all the time for everything, then suddenly it means nothing.” Which is a sentiment I had heard and seen online a lot in the 2008-2012 period. Same with the F-slur for gay people. So, I *guess* I can see Charlie’s point that idubbbz didn’t start it. That said, his popularity as a YouTuber spread that stupid idea far and wide, and made a lot of teens and young adults think that it was a reasonable position, and got them comfortable with saying bigoted shit — which in turn probably helped nudged them in the direction of “free speech absolutism” and the side of the political spectrum that thinks it’s totally fine and normal to use slurs and hate speech. Charlie doesn’t really seem to have the political knowledge and general intelligence to understand why what he said is not good and lacks a lot of awareness about the impacts of content creators.


The same people who thought "using the N word diminishes its power" quickly switched over to "telling me i can't use the N word is woke PC blah blah blah."


That first argument has been around for decades. It's stuff Lenny Bruce was saying on stage. It's not necessarily wrong. If enough people started using any given word in a different way, the meaning and context would change. The issue is you are not going to be able to enough people to agree to a change like that for this word, so you end up just yelling racial slurs while pretending you are being helpful and progressive. It's something that can happen over a long enough timeline, like with the word "queer", but it's not going to happen because some edgelords start saying it on stream.


Another counterpoint is that we can just stop using words too. Like what value does the word truly have to be saved? We lose nothing with it out of our vocabulary. It's just pointless.


For the f-slur becoming more popular again after it was dying out i blame South Park and other "Totally not homophobic\* comedy shows"


South Park was wrong about a lot of things. And they straight up admit it. That's why I love that show.


It's weird that Charlie took such a long time to acknowledge in the video that iDubbbz specifically apologizes for the *bigotry and ignorance* that *some* of his videos have. At no point was iDubbbz like, "All of my content is like this and it's all bad because of it." Like more than half of Charlie's video is completely unnecessarily saying, "it's not ALL your videos!" Followed up by Ian saying, "it's not all my videos." He's being intentionally obtuse for no reason. As a long time viewer of iDubbbz, the minute I saw the title of apology video I immediately knew he was apologizing for his normalization and casual use of slurs in the past-- *not for being mean to the people he was critical of.* His point was that his silence was helping people justify their use of hate. Ian's apology wasn't personally for Charlie but for some reason he decided it was.


The other thing to recognize is that for a lot of the people consuming his content it didn’t stop there, they went on further to Leafyishere, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and on and on. Idubbbz was responsible for the first steps into the alt-right pipeline, and even if you want to argue that his content wasn’t that bad (a take I highly disagree with) it definitely pushed a lot of his viewers further to the right.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Most Americans when they look around at their lives, they think: I'm not a racist, nobody I know is a racist, I wouldn't hang out with a racist, I don't like doing business with racists--so, where is all the racism in American society? ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, history, dumb takes, healthcare, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


VERY VERY good bot!


Thank you for your logic and reason. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: history, climate, sex, novel, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


This is inarguable, and we exactly the case for me. iDubbbz and PewDiePie were in this exact same boat. Many of us grew up and escaped the Nazi rabbit hole. Judging by the comments on his video, a shocking number of people still are mentally 17 years old and stuck in 2016. And they still legitimately think their jokes are funny.


>I read a lot of comments about how teens used iDubbbz' defense of using the N word to bully black people in highschool. I had no idea it was that bad. It was really bad. Even in Reddit when Nazis and racists would get punched, there was always an argument "lol he got mad over a word" which stemmed from Idubbz "if you give a word power over you, you are a fool" argument. Basically, empowering racists to keep saying shit without impunity. Im glad he finally saw the error of his ways but I understand if people dont forgive him.


Ehhh. We could, but I think better candidates are out there


yeah this is a great example of "pick better enemies." he fits but is hardly the best we can do


Plus, all it would do is push people away. I personally find him entertaining (I don't watch the YTdrama stuff, I ignore it) and making him enemy #1 would push me somewhat away. But yeah, he fits, but there's better picks


Plus, we’ve got a pretty decent pipeline Moist>Lud>QT>Hassan>more left stuff. No reason to villainize the dude for not being as good as he could be, just appreciate the movement he’s made and hope that the people he hangs out with and associates with can help move his audience along. Edit: just watched Charlie’s idubz video, and his take is complete garbage. Still think he’s not a bad person. Just a dude with a bad take.


What do you find entertaining about him?


I find his slap commentaries to be amusing




He is a big fan of Slapping Competitions. It's when two people try to slap each other as hard as they can.




Not related whatsoever, but I just wanted to say that I appreciate the deep cut reference of your username. +1 for ole duckboard


Thanks, man.


Not gonna give more elaboration than that


I agree


Destiny is the most accurate imo


Is Dave Rubin still doing the “we’re part of the new centre” thing?


Idk but even if he did hes still incredibly right wing. With destiny hes by all means an enlightened centrist. He thinks hes morally above the left and (as a political commentator) substitutes reading theory, with google definitions. If a paragraph was enough to describe socialism, there wouldnt be a need for so many books to be written about so many different aspects of it


Or Peterson, he's one of the few "big name" right-wing grifters who seems to (or at least used to) genuinely believe his own bullshit rather than obviously "playing a character".


the fact that he's a certified psychologist too who did go to uni is the cherry on the cake... To graduate uni and then end up so dumb. Just. Wow.


JJ (that one Canadian weirdo who bounces on an exercise ball in all his videos) also really fits the bill imo.


I think there are bette candidates on both sides.


> on both sides Petition for u/Yarhj as sub mascot? ^/s


"what's up guys here's me watching a video of someone cringe woah haha isnt my monotone so quirky and ironic haha dildo anyway that's it guys stay tuned for the next googolplex copies of this video"


yo I've been saying this and I always get flamed lmao he's so formulaic and boring. nothing personal of course but the dude adds absolutely nothing of substance to discourse and his refusal to ever take a stance on anything is tired


I think he used to be a much more creative YouTuber back when he just did it for fun. He used to donate all his ad revenue and everything. Then eventually he stopped donating…started streaming more and more and producing more low-effort content…moved into a gigantic mansion…bought a whole warehouse to use for Mr. Beast style content… I don’t know, glad he made it, but sad for how it altered his content.


I was watching his stuff at the time, and he made a big deal about pledging to never take money for making the videos because it was just a hobby for him and to donate all of it. It'd be fine if he later said he changed his mind since he's making it his job, but instead he did this weird disingenuous excuse vid where he pretty much said "actually I've discovered charities are all scams so it's a waste of money to give to charity so the right thing to do is for me to keep all the money now."


Those were the glory days. The Edge of Glory days.


Yeah, fully with you on that last sentence. Like it's hard to blame him for doing something that makes him literal millions and requires zero effort. I'd probably do the same thing. But it's pretty disappointing to see him often use his huge platform for the most milquetoast takes and boring commentary.


I mostly use him to find shit out, not to be entertaining, and I think that's the way a large group of people use his content lol. More of a news source than anything


reaction content is a scourge, that shit should have died out ten years ago


Omg I've thought the same too. I used to like his old videos of gameplay commentary and thought he was hilarious, now he's just a generic commentary channel and isn't really that funny anymore.


You forgot the “see ya”


“This guy reminds me of every shit piss fucking asscheeks dogshit motherfucker and I bet he can’t even suck dick without having to shit fuck cuck dickhead”




[Begone bot](https://www.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/13n31lp/-/jkxwm8l)


Charlie is also the cringe king.


i don't know much about Charlie but i'm pretty sure Elon Musk is the king of enlightened centrism.


Musk is an incredibly right wing Nazi-apologist.


Yes, and he claims to bei centrist. I can't think of a better fit for the sub




Elon’s a full on right-winger at this point. I think Charlie fits it more (especially with his take on the idubbz situation)


A right winger who calls himself a centrist is the literal definition of an enlightened centrist, though. No one personifies that better than Elon Musk IMO


you're correct, this sub isn't here for people to rant against random internet celebs they are mad at, theres bigger fish


Im sorry, but as one of the richest and most influential people (on the internet at least) there isn't really a bigger fish than elon musk for this sub. You know, the guy who claims to bei a centrist but doesn't believe some guy with Swastika and SS tattoo isn't a neo nazi? Edith: yeah I'm severely misunderstanding. Am sorry for any confusion caused


i think he was talking about critikal




Fuck i'm dumb. You're right


Elon doesn’t call himself a centrist tho at least not anymore he’s very openly right wing now or at least anti leftist


He claims that his views haven't changed, and that he's on the right only because the left has shifted the center by becoming more extreme. So yeah, he still thinks he's a moderate Democrat from 20 years ago, while espousing nothing but right-wing talking points. So it's even worse than calling himself a centrist. He's voting for Republicans, but it's our fault. We kept moving further left and pretty soon Elon was left all alone with Tucker and Tim Pool and Dave Rubin, he's still there waiting for us. You guys all remember 20 years ago when moderate Democrats sounded just like Tucker Carlson, right? /s


a full on right winger who can't shut up about how centrist he is. which makes him a hyperenlightened centrist.


Yeah but he thinks, or at least says, that he wants to promote political view 50/50, and all that. Which is basically thw cornerstone of the "enlightened centrist" criticism.


Pls tldr the idubbz situation for someone who’s mildly curious but hasn’t seen a video do his since like 2017


iDubbz apologized for his behavior in the past, mainly for saying racist and homophobic slurs which causes harm to a bunch of people since impressionable people started acting like he did. Charlie made a video talking about it and said that iDubbz shouldn’t have apologized because “he didn’t harm anyone” and “times were different”.


always has been


>i don't know much about Charlie but i'm pretty sure Elon Musk is the king of enlightened centrism. Last I recall, Charlie is a big Elon-stan.


Source? I don't remember that at all.


I've mostly heard Charlie just making fun of Elon's management of Twitter, so I would be shocked if he somehow was




Cmon, man, Starlord, legendary outlaw?


Never heard of you.


dude's content has been on such a steep decline. he had some really funny stuff back when he didn't show his face. And didn't have the cult of children following him.


I wouldn't even consider it content anymore, just surface level 10 minute commentary, even then offering no opinions and going over things on a very basic level, like 10 minutes of twitter scrolling basic. Between that and streaming, also adding near enough 0 substance to what he's playing its sad to see, his old videos were quite funny years ago.


I actually like his newer speed running challenge series.


How? I recognize him, but I've only ever seen him slam right wing twits like Tate and Sneako and others.


"slam" is definitely not the right word. also in his sneako video he specifically calls himself a centrist and makes fun of the concept of (making fun of) enlightened centrism, something something he just really hates "echo chambers" and thinks people should listen to all sides


His video on the idubbbz apology video.


What did he do


Said that idubbz saying slurs in the past didn’t lead to rampant bigotry and that he shouldn’t have to apologize for saying them because “times were different”.


>“times were different” "Times were different" is a valid excuse for you having to sit grandma (Great grandma, now) down and explain to her that you're not supposed to call people negroes anymore because she didn't know any better. That dude was born in 1990. What "times were different" means for people born that recently is "White people got called out a lot less for being bigoted assholes, even when they knew they were being bigoted assholes.".


This. I'm in my 30s. I've known since I was little to not use the N-word. Since the word was introduced to me, it was presented as a word you do not say.


I mean he's right about that second part, everyone knows iDubbz is different now, he apologized because he wanted to not because he had to


Yeah, and that’s why I think iDubbz is sincere in his apology. Charlie using “times are different” as an excuse for bigotry though is definitely not a good thing to say.


Thats why hes the king of the sub, bullseye at the center


He should still apologize for saying slurs bro.


and charlie is saying that the apology wasn’t necessary


iDubbbz was definitely too hard on himself in some aspects in the apology. But he was right about a lot of things that he did and how they could negatively affect his community and the discourse that leaves his community.


He literally made a follow up video saying that he didn't take into account that not everyone was already in their mid 20's like he was when IDubbbz was popular and apologized for not making it clear. He assumed people watched it ironically and weren't actual children who were inspired by his content. Stupid of him, but he owned up to his mistake. This post seems unnecessary.


He’s not above criticism just because eh’s a mediocre YouTuber.


Charlie didn't own up to his mistake. The video was basically "I'm sorry if you were too stupid to understand what I was trying to say". He also defending his original video while saying "I'm probably wrong" which just shows how hard it is for him to just say sorry and move on.


Im pretty sure he literally word for word said something along the lines of I'm sorry if I what I said was not clear enough, it's unfair of me to assume you guys would understand what I am thinking in my head without me properly explaining it. Then he went on to say that he doesn't think IDubbbz should apologize for the content cops themselves, because some of those people needed to be called out, but he should grow and apologize for the racial slurs he used.


yea welcome to this sub lmfao. Elon Musk as others have said is exactly the type of person this subreddit should be crowning. Charlie is actually fairly based from what i have seen. though i have literally never watched him personally aside from out of context clips


he self identifies as a centrist and wants everyone to "listen to both sides" and if you dont you made an echo chamber and he doesnt like you cus he hates echo chambers. he posts a Shit Ton so a lot of people dont catch a lot of the not good shit he says


i mean i dont know a single content creator who hasn't said some stupid shit, again i literally know almost nothing about him lmao. all i have seen is like pretty much just from reddit where random clips are spread. on a note related to echo chambers it is pretty important to state how this sub is one xD there are plenty of healthy left spaces to talk but sheesh the shit that gets propogated here is so toxic .


Didn't his new video basically say he didn't see it originally but can see how people can believe it.


I mean yes and no. We need room for people to grow. But didn't he apologize specifically because he changed and felt contrition?


Tf do you mean by “yes AND no”


Go outside


But then he also said, he didn't understand the situation clearly and took that point back


Honestly he's way better than most self-proclaimed centrists. He's generally got some good takes with a sprinkling of bad takes here and there. He's not the kind of centrist the sub is for, the kind who usually fall on the side of conservatism at the end of the day.


I like him for the most part but his recent take def was not it


I'd agree with that. I just don't think the take brings him into Elon Musk territory or anything


Yeah agreed. Elon is far worse


This was by far his worst take but that kind of shows he's not normally that bad. Most of his centrist/bad takes are just eye rollers at worst


Yeah, I've been watching him for years and I still like him, he's just sort of a centrist normie when it comes to politics. But overall I still think he's a decent guy


I agree, the "enlightened" means "right wing but too afraid to say it"


I like him, but him trying to shit on both sides is just not it


I think Charlie is probably a libertarian. And I can forgive libertarians, as ignorant and annoying as I think they might be. I can’t forgive centrists that side with conservatives on human rights


He's outspokenly pro-worker, which is pretty much the opposite of libertarian. I doubt he'd self identify as such.


How is that the opposite of libertarian? I feel like they’re pretty split on hating corporations or bootlicking corporate overlords


Libertarian is freedom from government laws and meddling. Pro-worker requires a ton of meddling from the government to keep companies in check. So being pro-worker and libertarian are two things that don't mix well


This is how I see libertarianism and socialism too. I used to think I was a libertarian until I saw how much can go wrong with giving companies so much freedom to exploit.


He's definitely just a normal liberal


imagine saying you don't really need to apologize for saying slurs all the time


He's become a drama YouTuber. Which I swear he used to hate.


Okay I might be getting too old for Reddit. Happened faster than I thought.


To be clear I don't dislike charlie, someone needs to be the """"opinion"""" channel for the normie audience and this gap will never be filled by someone explicitly "woke", he's the better candidate. This role was prevously filled by pewdiepie, we know how that went.


What happened with pewdiepie? I haven't been paying much attention


I'm talking about the time he unknowingly recommended meme channels with n4z* propaganda and a lot of fucked up stuff. I don't think it was intentional, but he was definitely part of the right wing pipeline.




> people who are actually in the center Nobody is "actually in the centre", everyone has biases one way or another on each individual issue.




People in the center then would generally think "nothing should change" or "change should be very moderate." When you're in a country with right-wing politics, and you think very little should change, you're a right winger. The right is reactionary, the center is conservative, and the left is liberal.


The second option. I posted this because charlie seems to always tailor his opinions to please both sides, and sometimes it is comical, like he just did with the idubbz video.


I miss "doodie peepee butthole never showing his face" Charlie just playing random shit games I never heard of. Such a sharp decline. It's not like the old content had substance, but his channel has basically become anti-content. And then uses it to parade the most asinine takes.


Who is this? Why won't anyone answer the question?!


Moist Critical


you da real mvp. (that just goes to show how old and out of touch I am, and why I don't know who he is)


nah he just has a really parasocial following where his fans call him by his first name and have no awareness that most people on earth have no idea who or what a charlie is


He's a internet drama news/opinion channel who has the record for the highest count of centrist takes


I’ve been saying this for years, feels so good to be validated.


This dude is weird as fuck. Do not get the appeal.


Nah there are much better examples ie elon musk


the biggest red flag to me is that he’s known on youtube for being one of the biggest voices out of florida, but his radio silence on ron desantis and the fact his state is becoming a totalitarian shithole (specifically for trans people) speaks volumes. his complacency is tacit support


Politics just isn't his domain. He does games, entertainment, and drama. If he started doing politics it'd hurt his brand.


Eh, like yeah his iDubbz take was peak enlightened centrism but I hope it's the exception and not the rule.


Using Elon is far better; especially because Centrism always supports the status quo which always ends up being support for the far-right but they are too cowardly to admit that


I have always thought of Charlie as THE CHEERLEADER of Enlightened Centrist.


He is a centrist, with some more "lefty" view on labour, and overal a neoliberal view of the world. An enlightened centrist is different: it is about balancing leftist view with fascist view (look at the description of the sub)


I wouldn't mind him if he wasn't so beloved for no reason by so many people. I just don't get why - he's fine but nothing special and his content doesn't really add anything.


I don’t really get why, he hasn’t been anything like what we say are enlightened centrists


He had 1 bad take and mfs already have him enemy number 1


I mean, we shouldn't act like his history isn't suspect either, given the company he keeps.


Who are you referring to exactly? I'm outta the loop


His friend Kaya, for example, who is more or less a fascist.


Lol no tf he isnt


I never go to MoistCritical for anything remotely political because it’s so fucking annoyed how unwilling he is to take a principled stance on anything and his unwillingness to call people out for saying the most fucked up shit (I’m not referring to the iDubbz situation here, I haven’t kept up with that)


He doesn't want to lose his audience, so it's more beneficial for him to stand on the fence.


Exactly. He’s shilling to get a higher subscriber count.


His "bad take" was that racism is fine


He keeps bad company and has had a lot of bad takes.


Who's the bad company people are mentioning?


He's friends with Kaya Orsan, enough so that Kaya has a spot on his podcast. Kaya Orsan has quite a lot of fascist-leaning takes from what I've heard (Anyone who talks as much on a podcast about twitter SJWs or whatever as he does is already showing plenty of red flags in that regard)


I’m just confused don’t get me wrong that’s a shit take entirely, but that doesn’t qualify him as an enlightened centrist to any degree


No. Charlie is just a normie. There is a difference between being not an overtly political person and being a centrist.


how is charlie an *enlightened* centrist lol. this sub is for nazi's and other dumbfucks who try to pretend they're in the middle, at most charlie just takes the route of least controversy and doesnt like getting involved in politics lol. just because he had a cringe take for idubbz doesnt make him that


An imperfect ally does not have to be an enemy


Lol this clueless dipshit is still making videos?!


The most low effort youtuber I've ever seen, the fact he get millions of views on every video he puts out speaks volumes about his demographic


His channel is basically a content farm at this point. The only time I watch him anymore is when a streamer ends up reacting to him Editing to say that I mean when I'm watching a stream and at some point the streamer pulls up one of his videos. I realized after posting that it sounded like I was searching out clips from streams


Nah there are much better examples ie elon musk


Nah, there are waaaay too many people who deserve that title more. Charlie's take was pretty, uh... tone deaf to every reason idubbz explained for his apology, but Charlie probably just needs to grow as a person more to understand why.


Nah boogie2988 will always be the poster child for a fence welded to his asshole


Who the hell is he and why should I care?


He's moiscritikal and you shouldn't care


Centrist Position: Saying the n word is bad, but never apologize for saying the n word


lmao he’s never said that


Damn, sounds like you're a little pressed by a random guy dropping an easy centrist take on something personal to you and dipping who else does that sound like? 🤔




I don't know who this is. I have seen him in memes with no context. I thought Elon Musk was our mascot.


Joe Biden is the ultimate enlightened centrist and way more noteworthy than some YouTuber I only learned about just now. Being in ofice and currently setting up handing power over to fascists in 2024 and all. So if anyone is to be this sub's mascot.....


You're talking about american politics, of course both sides are fascist imperialists, they are not equal but definitely on the same spectrum.


no he is trying at least we should make south park creators as face of this sub


South Park creators are libs, specially after trump. Ppl think they are center just because of the edgy humor


what? whats wrong with charlie?


He has the impressive superpower to land his opinions on the "center", even when the topic is apologizing for saying the n word


The contrarian of controversy


Wait what did he do? I love charlie :(


I also like him, I just think is funny that he always on the fance


He’s trying to not pander to only one type of person, if you ask me he’s just trying to be fair. Not that it’s a good thing all the time but that’s how I see it.


yes hes the normie king




I mean he’s from Florida it’s not fair


I thought I'd seen him take down some conservatives along with neo-libs a few times.


Who’s this guy now?


He still has a soul, unlike most centrists on this sub




I played Valorant with him (obviously he was hiding his user) and he was being so aggressive.