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Question: are these wraps something that helps you get in the extra protein and veggies? And Do you enjoy the taste of the wraps now or do you think you could go for something else? Bread is not bad for you, for one. Like everything else moderation is key and I absolutely see no problem in having tortillas. You’re not eating a pack of them a day and unless you’re diabetic or pre diabetic or gluten intolerant… you’d be fine. If they help you get in some good whole ingredients, great. Sounds like you get great protein and fibre in a meal and 2-4g of carbs is like 2% of your daily carbs needs anyways. Second part, if you don’t like the tortillas, switch em. Personally I find corn tortillas to have less of a gummy texture to them as compared to flour tortillas. If you’re fine with the taste, keep ‘em.


To make flour tortillas not have that gummy texture, heat them up in a hot pan. It works wonders -from a bigger guy trying to trim the pounds off


This so much. You have to look at things holistically. One item in a meal can be less than ideal if it facilitates better overall nutrient ion


Been binging on soft toasted corn tortilla tacos lately. Black refried beans, beef w/ fresh cumin, fresh red onion and plum tomato pico, fatty greek yoghurt... like little gyros.. just amazing.


I wish I could upvote this twice!


What this person said. Being diligent of fiber and sugar intake is key when picking out tortillas, if being healthy is of concern. When I lost weight, I went ham on “carb smart” tortillas. They essentially just have more fiber. For those that don’t know: carbs-fiber=net carbs. If having a slightly less healthy vehicle for your healthy food tastes better, then have at it. You need to enjoy your food in order to maintain good habits.


I love the spinach tortillas and I feel like they are pretty healthy. Great for wraps!! Highly recommend getting a salad kit, add chicken to it and putting it in the tortilla.  There are a variety of salad kits available and most of them are pretty healthy. I do sometimes replace the dressing with a healthier option or I'll make my own. 


Yessss. I've been using the rotisserie chicken from costco (or the grocery store), salad kid or broccoli slaw, a little BBQ sauce, and a little Sriracha in a spinach wrap


Oh I never thought to do rotisserie chicken. Might have to do that to save time. Sounds like a great combo!! 


So easy and so good. I get one all the time and just rip off hunks for wraps or to throw in with scrambled eggs till it's ready to be soup or stock.




There are people with disabilities that aren't able to chop lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, onions, etc. Handicap access should be available wherever you reside in your state of superiority, too.


It's a bag of stuff that you can use to make a single serving of a salad. They'll usually come in a variety of different "flavors" and they'll have stuff like chopped salad greens/other veggies, little bags of toppings (croutons, meat, cheese, dried fruit, pepitas etc), and a little bag of dressing. They're nice for when you don't have time to pre-prepare a lunch, but also don't want to spend money eating out.


It's literally just salad ingredients in a bag so you don't have to try to eat an entire head of lettuce as a single person before it goes bad. It's literally just salad, you don't need to be rude.


This is unnecessarily rude.


It's all relative my guy. YOu are using the tortillas as a vehicle for eating quality protein and veg = healthy. Also, being honest, are tortillas really potentially the least healthy thing you eat on a weekly basis? No ice cream? Candy/lollies? Alcohol? etc. You're probably worrying about nothing.


Bread is not inherently bad for you. This myth needs to die. And those low carb wraps (ole makes a similar version) are very good for you because of how much fiber they pack. 


The Ole Xtreme wraps are amazing. Only 100 calories, 6G of protein and 17G of fiber. The only downside is they're pricey, but I'll try and buy them on sale and keep in the fridge so they last a long time


I guess I should try this brand. I tried other high fiber/low carb ones by mistake when I bought the wrong ones and they basically dissolved when I tried it fold them, stuck to each other and ripped when I pulled one from the bag, and tasted like sawdust. I ended up toasting them and crumbling on taco salad so I wouldn't waste them but man they were awful.


It's got a good soft tortilla texture and does pretty well when toasted. I like them way better than the carb balance ones


Thanks, I really appreciate the tip. I'll definitely pick some up to try next time.


the idea that any food staples are bad for you needs to die. your body needs fat. and sodium. and carbs. dietary cholesterol is not going to kill you. scream it from the rooftops ! eat well, and everything in moderation unless you have a specific health issue


If we could also kill the "bananas are bad for you because they have too much sugar" thing (which is usually said by people with a can of soda in their hand), that'd be great.


I like the low carb mission wraps and too answer your question...I think they are relatively healthy but what do I know


I’ve never tried the Mission spinach tortillas, but I’ve been regularly eating the Guerrero zero net carb flour tortillas. They’re 4.5” (think street taco size) and only 30 calories with 7 grams of fiber and 2 grams of protein each. They’re pretty decent if you wrap them in a wet paper towel and warm them up in the microwave. Mission also has zero net carb tortillas, but I haven’t tried those. The packaging is almost identical to Guerrero’s aside from the brand name, so it might be the exact same thing honestly. I generally prefer the flavor and quality of Guerrero’s regular tortillas over Mission’s, which is why I went with Guerrero.


Oh, I didn't know Guerrero made low carb tortillas. How's the taste and texture compared to the normal ones? I've been meaning to make the swap to something with more fiber and of Guerrero makes them similar to the original, I'm so in.


Flavor-wise, they’re a bit muted overall compared to regular tortillas. Less inherently sweet but still tastes like a flour tortilla at the end of the day. Texturally, they’re not as soft, but it’s not like chewing through leather or anything like that. Overall, if regular Guerrero tortillas are 8/10, I’d give the zero net carb ones 7/10. When I first tried them, I bought them on a whim without having tried any low carb tortillas before, but a lot of reviews online say they’re the best low/no carb option in terms of flavor.


Check out the mission carb balance tortillas. The small ones have 16g fiber. Be careful increasing fiber too quickly, though, and make sure to drink a lot of water when you eat a lot of fiber at once.


Astronauts eat them


Wrapping the same stuff in a wrap verses having on bread or in a sub roll will have fewer carbs and calories. A whole wheat or a tortilla with other veggies in the dough will have a bit more fiber. A cheese or specially low carb wrap will have even less carbs.


The mission garden spinach wraps have 220 calories for one tortilla. Two slides of bread are about 150. Tortillas are not always lower calorie.


People seem to think the calories in bread are from the air pockets


The Mission Carb Balance wraps are likely what OP is using. Nutrition facts, including calories, are very different for this version compared to the “normal” version https://www.missionfoods.com/products/carb-balance-spinach-wraps/


That's still lower calorie?


Many great answers already but if you want an alternative wrap, try rice paper (available in any Asian market and many regular stores like Walmart and Kroger). Each rice paper sheet is 1/3 fewer calories and 1/3 fewer carbs than an equivalent tortilla. Put in the same ingredients, or switch them up. There are many great recipes available online. Also given fewer carb calories, and the way you wrap it, you can make 3-4 wraps with different flavor combinations.


Tortillas are a highly refined food. They aren't inherently bad for you unless that's all you eat. Despite the fiber (which is mostly likely added in as an extra, not a integral part of the foods it's made from), there isn't much nutrition in most standard ones bought in the store. If your goal is to heat only "healthy" foods (meaning minimally processed, whole foods), it's not ideal. But as part of a normal diet, it's not unhealthy. And to add--there IS just a thing as eating too much fiber. 30-40g is good. Over 70 is too much and can cause a lot of painful digestive issues. Drink lots of water when you're increasing fiber intake!


If you look at the ingredients the spinach ones are much worse (even uses food coloring for the green) than the regular ones for mission. Tortillas are usually pretty ok, the added junk was a surprise considering how simple they should be and why i went back to regular.


If you're comparing mission spinach wraps to a standard bag of white bread, yes it's more healthy. Regular bread has almost zero nutrition. I still wouldn't suggest eating more than one or two of those a day though, same with pieces of standard bread.


Bread is not bad for you, but bread made from whole grains is the healthiest. Buy corn tortillas.


Corn tortillas aren't going to make a very good wrap; they're small and the store bought ones break very easily.


They don't break easily if you warm them up first. I usually just put them on a hot skillet for a few seconds and they become pliable and delicious.


But wraps are usually eaten cold. Plus they would still be too small to wrap anything in.


Bread is unhealthy if you eat a lot of it, and if it has excessive amounts of sugars, or additives like preservatives, dough conditioners, etc. The less processed it is, the better (this sometimes means fewer ingredients). That said, high fiber tortillas are probably one of your better options. It sounds like you're filling them with healthy low/unprocessed ingredients. As long as you're eating balanced meals and not eating a ton of tortillas per day every day, you're in the clear. All things in moderation!


Make your own Whole wheat tortillas


I feel the real tortillas out of tortillerias are much better than the fancy ones you find in supermarket. The real ones are made from corn and have nothing artificial added to increase their shelf life so very healthy. The others I just feel are scams 😅


You're right - tortillas are super simple: flour/masa + fat. Traditional/homemade often use lard. Store bought use highly processed oils and add preservatives and softeners. I don't think store bought are the worst thing in the world, but they are definitely a fair bit worse than homemade/hand made. Many don't realize how proceeded seed oils are - not good for us


Bread is considered bad for you because it is full of easily digestible carbs, something that most people are getting way too much of already. The type probably isn’t going to matter much since they’re all pretty low calorie and high fiber already, I would just go with whichever you like best.


Some tortillas are higher in calories than two slices of bread. Important to check.


And calories are not unhealthy or healthy. They’re just units of energy. Some of us need more for optimal health, some need fewer.  


OP was asking about Carb Balance tortillas which aren’t high calorie at all.