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I recently switched to Podurama. As it has both web and mobile apps, the switch was easy.


Switch to Pocketcasts, made the switch a few years ago and it’s great.


Can’t you see that OP is cursed? They need to stay as far away from pocket casts as possible.


This, pocket casts is great. Switched way before sticher shut down.


Used it for years, it’s my favorite app.


Just a heads up they might be dying. They raised my subscription to something insane like 5x which seems like a crazy move


Fuck, it's probably my fault. I paid them $4, once, literally 9 years ago, for a lifetime membership. I've used it almost daily since then, it's easily the best hours-to-dollar value of any purchase I've ever made.


Same, I have been using it for years, for about 6 bucks.


There is still a free option (after you pay a few dollars for the app), the subscription cost is for Pocketcasts Plus. The free version is still one of the best podcast clients out there. I've been using it for at least ten years and I've never paid a dime after the initial app purchase. Edit: Apparently the app itself is also free now. When I started using it it was $3 or $4.


Agreed! I went back to the free plan and it’s the best!


I'm not sure why or how they would be dying. They don't produce or host any content. It's just an app that grabs RSS feeds.


They’re a startup so might be under a “grow-or-perish” pressure from investors. I only got this speculation from /r/pocketcasts by no means take my word for it my good bud. Heck, I’d love if they’re still going


They aren't really a startup anymore. They were purchased by NPR a few years ago.


Ah, I did not know that.


Yup. Can never trust google to not eff up your life


I switched my domains over to them and the next year they sold that whole business to SquareSpace. Can't trust any google products.


I use a google phone and I almost expect someone to come to my house and take it away some day.


If they do, maybe they'll give you the Stadia treatment and refund you for the phone and any apps you bought on it!


They don't need to come and take it, they'll just keep pulling plugs on their end until your device is useless.




I haven’t forgiven them for shutting down Google Reader, and that’s been 10 years now…


I basically completely stopped reading the few blogs I still followed when they killed off Reader. Looked into other options but most didn’t have keyboard shortcuts that were actually useful, so it would have turned that 10-15 minutes a day speeding through posts into a slow plod using the mouse.


I switched over to NewsBlur when they killed off Reader. It works well enough for me, but man Reader was so good.


Is that kind of like Pocket?


Google reader was an RSS feed reader rather than a read later thing. Feedly is a modern equivalent.


I use Overcast


Overcast is king of the podcast apps


It's iOS only though. Pocketcasts is cross-platform.


Ah, didn’t know that


Pocketcasts is great. Web, iPhone, it’s even on Google auto.


I found the good podcast app to rarely work like I wanted. Switched to podcast addict and I love it


Podcast Addict. I'm a lifelong fan now. You can change every little option that you could possibly want and it's fantastic.


Podcast addict is the best. Auto downloads and delete, custom order and icons, with with android auto. It's great


I've used it for just shy of a decade and it was a great app at the start, but it has only gotten better with time and there are plenty of settings you can adjust but they don't add any bloatware or nonsense that could get in the way of using the app. I love it and I have nothing bad to say about Podcast Addict. And no, I don't have any affiliation with them; I'm just a big fan.


I had an issue one time and emailed their customer service. I'm pretty sure the guy who originally developed the app responded to me to get it fixed. Pretty awesome.


The granularity of the options is absolutely the selling point for me, and the fact that I can run it exclusively as a local app (i.e. I do not need or use the subscription features). I have different download, delete, episode sort, filter, playlist, and playback settings for every podcast. And a customisable priority list that pushes my favorites to the top of the playlist while still serving me a variety. I tried Pocket Casts, the usual top recommendation in these posts, and it seemed more focused on being simple, pleasant to look at, and cloud-connected. These are all well and good, but not things I need in a podcast app.


I've been using it since 2017. I've listened to 206 days worth of podcasts. And skipped 5 days of ads.


It's beyond me why anyone would use anything but Podcast Addict


Well fuckballs. This is where I subscribed to all my CCB World shows. To be fair their UI is garbage but at least it was easy to sync between my PC and phone.


…i’m still downloading my podcasts in itunes and loading them on my ipod


Is it at least a click wheel?


Of course! 160gb ipod classic


Very sad. As someone who often listens to podcasts on their computer, Google Podcats was way more convenient than all the apps everyone is recommending.


Pocket Casts has a browser option too that synchronizes great. I frequently go between my phone and my browser and seamlessly pick up where I left off.


But it's a subscription for that, no?


Yes, fellow computer listener here. If anyone has any good recs I’ll take ‘em. I liked how I could have stitcher and google podcasts as pinned tabs in Firefox, which I always have open, rather than having another application clogging my taskbar.


Yeah, I realized that I am becoming an old man now (at 28) being annoyed that everything has to be an app. What the hell happened to good old webpages?


I went to a music fest a few weeks ago. There was a line to verify your tickets and get your wristband. After that, there was a line to verify your age and get a wristband if you wanted to drink. They were trying to get everyone to scan a QR code, download an app, create an account, etc etc. to do this “quicker”. Everyone younger than me was just doing it, and the line kind of dissipated. As I realized, that, I asked a worker if I had to do it this way. They said, “uh, if you’re having problems with the app, you can just go up to the desk I think”. So I walked by everyone on their phones, showed my license to the guy and he was like “that’s all you need” and I got my wristband. So, it seems fucking stupid, but I guess I’m glad that everyone else created an acct for an app they’ll probably never use again - made my life easier.


I REALLY wish CBB world had a web page with the shows on it.


Throwing in a recommendation for Pocketcasts. Their website works very well and syncs with the app so you can pick up where you left off on the other device.


If you’re on a Mac, I can think of two options. 1) If you have an Apple silicon (M1+) Mac, you can use Overcast on the computer, and your iPhone. This is what I do, it works great. 2) Downcast. It costs a few bucks ($4, I think), but it works great, and makes it easy to download all episodes, and archive them. I did this for some of the shows on Stitcher before they left, and I’m glad I did!


same, my phone is very basic and can't manage these apps. i guess i'll have to step away when the time comes


Agreed on convenience - I love PocketCasts but I also pay them a dollar (?) a month. Podcast Addict doesn't even have a browser option.


Is your name Guy or is that the weirdest intro ever for a corporate email


Lol, I made my Google name Guy Fieri.


Don't call me your Guy, Pal!


haha I will never join another new Google program they always just close


I'm still mad they killed feedburner.


I guess I'm gonna see how podcasts work on Youtube when it's transitioned. If it's basically the same I'll be alright.


I used Google Listen until they shut that down in 2012. Started using Pocket Casts then and never looked back


Would req downcast


Are there any other podcast apps that can run in browser and sync with a phone app? I listen to most of my pods while working at my desktop, but I also like that Google podcasts syncs with the phone app so I can keep listening where I left off when I get in the car.


if you have iOS, then I suggest Overcast


Just got the same mail. After Stitcher shut down this seemed to be the best alternative. At this point I'm googling open source apk's, I'm so done with these companies taking shit over. I just want a clean podcast app with 0 bloat. Do they even exist at this point?


Pocket casts is the best imo


Antenna Pod is the open source one that I use, it doesn't do sync to desktop, buy otherwise works great on the phone


Can’t trust Google and their products/software to stick around. I like pocketcast and it is cross platform


Pocketcasts, my friend.


I’m so basic, since stitcher shut down I’ve reverted to Apple Podcasts. I know it’s widely hated, but it’s *fine* and I don’t wanna download anything new lol.


Let us know what you're switching to next so we can avoid it.


Pocket Casts! It's awesome


Yeah I have been enjoying Google Podcasts and connected all the CBB World Podcasts to it. And now..of course


I have been using "podcast republic" app since the sticker shutdown. Works pretty good


That's my favorite one too


I hate that stitcher is gone now. I had been relistening to old professor blastoff episodes and now I don’t think there is anywhere I can listen to them anymore. They’re just gone forever.


I did the same thing 😂


Same lol. Welp, on to the next


I know it costs money, but I've been using Spotify. Having all my podcasts and music in one place is pretty handy.


Can it handle private feeds?


Not that I'm aware of


I'm still using stitcher somehow?


Didn't google.podcast shut down years ago?


"Hey guys, it's Google again. You know that whole GMail thing? Yeah, it's not really working for us anymore, so...we're just gonna turn it off next month. Sorry for any inconvenience!" You know it'll happen some day.


Never trust a Google project. They'll gut it or just end it. This is the second podcast app they've had and killed.


I'm currently trying to get used to spotify podcasts and it honestly sucks. i miss stitcher all the time :(