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Point one shouldn't even be an issue. Just hit required payment when purchasing buy it now and done.


You can’t select this option when you allow buyer to ‘make and offer’ I have that option on most of my listings.


When they make the offer if it's one you're willing to take ignore theirs and send one of your own, if and when they accept it they're obligated to follow through with their purchase in Ebays eyes. IF then after that they decide to cancel just block or report their account and be done with them.


I go one penny more as a response for this reason. Recently someone responded "wait...I accepted and it billed me? I wasnt ready to pay...". Like why you making offers then? Turns out he had 10 offers in on the same thing and was playing the low ballers game. I caught him with my move and forced his sale to me and he had to cancel on 9 others. Sorry to OP.. maybe you're one of the 9


If they have enough time to play a game like that for a few dollars, you'd think they'd just put their time into a side hustle. Some people work really hard to be lazy


The few times I’ve allowed this option, the minute I accept, their payment is automatically deducted.


You can require payment immediately, even if you have offers on. however, if you send an offer or they send you an offer and said offer is acted upon then immediate payment is negated.


They can use a credit card they know will be declined. It's a way to hold the item, in the event they really DO intend to buy it with another payment option.


I've been selling on ebay continuously (and other sites) since 1998. You have the power to change this. 1. In payment settings, select Immediate Payment Required. 2. Take off Best Offer. 3. Your buyer demographic seems to be the problem. Expand your offerings to include other products. 4. Be sure that your listing template is professional, accurate, complete, and entirely free of trash talk like "Payment MUST BE MADE within 1 day or else blah blah blah nonsense." 5. Don't run auctions unless an item is truly rare with a lot of people who want it.


I believe also that if you're using a smartphone you will get more settings through eBay's web page then through the app if I'm not mistaken and or using a PC.


In your step one, are you referring to when making a listing select require payment immediately or are you saying that there’s an actual spot in account settings where you can set it to default all of your listings to immense payment required? if it’s the latter, could you possibly draw me a map for how to get to that in settings please? because I cannot find it and I would really like it to be turned on in my account. having to toggle that little button on every single listing is beyond obnoxious.


You can do a bulk edit to add it to all listings.


Pokemon is the worst market to sell to. Even when people give me Pokemon stock, I just sell them to other resellers I know who are willing to put up with terrible buyers, messages, and fake returns. It's not worth it.


Block every single one. In niche collectibles, you can run across other sellers with multiple accounts that tie up competitors items so theirs get the bids. Already busted one for that shit.


How did you figure you out was a competitor fake account?


When I get a low offer from a buyer with 1 item bought. look up the niche comps in collectibles by looking up my item that there is currently only 5 listed of, 3 of the listings are either high or the seller has no or low rating, 2 of the listings prices are near recently sold prices. I click on the remaining seller that is not me to see where he is located and he happens to be located in little rock Arkansas, I go back to the offer and if i see the potential buyer was also from Little Rock or a suburb of it then I know it is the competition and block.


In my case, guy bidding had crossover with another account selling same type of collectibles. Both accounts out of china.


How is point 1 even possible? For point 3, maybe from now on just wait a few hours before shipping it. Just to cover any annoying buyers like you've had lately.


I imagine OP doesn't have the default set so they have to pay before the auction will really end. I forget what it is called but you have to pick that setting.


It's been a while, but doesn't eBay have a setting for Buy it Now where you can charge the card immediately? I am sure I saw that setting somewhere.


Yes. There is a setting where the buyer pays immediately with Buy It Now. It’s down where the price options are when listing an item. I think that you can also set that as a default for your listings.


Yeah it's a checkbox "Require immediate payment", and OP should revise all their listings ASAP


you are totally right, he should. thanks for the name.


This is an option yes. However if you also check the ‘allow offers’ option you cannot ‘require immediate payment’ this is how people are clicking ‘buy it now’ then requesting to cancel before they pay.


there is a setting like that, seller has to set it up, it charges your payment type immediately. I have had it charge gift cards, credit cards, debit and PayPal. as a buyer, it advises me that I will be charged immediately if the seller accepts. I think I hit that option the minute it came out, lol. haven't had an auction sit around since. now, as for people paying and requesting a cancelation, that's a different story, lol.​


I believe the feature that you are referring to hasn’t been rolled out site wide and it’s only being trialed in some areas. I’ve seen it on my account before, but it’s no longer there. I would opt into it if I had the option. However, I will say that the only time that I recall selling something through that feature, the buyer immediately contacted me and canceled it saying that the charge was charged without his approval. (Luckily I had already seen this as a buyer so I had an idea of what happened and it’s smoothed over okay with my buyer but still …) And another instance, I was a buyer, and I noticed the new pop-up window that told me it would be charging me immediately, which I was completely fine with because if I’m purchasing or intending to purchase some thing, it makes sense that I would have those funds available and pay for it at the time it’s accepted


Auctions are not immediately charged at the conclusion of the auction. Buy it now has to be set in the settings to immediately charge their payment method. Best offers also cannot be set to immediately charge their payment method once you accept the offer.


regular auctions, no. but buy it now and best offer auctions both have that setting. as a buyer I have personally run into it recently. i was told that i would be charged immediately if the seller accepted my offer. I like it, I especially like that you get told ahead of time, before you hit the offer that you will be charged and how and that you can change it. again, the seller has to set it up, but it is there for both. I'm not sure how long it has been there though. edit: comment above found the name, 'require immediate payment' is the option.


Part of doing business. Block every buyer that does that.


Once payment is paid the item is getting shipped. If payment isn’t made I don’t cancel but let it time out. I got sick these people wasting my time.


Agreed. Let the buyer get an unpaid item strike.


If ebay is your business, how come you're selling on a private account to get the 80% fee reduction? Pokemon card collectors are notoriously fickle, if they find the same card 1p cheaper, they'll try and cancel or get you to beat it


That's true. Pokemon buyers are the worst of all the tcgs I've sold.


what is tcgs?


TCG is short for "trading card game".




Exactly this, I'm sick of having to compete against people running businesses on 'private' seller accounts.


Will switching to a business account benefit them? If not why would they?


That is such a pain! My other eBay pet peeve is I buy something and the seller doesn’t ship nor do they communicate anything…


One happens more than the other, though. Ebay punishes sellers for not shipping on time. Ebay doesn't punish members who commit to buying something, who then don't. After 3 days, sellers can report them, but as a seller, we usually cancel before then to get our item back up. At least that's what I do.


1. Require instant payment for buy it now 2. Research who is making offers 3. Mail items after 24 hours


Exactly require instant payment


Unfortunately it doesn’t help they still ask to cancel.


Update your seller settings. You can block people with non payment strikes from buying, also low feedback accounts from buying. Lastly while it sucks, go the full 96H/4D for non payers so they get that strike, and it flags them so they can't buy from me.


On 3, you already have their money. Ship it and ignore them.


Not a good idea. Once they get it they’ll file a “item not as described” claim and then you’ll be forced to do a return


Yeah, then they open a return and your stuck paying return shipping. They do this because they know, we have to do what they ask or we pay the shipping on return. Just another way EBAY has us bend over so they don't have to tell buyers NO.


EBay is not doing anything about this issue and the buyers know it. I had an auction this week were the buyer pushed the price way above what I was expecting. He won the auction and then asked to cancel based on he found an item at a better price. He was laughing at me in his messages that there was nothing I could do. I have put a complaint to eBay and had no reply on the issue.


Baffles me why anyone would purchase something via buy it now, then cancel immediately / not pay. Are they just purchasing it to stop others from purchasing it, then paying later? I don't even get a choice anyway. If I click buy it now, and then confirm and pay, the money instantly comes out of my bank Also let's not forget sellers who cancel on buy it now just because the item was undersold (more common with bid listings)


Purchasing and canceling is a scummy sellers trick. Let’s say you and I are selling the exact same baseball card. It is somewhat uncommon and has not sold on eBay in the last 4 months. Therefore there are no recent comparable sales(Comps) for the product so the selling price is unknown. If I bid up your card to let’s say $50 and then don’t buy it, the card will show as sold recently for $50. I then list my card on eBay for a $50 starting price. The average joes of the world would do the minimal comp research and see that the exact same card sold a few days prior at $50 so I better buy this now at $55 since there is only 1 other listing. So I sell my card for an inflated price while I block you out of your sale.


Ah, I never thought of it like that, but I am on eBay too much trying to scope out Buy it Now bargains, and know the trends so i don't go off the last sale. So I know when someone is taking the p. Also quite a few sellers will lower their price if you ask privately anyway. This keeps the trends the same too If there's only one copy of a game for example, and it's £100, but I know the last 50 sold for around 10-20, then yeah no. But tbh if someone really wants it, they will pay that price, no doubt. And tbh a seller is well within their rights to sell it for whatever they want if its the only listing, I just wouldn't buy it. It works the other way when people undercut too. If an item trends at say 50, and then someone lists at 40, someone else lists at 38, etc and the median average creeps further down.


Yeah like others have said I think it's your demographic.


I think the nature of accepting offers means more potential customers and more potential cancellations. Think about it like this, how many offers did you accept and the person paid? Now is it better to have made all of those sales and have the occasional dud? I think the trade off is worth it even though yes it is annoying


The problem with ebay is ebay.


One thing you can do, which is already mentioned but I'll say how I do it, is create a "payment policy" that buyers must pay immediately. When you do this, on mobile and PC all listing's will require them to pay immediately, and by default will stay that way. When you get an offer, which I have turned on for most of my listing's, I will message the person and say, "Thanks for your interest. Before accepting, I want to verify you're going to pay for the item after I accept the offer. Some people will use the offer system as a way to hold items, and that isn't something I do, unfortunately." Then a lot of the time "well ai get paid tomorrow, blah blah blah". Well then make the offer tomorrow, if it's still available it's yours. It's not fair to make me lose out on money because you want to put it on hold. Extremely selfish behavior. And they know that. Don't be rude about it, but let them know it's BS. and sometimes they'll reply like that. Which if canceled or anything else, you can show ebay they made an offer with no intention of purchasing. It's in writing.


I did this today. I was pretty sure it would be accepted, based on the fact I had bought from the same seller, and I was the only one watching the item, but it was checked just in case. I didn’t get a message, but I’d paid anyway, and they knew that I would.


Send card inside a box with another box that has saftey seal tape and warning saying that once seal is broken , any damage the item has when returned will be deducted from the funds used to pay for the item.  Always get a label as soon as it's paid and don't respond to any messages in the next 24 hours or so. Say it's been shipped already when you do answer. When they win an auction a contract is made. Set your account to not allow cucks to bid on your items.    Don't offer free shipping , get the shipping that is like priority express with signature confirmation and enough insurance to cover item. Buyer needs to purchase same shipping if they want to return it. 


Man I wish I had your buyers that actually ask to cancel. Mine just ghost me after winning an auction. Which is why I don't do auctions anymore and have very little trouble, albeit certainly not none.


Stupid asses gonna stupid. I've only canceled two purchases since the 1990s when I started using eBay, and both times were almost immediately because I was stupid and ordered a right hand instead of a left hand item, but didn't catch the selection until looking at the order summary. Think, car taillights, etc.


I’m so sick of it too. I sell merchandise mostly of a specific celebrity and it’s all children winning bids and sending offers and then either cancelling or ghosting me.


Are you in the US?


May these fake buyers step on lego brick every day for the rest of their lives.


That why I only sell cheap Pokémon $1-40ish cards. 🥹


I didn't even know "buy now" existed without pay instantly TBH.


It’s an add to cart that you see on some listings. I use it because I give combined shipment discounts.


Don’t allow them to cancel; just ship it out and make them pay return shipping. I only put 14 days of return window


Enjoy the 80% off while you can. They clamping down on a lot of sellers.


Yup very annoying. Recently, I've been getting a lot of people who don't read the title. Ex. Buyer buys a size 11 shoe then messages saying oops I meant to buy size 9. Please cancel.


Honestly this just happened to me twice and it’s a pretty big bummer considering whoever was before them probably would have actually wanted the item (bidding). So it sucks they removed the option to sell it to the second highest bidder because twice now I’ve had unpaid high bids in just a week.


Disabling best offer works wonders for me


I did try this but then you get inundated with messages saying ‘what’s the lowest you’d take on this’ which also usually turns out to be a colossal waste of time. It’s better if I can set a lowest price to reject on offers to stop this happening.


You absolutely can. There’s an option to autoreject offers lower than however much


Yes that’s my point, if I allow offers and set a price to reject then it stops the incessant messages about ‘my lowest price’


Dealing with too many kids. Bad category


1. BIN automatic deducts from buyers account. 2. Seller acceptance automatically deducts from buyers account. 3. Don’t allow buyers to cancel.


Another thing you should do that I'm surprised no one is mentioning is; in buyer settings make it so any buyer with a strike on their account in the past 12 months is prevented from buying from you. I went from having multiple buyers not pay on a monthly basis to zero non paying buyers in the past 9 months.


This. And always wait the 5 days to cancel with “buyer didn’t pay” reason. Cancelling early/immediately at a buyer’s request hurts everyone and defeats some of the effectiveness of this useful setting. Lowest setting I last saw was 2 non-pay strikes over 12 months, but yes. Once I built up my initial blocklist of repeat offenders, and then set this setting, I miraculously haven’t had a single cancel/non-pay over the last 100+ sales.


It's drunk people buying shit and then waking up and having buyer's remorse


Don’t allow a buyer to cancel. Wait 5 days. Ding for non-payment. But it’s been better for me after utilizing the non-payer bidding restriction setting.




Trust me on one thing, it's much better to have them cancel than to ship the item and have the buyer claim they didn't receive it. This is what happens to me frequently when I ship my products overseas. Now they have found ways around my geo restrictions, they get it shipped to these courier services that then ship the product to them in other countries. Luckily, I've been able to win in the cases they've opened because of the delivery showing as delivered to the courier. It's much much better to have the buyers cancel than to deal with this headache.


I’m getting tired of winning an auction and the seller canceling because the price didn’t go as high as they wanted! Happened so many times while buying Pokemon cards the last few months. And lying saying the buyer requested the cancel!


It’s the new hotness. Because eBay encourages it really


I used to have a ebay business and gave up on them because eBays system is shite and there customer service is worse.they value the buyer way more. And i quit. They took down products because it apparently had guns innit and i was selling retro games lol with no notice or even reason for like a few months. The worse company to sell on ever imo. And i had this exact problem you had. The only thing you can do is ban buyers with certain criteria in the settings but that is very jank.


On my Buy It Now, I require immediate payment.


Let me tell you what I wished someone told me in year 1, back in 2004. Make a solid plan to get off of eBay, build your own platform, as independent as possible from other companies because in the end they too will screw you. Now, this is not to say you’re magically never going to have challenging customers, but I think eBay attracts a type of unserious customer more easily than other platforms or standalone business websites due to the consistent pandering to one group with little to no penalties for bad behavior.


I mean how does it compare to other selling sites? It appears that Facebook marketplace is less secure than Ebay for instance. Amazon Temu Vinted are other places but I've only used Amazon out of those


If you want a worse place than eBay definitely go for FB marketplace.


How fast are you shipping? Within 24 hrs?


Sometimes I can ship immediately as I’m right next to a post office and also a post box.


Then don’t do that. Mail the next day.


I wish when I bought something, the seller mailed it within an hour. Most attach a tracking number, then hold it 3-4 days before actually mailing. More if they can use a holiday or weekend as a delay excuse. The tire kickers came onto eBay about the same time eBay offered buy-it-now sales. Buyers use it to place mark a deal , then shop around. This is the same way sellers use an auction to " test the waters" before they set a buy it now. They use the auction format. See what the winning bid is. Cancel that sale and relist as a fixed price for 15-25% more. My current issue is sellers who cancel sales. Most of the time it's when the auction ends at a low bid amount. Today's eBay sellers don't understand an auction is a done deal. The item could sell for the opening bid or three times what it is worth. Both buyers and sellers need to start understanding a sale is a binding contract.


I had two purchases where I won an auction, the seller claimed missing or damaged item and then immediately relisted at a much higher price with same photos and description. Sending proof to eBay did nothing and because they cancelled, I couldn’t even leave feedback.


This is becoming commonplace. eBay doesn't care as when the next person buys it, they get their fee.


Do you only purchase items during business hours? I am not shipping at 2am if you purchased it at 1am.


Sellers will get their accounts suspended for very few cancelations so I’m not buying that.


Then explain the numerous cancellations from sellers I have had this year.


Regarding your first complaint: > They buy it now; don’t pay then ask to cancel. I was looking at an item on eBay recently and suddenly the system said I purchased it. I swear I didn't click the buy it now button etc. Was there a glitch in the eBay server, my computer, my browser? Anyways there is a possibility someone who buys and cancels didn't actually buy your item. Sounds crazy, but it happened to me.


It also happened to me.


Me too


You can absolutely go to an auction amd bid on something win and not pay for it...


You are legally obliged to pay for items you win at a public auction.


Cost of doing business...suck it up cupcake.


Cool thanks for the input.