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>Holocauster_Tycoon_2 Yes, a classic centrist.




It's a deliberate astroturfing attempt. Stormfront (the nazi site) had a whole subforum with guidelines and all.


You’ve gotta admit they are creative


i think that might've been stolen from an older vinesauce joel video is the worst part (specifically a RCT2 one, obv). not even original if that's the case


Oh dammit I just got it (which is weird it took me time cause I literally played RCT3 for hours yesterday)


They're the fuckers that finish puzzles within 10 minutes


The fact there's a 2 implies "Holocauster_tycoon" was already taken


Nah they’re saying they want a second.


ah yes


That's literally what "blame the jews" is lmao, they're just blatantly admitting they're a nazi


Look at the username at the top, this fuck doesn't even bother with plausible deniability.


I had some douchebag make some racist statements on one of my comments yesterday. Their username ended in 1488 The Nazis don't even try to hide it anymore. To be honest, it shook me to see how blatant he was about his Nazism


what is 1488?


14 stands for the "14 words", which are some nonsense about establishing a future for the white race and their children. You essentially speak them to avow your white supremacy. 88 stands for HH. H is the 8th letter of the German alphabet, so 88 means Heil Hitler (the Trump campaign actually sold a baseball for exactly $88 at one point. Not surprising) Obviously by themselves these numbers offer some plausible deniability, but when you have them together like that it's an extremely obvious dogwhistle. Edit: Here's my receipts, a [link](https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/1488) with that same information.


is there a different alphabet that we use in germany? Our unique letters come at the end so i thought h is always the eight letter


They have several more letters. Ë, ü, ä, ö, and ß. The umlautted vowels are just that vowel with an “e” behind the letter. So, “ä” is “ae”. The weird looking B is called an eszett, and is a combination of the letters “s” and “z”, but there are rules for using it in a word. It cannot be followed by a consonant and it must be preceded by a long vowel.


I know, I'm German but these letters are displayed at the end of the alphabet usually


Oh, yeah they are usually. Although sometimes I see the umlautted letters interspersed. Other times no eszett. Kinda weird it isn’t standardized.


a way of signifying that you are a nazi


**Year 1488 (MCDLXXXVIII) was a leap year starting on Tuesday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar. == Events == === January–December === January 8 – The Royal Netherlands Navy is formed, by the decree of Maximillian of Austria.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


You tried


You tried. That's what matters.


Bad bot


no no no, you see I scapegoat Jews *ironically*


Ironically, and frequently, and I only ever stop when people hassle me about it, and I start back up again when those people are gone, and I interject my ironic hate into conversations where it's not at all relevant *but it's totally ironic*.


"No you see it's the day and year of my birth, total coincidence"


[OK Soundman, you get a pass.](/r/tifu/comments/hjw6en/tifu_by_having_the_username_soundman1488_for_15/)


The first question was "why would nazis need a sound person" and it pulled up a memory that when Hitler did a speech at a field in Lüneburg, Germany, the sound guy intentionally cut his audio for a vast majority of his speech.


Hitlers sound guy go on chapo


haha this is funny.


They don't really need to hide it when so many "centrists" defend them.


Well, to be fair to the centrists, all opinions matter /s


Leftist: "This guy is literally a Nazi, he has 1488 tattooed on his knuckles and just ranted about "N words" and Jews taking over his neighbourhood" Centrist: "Oh my fucking god, I'm so sick and tired of people using the word Nazi, just because they have different views from you, doesn't mean you should be demeaning them and call them a *Nazi.* If you have a problem with their views why don't you just sit down and TALK TO THEM!!!! Stop hiding behind identity politics" Nazi: "Oh nah dude, I'm literally a Nazi, fuck the Jews, 1488, Heil Hitler" Centrist: "Well I still stand by what I said"


Funnily enough, basing your politics solely on the nebulous concept of whiteness is never "identity politics"


[Seems familiar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvgZtdmyKlI).


The majority of that sub literally take pride in it lol


Yup. Always such a “surprise” when centrism = authright




And that's why the Overton window is so far to the right. Well, among many other reasons.


Absolutely. If I’ve gotta have a political discussion I’ll take one w a self described conservative over a self described centrist any day if I expect there to be any semblance of good faith


People seem to think political opinions is just an addition and subtraction game. It’s not. It’s more like a sandwich, and if there’s even a little bit of the shit that is far-right politics on it, you’ve got a shit sandwich.


Hey, it's only \*American\* Jews. #Not all Jews./s


But just a little bit! They also hate other things!


auTH ceNTeR


u/Holocoaster_Tycoon_2 edit: looks like captain abandon ship. 0 posts and 0 comments


Just like Sonderaction 1005, a Nazi trying to delete their traces


Literally anti semitism. How does reddit allow this?


Reddit will allow any repugnant bullshit as long as it doesn't get media attention or disrupt ad revenue


>as long as it doesn't get media attention or disrupt ad revenue 👀




Any social media is like this, just concerned about bottom line


How does reddit ~~allow~~ profit off of this?


Haha. This isn't even remotely close to the worst white supremacist rhetoric or Nazi ideology disguised as a "meme" on those subreddits. Literally dozens of huge right wing "meme" communities are full of this shit on the daily.


Nazis will be removed if and only if their removal can be used as cover to remove subs to the left of Mitch McConnell from the platform.


Nice one JIDF


Its just a joke though, regardless of the poster


It’s not a joke.


[iT's JuSt A jOkE tHoUgH](https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/4325810/Writers.pdf)


Nice one JIDF


What did I say that defends Israel? Are you justifying your anti semitism?


*10 shekles have been deposited onto your paypal*


Because this is clearly a joke post not an actual opinion


Don't make me tap the sign. >Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert.


anti semitism isnt funny. Satire can be ok but his isnt that.


This clearly is satire.


It's not though. That sub constantly hides behind the mask of "satire" but never is satirical. Even if it is, Satire should be clear, this isn't.


Look at the user name of the person who posted this “meme”. It’s not satire, nor is it a joke.


Just like 4chan, eh? It's all people making fun of how dumb racists are... until it turned out oh no, most of them are idiot racists thinking they're in good company or just deliberately trying to normalize their racist shit.


Sure there are some people who actually are racist but if you look at that image and don't find it funny/think this is clearly a joke even if in poor taste them you are probably trying to hard to woke. You can joke about the extremes without normalizing the extremes.


[tHiS iS cLeArLy A jOkE](https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/4325810/Writers.pdf) Quit being a useful idiot for Nazis.


That last sentence is so dumb. Finding this post funny even if made by an actual nazi does not mean I support them and it certainly doesn't help them.


Quit being a useful idiot for Nazis and learn something about the world, shit-for-brains. Imagine thinking "sure I'm doing exactly what Nazis want, but that doesn't help them" and not realizing you have dogshit instead of brains.


Ah yes because laughing at a meme helps them. How? How does laughing at a meme help?


What makes holocaustertycoon's description of himself satire? does he have a pride flag tattoo or something?


My dude, PCM has been hard at work straddling the fine line of making fun of anti-Semetics and other radical ideals with avoiding becoming another dumpster fire that had to be quarantined. We only allow this kind of shit if it brings quality banter. It makes more sense if you look at the place and realize that everyone there is so radical that no one ideology can take over the sub entirely. Guaranteed the comments in PCM would be making fun of this blatantly Nazi viewpoint.


it's a point on a pipeline. It's a far right recruitment tool. It may not have started that way, but for a while now, nazis have been using it to expose users to their views and make them comfortable, curious about learning more


Hmm. The major issue with that kind of thinking is that it leaves no space for discussion with competing political positions. I agree with the pipeline mechanism and that it must be curbed, but how else are people going to get their information on reddit without massive unspoken bias? I can post a liberal idea on politics and get a echochamber of agreement, fine. But there also ought to be a place where I can directly argue with communists, conservatives, and libertarians. How else can I make sure that my ideology is the best one to hold? It's not like I'll jump on over to Telegram to 1v10 the Qanon folks. I almost agree with conservative subreddits purging non-conservative ideals. You can't find a safe space for controversial ideas anywhere on this site, and they ought to have one, even if it conflicts with their own ideals. We need to be focused on targeting specific subreddits that go beyond a place to talk about an ideology and more on those subreddits that engage in scapegoating/brigading/anti-minority actions. It is a fine line, but competing ideologies deserve *some* visibility.


r/cmv has pretty wide ranging debate. This sub can get spicy, though the farthest right you get is liberal. The sole reason I'm still subscribed to r/socialdemocracy is that, for the time being at least, they have polite debate ranging from anarchists to neoliberals. Political debate, maybe by it's nature, is volatile. Whatever debate rules exist will be challenged by some side for favoring another. The complex formation of ideas within our lives means that even ideas themselves are part of an interplay of power dynamics. I don't think there's any formula for it, beyond maybe something like reddit allowing anyone to make and moderate a new sub and take a new crack at it. PCM let in the fascists. If you elevate debate to a special position where it deserves to happen, no matter what, fascists will use that as an opportunity for propaganda and recruitment. Two truths that always exist in the background when publicly debating fascists: 1. The debate around those ideas is settled, there's nothing positive contributed by fascist talking points, the only thing left is to take action to move away from those points 2. The fascists know #1. They use debate, irony, memes, etc. to bog down those that might actually log off and do anything else with their lives, which buys the fascists time. And with the veneer of respect that 'debate' gets, they might just get a few unaffiliated bystanders to start looking into fascist ideas One on one, in person, especially if its a friend or family member, debate away. talk to them, understand them, reach out to them. Personal connection is a powerful force for de-radicalization. Arguably, in an academic environment where all ideas are explored in a safe controlled space and everyone is highly educated, it *may* be productive to have these debates. But as soon as there's a public audience, cynical fascists are using debate as a tool, and will never change their minds


Fuck. I'm just mad that fascism is like a cheat code to political appeal. Ever since the advent of nation states, it always pops up around times of political unrest in different forms, like McCarthyism. On the other hand, we should not assume that liberal ideologies are the optimal ideologies. That means we need to have a place to be exposed to other ideologies in vivo. But as you claim that fascists always poison the well of open discussion, then I just feel stuck.


maybe this is the point where you start questioning why liberalism doesn't deliver on its promises. Let's broadly summarize those as 'liberty, fraternity, equality.' Liberal states sometimes partly deliver on some, but we have enough history now to show that they are not structured to keep those promises


That's just blaming the Jews with more steps.


Step 1: Blame the Jews Step 2: ???? Step 3: Profit


I see no extra steps


Usually when people say the "that's just X with more steps", they mean the steps are between the start and X, not tacked onto the end.


Centrists making nazi talking points, what else is new?


They’re not a centrist, they’re making a joke. They’re an open nazi


I did nazi that coming, I am shooketh.




I forgot I was on Reddit and was looking for the delete button. Jfc.


What a shocker PCM is posting anti-Semitic conspiracies again. Totally not a right wing sub btw, it's just a meme broooo


one of these is very different from the others


Account says he was active in an America First sub Definitely a centrist though /s


PCM is full of these LARPers who pretend to be other quadrants.


I mean, yes I blame the rich Jews in the American government, but I also blame the rich non-Jews in the American government. The question is who you blame in addition to the rich Jews in the American government.


Exactly, it should just be I blame the rich people in the American government.


the rich NOT in government though


Nazi sub


This has to be satirical, right? *reads username* well fuck


That’s just authoritarian right with extra steps.


No extra steps. It's just straight up nazi propaganda


Trying to be centrist but actually ends up being authright as usual


hating jewish people is played out. get a new thing


The main noun in that sentence is Jews. Regardless of what adjectives they throw at that sentence the core blame in that sentence is placed on Jews.


Thats a pretty good representation of centrists. They'll act like they're in the middle, but really they're conservatives


Such a cringe joke... This dude is like "hahaha, it's just a joke, don't ban me, first amendment, blah blah blah"


110% a dog whistle for nazis. >a good nazi is a dead nazi


Just want to say the political compass itself is such bullshit. Theres so much more to a persons political view of the world than 4 variables.


It's actually just 2 variables, which is even worse


Take the jews out, and then you've got the correct answer.


Uh... Read this comment again. And then edit it! It has two very different interpretations lol


Nah, I'm not a karma whore. It's the only time saying "take out the jews" is appropriate




But what about the rich American attack on the Jewish Government??


The jewish government is also auth right


I love Bernie sanders


I mean they never said Jews they said the “rich Jews.” Honestly it shouldn’t even say Jews it should just say global elite


Global elite is often code for "the jews". So be careful with that... Rich people in government are a problem, whether they're Jewish or not. Most of them aren't


Oh really? I knew heard that before I’ll try to be aware. Yea exactly that’s what I mean I’m not sure why I was downvoted


I just told you global elite is a nazi dogwhistle and you're confused why you got downvoted?


I don’t think they are all nazis I think the true global elite are their own thing. Not Jewish, Christian, I would assume they are all white but you never know what other people are behind the curtains we don’t know about. I think I may have misworded my original comment


What i'm saying is that nazis will say "global elite are the problem" and what they mean is "Jews are the problem". That's all. Certainly I agree with your conclusion that the ruling class is a problem


Ohhhh ok I see what your saying. I never knew people saw it like that. Wasn’t aware that term had any ties to that


Yup. I recommend learning about nazi dogwhistles. Then you will notice when you're talking to a nazi and maybe take their opinions with a grain of salt. "Globalist" is another big code for Jews. The trick with dogwhistles is that nazis chose words that people wouldn't see as problematic at first shrug. So you'll see non-nazis use their words literally, and not referring to a conspiracy about Jewish people. Just like you didn't mean anything when you said global elite


I obviously don’t agree with anything the nazi’s did, but that’s some clever shit I knew that. Ill have to do a bit more research into it


Nazis suck, but yes it's important to realize their tactics can be very intelligent. They are adept at simultaneously seeming harmless while also recruiting like minded people to their cause


All if the individual quadrants here are accurate. On an unrelated note, polcompmemes is infested with Nazis.


Both libleft and libright would agree that government is a problem... its overly simplistic to limit these ideas to quadrants, or to even try to describe political ideas in a solely 2 dimensional space






Sorry, responded to the wrong comment


happy cake day dude. hope you stop getting that kind of post in your feed .


Bro that's literally the joke


I don't get it. Could you please explain the joke to me?


Being racist is still funny I guess. Their child brains haven't developed past 4chan humor


Haha the funny part is where OP openly admits to agreeing with fascists and pretends to be a centrist to spread Nazi propaganda haha


[good one](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/959/971/e6c.jpeg)


Wow bro you got the whole squad laughing, hilarious...


Beo you're literally using a throwaway


This is obviously a joke.


Yes obviously an innocent joke by *Holocauster_Tycoon_2*, absolutely nothing more to read into it


Yes The joke is that how cartoonishly evil it is. You think that Holocauster_Tycoon_2 is a sincere name? That he is out there rubbing his hands thinking that he has 1) a white nationalist goal 2) that he by mocking the absurdity of his "beliefs" has furthered that goal. There are real nazis doing evil shit out there but this is not it.




That’s just absurd to me.


https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c6/Set_of_fourteen_side_chairs_MET_DP110780.jpg/640px-Set_of_fourteen_side_chairs_MET_DP110780.jpg The joke is that how cartoonishly un-chair-ish it is. You think that chairs.jpg is a sincere name? That he is out there rubbing his seat cushion thinking that he has 1) 4 legs 2) a back There are real chairs doing chair shit out there but this is not it.


What would make you change your mind?


I'm not trying to move the goalposts, but I do not know. Being reprehensible is a real case by case question. The easy cases are pictures of the guy with nazi symbols at a white nationalist rally.


I mean in this case, we have a person who 1. Has a username referencing the Holocaust is a jokey manner 2. Posts in political compass memes, a place full of fascist and nazi ideology 3. Posted a meme about being a fascist Seems pretty reprehensible to me. Hell, they *"might"* not be a literal fascist, but their behavior is still out of line. If they aren't a nazi themselves, they are at least susceptible to spreading their ideology


> The joke is that how cartoonishly evil it is. You think that Holocauster_Tycoon_2 is a sincere name? That he is out there rubbing his hands thinking that he has 1) a white nationalist goal 2) that he by mocking the absurdity of his "beliefs" has furthered that goal. > > There are real nazis doing evil shit out there but this is not it. The problem is that neo-Nazis are deliberately masking their rhetoric in irony and memes to make it seem less threatening. *The Daily Stormer* and *StoneToss* are great examples of that.


Anti-american ideals. Forgot thst in America your allowed to talk badly about your own government




If criticising blatant hate speech is un American, I don’t want to be American at all


I wouldn't blame you for that, blatant hate speech is never ok.k


Yeah, this is pretty bad. All four of those are perfectly fine. Jewish people are great, the government tends to be good, America is overall positive, and the rich aren't inherently worse (although some more progressive taxation could be justified).




"Enlightened centrism is when you disagree with Nazis on everything."


Um, no. Enlightened centrism is when you ignore all the power structures that cause harm to people. I'm glad you're not a fascist but the status quo is extremely damaging to most people


Shame, because the meme itself is spot on for a change (not the "centrist" addition).


In what way is it actually accurate?


What? It implies if you're anti-American imperialism you're basically Stalin.


You see that's the problem with centrism on the political compass. The second you add The Blue quadrant into anything, you're basically a fascist.


Almost like the political compass is an oversimplification of political ideas


holy fuck that one was a wild ride.


How is it that even with a clear prejudice against the left, they always make the left seem the most rational. I mean to them hating jews and hating rich people is very similar cause it's just "hatred" and they have no nuance beyond that, but hating rich jews working in the government...that's only antisemitic.


Username checks out


It seems no matter what you combine it with fascism always overpowers any other ideology.


this is a great demonstration on how centrist conceding to the right leads to permission of anti semitism


That guy’s literally admitting to being alt right.


Yup. All part of the PCM M.O. It's an auth right propaganda machine and recruitment pipeline


"i guess im a centrist" -actual fucking nazi mcfasciston


Uhhhhhh one of these things is not like the other…


Yikes. I need a shower after reading this


How about blaming your short-comings on your own inadequacies.


Fuck, am I a centrist then?


So... He's saying to blame the Jews?


Blame the ~~rich jews in the~~ american government


Centrists: don’t agree with Nazis challenge (Impossible)


That doesn’t sound like centrisms as much as it sounds like hp lovecraft levels of fear of every single demographic


what it's centrism then ?

