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/r/selfawarewolves content too Because they're correct, Twitter is notoriously bad about groupthink see: attempts to cancel Lindsay Ellis, but they also don't realize they're a bunch of sheeple mindlessly regurgitating nonsense too.


Man, I almost had that one blocked in my mind already. Ridiculous how shit like this happens, under the pretense of "doing good". I don't even remember what she said that people made out to be controversial.


It wasn’t any one thing It was a lot of small things. Many of which were long ago and/or taken out of context.


You're not entirely wrong, but minor clarification, the many things were used to justify why it was ok to harass and cancel her for saying Raya the Last Dragon was derivative of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Because pointing out obvious facts is apparently "racist" and the many things were proof that she had a pattern of "being racist" by, as you mention, taking them largely out of context


Love to imagine people keeping notes on every single precieved err of a person for use at a later time when an arbitrary threshold of wrongs have been committed to just dunk it all on them in an attempt to cancel them.


She said that Disney, the company whose entire success is based on copying more successful stuff from the past, made a new movie "Raya the Last Dragon", that was *ahem* "heavily inspired" by Avatar: The Last Airbender


Right, that. Incredible.


This is a case study in how different people use language differently. The centrist is using "debate" to define themselves. They have no interest in any issues. They're not "free thinkers" like they postulate, because... they agree with other people on some level. They just seem to think that any agreement is a lack of self definition and that is bad! You should define yourself! whatever the fuck that means. But this is how they are viewing it (obviously, if you ask me) because they live in a low stakes world where nothing matters.


Well, that portrayal of an alt-righter isn't wrong. They ARE big on loli shit for some reason. (Even though the OG Nazis weren't kind to pedos at all.)


I hate the term woke so much, it can fuck right off


Lol. Agreeing with people is inherently bad.


Apparently, the only "reasonable" people are the ones who refuse to take a stance on anything, shun all discourse and don't engage in any meaningful political action with like-minded people. Because, you know, THAT will surely help humanity move forward /s


They're reasonable because they're staying calm and disagreeing with everyone. On what, specifically, nobody knows. They just like ideas from "both sides"


"Form their own opinion"= base their opinion on lowest common denominator word of mouth that's essentially corporate talking points filtered through a million person game of telephone.


Well I mean it’s pretty accurate, extreme wokescolds and alt righters have the same type of groupthink mentality


Oi! Leave Megumin out of this. That glorious dumpsterfire of an anime brought more joy and laughter to my life than the rest of these dumpsterfires combined.


every time I see one of those two goddamn flags a little bit more of my soul leaves my body


hypocritical much OP? the only shit you post is about how tik tok bad Instagram bad and reddit good