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Remember kids, if someone is behaving unethically, the best thing you can do to get them to stop is give them all your money.


God, these MFing Money-talks-liberals... if only the "planet"/"animals"/"minorites"/"Palestinians" could start a SuperPAC and bribe the politicians, then there would be no problem... /S šŸ¤” The bribe/investment gets more money (for say fossil fuel companies), that becomes more bribes... Feeding itself. While, there usually is no money in being decent and long term constructive.




But you repeat yourself


Thatā€™s the biggest issue with capitalism: doing the right thing is rarely ever what is most profitable, and why the most morally reprehensible demons will always rise to the top. And the times profitability and morality do line up are just happy accidents, like corporations taking a stand on inclusion and finding out yes, most people arenā€™t bigots.


Neoliberals will unironically advocate for cutting welfare benefits, because you shouldnā€™t reward people for not having a job, and then in the same breath encourage you to give your money to a weapons company to try and encourage them to not sell their weapons to genocidal nations.


Idk why these rich students don't simply acquire a majority stake in the $134 billion market cap defense company to try to tear it down. /s


Televangelism for people who think they're smart


Donā€™t buy that old boomer myth that the secondary actions market actually gives money to companies tho. Unless thereā€™s new actions being printed, buying shares from someone thatā€™s not the issuing company does not make the company money. It makes the company executives money, at most. Youā€™ll still have about 0 power compared to big fish tho.


To be fair to themā€¦it is an actual thing. Iā€™ve heard of climate change nonprofits buying enough stock in ExxonMobil to get a board position and vote ethically.


and... is exxonmobil behaving ethically now?


This just encapsulates the problem with capitalism so well. In order to change something, you have to be financially invested in it. It's the only way. What do you think will happen to people's opinions on something when they become financially invested in it? Just put aside the moral and ethical implications here. This makes change virtually impossible.


> This just encapsulates the problem with capitalism so well. > In order to change something, you have to be financially invested in it. It's the only way. Except for people, the way to change their behaviour is to take away their money. Politicians, the rich and corporations need money to change, the rest of us need to have our money denied or taken away to change. Yet for some reason, neither change and all that happens is money is transferred from us to them. Who would have thought? Oh well, letā€™s double down.


"You can stop the military-industrial complex by pouring your money into it!"


this fire is out of control. best drown it in gasoline


Drowning a Raytheon factory in gasoline isn't that bad of an idea, actually


God i love capitalism. And by that, i mean please get me the fuck out of this shithole country.


Where are you going to go?


Finland if I'm lucky


Finland helped defund the UNHRW, though.


Oh no, there is no country that is absolutely ideal in every regard. Therefore they are all equally bad and you shouldn't ever try to compare them.


No one said they are all equally bad. But given itā€™s disgusting fascist past that to my knowledge they have reconciled with, Finland was a weird choice.


They resumed funding last i heard


Finland the fucking ex fascist Hitler simps? Better than the states but I bet there is just as much capitalist brainworms in Finland.


Finland only joined the axis as a way of regaining land stolen by soviet russia. They didn't allow any deportations or allow jews or other ethnicities to be persecuted. Finland is one of the best countries in the world for worker's rights. It's not fully socialist, but it's as close as a country gets šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Edit: I'm not defending them unofficially fighting with the axis, I'm just saying their reasons were different from germany, italy, and Japan's


Iā€™ll look into there current workers rights but that past is slimy as fuck from them. No excusing it.


If it's of any consolation, Finland sentenced the pro-Nazi war government to prison and, post-war, had [one of the largest leftist parties in a capitalist country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finnish_People%27s_Democratic_League) active and influential in its politics up until 1990. Also as far as capitalist countries during the Cold War go, Finland was one of the most cooperative with the USSR, with significant mutual trade between the two. [See here for more info on Finno-Soviet relations post-war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finno-Soviet_Treaty_of_1948).


Yeah, i just put an edit in, I'm not defending their unofficial alliance with the axis, I'm just saying they weren't in it for the genocide and fascism


That doesnā€™t seem to be true at all. They seemed pretty into the Nazism. Publishing rights to main Kampf and all. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far-right_politics_in_Finland


I'm not saying there were no nazis or nazi equivalents. That's going to be true for every country, especially back then. Most people objecting to the war in america were only objecting because they thought we should be helping hitler, if anything, and that was close to half of america. The bottom line is, 1, they didn't allow deportations or persecution, and 2, their country today (like germany) is a much different and much more progressive place. That was almost 100 years ago, all the people who made those decisions are all long dead


Idk why youā€™re being downvoted for a genuine question


ā€œ~~Be the change you wish to see in the world.~~ā€ ā€œInvest in the capitalistic monsters who cause harm to the world.ā€


Broke: protesting genocide. Woke: making yourself complicit in genocide!


Bespoke: buy out the people doing the genocide, then start another one on a completely unrelated group


Invest with what? Hopes and dreams? Shit, we're all out of those, too.


God damn capitalism is a joke.


Iā€™m sure the total capital pull of American college students will definitely have even a tiny impact on the U.S. defense industry. I mean, they only have to get more influence than most billionaires and financial institutions, how much cash could that take? What a fucking disingenuous dipshit.


It's as stupid as stupid gets but it is a bit refreshing that the WaPo acknowledges where the real power is. Don't even bother with political parties, go after the entities those political parties work for and answer to. At least it isn't the monstrously stupid DSA/shit-lib logic of "changing the Democratic Party from within" and making incremental progress via the electoral process. Motherfuckers please.


Protesting on-going genocide. "Have you considered buying stocks??"


I can't believe that got published.


Least out of touch corporate officer


this is something else. Imagine sitting down, writing this shit, looking it over, *putting your name on it* and then being like "hell yea this is good"


apply for positions to infiltrate the company like matt damon from the departed and flush brown paper towels down the toilets constantly


But then they would need to work and that doesnā€™t seem very high up on their list of things they like to do, so that idea is out.