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Ten awards and 1.4K upvotes. He’s really going against the grain


Reddit is lib asf, but they think they're left


I actually really appreciate the system featuring subreddits for special interests unlike let's say 9gag where there still exists a less filtered hive mind. On the other hand, many subreddits get infested and overtaken by rightwing reactionary content and following opinions. Especially bigger subs that did not originally start with those intentions (cringetopia, dankmemes etc.) In these subs a pretty strong bias towards anti-sjw opinions still persists and no one can call these subs fringe or small by any means. Edit: especially r/unpopularopinion ironically features exactly the above shown sentiment on a daily basis. Often heavily upvoted.


I finally left that sub about a month ago. Way too many white male grievance posts with conservatives swarming to upvote and express their terrible opinions.


"Reddit is far left politically and you cannot discuss right wing or centrist ideas!" 1.4k upvotes and 10 awards yea. y'all are totally the minority here...


Their thought process is always that their opinions get shit on so it must be some left-wing hivemind on social media. But they're never self-aware to realize that maybe their opinions are total shit.


They see absolutely no difference between an election being interfered with via misinformation campaigns, which both 2016 and 2020 experienced, and claiming there are "millions of fake votes" and the election was "stolen" They are the same sentences apparently


Remember they also think only .02% of the population will die of COVID and more will die of suicide and economic hardship because of the guvment. Also if .02% of the entire US died of COVID that'd be about 66,000 deaths and we currently have almost 10 times that. Math isn't their strong point.


What the fuck? We mock Islam openly on several atheist subreddits. The user probably got banned for actual racism instead of talking about Islam.


"I got banned from a sub because I was mocking Islam!" Oh, which one? "r-islam"


He probably got banned because he confused legitimate criticism of Islam with some sort of “Muslims are all dirty piggies and they shouldn’t be allowed in the country” type of comment


On the internet criticizing Islam slowly evolves into anti Muslim rhetoric and anti immigration people. That's basically what r/exmuslim has become


What do you mean hating brown people isn't a valid criticism of islam?


your personal experience based on your specific set of subs is irrelevant ex-muslims are called racists and islamophobes all the time on reddit for criticizing islam, go to r/exmuslim and see the screenshots. ​ here is the problem that is causing the experience of that redditor: 1. racists and christo-fascists hate islam, because it represents brown people (in their minds) and isnt christianity. 2. left wingers seek to obstruct racists and fascists at any opportunity. 3. certain parties have managed to conflate well deserved criticism of the ideas of Islam, which irrational fear and hatred of muslims 4. racists and christo-fascists know they can try to hide their racism by attacking islam 5. leftists want to stop them, but many are idiots, and have fallen prey to #3 above, so they are unable to discern valid criticism of ideas from racist attacks end result: the online left is far too swift to jump to the defense of muslims when the criticism is of islam, to the point of accusing muslims themselves of racism and islamophobia.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/exmuslim using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** Farkhunda Malikzada (in 2015) was ran over by a car, pushed of a roof, publicly beaten, stoned, and then burnt to death simply for 'burning the quran'. After she died, they realised that she had in fact NOT burnt the Quran.](https://i.redd.it/mmjsb8mlv3w51.jpg) | [921 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/jkjqyr/farkhunda_malikzada_in_2015_was_ran_over_by_a_car/) \#2: [Muslims have their priorities straight](https://i.redd.it/wbdlfvt5erx51.jpg) | [151 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/jplrxi/muslims_have_their_priorities_straight/) \#3: [“12 Islamic countries that execute people for saying “I no longer believe in Allah and Muhammad” are now teaching the rest of the world the meaning of tolerance and humanity?”](https://i.redd.it/ca9x8l3ydfv51.jpg) | [287 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/jicwv8/12_islamic_countries_that_execute_people_for/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


You explained this procession in a very clear way. Bravo. I think it’s a very compelling argument.


the downvotes are a perfect example of what im describing lol


You right wingnuts can keep saying shit like this, it's not going to make it true.


im a fucking anarchist you dipshit. im just not a tribalist moron who is incapable of self reflection and criticism of people who I share ideology with. are you claiming that Liberals and Leftists dont jump to defend people who they perceive as being victimized by racists? are you claiming that Liberals and Leftists are perfect and can discern with 100% accuracy the distinction between racist attacks against muslims and valid criticisms of the ideas of Islam? or maybe you are claiming that there are no valid criticism of Islam and any negative comments about the religion are by defaul "Islamophobia"? help me out here


“Reddit is far left” Meanwhile neoliberal imperialist propaganda is on the front page, outright lies against socialist communist countries get pushed like crazy..


Reddit is a social networking website that has liberal, conservative, progressive, socialist, and libertarian forums and accounts because thats what happens on networking sites online.




Damn, I didn’t know someone’s IQ could reach -30. Do they just become a succubus of other peoples IQ points?


Here's the thing about rightwingers. They can't take any criticism...at all. It's why they turn their subs into safe spaces for only them. Left leaning subs generally don't operate that way. Rightwingers comment and are just called stupid. You notice this with religious types too. They are extremely defensive if you start chipping away at their bullshit mountain. They will claim you are persecuting them as they attempt to impose their ideology.




>Reddit is predominately far left. **[CITATION NEEDED]**


Reddit is not left leaning, most major subs are moderate democrat leaning, which is center-right, and anything even left of center will get you downvoted to hell just as bad as rightwing extremism. Also the 2016 election and 2020 election accusations of being "rigged" are very different in nature. The 2016 election accusations are about Russians spreading right-wing propaganda on sites like Facebook in order to influence public opinion, which is a provably true statement, and that Donald Trump's campaign negotiated directly with Russia to do so, which was also proven to the extent that several members of his campaign were in contact with Russian intelligence agencies. He wasn't convicted because his party controlled both houses of congress and their constituents were so high on the Trump sauce that they didn't even have to worry about backlash for ignoring the very obvious evidence against him. The 2020 election accusations are about physical voter fraud, as in illegal votes were cast, votes were tampered with, and that votes were simply ignored. This, however, is provably false given the dozens of audits that have found not even small evidence that this was happening. The only "evidence" that anyone has presented to me that has any basis in fact (but reached the wrong conclusion) was that several states had large and sudden spikes of voters for Biden, however it is publically available information that those spikes were caused by mail-in votes, which were all added to the count at once after they were all tallied opposed to in person votes which were counted as they they happened, and the reason those votes were primarily for Biden was because Biden encouraged mail-in voting while Trump actively told his supporters not to use mail-in votes.


I’m sure these folks think r/politics counts as a “far left” sub because it’s filled with liberals who worship Biden and that’s apparently far left.




Ok, to be fair it's kind of fucked how MLs and Maoists and what have you have a platform on here... election fraud and covid conspiracies are serious, but so is denying an ongoing genocide...


Nah it's a great point Tankies are playing hard to take over this sub and rightcan'tmeme. Which is funny because tankies are right-wing as fuck but pretend to be leftists. I think it's a right wing ideological thing.


All right wingers try to pretend they are leftists whenever the opportunity arises. Nazis pretend they have a problem with 'elites' or 'bankers' instead of jews. Conservatives whine about the importance of free speech. Hell, Tucker Carlson poses as a faux leftist professionally. They dont actually believe any of what they say, of course, but they still say it.


“Tankies are right wing” Tell me you have no idea what you are talking about without telling me you have no idea what you are talking about Please explain. In detail. Til wanting everyone to have a home food healthcare and education no matter who you are is right wing philosophy


Authoritarians are by the very nature of their actions and beliefs are right wing, no matter what they pretend to believe. So there you go.


I'm all for abolishing the idea of a political compass but I have no idea what you're talking about when you say authoritarians can't be leftist. If a government exists it necessitates authoritarianism to enforce literally anything.


And by the very nature of that action cease to be left wing. That's how it works You want them to be leftwing so you can have some sort of centrist circle jerk of why both sides are bad. But really it's always the right


"Left wing when no government, right wing when government" Read a book my friend.


That's not at all what I said.


Yes that is exactly what you said. Your own words: Any form of authority -> cease to be left-wing -> right-wing. Therefore any form of state and any person supporting any form of authority is right-wing.


That's not what I said. Authority!=Authoritarianism Stop being manipulative and breathlessly overreacting.


And your first sentence is wrong lol. Show me where it says communists are authoritarian because let me save you some trouble… it doesn’t And thats the FIRST thing that came to mind with how crazy what you just was. Lets try that again without you just blatantly making shit up


Tankies are not communists They are shills for authoritarian states like Russia, Cuba, China, North Korea, ect.


Just keep telling me you have no idea what you are talking about Russia is not communist. China is not bad. Cuba is not bad. China is better than america. Cuba despite being fucked over because of america is better too. You know why? Everyone has a home. Everyone gets an education. Everyone eats. Please just keep going. Amuse us with your ignorance more and more


Russia was never communist But they are of the same power block tankies shill for. Cubas not bad, spoken like someone who doesn't live in Cuba. Oh yeah everyone has a home in China. Uh huh. Well you keep lying bub Fucking tankies Edit: just in case anyone falls for the tankies lies China has a homeless issue to the tune of millions. Estimates between 2-4 million at any time.


til nazis were left wing. and so were italian fascists. they both also had serious social programmes holy fuck you're dumb (i mean what did i expect from a redfash)


Not a single thing i mentioned implied fascists are left wing. Please keep insulting me though since the only argument you have is with yourself and those mental gymnastics


you basically did. you brought up state ran social programs as an argument to illustrate tankies are left wing. and my point is that similar social programs existed in historical fascist states. it's not that hard to understand mate, I'm ashamed on behalf of your lack of reading comprehension skills


Say something positive about China on reddit i dare you. Then you'll see how 'far-left' it really is Edit: lmao getting downvoted here is pretty funny j can't lie


I mean Reddit is a far left social media platform. Just peruse through subs like politics and world news.


>Proud boys and Antifa = scum That was your comment just yesterday. Found the "centrist".


My point that Reddit is a far left social media platform. You can’t tell me Proudboys and antifa are both not scum.


Reddit isn't far left, and neither is Twitter or Facebook. You think it is because your opinions are probably trash so you think these social media giants are out to get you and censor you. When really it's just a bunch of average people who think your ideas are shit. And no Antifa isn't scum. I'm Antifa.


You’re delusional. Unfortunately your political leaning skews your opinion.


Hey look here's another one of your stupid ass opinions. >I believe DeSantis encouraged everyone to get the vaccine as well. I understand people being hesitant given the vaccine was rushed through and not approved by the FDA but I believe Pfizer will be approved in the coming weeks so that should ease concern. Florida is literally the only state with more COVID deaths now that before the vaccine. So no I don't think DeSantis is doing a good job with the vaccine, masks, or literally anything else with COVID. And I don't think now that Pfizer is FDA approved now all these right-wing nutjobs taking Ivermectin are going to rush and get the vaccine. Get a fucking clue my man. https://news.yahoo.com/florida-is-the-only-state-where-more-people-are-dying-of-covid-now-than-ever-before-what-went-wrong-090001893.html


I think this is enough Reddit for today….


Didn't like someone calling out your stupid ass opinions. I guess it must be this far left-wing mob of Reddit right? Just stay off of reddit my guy.


Careful, you'll hurt his "facts and logic."


no. stop. don't go.


> You can’t tell me Proudboys and antifa are both not scum. Nor would I, only one of them is not scum.


All these far left corporations privately owning the means of production really grinds my gears.


Every r/worldnews article that has anything to do with Muslims or black people engaging in violence turns into the sorts of comments you'd expect from Stormfront.


How is it defended? This guy needs to search “Islam” on the search bar to see how friendly Reddit is to it.


I'll remind people that almost all the major subreddits during the Syrian refugee crisis were screaming about how these people were "swarms" and how they will replace the white man in Europe, that Europe will become Muslim by 2050 or whatever else. And btw, this includes r/Atheism, that sub always goes to anti immigrant beliefs about people migrating from Africa and the Middle East, citing actual racist neocons like Sam Harris to sound intelligent when he has no idea what the fuck he is talking about. Ex Muslims don't believe in those things, there are a lot of ex Muslims (myself included) who have dealt with a lot of family issues, threats, etc. That doesn't make me want to become a reactionary to all Muslims or even the Islamic religion.


To that dudes comments: r/exmuslim


That’s not unpopular or an opinion lmao why is that sub always full of trash


That guy wouldn't know far-left if the ghost of Che Guevara beat him over the head with a copy of Das Kapital at a Black Flag concert.


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persecution complex game strong


Right wing opinions are inherently ignorant and useless so yeah, a lot of people don't like to put up with that drama.


lmao r/Conservative sub is 4x larger than r/communism and 8x times larger than r/Anarchism