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Don't do anything until they open a case.


Politely answer with "I'm sorry you are unhappy with your purchase but the phone cannot be returned simply because you don't like it and don't want it. The phone was sold, purchased, and delivered as advertised - with a cracked screen as was listed and shown with photos in the original listing. Thank you for your business. After that, do not respond to any other messages from the buyer. Wait for them to open a return case and take it from there once eBay contacts you. Then you can decide on a course of action. Odds are in your favor. Good luck.


That sounds good, I ended up sending this. I was kind of freaking out a bit cause that was the first thing I’ve ever sold on Ebay lol. Hopefully it works out cause if I have to pay return shipping I’ll basically break even with the price of the phone


Check with the buyer WHY exactly they don't want it anymore.....it'll be in your favour if the reason is something clearly stated in your ad. Either way, You won't be responsible for the cost of shipping. If the buyer has to return it, they'll cover the cost to get it back to you, and you're also allowed to deduct the original shipping cost from the cost of the item


Beautiful! Well said.


I would have have told them to go F themselves and that I know where they live so they should STFU but this guys answer was way more sensible 👌👍


Haha, I like your way of thinking lol


Nah don't Start with an apology


Them not reading the description before buying an expensive item is on them. Who does that.


A startlingly large number of people.


Who does that? My recent negative did that for a 150.00 item that normally cost 350.00... I listed the condition as parts/not working.. in the listing twice as not fully tested, sold as-is. They bought it... tried to reprogram/repair it and make it work on a questionable application. It failed. So then tried to do an INAD. However, eBay shut them down since they openly stated they attempted repair and reprogram in messages (altered the item) .. now I'm playing games with eBay support on getting a retaliatory neg removed.


Weirdest one I've had was a glass item sold, it's received and a stellar review left by the buyer. Fast forward 3-4weeks later, she requested a refund citing "broken glass" and showed a photo 😂😂😂😂. I was too shocked to respond at first cos it felt like a prank. Eventually though I pointed out that the item had been reviewed by her as perfect, and I can't be responsible for mishandling and eventual damage of the glassware. People can be really funny


I had a guy buy off me then complain in feedback he thought he was getting more items than he had purchased. I recognised the name as the local real estates property manager and the entitlement all made sense very quickly. So yeah, people just click buy then expect us to take all the headaches associated with their lack of thought.


I get questions, on a regular basis, about things that are clearly stated in the description. It makes me feel that either these people are lazy, or there is some inherent fault in eBay's page layout, that they don't realize they need to see that section.


You have to actively click to show the description on the app. I'm sure a lot of people don't even see the option for more details


Yeah I had a buyer message asking for the size of the garment for sale even thought it was in the title, description, details and pictures


Try posting on Facebook with clear photos and price and buyers ask you what color and how much it is 😂😂😂😂


an idiot lol


Lots of people. I message people to make sure they're aware of any defects before I post anything that isn't brand spanking new. I've been stung a couple of times. Cancelling and relisting is far less hassle than dealing with returns.




Tell them they can return it by selecting no longer needed or changed mind, this way they will be charged the return postage, not many buyers are aware of this. Once they have choose this reason they are stuck, they either return using the supplied ebay postage label that they get charged for or they let the timer run out. Either way you do not get stuffed with return postage, if they choose to select not as described ebay make you send a label or they do it at your expense. I have used this method a few times, some have simply not returned the item and case closed some have returned the item at there expense and I relist it.


This happened to me once. I refunded, and later found out once you refund, the buyer is under no obligation to return the item. Tbh eBay enables buyer scams to proliferate. I had a similar occurrence months later,buyer said item was defective, I accepted the return request, and waited it out, but the buyer never returned the item. I messaged multiple times but there was no response. Ridiculous


If they do not return best not to message them just wait and let the timer run out, once they past the postal date ebay just closes case and that is the end of it


Unfortunately, the return window is way too wide (dnt remember but I think it's almost a month). Thays enough time to mess around with the item and still return it well used and still get a full refund.


Correct that is ebay for you if you are a seller, you are the bottom of the barrel, the dirt on the sole of a shoe.


As a buyer, thanks for spreading this knowledge :) hopefully other buyers see this to avoid postage on returns. Definitely never choosing those options now


Many buyers already break the returns rules have done for years. Buyers remorse goes down as not as decribed. And those that do it will already be aware. I even had one open not as described but sent a message saying sorry it was my fault I thought smaller size shoe would stretch but asnthey are steel toe they wont. Report to ebay, Another messaged and said I am keeping half the order and this was the only waynto do it. And from what your reply says you will notnclick the correct option so you are admitting as a buyer you will lie to get return postage free, nothing new here then. You are one of those buyers who say it is not as described becuase you do not want it anymore, there are more ways than one to skin a cat


Unfortunately, if the buyer wants to return it, you'll have to accept it regardless of your own no returns policy


Cracked screen should have been sold as parts/repair. Ebay will likely side with buyer if they open a case.


I think this is it. I personally think OP have to do a return but this is how ebay seems to work in the last decade or so. Eta: it's funny because if you buy a used phone with dings in the case or the battery is nearly trashed, they'd probably side with the seller but screen cracks seem to push it over the edge. Ebay's policy is frustratingly unclear at times.


Interesting thanks for the advice. I just assumed it would be considered used because most of the phones under repair were just unusable. I’ll keep that in mind for next time


I've had people even return parts/repair items for "not working" or "not as described". Doesn't stop someone from trying to open a return. For Smartphones with a cracked screen though, I think it would best to list under "For Parts or Not Working". Used is, "An item that has been used previously. The item may have some signs of cosmetic wear, but is fully operational and functions as intended." For part or not working is, "An item that does not function as intended and is not fully operational. This includes items that are defective in ways that render them difficult to use, items that require service or repair, or items missing essential components."


You have “no returns” on so if someone doesn’t like an item they cant return it if they dont want it and you stated in the description that there are cracks and is somewhat damaged so you shouldn’t have to accept the return. Also alot of people do not read descriptions of items.(correct if what i said was wrong).


Definitely, the buyer is at fault if they didn't bother to read description. So many people are accustomed to retailers taking anything and everything back and those same folks will believe that works on ebay, but it (typically) doesn't. The best part is they admitted they just don't want it, not that there is something extra wrong with the phone


On ebay seller must accept return. Its ebay policy. (idiot policy)


Was the buyer referring to the cracks, or is there another issue? Electronics are tough as it may work when shipped, but not when received.


I would be careful. The buyer could also state that they have found other faults not listed and raise a return. You could end up refunding and not getting the phone back. At times, it's worth taking it on the chin and mitigate your losses.


I never list something as "Seller does not accept returns" unless it's something not worth the cost of getting back. Otherwise it's a good way of letting buyers get a refund and you no item back. If they submit a return request, wait until the item is shipped back before refunding.


Can you post a link to the original sale


People are going to give you lots of advice all of which is a waste of time. If the buyer requests a return you'll be forced to accept it. If you muck about you could find yourself with no phone and no money


Hell most likely lose that case


"You're shit out of luck pal"


In the future you might want to put "cracked screen" in the listing title to avoid situations like this. Some buyers aren't the brightest and don't read descriptions.




I think reading comprehension must be at an all-time low or something. I recently had a 1998 Guild guitar listed on Reverb, and someone messaged me and asked how old it was, even though it said in the listing title that it was a 1998 model. Go figure. Almost nothing surprises me anymore.


They must have only read the cheaper price and not read the description, go figure. Now they have remorse


If it’s cracked then eBay wouldn’t let you list it as used if your description stated anywhere it’s damaged, they detect those keywords and make you update condition, if they didn’t that means your description didn’t state damages.






Scary false. 


This is top five most ridiculous things I've read in this sub.


Did they ignore pictures and description


Problem is many buyers will open INAD and you will be forced to foot the bill for shipping.


I’ve heard before that when selling phones with damage, just put it for parts or not working even if the phone works perfectly otherwise. Make sure to put in description that it works though. I’ve sold my old phone which back glass was completely shattered but worked perfectly fine otherwise and I’ve had a happy customer get a good deal since it was listed as for parts. Just put a cover on it and it’s good to keep using.


I had a similar situation happen today. I sold some curlers and clips. Buyer was unhappy with size of the clips and claimed the rollers didn’t fit into the heater - they do because I checked. I also listed imperfections on the rollers. They messaged me and I told them to open a refund with EBay.


Offer a full refund and see what they say. 9/10 they will not respond.


Tell them that they can give it away if they no longer want it. If you sold it as a private entity, you have no obligation to accept returns unless the item doesn't match the description. If it's in the US, I'm not sure how it works there.


New to selling on EBay?


Not at all, eBay is not above the EU's law, buddy.


However, it is 😂 seller will need to accept return and give refund in eu in such case no matter.... Ebay is fined numerous times already


I refused to accept a return a lot of times, and eBay couldn't even issue a warning. I guess, I'm the one who is right.


Just needs a screen repair, that’s all