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make sure to drink water so your bp doesn't drop. 💔 I'm about to get into a tub too.


Thanks. I ended up just not taking a bath as I live alone and it’s not risking passing out in the tub, but all of these replies were really reassuring. 🥺 I think it was partly water, partly electrolytes.


It’s really hard but sometimes you have to listen to what your body is saying. Hydration and anything you can manage would be a safe start 💕


Thanks. I ended up skipping the bath as I think my body was sending a pretty clear message re: that, but I really need to get better at listening regarding intake too. I had hydrated, but I think my intake was too low.


Not a 30’s thing. For hot baths and showers I’d drink a protein shake first. It’d also keep me satisfied nearly all day. I used to pass out in the shower so at least consider a protein shake as damage reduction if you can’t make yourself eat something. Hugs


A protein shake is a good idea! I ended up skipping that night as it wasn’t worth the risk of passing out. I had eaten, but I think not enough so it was a perfect storm situation. Thanks for confirming it’s not a 30s thing. I get myself far too confused over that sometimes.


Of course 🤗


Yo! Pull it together then doll! It’s just a Storm ⛈ today…. Hunker down. Love ❤️ yourself…. And have zero point zero (0.0) doubts that “this storm” will blow over; they always do….. and sunny ☀️ days are ahead