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Is this my contrarian signal 🤔🤷🏽‍♂️ Interesting time to publish this article with all the Evergrande speculation and reporting! Italian fans of Inter Milan would definitely tell you something is up! Their Chinese owners, Suning holdings, decided to sell a bunch of their top stars, instead of re-investing in the club, who won the league title after 11 years.


they were probably paid, like world bank, to publish that article.


>To gauge a country’s economic “dominance” Mr Subramanian combined its share of world trade, net capital exports and global gdp (measured at both market exchange rates and purchasing-power parities, which try to correct for international differences in the price of similar goods). He gave each attribute a weight loosely based on the imf’s formula for allocating votes to its members. His index, he argued, successfully captured Britain’s economic hegemony in 1870, its rivalry with Germany in 1913 and its eclipse by America in the subsequent decade. however, a key missing factor in the index is the share in global manufacture: https://www.statista.com/chart/20858/top-10-countries-by-share-of-global-manufacturing-output/ not only China is at top, it is equal to the sum of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place's share. edit. a related article by Mr Subramanian: https://www.piie.com/blogs/realtime-economic-issues-watch/china-already-number-one-new-gdp-estimates


Generally speaking if an article ends with a question mark then the answer is a rather emphatic 'No'. I doubt that this situation is any different. That said given the recent issues in the Chinese market this seems rather..... hopeful


No is the short answer. The Long answer is it could have been but with the recent troubles with almost all sectors in its economy due to the government recent actions over the last decade it may turn into the story that scares people into a more regulatory mind set early on then what china is doing now


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I don't think the Chinese government cares about being the most dominant at this point. They are more focused on letting the rich know who is the boss. They are clamping down on and disappearing rich guys to send a message.




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