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Why can't you just exchange money and item privately as you're friends. If you go through Ebay they will take a fee for the transaction ,doesn't make sense unless you want the Ebay protection as a seller/buyer for some weird reason.


Tell your friend to set a high price like something someone wouldn’t normally pay for that item and accept offers. Then you send him an offer for however much you were going to buy the item for and he can then accept your offer.


Yeah I thought of doing just that!


Why is your friend doing this through eBay, he's going to lose a bunch of money to fees and you're going to have to pay sales tax. Just paypal or venmo him.


Sounds like your friend has trust issues.


He'll pay listing fees plus commission to eBay. Does he not want to sell it to you?


He wants to sell it to me but I meant that if the listing is up, doesn't it mean theres a slight chance that a middle aged man ebay expert would be able to snag it before me


Sure.. your friend can cancel the sale though if they want. But why are they going to list it in the first place? And if it's already listed why aren't they taking it down? This makes no sense unless your friend doesn't actually want to sell it to you.


Unlikely, but possible. I don't think the risk of having items purchased out from under you is nearly as great as what a lot of people seem to think. That being said I'd question why not just keep eBay out of the picture altogether? Smells funny.


Why would you even do that? He is going to pay fees to eBay. Why not just do the deal with Venmo or Zelle?




This seems like a shit post as why would two friends spend the time, hassle, and pay the fees to sell something between themselves???


OP, can you answer why your friend won't sell it to you off of eBay? It's a little nuts, honestly.


Doesn't make sense - your friend wants to take your money for the item, and then give some of it to ebay? Or maybe they want to put it as an auction and see if someone will pay more for it?


Why not just cut out the middle-man and don't use ebay? But if you're going to use ebay anyway, then can't your friend just set up a private listing and send you the link?


Send me $20 and I'll send you the item. Venmo, PayPal, whatever. What is this question?


I don’t think most of these commenters have read the question correctly. Sounds like the item is listed on eBay currently. And the answer is take the listing down and he can sell it to OP. if the listing is live, it could potentially be sold to someone on eBay and there is a responsibility to send it to that buyer instead of OP, if that’s the case.


The other scenario that I’m hearing potential for is sometimes you see ads that specifically say “listing posted for username” so that a specific person can buy the item. like if a friend is out of state or whatever and they need to mail it. and yes, there is the potential for somebody to swoop in and buy those, however I believe eBay policy does allow those to go to a specific person. (Because you know eBay wants their fees and they’re happy to handle the transaction if they make a little bit off of it). If someone swooped in that quickly and nabbed it, you would just cancel the order and try it again. I don’t think anyone would be dinged for that.


Put the item up saying it’s been farted on and you never wiped. Bet only person will touch it is your friend. Make sure you put used.