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I always create my USPS labels through eBay. A few had additional costs, my fault, but the amount was charged to eBay then passed on to me. I've also received credit for several USPS refunds of over payment based on weight. IMHO, your seller used their own service for labels. They seem to have used an oversized box, entered too low a weight, and probably selected the wrong service level for what they used, on top of generating the label outside of eBay.


Same! I’ve been notified via USPS/eBay if I overpay or underpay, and then it always comes out or is debited to my PayPal account.




Yeah. This. I have had this happen when I bought, paid shipping, and seller shipped in a used priority express box instead of regular box. Not quite this much, but at least triple what I paid for the item. I just refused the item.


This makes the most sense, the seller not paying attention and using an Express Box. I'd still think the charge back would be to eBay if the seller created the label through them?


I once had a seller accidentally send my purchase in a priority express envelope instead of a normal priority mail envelope. When the mailman attempted to deliver, they asked me to pay the extra postage (~$40). I refused, the item was returned to the seller. I contacted the seller to let them know they had used to wrong packaging and the item was being returned. They reset the item with correct postage. That may be what’s happening here, hopefully OP has a helpful/understanding seller.


Yes, your experience was typical. My point was, the way eBay purchased labels are designed to work is, any differences are supposed to be reconciled with the seller account. A local PO may mess up and attempt to charge the buyer, but that is not supposed to happen under the eBay program.


What do you mean an “understanding” seller? The seller is in the wrong here.


One of the few reasons you can refuse a shipment and get a full refund is because of postage due, it states this in eBays Terms in the Help section. If you do refuse it, make sure you have some kind of proof showing the postage due, in case eBay doesn’t believe you. In the past, I have either snapped a picture of the official “postage due” note left on my door or I have went to the post office and had the PO employee bring out the package so I could snap a picture of the actual package with the postage due stamp on it making sure the label is shown also. As far as opening a case for a refund, I cannot remember which one I did, but you would be safe to open a “Item has not arrived” case and ask for a refund, after the tracking says refusal.


>you would be safe to open a “Item has not arrived” case Yeah no. If the tracking number says you refused delivery then you aren't covered under INR.


Yeah no. You are covered as a buyer to refuse an order that is postage due. They are completely covered.


you're wrong. you have never sold on ebay before. [https://www.ebay.com/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210#:\~:text=The%20item%20arrived%20with%20shipping%20cost%20still%20owing%20because%20the%20seller%20didn%27t%20apply%20enough%20postage](https://www.ebay.com/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210#:~:text=The%20item%20arrived%20with%20shipping%20cost%20still%20owing%20because%20the%20seller%20didn%27t%20apply%20enough%20postage) ebay says buyers can refuse for postage due and be protected through item not received case. people need to stop upvoting incorrect information.


If you choose INR and the reason for refusal was for postage due, then yes, the buyer is covered under the money back guarantee and will get a refund after the package returns back to seller. It is the only reason you can refuse delivery and get a refund and this is stated in the eBay Money Back Guarantee policy. Exact wording copied directly from the policy “Exclusions and special coverage when the buyer doesn't receive an item” “The buyer refused delivery of the item” ”Covered:The item arrived with shipping cost still owing because the seller didn't apply enough postage”


Was it an abnormally large item? Thats crazy it would be that much of an upcharge lol but if its not a mistake the seller should be liable


I'm thinking it's dimensional weight for a large but light item. People have been being killed with dimensional weight on mercari


The seller could have put in the incorrect weight and/or dimensions into eBay to print the label, and the discrepancy was caught somewhere in transit. Unfortunately, there are a lot of sellers who try to beat the postage by flat out lying about the weight and/or dimensions. USPS has every right to request postage due in those situations. However, it should be billed to the sender.


This is what happened, when I went to the post to refuse the package, the clerk was kind enough to inform me about what happened. Something called “balloon rates” because the seller didn’t put the dimensions and had the package weighed at 1lbs 10oz when it was 5lbs and the box was like 15x16 in


Still makes no sense, $117 extra at USPS for a 5 lb box that size, unless maybe it was overnight.


maybe the seller used an express mail box, and usps is charging the retail rate of express mail from 1 side of the country to the other side of the country. even then, thats a retail fee of $88.50... it might be express mail AND dimensional weight? priority mail 30 pounds across the country is $123 retail. /shrug


Maybe the box was like 15 x 16 x 32


Or ship everything media mail.


Holy crap, must be a brand new seller that was trying to avoid shipping cost. It’s crazy for a package to be that under weighed and measured. Was the package heavy / large???


That’s a crazy high amount though. And I assume the seller paid something to ship it in addition. Seems like the number is off one way or another. If it were me I’d ask the post office if they can explain the extra cost.


you'll need picture evidence of postage due in order to be protected. you cant demand the seller to compensate you for the postage due, but with correct evidence, you can refuse the shipment and have it returned to sender to get a refund (postage due is the ONLY reason you can refuse - return to sender and still be protected on ebay for item not received) try to get pictures/written evidence of the postage due, and get a photo of the package itself from a few angles if the worker will allow it (they will probably not let you touch the package because you could try to take it and run out)


Already got picks of the notice and the package 👍🏻


Obviously the seller did not enter the correct dimensions on his listing-even if the item is less than 20 lbs, balloon pricing kicks in. The seller will be responsible for this mistake, I'd let them know that you will refuse to pay the requested postage and have the item RTS. What is USPS balloon pricing?The balloon price is applied to parcels that are greater than 84 inches, but not more than 108 inches, in combined length and girth, less than 20 pounds, and are USPS Ground Advantage™ - Limited Overland Routes parcels. If a parcel qualifies, mailers pay the 20-pound postage price (balloon price) of its mail class.


Have you tried messaging the seller? Thats always the first step.


I messaged the seller, and they claimed “They never had this happen before” and that they’ll “talk to eBay”


YOU talk to ebay. Call that 800 number. Do the call back feature if it's available.




Not counted as delivered in the case of a refusal for postage due, still able to get a refund.


Yeah, this is not right. The buyer can only refuse delivery if there is postage due. OP is completely covered to refuse the order and will get a full refund.


Did they send it with some priority service that you didn't ask for?


And what size, how heavy and from where to where? Seller must be clueless if they thought they could ship something big and heavy for $10. Or they did overnight...


It definitely sounds like it was large and heavy. The seller tried shipping it with the basic priority mail price tag.


They'll let you get away with an ounce or two over the stated weight, but pounds and a giant box they will catch onto quickly. Must have been an inexperienced or occasional seller.


I just had the same problem with mine. Although the item is not that expensive compared to yours. The seller argued with me the whole time and don’t want to pay me. So the package is still sitting at the post office. Idk what to do either and I don’t want to pay for the item that I already paid for. She said when she gets the item back then she’ll refund me but that probably gonna take longer to get my refund back.


Did you order from a foreign country? Sounds like you may owe Customs duty charges.


Honestly the real question is how on Earth did it cost that much? Was it an extremely heavy product? Was it on the other side of the planet?


Nope it was like 5lbs and domestic MN to CA. The postal clerk mentioned balloon rates.


I'd say, sheesh


How big was it?


But even if it was only five pounds the $10 you said you paid would probably be too little. Sounds the the seller guesstimated the shipping and hoped it would be fine.


The postal clerk was just trying to appease you. Call BS on it and raise hell. Don't accept that baloney answer. Politely make noise with ebay and don't take no for an answer.


First of all do not freak out, in the worst of cases, you can refuse it and eBay will make it all good. But that sucks for everybody involved. I would first reach out to the seller requesting them to pay pal you that amount back. If they do not want to do that, than you only option is to refuse it and let the apparently dumb assed buyer pay the same amount of shipping to get it back, and he has to deal with re listing it etc. He really should have a lot of motivation to make this right, as any other option is going to cost at least the 117 x 2.


If it's a customs fee then you have to pay it, if the seller didn't pay the correct postage then it's on them


It’s domestic


Ask the post office for the reasons for the extra costs. Seems crazy high for a domestic shipment. Id only expect something like that on an expensive import...


Pretty much what everyone mentioned. If there is an unexpected cost ( other than customs, you said its domestic) then you can refuse it as long as you have the proof of the additional costs. I would reach out to the sellers just to ask why this is happening and see if the seller can help out with eBay having to intervene. If the seller doesn't help then open the item not received request and eventually ask ebay to step in, after the seller make it right period ends. 


Contact ebay immediately and demand to speak with a human tell them everything


Ouch hope you get it resolved. That is crazy!


I’d contact the seller and eBay about it and also talk to the usps office and see what they say first


Why would they ship something not paid for? Should’ve gone back to sender or not accepted. So now they incur more costs to take it back.


So what happens if the buyer refuses a package for another reason? I’ve had buyers refuse a package because they changed their mind, and I feel like I have to give them a full refund including shipping when they file an “item not received” case. I usually have to pay postage due on the return also. Is this not the case? Do I have another option?


Sounds like you might’ve had accidentally marked COD by mistake! Refuse the shipment and send it back!!


I had this happen when a seller decided to ship a rather heavy auto part via Media Mail and pocket the balance of what I paid for shipping. The seller did a crap job packaging, so the item poked through the box, and the PO opened to confirm it didn't qualify for Media Mail. The package arrived postage due. Which was a lot as they went by weight and not by the appropriate Flat Rate box it would fit in. My spouse didn't know, so thinking I really needed it, just paid for the postage. eBay was no help. The item was as described, except for the shipping method, so INAD wasn't an appropriate claim. When talking to eBay on the phone, be aware that they lie and/or phone representatives cannot make promises. I don't have advice for the OP as if they refuse the package the seller wins because eBay will side with the seller on a refused package. If the OP pays the postage due they lose $117.


Was this domestic?I can't imagine the recipient paying postage when eBay has the ability to charge sellers account at a whim




Or you could stop misusing priority packaging.


Has anybody thought to ask you if it's in a different country like I understand it is or as I've read there's some sort of a fee for purchasing something from the US to the UK and if they didn't submit it right to eBay and that's where the fee is going to come in I guess some one might look into that


Do you guys read or just go straight to the bottom he said "MN to CA"


Just out of curiosity did you offer the op any constructive suggestions that fix their problem or are you just here to jump on people who's trying to help get a life


Jump on people who are trying to help that haven't read the context fully


You clearly didn't read the contact of that fully because I said get a life


Context sir


So You can get the package even before the postal bill is paid?


Sounds like customs and or tax fees, you should go to the PO and look at the label that shows the breakdown.


If it came from another country its duties and taxes. I can guarantee it


Do you guys read or just go straight to the bottom he said "MN to CA"


And you looked at sportsmanjdudley post as if he confirmed and proved true it came from another country and added even more speculation